Detention Room
I'm not so sure Heroes could have any justification for holding people like that - and certainly not for beating them up repeatedly .p
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
it is a good idea but lik GG said not sure how heros could explane this one easy for villians thats there job i would say it neds alot of thought
ona more solum note considering there in no rush to even try and fix the problems with bases and everything related to them i dont see new thing slike this getting looked at for a very long time
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
while it's a fun idea, I'm wondering what exactly would be the use other than farming contaminated?
EDIT: on a side note, having something like a detention room like the prison cells in bases when you click "go to hospital" for base raids might be a bit more feasible idea...
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Still not sure why Heroes would have cells, as all criminals are tp'ed straight to prison after we take them down
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Still not sure why Heroes would have cells, as all criminals are tp'ed straight to prison after we take them down
[/ QUOTE ]
Same reason Reichsman is under the FP headquarters. Some threats are too dangerous.
I'm not so sure Heroes could have any justification for holding people like that - and certainly not for beating them up repeatedly .p
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Yeah... surely that's the job of the police?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Still not sure why Heroes would have cells, as all criminals are tp'ed straight to prison after we take them down
[/ QUOTE ]
Same reason Reichsman is under the FP headquarters. Some threats are too dangerous.
[/ QUOTE ]
But would it be our responsibility to hold them? If anyone was too dangerous for the Zig, then wouldn't we hand them over to Freedom Phalanx?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Still not sure why Heroes would have cells, as all criminals are tp'ed straight to prison after we take them down
[/ QUOTE ]
Same reason Reichsman is under the FP headquarters. Some threats are too dangerous.
[/ QUOTE ]
But would it be our responsibility to hold them? If anyone was too dangerous for the Zig, then wouldn't we hand them over to Freedom Phalanx?
[/ QUOTE ]
too dangerous for the zig O.o pulease i escaped from that place at level 1! its acutally harder to break out of PPD jail than it is to escape from the zig
Still not sure why Heroes would have cells, as all criminals are tp'ed straight to prison after we take them down
[/ QUOTE ]
Same reason Reichsman is under the FP headquarters. Some threats are too dangerous.
[/ QUOTE ]
But would it be our responsibility to hold them? If anyone was too dangerous for the Zig, then wouldn't we hand them over to Freedom Phalanx?
[/ QUOTE ]
too dangerous for the zig O.o pulease i escaped from that place at level 1! its acutally harder to break out of PPD jail than it is to escape from the zig
[/ QUOTE ]
You didn't break out, you were broken out.
There's a difference.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
So all the prisoners roaming around outside the Zig in Brickstown were broken out too?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
yea, they just got lost on the way to the copter
they escaped because of crey tech on the crey agents in brickstown interferring with the zig's security systems, hence you get missions to go beat up crey...
Which just goes to show that the Zig ain't all that when it comes to security
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I think this is a conspiracy...the police can't be arsed to recapture all those council/hellion/skull thugs so they leave it to escaping supervillains to kill em in order to free up prison space and get away with not fulfilling thier duty as officers of the law. AKA a$shats.
I'm not so sure Heroes could have any justification for holding people like that - and certainly not for beating them up repeatedly .p
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure they do:
"These are some of the most dangerous people on the planet. We feed them, give them medical care and allow them to worship. And no matter what the liberal media say waterboarding isn't torture."
See, easy.
i supose after some thought you could explane the heros version as not being some sort of simulator room everything works the same only the heros version you suposed to be fighting holograms or something like that a slight twist in the description fixs alot of the problems for heros
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
Why not just have an arena area, with another Gladiator function..
Fight as many XXX as you can in XX mins..
So you could get the badge at level 50 by fighting 100 Contaminated in the arena..
TBH I believe this would be more suitable, and much more fun
Me 'n' My bro keep discussing it, 'cos It'll be awesome to fight absolute loads and loads of a certain Critter
Hunt missions are effectively beat up the bad guys (or good guys, for CoV) until you get one to squeal. Back Alley Brawler in the comics was quite happy to stick knives through some poor thugs palms and threaten to cut off his... to get the information he wanted.
A base detention area for questioning sounds reasonable enough.
How about, once you have done a hunt mission, you get a choice to incarcerate one of those mobs.
Whilst you are holding one of the mobs in a cell, of the hunt missions level or higher, it counts towards the 10 of mobs a player in the supergroup needs to defeat to gain information. Any such held prisoner probably gets probation, passed over to the authorities or whatever after a weeks play.
Perhaps in raids, the attackers could break out a prisoner for a pet.
The Intrepid's / The Institution - Union Server Hero / Villain Supergroups
There is absolutley no way they should allow anything like this - we're supposed to be heroes, and beating up prisoners is hardly heroic.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
and beating up prisoners is hardly heroic.
[/ QUOTE ]
But we get a badge for it?
and beating up prisoners is hardly heroic.
[/ QUOTE ]
But we get a badge for it?
[/ QUOTE ]
And a badge for soo many Prisoners aswell..
It's Subliminal messaging..
Go out..
Find Prison..
Beat up Prisoners..
Join the Police..
(Only Jokin)
I think this is a conspiracy...the police can't be arsed to recapture all those council/hellion/skull thugs so they leave it to escaping supervillains to kill em in order to free up prison space and get away with not fulfilling thier duty as officers of the law.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, John Reid has a lot to answer for.
Oh, you meant in-game??
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

and beating up prisoners is hardly heroic.
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But we get a badge for it?
[/ QUOTE ]
Rounding up escaped prisoners is not the same as beating up captives
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Apologies if this has appeared before! I rarely look at the base thread as not relevant to my alts, except for Phlox who is the current leader of "Legion of Evil".
Was thinking that the Isolator badge is hard to achieve if you don't defeat 100 contaminated in the tutorial zone at the very beginning. 1 contaminated in RV every 30 minutes would take was thinking it would be great if we had the option to capture foes and place in detention cells.
Obviously there would need to be a maximum number of cells, due to rent and available space.
The main drawback with this is that when you start at lvl 1 in the tutorial zone, someone from the SG you want to join would have to be online (so they could invite you to join) before you can capture the contaminated. Another drawback would be that you would have to clear cells at same time that someone is in the tutorial zone. In other words you would have to work as a duo so that both ppl could achieve badge.
I appreciate that this would lead to farming contaminated for SG members that avoided the tutorial zone, but the up side is that it would make this badge achievable for people who left this zone prematurely (as at that time were unaware of Isolator badge - e.g. my main alt Nine Claws)
The more and more I think about this (for Isolator badge), the more infeasible it becomes. Lol
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker