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I think it might provide you with enough stealth that enemies with perception bonuses, such as snipers and Rikti drones, can't see you.
If you have a pressing need for the slot for some other purpose, you can remove the Stealth proc, and between Super Speed and Cloaking Device, you'll be fine most of the time.
Note that you can stick the proc in Sprint if you want to keep it, but want to stick something else in Super Speed. -
I tend to ask for (not require, just ask for) at least one melee type, a kin, and either a FF or Cold. I want the melee type because life is easier for everybody when all the enemies pick one target and stay on them instead of running all over the map, and the rest I want for obvious reasons.
But if I can't get those, I'll just shrug and take whatever and roll with it.
However, if I ever see anybody asking for a "healer," I bail. Past experiences have made that a huge warning sign that I'm in for a few hours of debt and frustration, so I just bail. -
Tips are random, but higher rank enemies are more likely to drop them. Note that level does not matter, only rank, so a level 20 boss is more likely to give you one than a level 40 minion.
My favored place for tip hunting is the air strip on Villa Requin, the small island southeast of the ferry in Sharkhead. A few minutes of working over Sky Raiders usually gives me three tips very quickly. -
While Reactive is the most popular Interface, and the one with the most noticeable effect (these two facts are probably related (and by probably I mean they are (this is because the other interfaces suck (small resistable debuff amounts do that (HOLY COW HOW DEEP CAN I NEST PARENTHESES))))), all of them follow the same rule for determining which powers can trigger them: if it can take a Damage enhancement, the Interface has a chance to go off.
So powers like Confuse and Mass Hypnosis won't set it off, because those don't take damage enhancements, while things like Dominate and Levitate will set it off, because you can slot them for damage. -
I don't think stalkers are getting Titan Weapons, it's just that whoever was taking the pictures was playing on a stalker at the time and didn't want to fiddle with the AT selection every time.
It is also worth noting that your only choice, if you want to do this right now, is Scrapper. Brutes do not get Broadsword until i21, which is speculated to be happening on the 30th, but has no confirmed date.
Resurrect with one even-level recharge SO in it is back up in two minutes and fifteen seconds. That should be more than enough. If you three slot it, it's back up in about a minute and a half.
Anybody who needs to resurrect people more often than that is either hopelessly incompetent or playing with suicidal imbeciles. -
Quote:From what I saw of the AT sets posted, they all have basically the same stuff. With two exceptions, they all have an acc/dam, dam/rech, acc/dam/rech, dam/end/rech, quad, and rech/special thing. The two exceptions are Dominator and Controller, which replace "damage" with "control duration."Also, since PB's and Warshades are not the same AT I am assuming Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks will all be sharing the same "Attack of the Melee" enhancements, and Defenders, Corruptors and Controllers will be getting "Power of the Support class," right? There's no chance that Kheldians would be shortchanged here. Or is it that everybody knows PB's play just like Warshades.. Just like Scrappers play just like Tanks. :|
Those are just ones I've actually seen, though. I haven't seen Masterminds yet, and it stands to reason theirs would be different somehow. I don't know how, exactly...but somehow. -
I would do that, but I only did the "run them 'til you puke" thing with villains. Someone else would need to fill in on hero-side.
I'd go with either Fire/Energy or Fire/MM blaster. /Energy gets early Build Up and the absolutely devastating Bone Smasher and Total Focus for single targets. /MM gets Psychic Scream and Psychic Shockwave. Either way, I'd go with Electric for the ancillary because it gets another cone attack. So if you want something up your sleeve for single targets, Fire/Energy/Electric. If you want pure conical death, Fire/MM/Electric.
If you're willing to go villain, then Leviathan Mastery, Mu Mastery, and Soul Mastery have two additional AOEs each, so you can roll with one of those. -
I think that the best setup for doing these things quickly is a villain scrapper, ideally one that can go invisible using any of the myriad methods for it (super speed + a stealth IO is probably pretty common).
My reasoning is that Scrappers don't have any setup time, can walk right past all the enemies that aren't directly part of the objective, and because they don't rely on momentum like brutes do, they can eviscerate things from a standing start. And they're also tough enough that if they have to engage in a stand-up fight, they can do so -- although because those are usually escort missions, which are relatively long, you can just filter those missions out. The reason I suggest doing this as a villain is because you can go to the graveyard or air strip in Sharkhead and massacre grays until you get your tips, and the missions you get are much less of a pain in the neck. The only annoying enemy group you have to fight are the Carnies and arguably Nemesis, but Nemesis isn't a problem if you aren't cranking up the difficulty level, because then you don't get a bunch of Lieutenants venging their buddies.
In fact, I will even go the extra mile and list the villain tips at level 50 and what is involved in stealthing them. Keep in mind that I am operating under the assumption you're running at +0/x1 with no bosses. You really should run at +0, but the way, because the additional time it takes to beat down the required dudes is negligible, but the level 50 dudes can cough up shards. The level 49 ones can't.
Emergency Radio Broadcast: Find the glowy, hit it, beat down Polar Shift.
Exotic Armor Schematics: Run to the engineer, beat down the Rikti around him, and lead him out. You will probably want to dismiss this one, because it's an escort and those can't really be stealthed.
Extremely Annoying Ring Tone: Beat down the guys around the scientist, lead him the two steps to the glowy, then run to the end (mind the Rularuu eyeballs, they can see through stealth) and beat down Miss Thystle. Then beat down the next one. And then the one after that. And then three at once. It's not nearly as bad as it sounds.
Filmed Announcement: Find and smash the books and supplies. Beat down the ambush that comes when you smash all the books. Find Flambeaux and apply vigorous beatings.
Just How Evil Are You?: Run to the end, apply beatings to everyone in the two spawns that have the captive Longbow dudes, and then thrash the ambush that comes.
Lacquered Porcelain Shard: Find the captive, waste her captors, lead her to the waypoint on the map, click the resulting glowie. This one can't really be stealthed due to the escort bit.
Old Russian Ballad: Run to the end, hit the glowy, fight the ambush. Be warned that the ambush is Malta, but just one spawn of them at default difficulty shouldn't be so bad. Also be warned that if you get one of those tall reactor room maps and the glowy is in there, they may get a little turned around on their way to you.
Rikti Artifact Rumors: Run to the end, hit the glowy, fight the two bosses that appear. You will be ambushed by Rikti while fighting them, but they are not an objective and you can ignore them if you like. There's PPD in there, and I think they have drones, which may see through stealth. I honestly do not recall.
Seeds of Destruction: Find Desdemona and take her apart. Then find the glowy. At least, I think that's how this one goes, since it's been a while, but the point is it can be stealthed without an issue.
Taper of the Frozen Flame: Find the glowy, beat down Polar Shift when she comes for you.
The Dagger of Caernoz: Fight Desdemona, fight Caernoz (you may have to talk to him before he goes hostile), find and smash the glowy.
Two Too Many Flambeauxs: The two Flambeauxs may be up front. If they are, obviously you have to fight them. Then find three crates and break them.
Wanted: Uqua. Dead: Alive: Find a glowy, smash two boxes, beat down a boss, and then hit another glowy that's nearby. Just be warned that this is another Rikti mission, which means drones, which means dudes that see through stealth.
Bloody Bane Spider Helmet: Beat down the Base Commander. Beat down the Bane Spider. Find a glowy and hit it, then hit another glowy nearby.
Classified Mission Directive: Hit glowy, wait for and then demolish ambush, repeat twice.
This Is How She Dies: Find and take down Overdrive, then wait for Desdemona to show up and put the boots to her.
A Broken Nemesis Jaeger: Run to the end and find the two bosses. Take them out to lunch. On the menu: savage beatings.
A Hand Delivered Note: Run to the end, beat down Silent Blade's captor, then beat down the ingrate when she turns on you. Although to be fair, stomping her into the dirt is the reason you're there in the first place...
Huh. I got so burned out running tips daily on two different characters that I completely forgot just how many there really are. But given that there's only two that can't be stealthed out of eighteen, and most of those only present speed bumps to stealthing in the form of enemies with good perception...well, you can see how just dashing through everything is certainly not an issue.
As for the morality mission itself, I suggest holding out for the one where you burn down Croatoa. You can't stealth it, but it at least feels faster than the one with the message to yourself from the future (which may be stealthable but is kind of a pain in the neck). Run through and beat everybody, then go back and hit the glowies (fighting the ambush between each), and then for the last one, just run to Desdemona and open up a can on her before she whistles up her demons. -
Fixed that for you.
1: The pet gets the Build-Up effect.
2: They work for everything, which is why getting the recharge intensive pet globals is a good investment if you can slot them.
3: That's a good question, but I took the procs out of Hurricane. The pushback and repel stuff means that applying it and keeping it on enemies is a pain in the neck. It's your call, however.
4: It's useful as a heal to patch up your goons after they get wrecked because they're idiots. The endurance drain reduction is also useful for those situations where you need it. Which isn't often, but when you need it it's a lifesaver. The +perception...it's okay, but I'd rather run Leadership toggles.
5: I have my Freezing Rain slotted for maximum recharge and endurance. I didn't put a proc in it, but then, I had that proc in my Soldiers (I'm a merc/storm). Achilles Heel can't stack with itself, so I'd put it in your Enforcers, but sticking one in Freezing Rain is also good. Although this doesn't answer your question on FR, which is "yes, they stack for -50% resist." As for Lightning Storm, I have mine frankenslotted for max damage and recharge, plus an endurance, and also the Force Feedback chance for damage proc because it can take Knockback. Devastation is perfectly viable, but the reason I didn't bother is because I have no holds to stack with it, and anything that Devastation can hold will be dead soon enough anyway. -
I'll definitely be making a Time/Beam defender, although I don't have any particular ideas for a character or costume yet.
I may remake my Broadsword/Dark Armor scrapper as a Titan Weapon/Dark Armor scrapper, but this depends on what weapon models are available for Titan Weapons, in addition to how it actually plays.
I have no ideas for Street Justice, so I won't be buying that set, but I will if I get an idea.
For proliferated sets, I'll make an Earth/Poison controller, but only if Poison has stopped being "like Dark Miasma but single target and/or bad."
A katana/something brute is somewhat tempting, but I already have the aforementioned broadsword scrapper and a ninja/energy stalker (can't wait for the Energy Aura revamp, it will hopefully stop being a bad joke with my debt as the punchline), and it may overlap with those a bit. I'll have to see. -
As long as there's a limit on SG membership, sometimes pruning the roster of people who haven't played in five years is necessary.
Or would you rather the SG stagnate and die because nobody who can actually invite people still plays anymore? -
Make a Robotics/Thermal mastermind. Because robots are awesome. And setting things on fire is also awesome. Therefore, having a bunch of robots that are also on fire is double awesome.
...yes, that would be a good reason. For some reason I thought the Brute version (and by extension, the Scrapper version) had Repulse too. I have a ninja/energy stalker, so the particulars of the awfulness of the stalker version are what stuck with me.
Quote:Atlas Medallion used to be limited to 7, not 1. Any accolades that had requirements in formerly level-locked zones had their minimum level set to whatever the lowest minimum among those zones was.Hmmm...wasn't it possible to get the Atlas Medallion at lvl 1 before, and now have to wait for level 14.
In other words, you needed to be able to get into Perez Park to complete the history badge you needed for Atlas Medallion, which used to have a level limit of 7, so the Atlas Medallion itself required you to be at least level 7. -
While I am glad to see Repulse being changed to Disrupt for Stalkers, I have to wonder why this change is only for Stalkers. For that matter, I have to wonder who thought giving a melee AT a pulsing knockback toggle in the first place wasn't an absolutely horrible idea and why they thought that.
Quote:You may as well stop waiting for Ice Melee on Brutes. Brutes used to have the ice sets in beta, but they were pulled because the slowing was counterproductive to Fury generation, so I don't think brutes are going to get those sets.While I'm not too crazy about most of the changes, there are a few I'm psyched about. I've been waiting since forever for Ice Melee to be ported to Brutes or Scrappers. ...... Still waiting
As for the actual proliferation, it's nice and all, but the only set I really had an eye on was Cold Domination for Masterminds, which didn't happen. Oh well. I guess there's the next round. -
Ha! You and me both. I knew I wasn't the only one on that train.
Of course, once that well ran dry, I went over to Furious Rage. When I started, it was 7,888,888 million each. I stopped when they got down to five million each, because by then I'd already gotten about a billion inf and wanted to save my remaining Astrals for other things. -
I will echo what everyone else is saying about "don't be a healer because you're grossly shortchanging yourself." I'll be blunt: "healer" is kind of a hotbutton word. Most people who know what they're doing shun "healers," and the people who actively ask for "healers" do so because they have no idea what they're doing.
This ties in to why you can't solo for beans. You have a secondary that's full of attacks; take and use them.