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Only actual player characters can be used as Vengeance targets. I assume it can be targeted for purposes of Dark Extraction and the like.
If you leave the mission after the obelisk explodes but before the cutscene plays, the mission objective never changes to the "you have one minute to get out before the Phalanx shows up" objective, and so the mission becomes impossible to complete.
In order to do this, you need to start the bit where the obelisk explodes and immediately head for the exit. You can just make it to the exit truck and click on it as the cutscene starts, thus breaking the scripting. -
You can do this, but you will suck. You will be like a Sonic/Pain or Sonic/Trick Arrow corr, but with flashier graphics and a small fraction of the performance.
Don't waste your time, or the time of anybody who'd wind up teaming with this build. -
I suspect that most of the people who would be really bothered by Group Fly have already shut it off. Those who have not yet handled it for whatever reason can be reminded that the option exists and get it handled. That should be fine.
The Devices set used to use the taser model, though. It was changed to the "throw needles with wires" thing when its range was extended from five feet to twenty.
As for the brand name, I do not think that Malta would leave such a thing on their weapons, because that means a paper trail. You do not want a paper trail when you're a secretive conspiracy. -
Quote:They shun it because it requires the user to not suck with it, and most people do.How much of that is the fault of the devs and how much of that is the fault of the players? While I'll admit that a lot more could be done, even with the current engine, don't most players openly shun anything where positioning the enemy would be advantageous outside of simple herding?
Reading between the lines when the devs are asked about staff fighting is that it's real, and they're working on it, but for some reason (I suspect marketing), they aren't allowed to talk about it.
They would probably appreciate it if we stopped asking them about it until they officially say they're working on it. Which is, I hope, soon. -
Time/Beam defender, of course.
If I come up with a name and costume, a psi/dark blaster (sort of a mutant anglerfish thing).
I'd like to make a street/regen scrapper, but obviously that has to wait. -
20 to 30? If it takes you that long, you're seriously goofing off instead of getting the job done.
I would imagine that "it's a single-target set in a game that heavily values AOE" would be enough to cause people to shy away.
No. Brutes club things over the head with "Maces," the Mace Mastery pool (and Bane Spiders) use "Arachnos Maces."
So you can customize the stuff in Mace Mastery, but you can't shoot lasers from your bat. -
Quote:They didn't redo the artwork because the original artwork was intended for a different format that wouldn't look good on a movie screen. They redid the artwork because the original artwork sucked. A lot of it was done in a hurry and with no budget, and it looked absolutely awful. So when they got a budget, they redrew it with people who actually put time and care into it instead of having to bang out a zillion frames a day with the change between the cushions.Can't blame them, I would imagine the original footage used for TV was initially recorded on 16mm film stock which would look very grainy on a movie screen. Once the first movie was successful they could spend the money to redo and streamline the original series story threads.
I had some friends catch a UC Gundam movie in Japan a few years back, I think it was the Zeta Gundam movie compilation, and they said you could really tell what was original and what was new.
That's actually why the episode about Kukurus Doan has never been (officially) released in English: Tomino thought that artwork was just that bad, and given how bad things got later on, boy howdy. Which is really a shame, because it's an important episode in humanizing Zeon. -
This started recently. My friends who keep better track of tokusatsu than I do routinely bemoaned how completely awful Kamen Rider OOO was after the liquid awesome of Kamen Rider W, and the previews for Fourze looked quite good, so they watched it. I also watched it, and I quite enjoyed the first episode. I'm looking forward to the next.
Now, I think the mods would frown upon me linking to where you can get subs, but since fansubbed stuff got discussed elsewhere, I think I can say that you should fire up your search engine of choice and work overtime to find out who's subbing it. There's probably several groups, but the ones who put in overtime on making sure that their subs are actually good are probably the ones you want to spend time watching. -
Quote:I suggest watching Machete. It's the movie I was expecting Expendables to be.Maybe the second one can be good. Don't get me wrong...it wasn't a horrible movie and I'm glad I watched it, but for all the star power and the attempt to make an 80s-style action movie, there were just no memorable lines in the whole movie.
Just be warned: Expendables is what happened when they were waffling between PG-13 and R and decided, at the last minute, they were going for the R. Machete was designed from the ground up to be an R-rated movie and it earned that rating. -
I have seen Empaths with Aid Other, Stimulant, and Resuscitate. So yes, apparently people do need to be told not to waste three power picks on powers that are sucky versions of things you already have.
You may want to add a special note for the Empaths that take the Medicine pool and just how mind blowingly stupid that is.
The exact numbers are 50,000 iXP per thread, and you need one million iXP for Judgement and Interface, 2.25 million for Lore and Destiny. You can see exactly how much you have in the Accolades section of your Badges. Look for the ones that say something about earning Physical or Psychic XP, or something like that. They'll be near the "Alpha Unlocked" badge.
As stated, you theoretically can just eat threads to unlock slots, but doing so is prohibitively expensive. -
Note that choosing Resistance or Loyalist in the tutorial does not count towards Moral High Ground. If you stick with (for example) only Crusader arcs, then that's three morality choices right there, plus one for choosing Hero or Villain, and then you're out. If you want the badge, you must do at least one arc for a faction other than the one you're usually doing (eg all the Crusaders and a Warden, all the Responsibility and a Warden, stuff like that). The choice when you go to Primal Earth then counts as the fifth choice, and you get your badge.
Quote:Don't touch my Granite.Show of hands, how many people would LOVE to see some of the penalties from Granite reduced even if it meant making the power less useful without stacking with the other armors?
But as to the actual problems of Stone Armor, it was noted by Castle that Stone Armor is pretty back-loaded, and you went through 31 levels of "meh" so you could hit 32, get Granite, and be basically indestructible. He said he could even that out so that Stone didn't feel so lackluster in the levels before Granite, but he'd do to it what he did to Psionic Assault: hit the tier 9 with the Sledge-O-Matic and splatter its awesome over the rest of the set so it's not so concentrated. This would mean that, yes, Granite wouldn't be as good if he buffed the rest of the set, and we would not like it.
I don't know if anybody is looking at Stone Armor now, though. -
I also think that changing the buffs to be AOE wasn't a change in FF's power, just in how annoying it is to actually use it. It's now a lot easier to hand out your bubbles, but once you've done it, FF is in exactly the same position it was in before.
Quote:This is why one of the MAN rules was to not team with people who were not also MAN builds. This served two purposes: one, it wouldn't let you obey the letter of the law while breaking its spirit by teaming with people with actual superpowers, and two, inflicting your terribleness on teams was terribly unfair.Never sounded that fun to me but they did have a 'following' for a while there. Ranks up there with Petless MM's for annoyance factor though.
At least MAN builds acknowledge that terribleness is part of the point, though. -
And on the other side of the coin, if everyone is baffled by the fact that you chose a power, and using it annoys people, you should probably reconsider using it. Examples are powers that do knockback and nothing else, or powers that phase enemies.