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  1. There'll be protests with the cool protestor guy outside Atlas hall..
  2. I think the point Sal's trying to make, one that any real badge-hunter will make is that you spend time and effort hunting and collecting badges (Enjoyably but still..). But then suddenly the badges are there and you have to log-out and do nothing to collect them, that's fine when you've got a baby to look after or a uni course to be studying... But then when you do log-in and can't obsessively fight for that badge it's a let-down.

    I quite like the idea of the Day-job badges, not for the offline time, but more for the rewards. I just wish you could also gain them for being in that place Online aswell.. Such as "Do you wish to work towards this badge Online of Offline" then you can select to spend 21 days or however long in the Rikti War Zone, Wentworths etc..

    Sal as a badger is the most addicted person on CoX imo, he's got the most badges and even has "sal's badgehunters". Not many veterans in the game haven't heard of him, and saying he was boasting about his badge count isn't really the way he plays..

    I personally enjoy badging for many reasons, one is just becasue they are there and I don't enjoy running around in PvP for hours, or RolePlaying, or making videos for youtube etc...

    In conclusion to this mammoth essay, Can we please choose to do the day-job while we're actually using the character please Devs?
  3. I can't believe no-ones thought it MIGHT be a Nemesis plot :S

    Also couldn't we do with more MM pets? (Just to slide it in there)
  4. Murf_

    Soul Control

    Nice Idea mate =] Question though: Wouldn't it be a little overpowered with Soul Absorption and Psionic Assault's Drain Psyche? Because with the two of them hitting off alternate, you'd be looking at Perma-Regen/Willpower Recovery. (Given Perma-hasten Build)

    But nice idea, I want one

  5. Murf_

    Naming minions

    As a Bots MM, I decided to choose names that fit Robots
    Honestly :P

    Assault Bot:
    Gary Glitter (i not l)

    Protector Bots:

    Battle Drones:
    Captain Hans
    Incontinent Dave
    (I used to have one called Mohammad, But he got changed to Jesus Mk2)

    So, Pretty much the most Random names I could think of :O

  6. I got a Claws/Regen scrapper (Level 40) and I can easily solo, and have been able to for everything. But since 38 i've been on (Relentless[im not sure what it is on heroes]). I really do love him, and if I made another I'd personally make a Spines/Dark for PvP..

    The main drawback of Regen is the lack of +perception, so i'd only pvp in anywhere but RV without a Empath near me

  7. Murf_

    Solo base'er

    Personally, I've made my own SG, and with only me, my brother and between 1-2 other people.. We've earned nearly 3-4 mil Pres in about 7-8 months..

    You just need patience..and to make sure you're in SG mode always...Especially after lvl 35...

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It normally causes the mobs to turn their attention on you - if no Tanker is about.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't have a fire, But with My Elec/Dev, even if there is a tanker I still manage to get aggro

    Especially from the Turrets in Damned RV... They don't attack my pet much, they go for me and PFF can't hold them off for that long...

    Not good..

  9. Murf_

    The end of days!

    Sorry to see you go dude, I've only fought alongside you a few times while you were on as Brimmykins...But it's still sad to see you leave...

    Have fun in whatever you do

  10. Murf_

    Detention Room

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    and beating up prisoners is hardly heroic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But we get a badge for it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And a badge for soo many Prisoners aswell..

    It's Subliminal messaging..

    Go out..
    Find Prison..
    Beat up Prisoners..
    Join the Police..
    (Only Jokin)

  11. Murf_

    Detention Room

    Why not just have an arena area, with another Gladiator function..

    Fight as many XXX as you can in XX mins..

    So you could get the badge at level 50 by fighting 100 Contaminated in the arena..

    TBH I believe this would be more suitable, and much more fun

    Me 'n' My bro keep discussing it, 'cos It'll be awesome to fight absolute loads and loads of a certain Critter

  12. Personally, I own my CoH base, it's pretty much, Me, My bro, and my mates...

    And On CoV, I'm in 2-3 different SG's and I'm not too fussed about changing permissions because it's the leader'd base not mine..and I wouldn't want someone to change my base around..

    I like the idea of having your own section, But it would have to be something like:

    1.The size of your plot depends on how big you have bought it and how many people you have.
    2. You would have to earn 2 Pres sets, One for yourself and one for your SG, Eg. You give the leader Prestige, and then keep X amount for yourself, and then build up your own Room/Small Base.
    3. You would have to be able to earn the Pres per Account, because otherwise you would be, not making to hard a word, "Punished" for having many char's.

    Nice theory, but I doubt it'll ever come in..

    Unless your section was built with INF, but remember "Influence/Infamy Aren't forms of cash!" :P

  13. Murf_

    Is it just me...

    Yeah, RV is a pain for me and my bro, and then when you send a petition saying "We got 1000 points then crashed" they sent back saying.. "We don't understand what you mean"...Tssk...

  14. Also, As many people haven't noticed..
    If you have no PFF on, and you have the pets on Defensive, they take some of your damage...Which always helps

  15. The whole decorative items thing should be changed, they should have them for a reduced cost..
    For a tech wall lamp its like 500..
    For a tech floor lamp its 100..
    For a tech roof lamp its 100..

    So why is it more expensive to have a light on the wall? Surely the roof one would be the cheapest?

    Plus I agree with making the 3x3 Decorative room cheaper...It'll be better..

  16. Pleased to finally Add

    Murf - MasterMind - Robots/Alkaloid/Mace

    420h with Badge hunting
  17. My Dev Blaster, If given enough time can kill any Stalker, All he needs is level 30 and then They're dead

    All you need -
    Stealth- To help to set up
    Caltrops - Slow down the Stalker
    Mine - Blow up the Stalker
    Target Drone - +Percep + Acc

    And then you just need to taunt the stalker

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    even more so than claws emulates Wolverine

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you realise how hard it is to Create a Char that can pull off the Claws, without it being a cat?

    It's damned Hard, incase you haven't tried..
    Siv Atm, is a walking Tribal Tatoo Stand...

  19. When? 'Cos I'll do it this Friday, At least I think I'm free this friday.. :S

    But I should be able to

  20. Respec SF in St.Martial?
    Do you mean the Ice Mistral Strike Force? in which you're too Low (35-40)..
    And if you do mean Respec, then they'll all in Nerva Archipelago(24-33),(34-43),(44-50).

    Murf ..
  21. I'd also Love to join you, So feel free to send me a tell including when and where

  22. The worst thing is trying to get the badges on CoV ( I apologise for going off topic but ya know :P )...With no Empathy, only Rad Heal/Kin Heal/Fire heal Corruptors..It kinda sucks

  23. Update from My last post:

    I'm now Level 47 and I'm gonna do it hopefully this friday nite, I've got Omega Angel (Chained's Alt) to help me out

    Wish Us luck

  24. Murf_


    Level 47 MM, For hire, I need the badge for killing his mates..

    Send a tell to Murf, and I'll be online Friday nite(15th) and then the friday after that until January

  25. I have a lvl 45 MM...

    But I doubt you want one
