So, how is Earth/Earth




There are really no guides that I can find for Earth/Earth. After reading the "Dominators are Beasts" thread I thought I would roll one up. Wow. Only level 9 and this toon is just plowing through missions. Just wondering if there is a better secondary to pair with Earth than, well, Earth? Not really looking to use Fire as I have several Fire toons already. Thoughts on Earth Assault?

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



Originally Posted by Northman View Post
There are really no guides that I can find for Earth/Earth. After reading the "Dominators are Beasts" thread I thought I would roll one up. Wow. Only level 9 and this toon is just plowing through missions. Just wondering if there is a better secondary to pair with Earth than, well, Earth? Not really looking to use Fire as I have several Fire toons already. Thoughts on Earth Assault?
Hi I found one in the guides, hope it helps.

It doesn't get the best response from those viewing it but there is good advice in the whole thread.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



i have a lvl 50 earth/earth that can tank like a brute. earth control is an absolute beast. i builted for softcap S/L def and perma dom... i can do the AE ambush farms just as easier than all my brutes other than my ss/wp.

i can't speak highly enough about the set. you can pretty much perma knockdown, perma stun, perma hold perma immoblilize any mob... and you have the hardest hitting pet to help.

earth assualt is the melee specialist for dom's. and it can damn-near out damage any brute. and the AoE's are pretty viable too.

the only downside (that can now be fixed when Alpha slotting and accolades) is the endurance management.

other than that, enjoy the ride to perma-brutation



If you're asking whether there's a more POPULAR secondary to go with Earth Control, a lot of people would probably say that Fiery Assault is the way to go. Earth Control has amazing AoE control in multiple forms, and pairing it with the secondary that has the highest AoE damage makes for a very solid Dominator.

Earth/Earth is great, though. The added Stun and Knockback works very well with Earth Control, and Seismic Smash has a Hold built in, meaning that your strongest attack is also a means of holding boss enemies and higher without even using Domination. Basically, everything gets turned into a statue, and you're the one with the big hammer. I once popped Domination on my Earth/Earth and held three groups at once during a SF that went spectacularly wrong with Stalagmites, Earthquake, and Volcanic Gasses. In teams with brutes, however, I tend to let them duke it out and focus on the primary, only occasionally using Seismic Smash, Fissure, and Stone Spears (to stop runners).

Too many alts to list.



first dom past level 10 (bad altitis), my earth/earth is my dbl xp weekend project, currently at 15, trying to get him out of praetoria before the 27th. sooooo excited about this toon

all this stupid work is getting in my way though.......... must find more time efficient way to make money

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Great feedback. Lvl 10 and smashing along...
so many alts are going to get lonely.


Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



I've got a E/E Dom At around lvl 42 and he's a MONSTER! I went with the /Fire APP for some added AoE carnage. For single target...he hits like a 5-ton truck and can nearly one shot minions with pretty much just SO's in his build. One of these days i'll sit down and work out an IO build for him to see how much i can boost him up...maybe reach for permadom status. But even if i don't...he's still one of my favorite doms to play.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.