324 -
I have run into this a few times... what caused it for me was I changed the location of the door or added a second door to the room then tried to move it and it wouldn't so what I had to do was move everything out of the way of all the possible the door areas on that side in order to move the room, also you can flip rooms to conform sort of like how you flip items by clicking on them hope this helps
ok, see that dead horse over there? You guessed it...
While I have no chance of getting the first two anversity badges since I have only been playing for 3 years, I really think that if you have been playing or paying during that time you should get them for all your characters there are certain badges you get only certain times like Halloween or Christmas or whatever and you always get another chance to get them you can even trade in candy cains for some of them so why not make those availible to all characters
ok there I said it!!! -
I have an idea that might work for you.... why don't you retire YOUR 50's and then retire your forum account
Even better, why don't you retire your toons before you make them (cut out the middle man so to speak)
A few questions come to mind...
If there was a forced retirement at 50 does this mean we would not have any mobs higher than 49? and all the 50+ mobs would be out of work?
What would be the cut off? Let's see 49 would be the new 50, then what retire at 49? Then 48 would become the new 49 which was the new 50... of course that is until you retire 48 which would then let 47 have a crack at being the new 48 which used to be the new 49 which took the place of 50 because of FORCED retirement...
(Forced Retirement) The main problem with this is the first word... since we have had our share of Forced stuff put on us with this game we sure do not need any more "Forced" anything
Worst idea ever? hmmm the server merge has this beat... but not by much -
Worst case, what you can do is take some of the alts you have that might be close to those levels and set them up...
for the lower level ones you might have to make a new toon...
you will need one other person to help you I'm sure you must have a friend or an sg mate or whatever... get the bank mission both go in give him the star bring in your level 50 find where the exploration badge is and get it... it's more work than finding each mission and just joining but this is an option for you... besides freedom has a ton of people on it shouldn't be hard to get this done... good luck -
It will be interesting how they will handle toons that switch...
not sure if I like the fact you are sort of forced to change sides if you are a badge hunter... I would say if you do switch and become a hero from a villain or visa-versa then you should only have access those said badgesguess we will see
K the toxic Trantulas in warburg DO count if they are in the missions you get in warburg, the ones outside walking around do not count... The Best way to do it is to spam a toxic Trantula farm in and do the Statesman Tf there are a bunch in the first area and just wash rinse and repeat should be quick since the cut the req down to 50 it used to be 200 as I recall
Have to agree 100% with DB on this one... and while I'm at it...
for those of us who do collect badges... (while it might have been said before I'm saying it again!) Huge thanks to Beefcake and his crew over at Badge-Hunter/Badge-Hoar for doing a GREAT job and keeping on top of things with all things realated to badges... The site kicks butt and it's always been a big help of keeping track of badges in this game thanks Beef!!!
Note: I mis-spelled it hoar because the filter will not let me spell it the real way -
Here is a suggestion... you like Tanks and Scrappers sounds like you are a Melee minded person so why not go to the Darkside and Make a Brute and Stalker while they are totaly different maybe you could make the altered versions of your heroes... Just an Idea for ya
Nice, Getting this badge was alot of work.... having to stay with the best superhero MMO there is... good to see HARD work pays off!!!
Yeah buddy!!! -
Love this power VERY cool the flip rocks... and walk is pretty cool too all in all this booster pack is pretty cool love the new costume parts as well
I really enjoy playing and creating AE Missions but there is room for more improvements. Like with Ouroboros there should be a teleportal in the bases to get to them. I achieved the badge for making and tweaking the AE missions without entering their buildings in various zones. Now to find your team and to get there can be a bit of a pain. To put in a Teleportal for AE Missions in our bases would save us time with ease.
[/ QUOTE ]
What would be better is, as long as you are on a team you could enter an AE mission in any AE building not just the zone sort of like train missions... -
644 here! Gratz to all that have made it and have been here
although I did like seeing 716 but it is what it is -
you have to farm the last two
Best to set them up when you are headed to bed try to get people that have the longbow healer also, people don't have to be an emp to heal farmgl
it's not AOE It's PBAOE like lightning field or hot feet
you turn those toggles on and walk over them, they should pop
hope this helps -
ok this is an INVASION they whole idea is for the Rikti to take you out... and if lagging you out works then so be it!!! You could try asking them to stop, ever try talking to a Rikti? first off all you can't understand half of what they are saying if they say anything at all and most of the time they are trying to kill you... a saying comes to mind... if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen
best thing to do is go to galaxy heck even the Rikti try to get out of there as fast as they can concidering they spawn so close to the drones... funny as heck to see them get nailed as they port in... -
Ok will this also fix character selection animations as well?
You know where you pick the toon you will use... -
Ok, the Server Status page says the Servers ar UP.
Still unable to log-in. Says the log-in server may be down....don't know, it's a secret apparently.
So they take the servers down on Non-Normal Maintanence days to fix AE farming abuses....so how does PLing/Farming not affect me again...oh right I can't play.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I'm glad you cleared that up... they took the servers down to fix AE farm and pling abuse... I guess the devs felt you should be the only one to know this and I'm glad you did this reply to let us all know why the servers are down.. thank you for that! as for farming and pling affecting you, you are right!!! they are out there just to affect you and that is just plain wrong in fact I think we should start a new group called
P.T.P.C.O.H.T.A.A.F.A.P.U. Which stand for People That Play City of Heroes That Are Against Farming And Pling United
Hmmm ok that may be a little long and if anyone has a shorter idea version please post it!!! lol
Keep fighting the good fight fellow do gooder!!! -
Yeah this is beyond great... who cares if AE is still messed up! atleast I can make the wolves in my arc yellow!!! Yeah baby way to keep your eye on the ball!!!
But i think all the AE farming really is making really bad players for the other content.
Don't get me wrong. I love PLing, farming, and IO'ing out my characters. I don't RP, i don't like telling anyone how to play there game. I just thought id say maybe those of us farmers out there can take a little more care in who we invite to our teams.
Last night i did a synapse TF on Freedom. A pretty well rounded team, balanced, and pretty fluent in terms of moving along at a good pace. Well, 8 people started, only 5 finished. We went down to 5 after about 45 mins. Players that were invited to a TF, who knew there were being invited to a TF that were going to be exemplared down to level 20, had no idea why they were getting no XP, and didn't even know the benefit of the task force commander accolade and 50 or so merits you get upon completion.
It's unbelievable what people get themselves into, with no regard for the team or task at hand.
I hate to blame AE, but it's hard not too.
So, all i am saying is....don't pl with the n00bs, they are probably leaching in your farms anyway.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not AE's fault.
It's the fault of farm exploiters and PL'ers like you.
You are the one to blame.
[/ QUOTE ]
And people like you, make me proud to be a farmer.
[/ QUOTE ]
Damn right... I'm sure he is one of those people that believe you don't need purples or whatever.. that if you take your time and play the game stuff will come to you! yeah, whatever... who said anything about need? well he better becarful because if i see him in atlas I just might run him over with my tractor!!! -
While justice may not be the most popular server as in Freedom and Virtue as far as i'm concerned it's the best!!
the people here are amazing and they know their doo-doo
I was going to say !@#$ but i'm sure it would have gotten nailed by the censor police so !@#$ it! let us not forget
Double P and Char, Bley's kickass sidekick of doomand of course near and dear to my heart Queen Delenn and Tera
and so many others AND even though he was mentioned CHROME ... he has done a ton for this game and server
and as a PSA (Public Service Annoucement)... like those nice purples and all that cool stuff in WW? Thank your local Farmers and move along... nothing to see here! -
What is the point of these new badges... you are a champion by winning your first match? NICE, well it makes it easy for people who just want the badge and be done with it.. there is NO challenge here at all and why? Because they don't want badge grinding? Are they trying to FIX the badge aspect of this game they way they did with pvp? It's official there is NO middle ground in coh anymore... things are either too much or too little... There will always be certain battles you can never win, question is why are the devs picking these ones...
The idea of someone quitting over a badge change is hilarious to me, in an absurd sort of way.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think the badge thing is the entire reason, but rather the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. I'll admit to considering it myself when I read about the badge changes, simply because it's yet another example of this game moving in a direction I don't like and don't care for. The only thing that is keeping me here right now is that I renew yearly and have already paid. If my yearly renewal were now instead of January, I would be having some serious second thoughts.
[/ QUOTE ]
/signed nicely said -
You should visit www.notalwaysright.com
Sometimes, yes, you must annoy, and reject, and "fire" certain customers for the long term health of the business.
They know that CO respresents a challenge to their business.
The staff know that pulling back badges, or smacking Meow-farmers would make some people mad.
Was it the right decision? Did it go far enough? Too far? Customer relations is a tricky business.
Every job is easy. Until it becomes yours.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes customer relations is a tricky business but it helps if you have people who have an idea what that is... this whole it's our way or the highway mentally is going to lose them business and the thing is it doesn't have to be that way there is a common ground and this is not it... and for the record they didn't smack meow farmers they hit level pact people which they admited was a mistake and reinstated the toons deleted and gave the people in question 30 days of free service, but the whole point is they acted before even knew what the deal was... that is BAD customer relations there are always better ways to do things and it seems that they have no interest in exploring them... and to be honest I could care less if there job is easy, hard or whatever.. the bottom line is we pay for a service and it's not too much to ask that they do their job better... or even act like they give a !@#$... wait they are acting like they give a !@#$ only it's really bad acting... -
The idea of someone quitting over a badge change is hilarious to me, in an absurd sort of way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well that's because you are missing the point... it's not so much the badges beging taken out as it is the way it's being done without exploring other options, and maybe people are quitting becuase they are sick of this BS! It's not only the badge thing it's other things as well... things that were told would never happen again have. The whole idea is to think before you do something and listen to the people that test this stuff before it comes out... that way you can avoid this !@#$ from happening as much as possible if at all...
Then again it's always hard to do that when money is involved
and letting some of the !@#$ get by did make them more moneyso there you have it... you want to laugh at something laugh at that becuase it is funny in a sad sort of way