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  1. LIinfinity

    Virtue PvP Redux

    Hi Sentry,

    I was looking at your Dark/Poison Corruptor build - the 2nd one you posted. I see that your set bonuses for Range add up to 62.5%. This number is very impressive, but isn't there a cap on all ATs in regard to the amount that range can be enhanced?

    I'm pretty sure there is a cap, but don't recall the number.
  2. Hi Alpha-Six,

    This same question has been posed in previous threads, and the same conclusion is basically reached in each thread. That being: its real nice to have a permadom, but not necessary in order to have a great build.

    And if you give it some thought, this widely held conclusion makes sense.

    To achieve permadom status on a build, one needs to slot the powers within the build to facilitate all the +Recharge IOs and set bonuses. This gimping affects several elements of your powers - ACC, DAM, Range, etc. So to gain the high recharge rate on your Dom, your taking away in other areas of the build.

    The constant mez protection that is so sought after in permadoms - can now be achieved through the spamming of the Clarion power. This is a simple but effective way to plug a big hole in the AT.

    Now, I'm not saying you should have no +Recharge in your build. In fact, I personally thing +Recharge on a Dom is something to strive for. But, to go to extremes in your build just to have Domination constant is just plain unnecessary.

    On my Earth/Energy/Ice Dom I have a Recharge Time Bonus of 143.75 with Hasten going. I have found that this recharge rate coupled with a high Damage Bonus amount and the Cardiac Alpha to be very nice. Additionally, I am able to easily achieve permadom status in the game's high-end content with any +Recharge buff from a team member.
  3. Thanks for the replies.

    The Vanguard Medal & Power Boost stack with each other, while Domination affects another part of the Mez powers my Dom has. I understand this.
  4. Hello all.

    I have a question concerning the stacking of - or working together of - Domination, PB, and the Vanguard accolade powers.

    If one of these powers is activated, can another be activated as well and have the duration boosts stack? For example, if I activate the Vanguard accolade(+66.00% boost to Mez durations) and then immediately activate Domination(+50.00% boost to Mez durations) will the 2 powers work together to enhance the duration of Mez powers I use?

    And using the example above, would the total boost to Mez durations be 116% or 100%?

    Oh, and one more please, what is the '100.00 rage on self' I see described in the Domination description?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzor View Post
    My DM/Regen solo'd just about every AV in the game, and if memory serves, even a GM in PI back before ED (can't remember if I killed it, or just fought it to a 20-minute draw - was like 7 years ago).

    It's so much easier now (the AVs, that this, I haven't attempted a GM since I've been back).
    Speaking from the stance of a MM player, GMs can also be soloed. I routinely solo the GMs on the Red side for Prestige. I do this without the aid of Inspirations. But I do use Lore pets and my Veteran powers - the fight goes much faster.

    I think the next challenge for us is the AVs that spawn in RV. They spawn in sets of 3 after one faction takes down 5(?) pillboxes. I have come very close to to taking down 2 of the 3 a few times, but the damage output of the combined 3 AVs is massive. I do use everything I have in these fights - Insp, Accolades, Heavy, etc.
  6. I have the Support Core Embodiment. This is the tier 4 power on the left side of the Support tree.

    The passive boost applies a -9.08% Endurance Discount. This boost is always on with the actual MM.

    When I toggle on the Hybrid power, the actual MM has an Accuracy Bonus of +0.06x, Damage Bonus of 6.00%, Healing Bonus of 6.00%, and Ranged/Melee/AoE/S/L/F/C/E/NE/Psi Defense of 6.00%. These Bonuses are in line with set-bonuses I receive from IO sets.

    When looking at the henchmen, there is NO passive boost applied. However, when I toggle on the Hybrid power, the henchmen each receive Bonuses that are double the actual MMs. For example, when the Support Hybrid toggle is activated - my Ember Demon has his Ranged/Melee/AoE/S/L/F/C/E/NE/Psi Defense increased by 12.00%. This typed Defense is significant in PvE and stacks quite nicely with other typed Defense I have on the henchmen.

    The downside to all Hybrid powers is that they are toggle type powers. These toggles also have significant(2 mins) down time between their being available. I have heard of players disregarding the toggle affects of the Hybrid and instead focusing on the passive bonus that each Hybrid provides. This stance is taken with the forethought that the player will NOT constantly activate the toggle during game play.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    This one-word response from Mr. Joe-Cool ******* is referring to the Energy Aura powerset and its Tier 9. The power is much like Elude from Super Reflexes.

    The best advice I can give ya is to play on either the Freedom or Virtue servers. Go for a great 1vs1 build, due to these matches being the only active Arena play that I know of. And, spare no expense on your build. The competition will have not.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
    Mercenaries. We sure as hell don't have any at the moment.


    I also like Castegyre's idea of henchmen with Psi attacks. Something like the Carnies, which are something like clowns. Hmmm... or maybe Carnies are clowns... IDK.
  9. LIinfinity


    Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
    Perhaps the synergy I thought I saw was because I have not played a MM before, and was approaching the set as a herd-stalker type of set. Focusing more on strategic fighting than aggroing everything possible and trying to keep the kittens kicking...

    That being said, I'll think hard before I put this together...

    As an aside, does anyone play /Sonic?
    Hi Beelzy,

    I have no idea what a "herd-stalker" is, even after your explanation. That term is an oxymoron. Kind of like pairing Ninjas/ with /Sonic. Someone above mentioned that Ninjas requires an AoE heal to perform best. This is some great advice and also something that does not come with the /Sonic set.

    To answer your question above: Yes. I have a Bots/Sonic fully IO'ed and Incarnated. With all the brain power at work in this thread, no one has mentioned the main advantage to why a player would select the Sonic secondary. Perhaps with some more boo hooing we will all be enlightened!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Ninjas: High octane damage dealers made out of paper. Without the proper secondary there is barely a point in summoning the Genin, they fall over with a nudge. The Oni sucks at prioritizing. However, they do ludicrous amounts of damage if you can keep them alive. Good secondaries: Time, FF, Dark.
    I think this is a perfect way of describing Ninjas/. I personally would recommend /Thermal for this primary.
  11. LIinfinity

    MM PvP - Primary

    Originally Posted by Rex_Tempus View Post
    I have this vendetta against this Demon/Dark MM who is the self-proclaimed best MM on my server. I would like to try my luck against him with some of the other power sets. I do not wish to use demons/ or /dark. I am more concerned about the primary, which leads us to my question.

    Aside from Demons, which primary would be best in PvP?
    Rex, your getting a lot of good ideas thrown at ya.

    This Demon/Dark guy is no slouch, he knows that his Demons are best against other MMs within 40' so that they may use their various cone attacks. He also has some nasty debuffs and a heal to make sure his henchmen get in close and stay there. The way this guy plays his MM probably goes something like this: First, hit target with Howling Twilight(Stun, -Rech, Slow, etc). Second, apply Darkest Night(-ToHit and -DMG) toggle. Third, lay down Tar Patch(-Res, -Speed, -Jump, etc). The thing that makes these debuffs so nasty is that they are all AoE! Perfect for combating MMs.

    I agree with you about having an AoE heal though. There is no substitute. For this reason alone I would shy away from /TA.

    I see a lot of good suggestions on how to utilize a MM's Primary & Secondary powers, but nothing is being said of the equally important Incarnate Powers. This is something that will make or break you in PvP.

    If I was slotting to combat this /Dark, I would take a hard look at the Destiny: Ageless Radial Epiphany: +Endurance, +Recharge, +Debuff Resistance for 120 sec. I would also look at the Judgement: Ion Radial Final Judgement: Chain Ranged AoE(80' range), Extreme DMG(Energy type: 428); Foe -End(-10), -Rec(-100% for 10 sec), Chance for Hold(25% chance/Mag 4/4.00 sec duration).

    If you really want to get carried away with the Incarnate powers, you could even equip Preemptive - Core Flawless Interface: 75% chance for Endurance drain with -Rec, and 25% chance for moderate Energy DoT. You see, /Dark is heavy on the end usage.
  12. Hi raspberry,

    Its been 2 years since I played my Fiery/Regen Scrapper in RV. I still remember the strengths & weaknesses of the build. I, myself, choose to go with Fiery/Regen/Blaze Mastery.

    The build you listed above is awful. The build is at the point were I couldn't even point out a few things and say, "maybe this would work better". Your so far from what would be a good solid Scrapper build, its like your playing another game. Maybe I'm being too harsh here, but you skipped over your absolute best attack! Its Good Friday, so I'll stop with this critique, but damn man, wtf and then some.

    I suggest you read a good guide on Scrappers in PvP, and take it from there. And for the love of God, take Greater Fire Sword.
  13. Quote:
    Especially considering the procs I have slotted. I've tried researching most of them but for some I just couldn't find any info on wether they would work or not.

    Hi Thoran,

    I also have a Demon/Time MM that I am finishing up. I have a build put together but have not tested it out, so I will refrain from posting it here.

    I went the route of Intuition - Rad Para, for my Alpha slot. So this meant that I really needed to clamp down on the End usage in my build because the Alpha slot wasn't gonna help. For my other MMs I choose Cardiac, and saved myself the headache of worrying about the blue bar.
  14. Quote:
    Although I do have a /Sonic Corruptor with Liquify, I'm never really certain what the best slotting for it is. Due to its glacial recharge speed I tend to save it for emergencies.
    Hi Bill, I copied & pasted these details from in-game. When you see '------>', that is me adding a comment.

    Liquefy as used by a level 50 Mastermind:

    Average Damage:21.13
    Damage Per Activation Time:7.91
    Damage Per Cast Cycle:0.14 (0.07)------>When you see 2 numbers like this, ignore the 1st number. That is my build's number being reflected after accounting for enhancements, Alpha Slot, ect.
    Activation Time:2.67s
    Recharge Time:2m 31s (5m 0s)
    Endurance Cost:17.59 (23.40)
    Accuracy:1.60X (1.00X)
    Available Level:38
    Power Type:Click
    Target Type:Location
    Power Range:72.00 ft. (60.00 ft.)
    Effect Area:Location

    3.00% chance for 0.67 magnitude knockback on target------>This is incorrect. Its more like 70% chance...
    -31.63% (-25.00%) defense for 30.50s on target
    -25.00% to hit for 30.50s on target
    -20.00% strength to recharge for 30.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
    -50000.00% jump height for 30.50s on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
    10.00 fly protection for 30.50s(30.50s) on target Ignores buffs and enhancements------>This is how the game shows -Fly.
    2.00 magnitude hold for 8.80s(4.47s) on target
    10.57 smashing damage on target
    10.57 energy damage on target
    10.00 fly protection for 3.50s(3.50s) on target Ignores buffs and enhancements
  15. Quote:
    So any problems/things you would change? I'm trying to keep good survivability for trials and soloing, and lots of regen debuffs so I can try soloing AVs etc.
    Happy Holidays Trilby,

    First of all, I give you props for placing your Alpha slot choice in your build. That is very wise of you - more than you think.

    I have nothing material to add that Psylenz hasn't already covered. I like to emphasize your lack of +Rec, it seems you totally forgot to address this important aspect of your build. And if you think the +Rec in Chrono Shift will compensate for the build's lack of +Rec, you are incorrect. A little tip when it comes to boosting your build's Recovery: place Numina's Convalescence & Miracle in the power Health.

    One more thing, the way to slot Hasten these days is with only 2 level 50 IOs. Then take Enhancement Boosters and +5 both slots. That is all ya need.
  16. I bet you played the entire TF in 'aggressive' mode.

    Its so nice being on 8-man teams were each member can buff, debuff, do damage, and even Tank. Its easy mode.
  17. Another thing I like to add. If you have a significant amount of +Rech in your build... would there be a need for the Leadership Pool?

    WoP provides comparable +ToHit & +DMG to Tactics & Assault, but without the need to carry 2 toggles. The lack of 2 toggles would save a significant amount of End, thus opening the build to Alpha choices other than Cardiac.

    Very interesting.

    I'd like to take back what I said about Spiritual's 45% Rech boost being overkill.
  18. Hi Oracle,

    I think you I actually chatted in game about this build. You were on a Stalker and I on a MM. We were in the Atlas AE getting PL'ed together.

    I took a quick look in Mids' at the /Pain secondary. I can see the desire to pick up Spiritual as your Alpha slot choice. Pain's buffs are very nice, but seem to be a little long on the time it takes for them to recharge. The question that arises with Spiritual is: Can my End keep up? Off the top of my head I'm thinking an Alpha +Rech of 33% would do nicely, the 45% would be overkill IMO. Take a hard look at Spiritual: Radial Paragon.

    I agree with you on the importance of World of Pain(WoP). That is a key buff in your secondary. Please don't overlook your 1 debuff - Anguishing Cry.

    I know a bunch about Thugs, but little about /Pain. So instead of going on about things I know nothing about, please click the link in my signature about general Mastermind PvP.
  19. Hi Ukaserex,

    FYI. I sold my Glad - 3% Def recipe today for 2.1 Bill.

    I was concerned what impact the future Enhancement Converter function will have on the value of it, so I unloaded it for a cheaper price. I know the demand is still there for this recipe though, the bids are over 2,100, and its selling consistently at 2 Bill on the Market.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
    Personally I'm split between taking Core or Radial Spiritual for my Bots/Traps, I've got all the components just can't decide which to pick...
    I know, its tempting, isn't it?

    Every MM can use more +Rech, no debating that point. Only problem here is... your henchmen - the guys that do the actual damage for you - can't use any of that +Rech. The Alpha slot enhances the powers of your henchmen, as well as the actual MM. And henchmen, are not affected by +Rech or -Rech powers.

    The best advice I can give is this: In game, go to each of the henchmen powers and the 2 upgrade powers. Click on the 'Show Detailed Info Here' part of these powers and study what the henchmen use to kick ***. This process will give you a clearer picture as to what Alpha boosts will be best utilized by your henchmen.

    Now couple the henchmens' needs with the actual MMs(you'll know this part already), and your choices of what Alpha slot to take will dwindle down to a select few.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Achilles6 View Post
    So my Necro/Dark is 1 shard short of crafting for my first Alpha slot...what's the word on Alphas for MM's? I have a good bead on my melee toons. Not so much for a MM. Any advice? What seems to work best??
    Agility - Core Paragon: Increases Endurance Modification powers by 45%, Recharge rate by 33%, and Defense Buffs by 20%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Endurance Modification, Recharge, and Movement Speed by 33%, and Defense Buffs by 20%
    Cardiac - Core Paragon: Reduces Endurance cost by 45%, increases Range and DMG Resistance by 20%
    Radial Paragon: Reduces Endurance cost of powers by 33%, increases Range and DMG Resistance effects by 20%, Fear, Sleep, and Intangibility duration by 33%

    Intuition - Core Paragon: Increases Hold duration by 45%, Defense Debuff by 33%, and Range by 20%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Hold duration, Damage, Slow Movement, and Defense Debuff by 33%, ToHit Debuff and Range by 20%

    Musculature - Core Paragon: Increases Damage by 45%, Immobilization duration and Defense Debuff by 33%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Damage, Immobilization duration, Defense Debuff, Endurance Modification, and Run Speed effects by 33%, and ToHit Debuffs by 20%
    Nerve - Core Paragon: Increases Accuracy by 45%, Hold duration by 33%, and Defense Buffs by 20%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Accuracy, Hold duration, Taunt effects, Confuse duration, and Fly Speed by 33%, and Defense Buffs by 20%
    Resilient - Core Paragon: Increases Damage Resistance by 27%, Taunt and Immobilize Durations by 33%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Damage Resistance and ToHit effects by 20%, Taunt, Immobilize, Intangible, and Stun Durations by 33%
    Spiritual - Core Paragon: Increases Recharge by 45%, Stun duration and Healing by 33%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Recharge, Healing, Stun duration, Slow Movement, and Jump effects by 33%, and ToHit Buff by 20%
    Vigor - Core Paragon: Increases Healing by 45%, Accuracy and Endurance Reduction by 33%
    Radial Paragon: Increases Healing, Accuracy, Endurance Reduction, and Confuse, Sleep, Fear Durations by 33%
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by evertheskeptic View Post
    Right now I've got 5 of the Blood Mandate set slotted, and I was debating what to put in the 6th slot open. I was thinking of
    -the final Blood Mandate (Accuracy)
    -Defense IO
    -Enzyme HO

    Which would be best? I'm /Traps, if that matters. BTW I've also got the def and res uniques in Assault Bot
    Hi ever...,

    I just did the build for my Bots/ MM and I went with a Sovereign Right: Res Bonus(10%) in Protector Bots. I placed the Edict of the Master: Def Bonus(5%) in the Battle Drones. And for my *** Bot I used an Explosive Strike: Chance for... as my 6th slot choice.

    I know its popular to slot Def into the Protector Bots, but my build caters more to the Resistance of Bots, not the Def. Your build however would benefit the most from more Def in anything. Also, I don't think you can use HOs in Bots/ anymore.

    Looking at your question again, your really asking: Do I go for the Def bonuses from a 6-slotted Blood Mandate set, or do I go with a Def Training IO that boosts the Protectors' sheilds? I did the math on this and your better off going with a Def Training IO. This of course is looking purely at the +Def in your build and not considering other important factors.
  23. Hello Vauluur,

    4) The Disruption Field debuff needs a henchman or ally to work. The debuff toggle sucks an amazing amount of end(.50/sec base) and its AoE range once applied to the henchmen is only 15'. The amount of -Res it does to a mob is good, but nothing great.

    Instead of focusing on this debuff, channel your attention to the 2 good debuffs in the secondary. These being: Sonic Siphon & Liquefy. Siphon is a single-target debuff that does -22.5% Res to a target for 30 sec. This element cannot be enhanced, but the Rech, Range, and ACC can be. Liquefy is a power you have to wait till level 38 to pick up, but is the strongest debuff in the set.
    Liquefy's Detailed Info in PvE: debuffs Def & ToHit by 25% for a 31 sec duration.
    -20% Rech for 31 sec duration
    3% chance for 0.67 Mag KB(I believe this to be actually 70% through observation, also the description of the power states, "Most foes that pass through the location will fall down." Additionally, the location AoE does knockdown, not KB)
    -Jump for 31 sec duration
    Mag 2 Hold for 4.2 sec.
    10 Smashing DMG
    10 Energy DMG
    And something about 10.00 fly protection on target for 31 sec that I don't understand.
    At L40, I have mine slotted with 3 Rech SOs & 3 Hold SOs(95% for both). The recharge has decreased from a base of 5 mins to ~2.5 mins. The Hold duration has increased to over 8 sec. I'm still playing around with Liquefy, so I do not know the best way to slot it yet, though +Rech is a definite.

    I have not tested the power Sonic Repulsion with its Foe KB, nor do I intend to.

    5) Like SinisterDirge said, your taking a Ranged Primary and coupling it with a secondary that caters to Melee henchmen. Don't feel bad though, I did this myself and plan on taking several powers from my Patron Pool.
  24. Hi Donna,

    The place to get advice on anything related to MMs is over in the Masterminds section of the forums. The folks over there will give you the time of day & are very knowledgeable about all things MM.

    From what I read you have the right ideas on what to have in PvP. Sounds like you just need to tie everything together.

    Traps on a MM in zone PvP is not the awesome orgy it is in PVE. The set-up time & Immobility that comes with the Traps secondary is difficult to compensate for in zone. Especially in an active zone. You need a secondary that allows you to roll with the battle while keeping you alive.

    Enough said here, see ya over in the Archetypes & Powers--->Masterminds section.