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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StephanieB View Post
    Thanks for the help guys!

    So I can then travel to Blue side just as a rogue? but will I get radio mish's or do I have to go full blue for that? I read somewhere about contacts not talking to rogues? Also, can I join a SG before I go blue and use the bases?
    You won't be able to get blue-side mission other than tips as a rogue. You can team with heroes/vigilantes on their blue missions though. Think of a rogue as having a travel visa to enter hero areas (except pvp zones, where you still have to go through the red side), but not having a green card to actually 'work' in Paragon.
  2. Here is a link to the wiki page that explains the details:

    The short answer to your specific question is that the IO would suffer from significant diminished returns.

    A somewhat longer answer is that the number of enhancements used technically has nothing to do with dimishing returns. The "rule of three" is usually cited because with SO's and (high level) IO's the third enhancement of a type will bring the total bonus past the point where diminishing returns kick in. So with three you are already loosing some efficiency, just not as much as further enhancements. With same-level DO's diminishing returns would start kicking in with the fifth enhancement.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wiros View Post
    Thanks for your answers

    I still in my first month playing and after "Protean" I started to be more careful in doing things
    I believe any giant monster would be a more difficult fight than Protean. And GM's aren't SUPPOSED to be soloable. Sure, there are those that can do it, but most of them have built their characters with the goal of being able to solo GMs and AVs.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Hi Laser I hope this problem gets resolved for you fairly quickly because I went thru something similar with my Guild Wars account a while back and I wanted to shoot someone even tho I had all the info they wanted onhand.

    This is a perfect example of why I keep multiple copies of everything I get for all my games. Yes it seems like a pain in the hind quarters but it saved me a lot of frustration that you are going thru.

    I have a copy of all my codes/security question answers for all my games in a folder on my online email account.

    I saved a duplicate of that folder on my hard drive.

    Another copy of that file is backed up onto a RW disc.

    And I printed a copy of that folder which I keep in a $30 dollar portable safe/lockbox along with the flattened original game boxes and papers that came in the boxes.

    I realize what I'm saying doesn't help you much right now but maybe it will give you an idea you can use in the future to prevent a similar occurance from happening.

    And once more you have my sympathy and I hope this problem is resolved without any more frustration for you.
    No Safe Deposit Box at the bank? Or you could just tatoo everything on your body like the guy in Memento.
  5. Mr_Morbid



    Marcus if it's a boy, Shalice if it's a girl?
  6. Mr_Morbid

    May 21st, 2011

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    You were watching something on the BBC? Who's the squirrelly nut now??!?!?!

    And if you thought my revelations were dark and/or disturbing, I got nothing to fear then......tomorrow or in the next 5 months, apparently!
    It was the BBC radio world service, so I wasn't actually watching it. And BBC=Doctor Who so *pfffffft*.

    And I didn't say your revelations were dark and disturbing (well, maybe the Cougar Town part. At least it wasn't Two and a Half Men). I said mine were. Very, very disturbing.
  7. Mr_Morbid

    May 21st, 2011

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    So I'm thinking, with the possibility of the end of the world swiftly bearing down upon us, I want to be able to go with a clear conscience......or at least as clear as can be considering extenuating circumstances.
    I heard the guy that's 'calculated' this doomsday being interviewd on the BBC and he's nutty as squirrel crap. So I'll be keeping my dark, disturbing secrets to myself.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
    It has been my experience that the BAF xp is much slower to acquire, troller or not, than the Lambda. Especially when the leader of the League decides he wants one team to handle the spawns while the other two teams deal with the AV's and I usually am on an AV team.

    And all the efforts of your team will help generate XP so it doesn't matter whether you are a troller or not, as long as your team is actively taking out the mobs.
    I would guess that this might be your problem in BAF. The experience is split out based on the damage your team does to mobs, so if one team gets put on adds in the last stage that team will rake in the experience and the AV teams will get very little. A good way to get around this is to send two people from each team to work on the adds (a high damage type and a control type from each team can usually handle them without much trouble) so that it's split fairly well across the league. I play an earth/rad troller myself and had no trouble getting xp from BAF as long as the teams were given 'fair' assignments.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    No drama, no BS! Though maybe a tf competition would be fun!
    Without the drama how will I sell all the t-shirts I had printed up? The Team Pistacio ones are green with pink writing. The Team Pilgrim ones are grey with a slightly different shade of grey writing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    In case anyone was confused... GP was saying that he has won several PERC contests (for lots of inf) and that is how he has funded (some of) his builds. I just want to make sure people were reading this right, as someone was worried GP was calling me out, which I know is not the case.
    It would be more fun if you acted like he was calling you out and had a big forum fight. Then everyone else could join Team Pilgrim or Team Pistacio and insult each other for being on the wrong team.
  11. Mr_Morbid


    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    She and Maelstrom should be used more than they are now, just for wallpaper promotion of new powersets for GR and a couple of tips where they are as easy to defeat as Flambeaux alias "The fire running joke".

    Lots of overused characters with crappy costumes:
    Overdrive, Polar Shift, Silent blade, Doc Quantum, Blast Furnace...

    And lots of underused ones, cool looking with nice lore behind them:
    Maelstrom, Desdemona, Belladona Vetrano, Mirror Spirit, Foreshadow...
    Maelstrom shows up quite a bit in some Praetorian arcs. And he's a jerk.

    And the jerk thing goes double for Doc Quantum. I hate that the hero morality mission in the 30's is to save him from Longbow, because I wish they WOULD kill him.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pattern Walker View Post
    A good majority of people who participate in the Pride global channel seem to play at least some of the time on Victory. I wonder if part of the reason that the identifiably "gay" SGs aren't as noticeable is that SGs in general are less noticeable than they used to be. There are GLBT folks on all the servers, of course.
    I almost never take note of a character's supergroup. And I'm pretty sure gay players don't restrict themselves to 'gay' supergroups anyway. I also (and believe this is the most common attitude here) don't care about the sexual orientation of other players. Except for the furries.
  13. Victory also has me, which is great get back to you on that.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jacktar View Post
    I did shout for a TP but in the heat of battle the only other team member that had recall friend missed the shout. I stayed by the warehouse doors and sulked!
    I'd never bother using recall friend to get someone to a gun. It would usually be dead by the time the power animation had finished.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    My experience matches yours, but then people come in (like a recent poster) and say it has to be contribution based because they usually have tons of connection issues and only received the ten thread table seven times.
    We also have those that get a higher than typical number of rares/very rares that insist it's performance based on the grounds that they must be being rewarded for being extra awesome.
  16. This zone would be designed as a better jump off point for Incarnate Trials than Pocket D (which seems to be the favored gathering zone for the trials.) Level 50's would receive a teleport power to reach the zone. Give the zone the same exit options as Ouroborous (to keep it from being used as a train station for zones that Ouro doesn't port to). Give the zone a Vanguard flavor (with some lore dialogue NPC's related to the trials) and a vendor or two.
  17. Here's my perspective on the two from the viewpoint of an Earth/Rad Controller (still my only 50.)

    BAF: I love this one. The escape event seems almost designed to take advantage of my ground targeted controls. Those work well on the last stage adds, too. And the three Rad debuffs are great for the two AV's.

    Lambda: This one makes me feel a lot less useful. Controls and debuffs are a lot less useful until you get to the Marauder fight. My pitiful damage doesn't add much to the container busting, best I can do is through a few controls down to keep some mobs off the rest of the group. I haven't run it since I got my Judgement slotted, so maybe I'll feel a bit more useful with it.

    The other thing on Lambda that can be frustrating isn't a problem with the trial itself but with some players who absolutely can not seem to understand the concept of molecular acid. I've been on several where I KNOW we have enough acid to take out the gates (Because we got all 10 in the gather phase) but someone was just holding them despite repeated instructions from the league leader to check temporary powers and use em if you got em. I've not seen this particular problem with the pacification grenades, but that may just be because you usually don't need them all.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireblaster View Post
    I have a mapserver issue with the new trials. I must use the "shard way".
    Is this a hardware/net connection issue on your end or something that SHOULD be fixed by the devs? If it's something that can reasonably be expected to improve you might want to just convert the shards to threads and hold on to them for use in crafting components.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    But since you can't currently *get* threads without being part of the things that give you said experience that 375,000,000 number is meaningless (aside from looking like an intimidating number to scare uninformed people into making rage posts about the game not being casual friendly any longer).

    edit: Not saying that's what the intention was. Just that I saw that number bounced around in game in beta for that purpose.
    You can *get* threads by converting shards. If you use the more efficient route with the the 20 hour cooldown you can get the 150 threads at a cost of 150 shards and 37,500,000 influence.

    Of course, even running the trials and failing horribly would be a faster way to get the exp.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    if the Zombies and Rikti spawned at the same time and fought each other that would be neat.
    How about Rikti-Zombies?

    "Greatly Desire: Brrrrrainsssss"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Did not see the same effect as the Commandos went through at least one patch of quicksand (on the first failed run where too many escaped). *shrug*

    Have not been a control-support on a run yet, but only reporting what I do see.
    They charged right through my quicksand. Didn't bother using Lingering Radiation cause I assumed it wouldn't work either. Will give it a try next time.
  22. Mr_Morbid

    Confirm time

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Although really, the world should just get rid of Daylight Saving Time altogether, and then we wouldn't have this issue! (Especially considering different countries do DST at different times... that's helpful!)
    I've considered running for congress with that as my sole campaign issue.

    To make things worse the applications of DST isn't consistent across the US. Arizona, Hawaii, and most territories don't use DST. Arizona gets really complicated. The Navajo Nation, a large part of which is in Arizona does use DST. The Hopi Reservation, which is both in Arizona and completely surrounded by the Navajo Nation does not use it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Not necessarily. It could be the same thing as America sending supplies to places like Haiti or Japan that have been hit by massive devastation. Now if Praetoria City sent people to persuade the people of New Vegas to join up with Cole, then you would be correct.
    Citizens of New Vegas!

    Your friends in Praetoria are pleased to send you these relief supplies. In order to make sure they are distributed fairly we are also sending some seers and a few war walkers.

    Your friendly friend,

    Marcus Cole, Emperor
  24. Are you wanting super speed as a travel power? Then yes, get hasten instead of flurry.

    Are you dependent on powers with long recharge times (most control sets would fit this)? Yes, get hasten.

    Do you have an attack chain with some unwanted downtime in it? Hasten can help that.

    Do you have the radiation emission set? Hasten synergizes too well with accelerate metabolism to pass up.

    If none of the above is true, then hasten is probably not a must have. It is still a power that you might want to get when you hit one of those levels that nothing more valuable is available to you. And some builds will see so little benefit from it that even just grabbing a different power for flavor would be better.