May 21st, 2011

Chad Gulzow-Man



So I'm thinking, with the possibility of the end of the world swiftly bearing down upon us, I want to be able to go with a clear conscience......or at least as clear as can be considering extenuating circumstances.

So, just in case, I would like to unburden myself with the following:

* I watch, and enjoy, Cougar Town
* I think Mental is a swell guy
* While I've been here a long time, this is not my favorite game to play
* Ryan Reynolds is on my celebrity list
* I will probably watch Glee when it's on Netflix, alone and in the dark, with a tub of ice cream.
* I secretly feel there is an army of stalkers out there, following my every move, trying to subvert everything I do. But knowing they are stalkers, I know they are generally useless.
* I air drum constantly and I know it drives people nuts....but I still can't stop the rock.
* The Rock is also on my celebrity list

Anyway, I feel better. Maybe you can to?

And if we all wake up on the 22nd without a hitch, we can pretend like this never....EVER....happened.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
* I think Mental is a swell guy
I knew it!

* I will probably watch Glee when it's on Netflix, alone and in the dark, with a tub of ice cream.
I... didn't know that.

Screenshotted, saved, and filed in my Voodoo Stalker™ file.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



...I think Taylor Swift is awesome.



I have a bro-crush on John Cusack. (I don't want to make out with him and I certainly don't want to do him... I just want to look up at him and sigh dreamily.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
So I'm thinking, with the possibility of the end of the world swiftly bearing down upon us, I want to be able to go with a clear conscience......or at least as clear as can be considering extenuating circumstances.
I heard the guy that's 'calculated' this doomsday being interviewd on the BBC and he's nutty as squirrel crap. So I'll be keeping my dark, disturbing secrets to myself.




The walls in the room with my computer are covered in all of Voo's post...



clearly Voodoo's account has been hacked.

205723: A Different DESTINY
When Soldiers of Arachnos got their names added to the Destiny List, Longbow managed to get a copy of the list and began rounding villains up. But one name on the list shocked them...



unless theres physical evidence of the world ending (such as the earth in the path of a meteor), its not gonna happen and anyone who just comes out of the blue and says so is a complete crackpot lol

i dont forsee the world having problems till around 2038 when the "fix" for the Y2K bug needs to be fixed again lol



The 21st is Judgement Day (the people worth saving will be saved) , the 5 months following will be when the earth slowly comes to an end. So... you got 5 months left!

Sheesh :P


Uhm.. I don't know what else to add to this post without bursting out laughing.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Just for the record, I'm not advocating anything here. I'm strictly just trying to cover my bases "just in case". Besides, nothing else interesting has been posted in awhile. Figured I'd keep up the status quo.

Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I heard the guy that's 'calculated' this doomsday being interviewd on the BBC and he's nutty as squirrel crap. So I'll be keeping my dark, disturbing secrets to myself.
You were watching something on the BBC? Who's the squirrelly nut now??!?!?!

And if you thought my revelations were dark and/or disturbing, I got nothing to fear then......tomorrow or in the next 5 months, apparently!

Tomorrow I'll be sitting out outside in my giant front yard in a lawn chair, nice cool drink in hand, sunglasses covering my eyes from the sun....or the blazing bodies of the unfortunates. Either way, I'm covered!

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
unless theres physical evidence of the world ending (such as the earth in the path of a meteor), its not gonna happen and anyone who just comes out of the blue and says so is a complete crackpot lol
Not gonna happen anyway. Doctor Who said the Earth survives all the way until the sun expands around the year five billion (and in fact then some--it's shielded for a while so wealthy spectators can pay to see its destruction).

... My girlfriend got me started watching Doctor Who this past month. >_>;;

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Doctor Who is an amazing show!!!! Although, the current doctor looks terrible.. I liked the other guy better.

I would so pay to see Earth get destroyed.. as long as I could chill on another planet afterwards.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

You were watching something on the BBC? Who's the squirrelly nut now??!?!?!

And if you thought my revelations were dark and/or disturbing, I got nothing to fear then......tomorrow or in the next 5 months, apparently!
It was the BBC radio world service, so I wasn't actually watching it. And BBC=Doctor Who so *pfffffft*.

And I didn't say your revelations were dark and disturbing (well, maybe the Cougar Town part. At least it wasn't Two and a Half Men). I said mine were. Very, very disturbing.




I hope the world does end... just so the Canucks get screwed out of winning the Lord Stanley's mug

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



I actually have four accounts, and play twice as much as anybody believes I do. (and on other servers :O )

*phew* clean conscience stuff is hard!



Hey, 6PM EST!




I think my ability to login got raptured. I keep having the client crash any time I try to login to any server. Soon as I click on anything... BAM.

Currently listening to Our Lady Peace's Clumsy

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



That is both the greatest and the worst picture ever.



Originally Posted by SolSlayer View Post
That is both the greatest and the worst picture ever.
That statement is half right.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by SolSlayer View Post
That is both the greatest and the worst picture ever.
You think that's bad?

When I was told that he died in a car accident, without even thinking about it, I asked the guy who told me, "Did he swerve into a Slim Jim?"

I'm going to Hell.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Currently listening to James Mathus and His Knockdown Society's Live at the Ground Zero Blues Club

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.