345 -
its worth mentioning that when he does spawn a new set, they dont actually react for quite a while, if someones keeping an eye on the markers its quite easy for anyone with at travel power to be out of range by the time the mitos are ready to attack
Well done to everyone who participated, my sorrow to Deaf racer who arrived at the finish line to find out they had missed a badge. We feel for you.
Now for cake -
I'm up for it, got a stockpile of EoEs sitting in my base ready for this, let's take him down
I'll try and be there tsu, looking foward to em
He has 18 mitos, 3 types, 6 of each, antibodies with aoe blast and damage aura, weak to melee. mending mitos heal other mitos and hami and have a toxic attack, have to be held to drop their pff then ranged works best. then the electrolytes, fear and end drain auras, attack drains and fears and jumps from player to player, weak to range.
He spawns an additional set of 18 when his hp hits 75% 50% and 25%. he will only spawn extra mitos once at each segment, to prevent having to beat hami while 40+ mitos are firing away.
Not sure if he is immune to holds now, but doesnt really matter anymore. That and him and most his mitos attacks can hit through phase shift or other only affecting self powers.
He no longer spawns the 1 mito for every hero when he loses to much hp and isnt held, this was replaced with the hp markers where he spawns 18 instead, so it's not primarily about controllers anymore.
The monsters in his zone and on monster isle in PI drop EoE insps, these cap a characters dmg res to electroylte damage, the kind used by all cept the mending mitos, they're vital in the new raids, and usually a good few hundred are needed.
Thats basically it -
well when ye find one wanting to inv me gimme a shout at @Hattori
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I doubt they will be fighting to invite you after this -
he is, he tanked a few old raids i think
btw theres a mothership raid starting at 8pm on friday too, so that might take a few as well -
Good luck with the raid. Can't see why you don't use the tested post I9 method that allows do the raid in 2 and a half hours though, but hey ho, I understand new ideas have to be tested.
Just a suggestion, I think it's rude (or at least not polite) to use the forum for contacting some specific people referred as "the usual suspects". Probably PM's would make less noticeable the "class" differences some people make on this game, it's just a matter of basic politeness.
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Post I9 method? are you refering to the old one from the massive amounts of raids we did up to I9, or another methoid that was figured out.
The old one won't work because of the Mitos different resistances and defencs as well as they're AoE attacks.
if theres another for the new raids please post a link -
The problem is the timing, last raid was a week ago and that wasn't exactly good.
Having another a week after is very ambitious.
With the need for 49 other people who know what to do, using a new plan suggested by someone who won't be there is a very bad idea.
I would suggest putting this on hold, plan it for a month in the future perhaps so there is time to get ahold of people.
I found the best way is to find people in game, so you can choose who joins, makes sure you have the right ATs you need for specific parts too.
I'm sure you can pull it off sax -
indeed, i will not be joining you however
my regen never seemed to get mezzed by em, although i did notice certain players getting mezzed through em in the last raid
I am not sure if he reads the forums or not but the last hami raid Lone Samurai did we had the most fantastic team leader for the blasters.
I would therefore nominate Sgt M P Lawrence for a post and hope he forgives me but I am sure he would love to do it again if he has time.
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it fills me with joy to see you remember sgt mp, he was a brill leader, that feeling is overpowered by annoyance that you got my name wrong. -
a noble goal, but very little notice makes it unliekly many will come
due to majority demand we'll have this on test instead, same time etc as before
May hold another on test if enough people ask for it, will see how it goes
Since wednesday is the highly revered, well known talk like a pirate day, i propose we mark this glorious holiday by trying to answer the age old questions.
Which is better? Pirates or Ninjas?
So at 7:00pm Gmt in Warburg on the Union server, i propose a war (or large battle) to find the answer.
Just turn up in a ninja or pirate costume and go for it, hero or villain is irrelevant, what matters is pirate vs Ninja, so try not to attack your own side, although accidents do occur -
mito pet wouldnt be to good, it would just stay there so only good for one mob really, main problem for raids it's seem is getting 50 people who are willing to see it through, defeating hamidon is really quite easy, finding the strength to carry on throughout a battle that seems impossible is much harder.
first raid had about 40 odd people leavign and and being replaced altogether, which made it harder nd harder as many didnt have EoEs or any idea what they were doing. -
At the end of our last raid attempt i think anyone there will agree we found a much more enjoyable use of Hamidon, so starting Friday the 20th of july is the first official Hamidon Race.
The race is simple, we start at the designated start point by me, when i yell go everyone charges, the first person to run through the go, hit hami with a brawl, and run out the other side will win, providing they stay alive for 5 seconds after leaving the goo.
No Powers can be used other than auto powers, not even sprint.
No breakfrees
Anyone who doesnt hit hami, uses a power/breakfree, goes around the goo or goes before the start is disqualified.
Those who dont go within 5 seconds of Go are disqualified too, no point in a race if you wait till everyone has aggro.
The winner will get, lets say 5 mil/HO from my private storage
2nd place if there is one gets 2 mil
3rd, will get something, recipe perhaps
will need a good 20 to spawn him, cya there -
we'll we got one wave
think thats all the hami raids i can go for.
So starting friday the 20th, we will have the first ever Hami race, check the thread for details -
servers went, not enough returned, trying again today at 6pm bst, meet in the hive
Trying tommorow at 6pm BST, hope servers stay up this time
more the merrier, adapted plan to fit tanks, although they're still no as important as the other main 4.
Also a question for tanks out there, if one tank is taunting a target, and the other is attacking it continuously, will the punchvoke from the attacking tank draw the aggro off of the taunting tank at any time?
only played one for a few lvls so not very knowledgeable about it
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Yes, attacking tank can steal the aggro from the taunter, unless something is changed by devs in the last months.
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don't spose your troll is near 45?
otherwise might have to switch tanks in and out, might make it boring for ya but safer for A team -
more the merrier, adapted plan to fit tanks, although they're still no as important as the other main 4.
Also a question for tanks out there, if one tank is taunting a target, and the other is attacking it continuously, will the punchvoke from the attacking tank draw the aggro off of the taunting tank at any time?
only played one for a few lvls so not very knowledgeable about it -
probly the blaster matey, hope ta see ya there
and O2 boost probly aint worth the green dip, stick with blue and purple -
Whats the cosi for a defender?
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blue tech helm and tights, green stripes if your an emp would help, purple stripes if ya got a hold, both if both