928 -
i´ve been tweaking and fiddling and cant find a build that would meet my standards. So i willl have to leave this for a bit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why not just play a toon you enjoy, minor quibble aside? I really enjoy my BS/Invuln despite the fact she's weak against ranged and Psi. i just play the game to hav fun with my toons. -
Just realised it's happened again on my blasters. I have my very first toon, created 3 days after launch in the EU. A Fire/fire sitting at level 41. I also have an NRG/Dev blaster who was originally created for the Union Double XP weekend (Still a bad idea IMO) and now a PSi/Nrg blater who's at the same level as him. I'd rather take someone else and Sk than use my F/F blaster. he's one of those toons that can seem almost unstopable at times but then faceplants 6 times in 5 minutes and that just annoys me. i find Psi far better with the /nrg melee backup and Nrg blast good for keeping the bad guys away with the KB and caltrops from Dev. Sure the DoT is good but it just makes the bad guys angry!
I have a lvl 50 Kin/Rad. The first on Defiant actually. I loved her to bits but she was very dangerous to play once ED came in. She died. A LOT. I still brought her out occassionally for TF's and 50 runs etc. She was fun and I enjoyed playing her. Now I feel I'm leaving her behind a lot of the time. You see, I have another Kin character now, except she's a controller. Earth/Kin to be exact. I feel a little bit dirty doing it but whenever a Kin toon could be useful on a team or TF, I'll always take the 'troller, simply because she's so much more versatile than my Kin/Rad. I feel a little sad for it, but it's like my Kin/Rad has almost been superceded.
Does anyone else have a toon that's been userped by another?
It is also this point that makes me think Kin for 'trollers is broken and should never have been allowed or should be changed in some way, but there's too many Fire/kins out there for them to do it without howls of protest from just about everyone. -
In mission debt got halved way back. Also debt levels in general got dropped too. personally I'd be happy with debt in missions put back to the same as dying outside a mission. it's still go pretty quickly anyway. I do remember being level 50 and getting over 100,000 debt per death and begging a team to restart a Sister psyche TF so i could exemp and join them as it felt like the only way I'd make it through the 30-40 without having debt at least once. I dswear my Kin/Rad toon lived in perma-debt from about lvl 35 right through to about 43. I had all the detb badges and the defeat badges before she hit 50.
If you're already running 2GB of Ram another 2GB won't have a dramatic effect on your games with such an old graphics card. I have an 8800GT 512MB with 2Gb of Ram and I'm maxxing everything in CoH with no trouble.
What I'd really like to see first is the City Info Terminals FIXED!!!!
one of the best things about Earth trollers is most of the powers have placable effects. As long as the camera can see it, you can place it. makes placing quicksand, earthquake and volcanic gasses dead easy without taking aggro.
Sounds like the same thing I had on my old ATi card before I moved to Nvidia. Since I've done so everything's been fine. I suspect a driver issue which paragon have very little control over.
I'd like a bigger option as well. When you're playing on a 22" Widescreen TFT sometimes finding the mouse cursor can be a nightmare!
It's open beta, just like it used to be. To call it a closed beta that everyone has access too just confuses the matter. They should have just said 'We're returning to the previous open beta model that we used with great success up to issue 12 so everyone gets access as soon as the issue is published to the test server'.
A Goldbricker in Cap Au Diable, 'I used to be in a gang in paragon City, but here I get a jetpac!' makes me chuckle.
i've found when you tab through a mob everyone seems to do it in the same order, so i tab past the first LT or boss if there's more than one, sometimes through the whole mob to see what's in there. As jamie said, LT's make a good choice as they're not high on the list of priorities but won't die with a couple of AoE's going off.
naah, he was a Warren G fan!
That graphics card really isn;t very good. It's very old and also shares system memory which also makes it very slow. Do you know if you have a dedicated graphics card slot and if you do, is it PCi-Express or an AGP slot? Even the model number of your motherboard or the brand name and model if it's a bought PC from a shop?
Hmm, Posi is quite a large dude isn't he?
I hate to say this, but EvE isn't exactly huge. it just feels that way when you play it because everyone's on the same server, worldwide. Total number of subscribers really isn't very high at all.
okies this is how i see it
dev brought in ED caused choas ... but we all dealt with it (some left)
i13 pvp changed (a lot left)
i14 pvp is more borked than ever and now we have WE dont give a [censored] about the ppl in the game we just care about our ego and [censored] the rest of you (even more leave)
i15 announcement is a joke oh well done matt you arrogant [censored]
Your PR is just about as good as your willingness to answer very relevant question when asked... ur a coward and a [censored] team lead
tbh when co doesw come out i'll be glad to have jack there ;east he can admit his mistakes and isnt scared to backtrack to sort things out.
i will be letting my subs run out mainly becoz the devs continue to spoiul what was a very good homely game.
and nor do i care if u dont care if i do leave.
this is to GG sthu with ur stupid inane petty one liners and go get yourself a [censored] life or at least a non Forum/Game life
Right i bever cared for PL or such but i have nothing that agaist it.... Posi has over stepped the mark threatening to close game accounts becoz they dont like it
Im sorry but devs with their heads that far up their [censored] = disaster incomming.
and the comment that someone made about Posi being similar to bush.... yes i can see the silimlarities but tbh i would side with bush all the time. least with bush you know whats coming and also he make you laugh in the good way Psoi just makes you go HA and then sigh
Neway im off to play GW for a couple of mnths i'll be on time to time but only to vontact friends about CO and DCUO
Saphi Signing out (for now)
PS GG i WILL NOT be BACK in an issue or 2 or how many other issue there may or may not be
P.P.S No One will get my gear
[/ QUOTE ]
With an attitude like that the game is better off without you. Don't let the door hit you on the [censored] on the way out!!
If you were really, REALLY leaving, FOR GOOD, then you would give someone your stuff! -
Atlas park tends to be a busier zone on Defiant, but as you're on Union most of the RP'ers seem to have jumped ship to pocket D.
The game runs entirely within it's own folder so no registry editing is required. Copy the files onto a DVD, put them on the new PC in the same place and make a new shortcut to the updater. Run it, it'll check the files then you should be good to go.
The secret is when you've completed a mission and you return to the contact, just close the contact window without accepting another mission. Then that contact won't be on your mission list and you're free to go get another mission.
'A love of combat on the high seas'?? A pirate game?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. if any server merges were to ever be considered they'd find a way to merge Zukunft and Vigilance with Defiant before they even considered Union and Defiant.
I hope it all goes well for you GR, wherever you may end up. The Trolls will have a field morning until Avatea gets into work at 2pm