In game Bulletin board for organize TF
Have you checked Defiant Events or sal's badgehunters? Their MOTD's are good use for advertising TFs. You just need to contact the mods.
yeah motd is good but a little tool is better.
...and already exist for Arena.
suggested this a long long time ago...
to use the city information terminals as a bulletin gboard system for players to organise / advertise groups.
but, as with almost all suggestions made on the forums, it has long slipped into the forum recycle bin
You could also use it as a team notification board: team leaders set their teams to be open or closed , if open, their name appears on the board along with a brief description of what they are doing ( RWZ arc lvl 38+ etc )
if a player is interested in joining, he clicks a + button which sends a notification to the team leader. when he gets time the leader can check his notifications and send out invites or reject an application. Once full or happy with what they have, the leader can close the team which takes it off the board.
same could be done for a TF being organised for a future date:
TF at 7pm friday the Xth
Sign up below:
player clicks yes or no button
time of TF, leader goes through the list in order and sends invites by clicking "invite" or "refuse request".
no need to contact anyone else, multipe advertisements can be run simultaenously (too many MotDs and you dont bother reading it as it zips past!).
so, /signed from me
/signed I'm big fan of automated LfM systems after seeing them in action. (In ahem, Puzzle Pirates... Teams there are BIG, I mean 7 is a very small team, and 60-80 teams aren't unheard of. Servers aren't exactly chock-full of people either, at least they weren't back when I played a few years ago. Yet organizing a team is a breeze thanks to buletein boards.)
Does anybody read these bloody suggestions?
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
I do and I try and include amany as I can catch into my weekly Player Suggestions reports!
Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler
I do and I try and include amany as I can catch into my weekly Player Suggestions reports!
[/ QUOTE ]
You do mention how important animated hair is to the future of the game, don't you?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
If I wanted to do next weekend or tonight to 4:30 a specific TF could read on a bulletin board, someone could have interesting proposals or accede to my.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like the idea of that!
Union level 50's:
Chibstarr = Dark/Dark Defender
Chibii-Chan = Stone/Energy Tanker
..for organize TF and others famous events (RWZ raid, Hamidon Raid, etcetra).
I do and I try and include amany as I can catch into my weekly Player Suggestions reports!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yay! \o/
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
Love the idea
I don't know about TFs and what not being advertised on the bill boards.
But i always thought it would be pretty cool if they stuck the posters people are coming up with for the MA arcs up on the billboards it even makes a kind of in game sense architect advertising there arcs like real world TV channels advertise there shows.
suggested this a long long time ago...
to use the city information terminals
[/ QUOTE ]
/signed, city information is big idea
What I'd really like to see first is the City Info Terminals FIXED!!!!
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
What I'd really like to see first is the City Info Terminals FIXED!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd just like to see it have a point, these days
I remember being mega proud when I got to the top of the healing boards in ye olde CoH.
If I wanted to do next weekend or tonight to 4:30 a specific TF could read on a bulletin board, someone could have interesting proposals or accede to my.