Can a melee build really solo an AV? Really?




I'm serious. Saw the end of a conversation in game and I had to know if it was true.

I mean everyone knows an Ill/rad can, but a melee? Really?

I took Gravity for Wormhole and Propel.
Nothing says Lovin' like hitting 'em with an oven. -AddamsFamily



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
I'm serious. Saw the end of a conversation in game and I had to know if it was true.

I mean everyone knows an Ill/rad can, but a melee? Really?
Yes, in fact I'd say it's quite common and ordinary now with Incarnates.

Just find an AV that isn't strong to your damage type and don't be a Tanker.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Yes, in fact I'd say it's quite common and ordinary now with Incarnates.

Just find an AV that isn't strong to your damage type and don't be a Tanker.

I actually posted about taking down an AV with my WP/SS Tanker (now a Brute) back before Incarnate abilities. was Chimera...but it was an AV nonetheless. I would assume that incarnate abilities would only make that task easier for Tankers now.



It's definitely possible. People have been doing it for some time.

Back in the days before Inventions, there was at least one person who posted about doing it with, I think, a Claws Scrapper of some kind. Claws/Regen, I think, which would then put it before ED.

I can't remember if anyone did it between (when we got ED) and I9, when we got inventions. Once Inventions really got rolling, though, it became increasingly common to see posts about it. (Note that doesn't mean it's common overall, as the forum population is small compared to the player base, and probably a bit more likely to have the know-how and motivation to try such things.)

Today it's probably better to ask what difficulty people do it on, as they might not be doing it at +0.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I would assume that incarnate abilities would only make that task easier for Tankers now.
Especially since Cimeroran or Warworks Lore pets probably put out more damage than the Tanker themselves.




A while ago someone made a thread about them soloing the ITF (which has several AV's) with a fire/SS tanker. And that was before incarnates, I think.

So yes, it's definitely possible even with a tanker. Easier with a brute or scrapper though.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Especially since Cimeroran or Warworks Lore pets probably put out more damage than the Tanker themselves.
Left under conditions where they won't die or be heavily interrupted for their duration, Cimerorans can put out more sustained DPS than probably the vast majority of characters in existence in the game. (Taken individually, of course.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



There was a time when only the highest-end melee builds, in the hands of the most skilled players, could manage to solo even the easiest AVs. That time is long past now. You basically need 3 things to defeat an AV:

1) DPS higher than the AV's regen. AVs regenerate ~100 hp/sec, so you need >100 DPS. With Interface and etc etc, almost any melee build can break 200 DPS without much effort, and some can get MUCH higher, so even AVs with high resistance are not out of reach. If you use Lore pets, this part becomes laughably easy; most Lore pets can outdamage AV regen by themselves.
2) The ability to survive. AV fights are long (although not so long as they once were), so you can't just count on defense, some hits WILL get through. You need to be able to reliably survive an AVs attention for minutes at a time.
3) Endurance. AV fights are, again, long, so you need to be able to fight for a long time without breaks.

Note that "damage, survival, endurance" are the same three things ANY decent melee build will include, and with Incarnate powers, they'll usually have them in spades. Soloing an AV with almost any good melee build isn't even particularly challenging.



I can't think of any of my builds right off that can't solo a +0 AV.

Depending on difficulty, you need anything from 100dps(+0 and it's gonna take an hour) to 475dps(54+3 in less than 5 minutes). More reasonable expectations would be 120 dps to 180dps. I am not currently aware of any melee builds capable of 475, but there are a multitude of builds in between. I'd expect the current top end with assault hybrid to be between 360 and 400.

Pre-lore* :

See Also:

*You could add 40 to 80 dps to any of the pre-lore older numbers to extrapolate approximate current non-lore performance.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Especially since Cimeroran or Warworks Lore pets probably put out more damage than the Tanker themselves.

As noted before, this is not exclusive to the Tanker AT. I understand your stigma toward Tankers not being "Superman" levels of overpowered, but at least be fair in noting Cimmys pretty much out damage nearly every AT in the game, straight up.



Cimmies were in the 360 to 400 dps range depending on Alpha. 400 dps is gonna be hard to beat for all but the most elite builds. Some of the new stalkers, or the most elite DM/SD or FM/SD might manage that.



Yes, it's not that hard these days...

I have a Peacebringer that can solo AVs and Rikti Pylons without much of a problem. Have taken a couple AVs down without using Lore Pets at all. Others I could have. Was ticking away at their Health just fine before finally just using the Lore Pets to speed it once I knew I could do it (pretty once half their health is gone)

I'll grant these AVs were set to +0, but still, PBs soloing AVs of any shift was laughable not that long ago. I believe she could take some down at +2 (maybe higher) - I'll experiment someday and see...

In any case, if PBs can do, it's a no-Brainer Meleers can.



Claws/sr scrapper here. Back before Inventions, I had soloe'd Neuron, Antimatter, Shadow Hunter, and a cpl others.

At one point my Dm/Wp brute was soloing the redside AV's/Heroes that are in the 20s. Of course, this was post inventions, but still.



I solo'd all the AV's in the Maria Jenkins arc with an INV/SS Tank before Incarnate powers. So yes, it's perfectly possible for melee characters to do it.



Plus, in most cases, the melee toons who do solo aVs do it with no temps, or insps.

I think it was Shred Monkey that soloed an AV while surrounded by other AVs. No temps or insps.



It takes some know-how, but Hopeling pretty much nailed it on the head. It used to be much harder, but it's gotten more doable for everyone with the advent of Incarnate powers and all that.

Recently, I've been on a kick of solo attempts on my Katana/Super Reflexes scrapper, Pathrunner. I managed to solo the entire ITF, but couldn't get past Dr. Aeon on the STF. Still, there's like 10 AVs on the way to Aeon, so yeah - is it possible? Yes.

Frequent boards reader, once-in-a-blue moon poster.



Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
I solo'd all the AV's in the Maria Jenkins arc with an INV/SS Tank before Incarnate powers. So yes, it's perfectly possible for melee characters to do it.
Johnny Butane says no though :x



I've been soling AVs with my Kin/Elec armor stalker since before I-trial content. First AV I ever soloed was Numina in the Ghost Widow arc at 41, even conning. It was hard as heck and I failed several times, but I pulled it off.

Now with Super Inspirations, Ultimates, ATOs, Incarnate powers, and the recent stalker changes my Kin/Elec stalker plows through AVs like they're EBs. I've also been able to solo an AV with pretty much every toon I have now, so it isn't that big of a deal to solo an AV anymore.

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide



I have plans for a melee toon to solo GM's without using pets, temps, or insps. Will take awhile though. I'm broke from kitting out my last melee toon.



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
I'm serious. Saw the end of a conversation in game and I had to know if it was true.

I mean everyone knows an Ill/rad can, but a melee? Really?

It's actually pretty common nowadays.

Any melee AT can do it, regardless of what Johnny thinks.

I have a build planned for my WP/DM Tanker that might be able to solo one while I'm AFK. Yes, I'm serious. I'm going to try it when he's at level 50 and moderately Incarnated. I'll post results

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Interesting, Claws. So you must have five hecatomb including the proc in shadow punch, as well as total radial reactive, but what of the sixth slot? Tanker AT proc or damage proc of some sort?



Right off the top of my head I can't think of any build that couldn't solo an even level AV without Lore pets. With a good build pretty much any build should be capable of soloing one without insps, temps or incarnate powers. When AV soloing was still hot stuff I used to run a FM/SR Scrapper with a very moderately priced build (around 150mil) who could solo most AVs under the no insps/temps rule before we had access to incarnate stuff.

As an aside, Ill/Rad is one of the big old names for AV/GM hunting, but it is not as powerful as some other high-end builds are at that.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
I'm serious. Saw the end of a conversation in game and I had to know if it was true.

I mean everyone knows an Ill/rad can, but a melee? Really?
Roll a DM/SR scrapper a with standard set IO's and no incarnate powers and you will see it is not that hard.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Easily_Noobed View Post
I'm serious. Saw the end of a conversation in game and I had to know if it was true.

I mean everyone knows an Ill/rad can, but a melee? Really?
From a similar thread in the scrapper forums back in December [ ]

Originally Posted by Werner View Post
The first video in my signature is of my Katana/Dark Scrapper, Alexei, soloing 11 Praetorian AVs in a row with no temporary powers, no inspirations, and no deaths. They're sort of low to mid range AVs as far as difficulty goes, though. I'd have much less success against many AVs. This was in I17. Most of the other AV soloing videos in the link are much earlier, I12 and I13. It should be easier now, particularly with the alpha slot and inherent Fitness.
Said videos/signature is in the above link. I can't remember, but didn't Werner solo something like all but one AV long, long ago? I'm thinking "Sergei" and "katana/regen" but I'm really not sure of the details....

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04