Is it *always* this quiet????




Hi Guys,

I joined CoH way back in the beta days and was such a noob it would have made you pee your pants. I rolled my Dark Defender (stop giggling at the back there, its a good build....just not an XP sucker). I was on the american servers for a while and then when CoH established itself in the UK i transferred my lvl 50 over and a few others. Then time passed and I deactivated my account, and it's been that way for about 1000 days.

I reactivated this week, couldnt get that Galaxy City tune out of my head when you arrive in the square outside city hall and felt the need for a bit of a blast. So I've still got my lvl50 and a few others there too but....I dont have an SG anymore and it just seems so quiet. IS it always quiet? Is it just because the game has been out for a while and the buzz has faded? or am I not hanging where the cool kids are?

Little help needed here please. Am looking for a good group/team/all night session! Im on Union server, and have a lvl 50 dark defender which is really great to play with and some assorted mid 20's etc.




Atlas park tends to be a busier zone on Defiant, but as you're on Union most of the RP'ers seem to have jumped ship to pocket D.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Welcome home

Atlas Park is the busier of the two starting zones right now - although quite a bit of the chat there is farming related

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Giggling? At a Dark 'fender? Dark Miasma's all kinds of awesome.



Hello there Ion prime! Glad you decided to come back and join the union server. May i be the first to say "kalawala" to you.

Now the important stuff is out of the way i think its time you caught up on a lot of the cool stuff added since you last played. If you want im free 2moro from 2pm onwards and can log on with any character and show you the best of the "new" content in which you've missed.

This would consist of stuff such as "the magic man arc" [rated by a large majority as the single greatest ending to an arc ever!], faultline revamp, rwz revamp, invasions etc etc.

With the amount of people you can see travelling in the "real game world" then yes it has gone down sharply. Before people used to just hang around in places like atlas for hours on end because it was genuinly fun, but ever since rewards got introduced the majority like to be constantly getting some form of reward for their time. But never fear i have a BIG plan to get an all day event for atlas to get it busy/fun/random all day long

Ever need any form of assistance/help ingame please dont worry in sending me a /tell to @damz. I ALWAYS reply and can usually help in some form or another. Anyway welcome back and hope you have fun!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



thanks damz, I've given you a shout inworld



Its quiet because the farmyard moved to Atlas on Union. Not sure about Defiant =P

After a thousand days...he returns!
Welcome back, pardner? =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Welcome back (: and not really, just depends where you go. have to find people these days as damz said they are all hidden away doing things ^^



Its quiet because the farmyard moved to Atlas on Union. Not sure about Defiant =P

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I'm Defiant. I start in Galaxy now because Atlas gets lag from the number of players up there. If I'm going to do some combine harvesting myself, I go to Steel Canyon instead.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Is it *always* this quiet????

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Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Its quiet because the farmyard moved to Atlas on Union. Not sure about Defiant =P

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm Defiant. I start in Galaxy now because Atlas gets lag from the number of players up there. If I'm going to do some combine harvesting myself, I go to Steel Canyon instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also i might add Defiant Atlas not far from Union one. If you accidently broadcast "lvl <insert a low level number and AT> LFT" you will end up in a farm team.