Dual Blades Combo Numbers?

Adeon Hawkwood



Hey folks. I have just rolled up a new Dark Armor/Dual Blades Tank. However I can't find anywhere the numbers on the effects of the Dual Blades combo attacks. Where could I find them?

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



Looking at the City of Data though... I don't see any explicit data on the combo's:

Paragon Wiki, while it defines the combo's, do not list damages either: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Dual_Blades

So it's possible that you'll have to use the in-game figures. The effects of the combo's are listed in the real-numbers for the attack that completes the combo. Typhoon's Edge completes both the Weaken and the Sweep combo, so it has the effects for both:



How do you printscreen the interface?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
How do you printscreen the interface?
As i recall hitting printscreen while in screens like the enhancement screen and the tailor copy to the clipboard instead of saving in the screenshot folder. From there you can paste it into a graphic file using a program like GIMP or Photoshop.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
How do you printscreen the interface?
most of the time I use Ksnapshot.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Then you aren't looking in the right place, or don't understand what you're seeing when you look.

First, there is the chain of combo information that enables/disables the varying combo states. For example, Tanker Typhoon's Edge lists the following under "Self":
  • Disable Dual Blade Status Mode 1 mode [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade Status Mode 2 mode [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade Debuff Mode 1 mode [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade Debuff Mode 2 mode (after 0.25 second delay) [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade AoE Mode 1 mode [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade AoE Mode 2 mode (after 0.25 second delay) [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade DoT Mode 1 mode [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
  • Disable Dual Blade DoT Mode 2 mode [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]

Then there is the part later on where the specific effects are flagged:
  • Defense -0.07 for 20s If Dual Blade Debuff Mode 2
  • ToHit -7% for 20s If Dual Blade Debuff Mode 2
  • 25.36 Lethal damage If Dual Blade AoE Mode 2
  • +0.67 Knockback If Dual Blade AoE Mode 2

If it's not completely obvious by the effects, which are listed in the power description, "Dual Blade AoE Mode" is the Sweep combo, "Dual Blade Debuff Mode" is the Weaken combo, "Dual Blade Status Mode" is the Empower combo, and "Dual Blade DoT Mode" is the Attack Vitals combo.

The ending power - in the example above, Typhoon's Edge, which ends two combos - will have the stats for the combo listed with the flag for the appropriate mode. Sweeping Strike and Blinding Feint would have the damage for Attack Vitals and self-buffs from Empower, respectively.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Then you aren't looking in the right place, or don't understand what you're seeing when you look.
yeah. Looking in the wrong place. I'll take that eye exam now

What I did wrong is I stopped on the pages that I linked to... rather than clicking through to the specific power http://tomax.cohtitan.com/data/power...des.AoE_Bridge

No, I don't know WHY I didn't just click on through...



Originally Posted by Northman View Post
Hey folks. I have just rolled up a new Dark Armor/Dual Blades Tank. However I can't find anywhere the numbers on the effects of the Dual Blades combo attacks. Where could I find them?
You can find them on RedTomax, it's just a little tricky. Basically you need to look at each of the finishing moves for the AT you're referring to and look for a line that ends in "If Dual Blade ____ Mode 2". That is the bonus from the combo (note that Typhoons Edge is the finisher for 2 combos so it has two different sets of bonuses).

For a tank those values are:

+3.3% To Hit for 10 seconds
+10% damage for 10 seconds

-7% Defense for 10 seconds
-7% To Hit for 10 seconds

Attack Vitals
5 ticks of 8.9 Lethal damage each over 4.10 seconds

25.36 Lethal damage
0.67 magnitude knockback (which is of course knockdown).

Hope that helps.

EDIT: Darn, beaten to it.



Awesome! thanks.

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......