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Quote:Judgment recharges every 90 seconds to 2 minutes. It's Lore that has the Recharge time that's so long it is utterly useless except for escape phase on BAF.Huyeah...
Blasters are useful. They deal more damage than nearly any other AT. That AoE and ST.
Brutes can dish out huge sums of damage. Damage is always useful.
I have known many controllers which take no buffs. Want buffs? find a Defender or Corruptor.
Dominators can deal pretty darn good damage when built well.
MM pets are annoying when not reined in. They can be reined in.
Scrappers can, under the right circumstances, save a team. I've watched so many scrappers rip apart swathes of enemies in mere moments, with only ST attacks.
Stalkers, especially with the revamps, are stille effective combatants, although less durable than scrappers.
Tankers aren't necessary, but neither are Defenders. Or Blasters. Or any AT on their own. But they can be necessary for rounding out a team in need of an aggro holder.
IOs can give everyone a high defense, but Tankers will still last the longest. more HP. Easier to reach Def cap. Can handle damage more readily.
You get one Judgement attack every friggin' half-hour. That, in a well-fought battle between a well built group and a reasonable AV, should not lead to that many uses of it. let alone repeated uses where AoE would matter.
Why are you so obsessed with AoE damage, anyway? There is still much to be had from ST. -
I found myself this morning looking back on the friendship I had with Tina and Thorgar and for the first time shedding a tear for someone I had not truley known in person, but that I knew more in heart and mind. It saddens me even more that I am unable to truley pay my respects for a dear friend of many years. I looked for a fitting Tribute to my friend, one that would maybe fit how some of us knew her and I found this, I find the song touching, and fitting the roleplay enviorment of those that knew her in such a community.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpFRBmRgDcY -
I met Salsa and Thor around the same time I became friends with Magda during my first couple of years of subscription to this game.. They were great friends to me and Tina (Salsakitten) Was always a good friend to me.. Even with my more quarky ways of showing affection for my friends in game. Through them I found my enjoyment of roleplaying..and I think they tolerated me a great deal with my personality quarks and ways of showing affection for my friends and loved ones in the MMO universe.
While I had lost touch with all of them over the years I still saw them as friends and I was greatly pleased to have gotten back in touch with her around Thanksgiving. I spoke with her about past events, and asked how her family was doing. She told me she had been ill as of late but I wasn't aware of what was to come. None of us were.. It breaks my heart to know that I missed out on more time with my friend Tina..it breaks it even more to know I missed her memorial service.
Tina, I will miss you my friend. May we all be blessed to see you again in our parting frm this world.
Thor.. I'm deeply sorry I had not been back in contact with you and I hope that we can begin our friendship anew so I can help you through this time. -
Quote:Nice. They got me at the beginning with the ad...
I don't know if I am the only one who was disappointed that they de-powered Alice in the last one, but I hope she starts to get her abilities back.
That was the only sorespot for me with the whole franchise. On the whole however I really enjoy these films., and I look forward to More Milla Jovovich goodness... I also should mention that despite the last film statign she lost her abilites she still seemed to do agreat amount of superhuman feats. Just not the telekentic stuff. -
I just wanted it in the Smallville Universe so I could have more Chloe, and maybe actually See Clark in Costume after ten years of buildup.
I have to admit if this wasn't in the "shakeycam" style which I hate, or focused on the dark side of gaining powers I'd like to see it.
If it was in the "normal" film style, and focused less on the darker side of power it would be more like Unbreakable which I happened to have loved and want to see more "super" films made like it. -
So wait.. this isn't going to be a spinoff of the Smallville Universe? What's the hell is the point of even having it on the same network that Green Arrow was on for years if you aren't going to use the Established live action cannon?
Putting it in the Smallville Universe allows them to milk the already established fanbase and talentpool they amassed for ten years instead of starting fresh. -
Looked it up, seems not only do they get telekentic abilites from some mysterious.."something" They also gain the ability of flight and invulnerability. It sound like a awesome film if not for one problem.. The whole plot seems to be focused on how they all turn to evil..MEH
Quote:While dated by today standards the 80's Beauty and the Beast was a very popular show, if short lived. The makeup Ron wore was incredible, as was his take on the beast. Even after al this time I have to watchit when I catch it on. Sure some of the storielines are cheesey.. but Ron perlman was pure gold on that series.I wonder if the same guy that played Green Arrow in Smallville is gonna play the part.
That sounds horrid lol and I like Ron Perlman glad that show was before my time.
Just look at that, that's an incredible makeup job by today's standards.. let alone a low budget 80's drama series. -
I'm more concerned with price then anything..and I've yet to get any of the Star Trek Series on dvd so I will most likely just do that before even thinking of getting blu-ray.
I'm just not happy with my luck on the RNG for Salvage rewards or threads. Some of my characters take weeks of daily runs to upgrade from constaint comman and uncomman drops, breaking down merits is also one of the only ways they seem to get anywhere.. While I see other people constaintly geting so many VR they have to break them down to get rolling.
I've also yet to get anything above a Comman on TPN,MoM, Or Keys since they were added with supposed higher droprates for R/VR. -
The methods needed to sucessed in all of the Incarnate trials are all mind numbling simple. The only reason people in this game think they are hard is because..well people are complete morons when there are so many players running around they don't think they have to work as hard or read League chat. I see the same problem in that other game's Insanced based Largescale pvp maps. No one follows direction and everyone Zergs..even if you need to do more then just zerg..people just ignore everythign and zerg.
That isn't the Dev teams fault, it's the Leaguemembers fault for being a lazy and Unattentive. -
The fact that it seems so many players have given up on trials that they have failed a handful of times angers me... I WANT to run these new trials as they have better rewards!
But because little Sally and Billy couldn't win in their first attempt with a giant unperpared pug by mindlyless pushing attack keys I have to wait around all day ignoring BAF and Lam seekers while i take 30+ minutes just to form a league for UG. -
Ten to one odds he's the true Justice Incarnate of City of heroes.
Merry Christmas to all my fellow heroes and Villians across the globe and stars! I give you the gift of the trans-Siberian Orchestra performing a few very impressive orchestral rock Christmas tunes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWBjl-jPcVM&ob=av2e -
Looks better then the first one. Now if only the fight scenes are longer and better all should be well with this film..well that and not having so many cheesey "points and say something" moments from Cage.
Recluse is Statesman's Darker Half. SImilar to the relationships between Lex Luther/Superman Or Batman/Joker. While those villains are always trying to kill the hero..in the few stories where it's shown they outlive them they are left in shambles to one extent or another. Even moreso when it is not them that gets to end the heroes life.
I'd expect news of Statesman's real death would affect Recluse in the same manner. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the loss of his Niece hasn't affected him to some degree. -
This movie is going to be as fun as the first, I would say I wish Seagal had signed on but with Chuck and Jean-Claude who needs him?
I see.. that still leaves me a little confused on why I was given a free global server slot this month when it isn't time for my new year of being a vet badge yet.
I'm a little confused about all this myself as last week I got my reward token for the months and..a global server slot instead of a transfer token. I still don't have my points for november however.
While I am not a fan of his mask in the film.. I have to agree with their move to change it from the comics since he's just wearing a seamless Luchador mask in the comicbook. God knows that would be very hard to pull off to the degree he doesn't look downright silly running around in a cheap wrestling mask.
He still looks silly of course, like a weird Zoidburg mouth silly..but I guess they thought it looked better then a spandex/cloth lucha mask. -
There are a few ways to explain this, one is.. It's comic books!
Also keep in mind that most modern versions of superman have his powers slowly starting to develop after puberty or at least slowly building to the point where he was mentally old enough to be able to control himself around others.
Then we also have to consider that at his core Superman is vastly different from humans in all aspects except his physical appearance and some biological requirments. He looks human, he acts human, but in reality even his thought processes are different then us..afterall There's no way a normal human brain would be able to keep up with all of the things he has and can do at the speeds and levels he does. Think of how fast the flash has to process information when he's using his speed, then add all of the other things a being like SUperman also has to keep control of when doing the same thing. -
Let's not forget that Shows like the Munsters,Addams Family, and even the honymooners weren't successful when they first aired as none of them made it passed a third season..They just filmed many more episodes a season back then (Munsters first season was over 30! and they only made it to two seasons)
So saying that, even if this re-reboot flops after a couple seasons it will last as long as the original. -
I'm looking forward to those Loyalty helmets..Those things look even better then what Recluse and Statesman have and should be a real boon to VEAT's and lore inspired Greeco-roman characters..or just supers that like the two big guys.
isn't this like.. the first NEW costume piece recipe added ever since they went live all those years ago? If you ask me that's a whole aspect of the Invention system they should have been fleshing out as much as the IO system itself has.. but it just kind of..sat there forgotten by everyone that didn't use Wings.