Those new powersets that you would play

Adeon Hawkwood



I know it is still a bit early to know for sure what those new powersets can do. But I am just curious, from what has been know so far (see other posts), which ATs would you choose to play with those new sets?

For myself, at this stage, I would try Beam Rifle on Blaster first, pairing with /EM. Was thinking for mixing it with Time Manipulation on a Corruptor but, from the limited info we have so far, I think I would have all of the powers from both sets. Having a BR/TM would be such a tight build.

I am undecided on whether to play a Street Justice/Nin stalker or SJ/Regen brute. SJ/Nin seems to be a good match in terms of theme, I suppose. I am interested to see how the Combo points would interact with Fury. Anyway, I am keen to try a /Regen brute.

Do you have any thoughts on the new sets yet?



Time/Beam Defender
Grav/Time Controller
Elec/Ice Stalker
Dark/*something* blaster
and when it finally shows up, Titan/Dark tank i think.

plus probably alot of other stuff in between.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Gotta go with the best versions to give them a thorough run.

Beam Rifle Blaster
Time Manipulation Defender
Street Justice scrapper
Titan Weapon scrapper or tank for thematic purposes.

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Already have a BR/TM Corruptor planned, costume and all.

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Psi/Time Corruptor
Spines/Ice Stalker (since we can finally make this pairing)
Staff(if it's real)/SR Scrapper
Traps/Beam Defender

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I have a Mind/Time planned.



I have no interest in Beam Weapons so I wont make one, but if I did I would make a beam/traps corruptor.

I will make a fire/time controller, simply because it is a "thing" for me to play all the fire control permutations to 50.

As for street justice, I will be street/willpower, or maybe street/super reflexes. Whether I am a brute or a scrapper, I have not decided.

When titanic weapons comes out, assuming there is either a staff or a naginata option for the weapon, I will do titanic/wp or titanic/sr. Again, not sure whether I will scrap it up or get my brute on.

Even though I am going out of scope slightly into proliferation territory, I also plan for a fire/poison controller as well as illusion/poison, plant/poison and earth/poison. Hey ... I like poison.


Random AT Generation!
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"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Titan Weapons something...what armor set to go with it...not real sure yet, I would see how it plays first.

I am not real into the concept of the Time Manipulation (Never really got into /grav, which I feel is the closest synergy)

Street Justice just doesnt really interest me.



TW/ definitely. Brute and Scrapper versions for certain. Not sure on secondaries, but likely not anything terribly clicky to avoid redraw (bothers me aesthetically). TW/SR, TW/Elec, or TW/Fire are brute combos I'm considering. TW/SR or TW/EA for the scrapper versions. Likely the latter since I want an /EA scrapper anyway.

/Regen Brute. Not the TW most likely (see above). SJ might be appealing, though likely to be either SS or SM.

I'm curious about /time so I'll give it a go. I don't tend to get very far with support/ranged toons, but I still want to check it out. Having said that, I was getting into my dark/elec defender recently so who knows. Maybe it's time for a diversion from melee.



DP/TIME Corr or TIME/DP Defender, I'm undecided as to which way I'll go with it.

Titan/Something, possibly Regen. Haven't decide quite yet, depends on if I'm happy with the DP/TIME combo.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Definitely making a Street Justice/Willpower or /Energy Aura Scrapper. I played the set a bit at Comic Con, and I'm so hooked.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



SJ/EnA Brute for sure, and I'll make a Time Corr also. I'm not sure what primary but it will probably be either Beam or Fire. The animations and weapons for Beam look kinda lame to me. If the numbers on it look good though, I can deal.



I'll be making a D/D Blaster for sure, as well as a Beam Rifle, just because I really enjoy Blasters. Time sounds interesting, so I may try and pair it up with something, just not sure yet. Grav/Time sounds good thematically, but I have a hard time getting into Controllers. The melee sets can be difficult for me to get into as well (lack of attacks early on I think), so I'm not sure if I'll mess with Titan Weapons or Street Justice. It depends on if I can come up with a combination that I like conceptually or not, but if I do it'll most likely be a Brute.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Cyclone, thanks for reminding me:

I'll also be making a Dark/Ice Blaster, with the dark blasts colored like water.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Grav/Time Controller as a re-roll of my Grav/Kin.
Titan/EA Scrapper - yet another weapon/defense armour character to try and replace my Claws/SR Scrapper. May even make it as a Brute instead of/as well as.
Beam Gun Blaster, not sure what with - probably Fire, Ice, Dark or Dev, since I haven't tried those yet.
Street Justice doesn't interest me as of yet - maybe once I see it in action.
Thanks to proliferation, a hopefully-not-gimped Bots/Sonic MM.

@Jay Leon Hart
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I am not a fan of Blaster but I have a feeling Beam has a pretty long activation time/weapon redraws, which means I won't like it much on my Corruptor (who uses secondary all the time).

Beam looks like it could be very high ST damage but slow activation/weapon redraw (much like the Clockworks). If that's the case, then I am willing to level a Blaster to 50.

For Beam, I want to try it on Blaster first.

For Street Justice, I want to try it on Stalker first (as usual).

For Poison, I want to try it on Troller first.

Time is the only one I am not sure because I really need to see what the buffs/debuffs are.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Psi/Time Corruptor
I have one of those in mind too

Traps/Beam Defender
Ditto cept maybe as Cor as well depending on the nature of the debuffs



I don't particularly enjoy melee characters so I'm unlikely to use Street Justice.

I probably will end up making character(s) using Beam Rifle and Time Manipulation but I'm not sure what I'm going to pair them with. The obvious pairing for BR is Traps or Devices but I'm kinda burned out on those sets at the moment.

I'm contemplating re-imagining my Axe/Inv Tank as a Beam Rifle something or other but haven't come up with a combo I like which is true to the character, BR/Energy Manipulation is the best thematic fit but I dislike Energy Manip, I may go BR/Kinetics (or Kinetics/BR) but I'm not sure.

For Time Manipulation I'm currently leaning towards a Time/Elec Defender (or Elec/Time Corruptor depending on what exactly is in Time) as a totally mad (but basically kindhearted) time-traveling inventor. After all, I have all of those Steampunk and Science parts, I need an excuse to use them.



Street Justice/Energy Aura scrapper will be the first thing I roll out I21, no questions asked.

Beam Rifle/Traps corruptor or Traps/Beam Rifle Defender at some point.



In this order.

Illusion/Time Manipulation Controller
Dark Blast/Mental Manipulation Blaster
Electrical Melee/Energy Aura Stalker

I know energy aura isn't a new set, with the changes, it might as well be. I'd been planning on making an Ill/Cold when time manipulation was announced. Decided instead to start stockpiling IOs for when I21 is released.



What will I play? All of them.

I hope to eventually play each of the new sets for each archetype it's on, continuing my long-term goal to play every set on every AT.

I haven't made any really concrete plans yet (my computer recently died, and it's uncertain that I'll have a new one anytime soon... putting a slight damper on things), but the other day I tried making up a rough pile of powerset combos to have as a starting point. As follows:

Dark/Mental Blaster
Beam/Electric Blaster
Fire/Darkness Blaster
Titan/Stone Brute
Super Strength/Regen Brute
Broad Sword/Willpower Brute
Street Justice/Energy Brute
Electric/Time Controller
Gravity/Poison Controller
Psychic/Time Corruptor
Dual Pistols/Poison Corruptor
Beam/Something Corruptor
Time/Beam Defender
Thermal/Radiation Defender
Storm/Fire Defender
Robotics/Sonic Mastermind
Thugs/Time Mastermind
Battle Axe/Fire Scrapper
War Mace/Energy Scrapper
Titan/Willpower Scrapper
Street Justice/Dark Scrapper
Street Justice/Willpower Stalker
Something/Ice Stalker
Shield/Martial Arts Tanker
Super Reflexes/Dual Blades Tanker
Electric/Titan Tanker

... and probably more, since that doesn't cover everything. Although I should probably wait to see if there are any more new powersets on the Paragon Market after I21, that could change plans as well. As for what I'll make first? Defenders are my favorite, so probably Time/Beam.

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I'll definitely be making a Time/Beam defender, although I don't have any particular ideas for a character or costume yet.

I may remake my Broadsword/Dark Armor scrapper as a Titan Weapon/Dark Armor scrapper, but this depends on what weapon models are available for Titan Weapons, in addition to how it actually plays.

I have no ideas for Street Justice, so I won't be buying that set, but I will if I get an idea.

For proliferated sets, I'll make an Earth/Poison controller, but only if Poison has stopped being "like Dark Miasma but single target and/or bad."

A katana/something brute is somewhat tempting, but I already have the aforementioned broadsword scrapper and a ninja/energy stalker (can't wait for the Energy Aura revamp, it will hopefully stop being a bad joke with my debt as the punchline), and it may overlap with those a bit. I'll have to see.



I'll probably try them all, eventually.

That said, I will wait until I have a better idea of what they look like/how they perform, before I finalize any plans.


Well, except one. Possibly. If Titan Weapons DOES include a Staff model (Which, personally, I doubt), then I will definitely be making a Titan Weapon/WP scrapper, to finally craft the character I wanted to since before I started playing...

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