MM PvP - Primary
Well i can tell you that i would absolutely hate having to face a bots/TA on any of my MMs. Glue arrow + OSA + EMP + ... and then the stupid assbot doing his inferno rocket thing, that would be nice ... not. Demons are not as tough vs fire as one might think(especially after eating a acid and disruption arrow), especially with /dark since more than half of them have their strong resists to toxic or cold. They also lack any kind of slow resist, meaning they are going to get baked by the sequence above while doing their best slomo running impression.
TA in general has a truckload of awesome ... well tricks. Bots i just picked for the AoE concentration in the tier 3 pet and their fully ranged nature.
Either Bots/Traps or Bots/TA would likely be an excellent choice. Thugs could work very nicely too, for more of a blitz effect (more damage but less survivable).

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Thank you both for your responses.
Well for starters, one of the things I dislike about a bot/ta is the lack of survivability, atleast in pvp. The MMs playstyle tends to be in your face, and without an effective self heal, I'm not sure if it would take the punishment. I have read up on the primaries, and most agree that bots are one of the PvE. The input is greatly appreciated.
Your primary line of defense is BG mode from your pets, if you take enough damage through that to require a heal your pets are about to die anyway and no amount of selfheal is going to keep a MM up without his pets BG mode.
The dark heal is a bit of an exception here because it is a AoE heal stronger than pretty much any self heal. That being said, i doubt you will be able to reliably kill a demon/dark MM with a cookie cutter thugs/traps setup or something like that. Immobilizing a MM together with his pets in a burn patch atop of a burning oil slick while stunned however sounds like a good idea. Grant invisibility will be your friend to arrange that.
Maybe the flash arrow will even prevent him from targeting you if you keep your distance, which would be pretty bad considering he needs a target for his heal.
I replied to this earlier today, but my phone glitched and the entire post was deleted, but I will try to repeat what I said.
Well, I personally believe without a reliable self heal, I would not be able to stand up to a demon/dark. The bot/TA may bring a lot of carnage to him, but I can't necessarily sustain the carnage long enough for him to die. His heal is overpowered, and as a bot/ta, aidself would be relatively useless against someone with a lot of DoT from his pets and Darkest Night, and his dark servant also has a -tohitt aura. His playstyle deems him to be 'in your face' all the time, and he does have the build capable to do so. I actually made his build, and I know for a fact that he has very high accuracy(.90 from sets, and tactics), though he did edit it and pick up TP foe.
Slowing him would be good, but he could simply walk out of it, or just heal through it. The thing is, he would be able to get me into the thick of it with how he plays, and I would have no self heal that would rise to meet the challenge, unless I took Rebirth. But even then, he relies heavily on -recharge from his Demon Prince, and it works quite well.
Your suggested tactic is worthy, but I believe it would be ineffective versus this particular person. I know this guy, and if I didn't have a line of defense from my secondary outside of the 'circle of pain' TA would give me, I believe I would stand little to no chance.
But hey, maybe I'm wrong. I want input, and I greatly appreciate your thoughts and ideas. I'm just walking around the idea and looking at all the possibilities.. analyze, then bring the pain. Lol.
I undoubtly left out some of my other points, but that's alright, it's been a long day. Honestly, I've always wanted a robo MM, and I've always liked TA, so maybe I'll make one of those just for fun.
Thanks again!
Okay here is the deal if its a straight and "Fair fight" meaning you just meet up and slug it out with no temp powers but inspirations are okay then Thug Time might be good.
The good thing about Time is it has that AOE bubble chance to hold. So if you hold his pets they don't fight. If you hold him he can't command his pets. Time has several other holds as well. Range cap and Farsight will cap you out for Melee and AOE. Time also has some heals.
I am thinking Thugs because like Demon it has the extra pet which you can slot those Pet Procs into.
If it is a standard PvP zone fight where anything goes. Then I would say Teleport foe with Oppressive gloom as well. This way if you can TP him into your bubble if the pets come with him they might be held or stunned from OG and then just spam holds on him until he runs out of BF or uses up his phase powers. Again assuming he just does not run off to recharge his powers if things go bad. Because then you will never get a chance if he is just gonna wait out his phase recharge and replenish his BFs.
TP self is also a good get away power as well.
If you can add in Burn out and get double Gang war ( don't know if this has been changed as well ) that might be great also.
The other thing is Robot Storm. Again I don't know what hurricane does now in PvP. I know it used to be big. But I don't know what exactly is suppressed in PvP with hurricane now. I know something is though.
But TPing in with storm and knocking his pets all over the place on top of tagging them with a hit debuff is good. Again Snow storm on his T3 to slow him and any pets near him up. Again putting Snow Storm on him might cause him to Phase shift to drop the snow storm, but putting it on his big demon will make him decide to dismiss his pet and resummon. One less pet is big. Thunder clap to stun his pets.. Tornado knocking pets all over. Again its disrupting his pets. Sometimes you hit them just right and they just don't get back up.
If your just looking to fight him even Force Field with Detention field on his main pet is helpful. Since there not much his pet can do to get out. It gives you 30 seconds of no T3 pet. Again using force bubble to knock his pets all over the place.
Again.. TP his T3 and hit detention field on it. Its out for 30 seconds now. Then go after him TPing in and having Force bubble just knock everyone around. As long as your on auto follow just keep slugging away at him. His pets will eventually get scattered from the bubble. His T3 will end up having to run to get into the fight once out of detention. I think you will cause enough scatter that it will hurt his bodyguard mode. Use repulsion bomb on his other pets. Just to scatter them even more. Things he cannot control with Dark.
TP also will get you out of Tar Patch and break Darkest Night once you TP out of range. So if you see Darkest Night on you TP away and then back in. Just detention his T3 when you can if he comes back.
Again if your going MM against MM you need to mess up his pets. Pet AI sucks. They TP sometimes and then run a mile for some strange reason. So TP him, TP yourself. If his pets are running it means they are not fighting. Demons are a mix of range and melee.
Time is good just because of the holds and slows and debuffs. You can hold some of his pets and then TP him away out of supremacy mode.
Mu Mastery also has an aoe hold.
End result you need to screw up his pets, not kill them just find ways to keep them separated.
Make sure you use the number key pad for commanding pets as well.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
Just a heads up regarding TA, you can't just walk out of a glue arrow. Unlike a tarpatch the glue arrows effect sticks(pardon the pun) to the target. Also you can get it perma easily. I just have a hard time seeing him being able to get "in your face" with a permanent -180% run speed while being unable to fly or jump and having to face a immob power ontop.
Also a word about the damage, glue arrow debuffs recharge and poison arrow reduces damage. OSA will make his pets try to flee, which they can't due to absurd -run speed levels of combined OSA and glue arrow. The trick is they are not immobilized, they can still move, just very slow. So thats what they will try to do, instead of ... oh attacking you.
Also you have mag 3 hold(that does nasty things to his and his pets endurance btw) with 35 feet radius and your oilslick will put him(maybe) and his pets(very likely) on their face regularly. You also have a single target hold that stacks with your AoE one for mag 6.
And i seriously have trouble seeing him being able to heal through an burning OSA + the Assbots inc swarm missiles while having completely debuffed resistances. I mean he only has -tohit to protect him and his (at debuffed resistances) squishy pets, and even that will mean squat against OSA and inc missiles since they count as untargetable pets that spawn right under him. And whats stopping you from moving out of range with your pets and watch him burn from outside his heal range? Whats he gonna do, yell at you? He will have no heals, no resistances, no defenses while being almost unable to move and standing in a burning knockdown AoE with -90% perception range.
Anything that can counter that can counter anything any MM can do.
But really, Glue Arrow is 90% of the set in PvP imho. Its just sooo awesome, especially with the borderline exploit level effect burn patches have on our silly pet AI.
Edit: There is no reliable selfheal outside /dark. /Thermal and even /pain is a joke asfar as selfheals are concerned compared to the beastly twilight grasp even without considering him getting it 2x due to his dark servant. You will loose every time if you let it get down to his heals vs your heals. You need to hit him hard and fast, stop him moving around as he pleases and as plainguy mentioned mess up his pets AI as much as possible. Look at it this way, you might not be able to heal yourself, but he and his pets will not be able to get in your face. If he and his pets can still "tank" the damage your dealing out despite all your debuffs and controls ... any other combination will neither increase your damage nor make his healing less effective. Thus if his heal is the problem you still will be unable to kill him with any other combination.
The thing is, at heavily debuffed resistances his pets should die as fast as a ninjas genins, in other words almost instantly. If you are that worried about the damage you will receive take one of the armor powers of the ancillary pool powers, that will do you more good than any of the poor selfheals the other sets have access to.
Also to put things into perspective, Twilight Grasp is 4 times as strong as thermal group heal and between him and his pet he has two of them. Why would you even waste your time trying to use THAT? Times Temporal Mending is even worse and its regen buff gets handily slaughtered by twilight grasps -regen.
Any primary with /ForceFields or /Storm will do for PvP.
/FF: Pets and Player have mex proctection and are hard to hit.
/Storm: Pets on their backs cant fight back
Are we mostly talking about MM VS MM?
I am not an expert but one time I took my Ninja/FF to warburg. I saw a lonely Robot/whatever. I sent my Ninja in and caltrops and rain of fire really messed up Robot's AI. I am sure he was in BG mode but the pets' AI was really messed up for a while.
Not saying Ninja rules in PvP but I just want to bring up what I've seen from Ninja. Of course if the pets spread out, the caltrops/rain of fire effect will vary.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I actually tried what you said with my TA Arch defender against a MM in PvP. Unfortunately my PvE build I guess did not have enough range that it forced me to get in close that the MM could TP into the mix. He could of course TP out. So though he was still slowed OSA was no issue or not big enough. Like anything the first few attacks when zoning work out but then players become obvious of the tactics.
Going off topic though I will say my Earth rad troller was hated and killed quickly because of the spamming holds.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I have this vendetta against this Demon/Dark MM who is the self-proclaimed best MM on my server. I would like to try my luck against him with some of the other power sets. I do not wish to use demons/ or /dark. I am more concerned about the primary, which leads us to my question.
Aside from Demons, which primary would be best in PvP? |
This Demon/Dark guy is no slouch, he knows that his Demons are best against other MMs within 40' so that they may use their various cone attacks. He also has some nasty debuffs and a heal to make sure his henchmen get in close and stay there. The way this guy plays his MM probably goes something like this: First, hit target with Howling Twilight(Stun, -Rech, Slow, etc). Second, apply Darkest Night(-ToHit and -DMG) toggle. Third, lay down Tar Patch(-Res, -Speed, -Jump, etc). The thing that makes these debuffs so nasty is that they are all AoE! Perfect for combating MMs.
I agree with you about having an AoE heal though. There is no substitute. For this reason alone I would shy away from /TA.
I see a lot of good suggestions on how to utilize a MM's Primary & Secondary powers, but nothing is being said of the equally important Incarnate Powers. This is something that will make or break you in PvP.
If I was slotting to combat this /Dark, I would take a hard look at the Destiny: Ageless Radial Epiphany: +Endurance, +Recharge, +Debuff Resistance for 120 sec. I would also look at the Judgement: Ion Radial Final Judgement: Chain Ranged AoE(80' range), Extreme DMG(Energy type: 428); Foe -End(-10), -Rec(-100% for 10 sec), Chance for Hold(25% chance/Mag 4/4.00 sec duration).
If you really want to get carried away with the Incarnate powers, you could even equip Preemptive - Core Flawless Interface: 75% chance for Endurance drain with -Rec, and 25% chance for moderate Energy DoT. You see, /Dark is heavy on the end usage.
When did /Poison stop being the king of PvP?
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
seems like poision would be good.
I was working on pvp MM and it seems like Chill Mastery is the obvious choice for Hoarfrost and Hibernate. any thoughts? Altho I was thinking this for a 8v8 MM. Maybe a resist sheild would be better for duels..
perma jump is ---> /up 1
Hmm another idea is storm as someone mentioned. I would guess the guy has KB protection IOs, well his pets for sure won't. Between gale and hurricane you should be able to get his pets flying and staying quite a bit outside of his heals range.
Snowstorm, FR, Hurricane, Tornado and your pets stuff would be your damage mitigation which would actually be way stronger than what he gets.
As pets i would go with necros for a couple reasons:
1. They can't be slowed so his tarpatch won't hinder them.
2. They are resistant against terrorize effects and have a mag 4 protection against it ontop, pretty much invalidating his fearsome stare.
3. With Soul extraction and tornado you actually have two pet aura carriers.
4. They have natural resists against toxic and cold, while your steamy mists covers fire and cold aswell. With auras your pets will have up to 70% resists against cold, which is quite a bit of his damage(his tier 3 pets to be specific).
5. You lich has an cone immobilize without KB protection ... think about that in the context of Twilight grasps mechanics in a KB heavy set like storm. Sure he will heal ... but only himself.
The idea would be to keep between him and his pets with hurricane on, using gale as interrupt on his heals or teleport while letting your pets go to town. Between Soulextraction, Tornado and LS you will have more pets than him and your debuffs will probably floor his pets tohit chance, not to mention KB is THE most annoying thing to a /dark char imho. I can't count how many times my pets have run out of TG healing range in the activation time ...
Besides there is the interesting question of just how far stuff(like people) will fly if you put three KB distance IOs in gale ... (Mag 22 KB ... WoW)
I mean being unable to heal you or your pets would be a moot point if he can't heal his pets either, true?
I've tried to respond the past few days but between my phone and m connection, I haven't been having much luck.
Anyway, it's somewhat of a tough choice. The storm I had already thought of, the lack of heal bothered me thougb..but if i went mace mastery andp icked up the shield and power boost, it seems like storm would be pretty good. My concern would be the endurance. It does seem like a very end heavy secondary, and the heal is worse than the poison one. However, with PB on, Mids says Hurricane will give off an impressive -50 tohitt by itself, and paired with a nice amount of defense(steamy mist, scorpion shield, maneuvers, weave, steadfast and glad armor procs) i think it could easily stand up tp an MM with no -def, and his heal would be useless. More can be said, but I'm somewhat busy.
Poison was considered, but i eliminated it due to the lack of a major survival tool.
Necro seems weak in damage from what I'be read though, but i have considered it as well.. Life drain is very nice.
I have to say.. /Storm looks like a very good set against other MMs. Tornado, Hurrican and Thunder Storm alone can really mess up Pet's AI.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Indeed. I'm very curious about Necromancy damage though. From what I've read, it's questionable. Grave Knights don't seem like good t2 pets either. :/
Grave Knights are amazing T2s, they just don't have AoE or support. From what I can tell, Necromancy's considerable ST DPS Hinges on them.
The two big issues are, the DoT delivery and the fact they are melee. I've dropped players of just about every AT, but as a MM with melee pets you'll be at a disadvantage.
Vs other MMs, I've taken down Demons, Mercs, and other Necros so how you play it is important.
Murphys Military Law
#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Indeed. I'm very curious about Necromancy damage though. From what I've read, it's questionable. Grave Knights don't seem like good t2 pets either. :/
Now, zombies on the other hand, may have a lot of trouble chasing. I believe they are the only pets that jump and "squad" and suffer minor delay. Other pets just jump and run. lol
I used to pvp with my very old Necro/Trap in siren calls. I've had some good success against some toons. I just can't handle tp foe trick. lol Between FFG defense and all the tohit debuff, Necro/Trap was quite fun. I chose /trap for Necro 'cause I really needed web to ground jumpers/flyers. Oh and poison trap used to work much better in pvp. I think they have nerfed it bad?
In terms of PvE, Grave Knights have the highest potential to do the most ST damage. It all depends on how often they use Headsplitter, Hack and Disem. I've done tests on GK VS Jounins. GK can out-damage Jounins.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
The absolute worst DPS T2 pet is Spec-Ops. They have similar dps as Soldiers with the first upgrade... T_T
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
I have this vendetta against this Demon/Dark MM who is the self-proclaimed best MM on my server. I would like to try my luck against him with some of the other power sets. I do not wish to use demons/ or /dark. I am more concerned about the primary, which leads us to my question.
Aside from Demons, which primary would be best in PvP?