346 -
Your 6,000 small column lights of doom system? How are you supposed to keep that moody evil atmosphere with enough light to get a suntan indoors?
Well, I guess the base is good enough now for a quick runthough.
When you enter the base, you are in a nice waiting room. (other angle)
From here, you can access the hospital or you can visit the workshops.
Our workshops have an attached arcane workshop ( alternate view ) to facilitate trade with our colaitioned arcane SG.
The control room is next to the workshops and provides considerable control as well as a meeting space for our SG. I apologize that my huge body is blocking the view of the conference table here. :/ I'll try to go back and fix some of these pictures (and take them in first person view) later. You can see the energy room next to the control room in that shot at least. What you can't see is the reserve fuel tank our SG has to keep the generator running.
All of that other stuff is there to pretty much just support our teleport chamber, which even has a teleport research area. We have a second teleport chamber, but half of it is just used for storage.
Overall it's not a bad base. If necessary, I could make it raid worthy too, but at the moment our SG is not planning to get IoPs. Perhaps after some testing of scheduled raids on the test server we'll reconsider. -
What you're looking at is crafted items.
The things on the wall is actually a single Monitor Bank (overpriced control item). The desks+monitor on the left is the Mission Computer (gives out SG missions). -
You might be interested in flashblock, I know it has saved me from clawing my eyes out at bad flash ads more times than I can count.
Why does everybody put the tech control and power items in their arcane basees? There are arcane versions that don't clash with the surrounding you know.
I'd like to be able to edit my gladiator picks after I've joined the chat for a battle. I don't want to have to drop out of the match chat just to swap a couple of choices, especially an invite-only match.
Here's a good technique i've been using even without added drone perception:
Camp in the base away from anything that could get you debt if you are seen, but still within visual range of a spawn point. When a player spawns, take a look at his powers (which is kinda dumb that we can do that, but thats a different thread) and analyze if you want to take him on. DON'T attack him in the base. STALK them into the battlefield. Most people are expecting to get attacked either right at the base, or at a battle point. Give them a minute to get away from the debt givers and let them feel safe. Then attack.
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It's quite a trick to land an AS on a target Superjumping through the zone though. Trying to attack someone while they're traveling to their destination (and feel "safe") seems fairly difficult to me.
Of course if you find someone who likes to stop and enjoy the scenery regularly, I suppose you could be in luck, but their info window isn't going to tell you that.
It seems to me that most people in PvP zones never ever stop moving unless their reading stuff from their contact, rezzing from the hospital, or engaged in battle (and sometimes not even then). -
With ED and the defense readjustments of I5, it seems to me that Toggle Dropping is nowhere near as necessary as it used to be if you want to take down a Tank or a Scrapper. I might be in favor of rolling back the number of toggle drops in PvP for just this reason.
It's still pretty hard to take down an Invuln or a Stone tank if all you have is Smashing or Lethal, but it's not like Regen scrappers are gods anymore. -
I've not been so impressed with the Warhulks myself. They do absolutely insane damage, but they seem to go down a lot quicker than the other tank types.
I agree that the Bosses are undercosted for the most part and Minions are overcosted considerably. Even 8 Cogs or Nebula Buckshots (getting 4 per buy instead of 1) are going to have a tough time against a single Tank. AoEs just slaughter them and even if they don't, the bosses one-shot them while their peashooters just plink off of the armor.
Devs: Maybe you should run controlled trials to figure out how much each thing should cost? Perhaps create a testbed where you have a standard mix of enemies (few minions, a lt or two and a boss), and send a few of each gladiator type against that mix. Record how much damage they do and how long they last, and then use that to calculate the point costs. It wouldn't be perfect, but it'd probably get you something pretty close and I can assure you that it won't tell you that two Cogs are as valuable as a Freak Tank. -
Alright Positron!
I was going to run over your HeroClix with my Corolla but now I will spare it.
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I think you got mine - it showed up missing an arm
I'm just wondering - if Posi can't take a leak without leveling a city block, which city did we lose when THAT happened?
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I always thought it would be funny if Positron showed up during a Hamidon raid, walked up to the big blob (he's got the HP for it if the CoV Beta event is any indication) and took a leak on it. -
Yeah, it'd be mostly useless, but what else are you going to do with your vast mountain of leftover salvage?
Actually, it would be useful to have at least one "stored". If you get raided and your gen is destroyed (and somehow you still have 1.5M in the bank), you would just have to place it. If you don't have on stored up, then you're in trouble because your base is almost certainly too big to be powered by a single basic gen, and workshops without power don't work.
Also, it would be insurance against an "oops" moment where you accidentally sell your generator.
Also, it's the only way you would be able to upgrade a room in place if you don't have the space for a temporary room to store your crafted items. You just have to craft more of them and delete them along with the room when you upgrade. -
My main currently has 64 pieces of salvage total. He is only 21 so I have to assume that I will quickly reach the 99 piece limit soon.
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I think you misunderstood Positron. When he said raw material, he's talking about stuff like "Tech Material", "Tech Power", "Mystical Foci", etc... Since it takes 3 pieces of salvage generally to make one of those, you still have a ways to go until you hit the limit.
IE, you have a maximum limit of 20 E-Chips, but you can build one tech power from 3 E-Chips and you can hold 99 tech powers. Even if you fill up on tech power, you can use 2 E-Chips and 1 Armor Shard to make a tech material, and bleed them off that way.
Note: all numbers in the previous paragraph except the limits were pulled out of my butt.
In other words: Dropped salvage (many different kinds) is limited to 20 of each kind. Salvage turned into components is limited to 99 of each kind. Components turned into placeable objects is limited to ??. The maximum limit on placeable items might well come up too, if people start crafting like crazy just to eat up salvage. It'd be no trick at all to have 20 or so turbine generators to your name before your SG gets the space and prestiege to place a single one. -
Keep in mind that you can't put defenses in energy and control rooms with the hidden plots.
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Not true. If you buy the "secure" version of the room (that allows defenses), you can put as many turrets in there as the room allows. Secure plots do not change this situation at all (the number of turrets allowed is restricted by the room type only, and all room types are available in either plot type).
Of course the turrets proved mostly useless in beta, so this is small consolation. -
That's more incentive to get workshops up quickly so you can start converting that salvage into useful components. While I'm sure there's a limit of 20 components too, at least those are readily usable.
OTOH, don't some of the recipes call for upwards of 20 components? IIRC some of the expert turrets need stuff like 20 Alien hardware and 20 Prototypes to build. -
I've got more bad news for you, the Turbine Generator you want to build is huge. It won't fit in a 2x2 energy terminal.
You know, I still haven't run into any Archvillian or monster that one shotted me unless it was +3 or above. Two shotted yes. If you fight even level or +1 AVs what the heck is one shotting you so often? And if it's one or two AVs in the entire game do you think you could use an orange pill for that one encounter?
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I have been one-shotted (hit for more than my max HPs) by the following even level creatures:
DE Thorn Monsters with Hurl Thorn (does about 15% more damage than I have in HP, could have surivived with Tough)
Battle Maiden, using Headsplitter IIRC
Infernal, Cleave and again with Pendulum
KoA Boss: Critical on Headsplitter
Ruladek: Pretty much every attack he does, including his fast recharging 10,000 point Nova attack. Getting hit with Total Focus from an AV level opponent hurts.
Also: Positron got me with his Nova
so did the Psi Clockwork King once
Eating 5% resistance inspirations is not a solution either. Generally when I'm one-shotted, it's for considerably more than my max HPs (generally at least 10%) -
Let me clarify this. I was invited to a team twice. I declined the invites because I don't believe I should be forced to team just to get a badge.
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I read this as "I declined a couple of invites because I always decline invites"...DOH! -
Tsunade seems to have had just about enough of everyone's attitude. I can see why she didn't want to take the job now.
She does seem to be going out of her way to keep Naruto out of her hair. To be fair to Tsunade though, he is pretty annoying when nothing is going on.
At least we don't have the kindergardners doing the filler episodes anymore. Those got old in a hurry. -
I have 6 Debuff defence/end HO's in my Rad infection. I Fight SR and Ice on a regular basis in the arena. With Rad infection, Multiple Damage/Acc HO's ane Even Buffs from other team members I Still have a Horrible time trying to Hit an Ice tank/SR. I can't drop their toggles with Brawl because it NEVER connects.
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I'm sorry, but my troll-o-meter is pegged right now. I'd run the numbers, but I don't want to feed the troll. -
I think Focused Fighting will only offer defense debuff resistance against Melee attacks, and Agile against Ranged Attacks and so on. I don't think they all stack together (although Agile and FS, as well as Dodge and FF should stack).
That means at level 50, with your toggles you should have around 32% defense debuff resistance, which sounds like a number the devs would use to me.
I am curious how this will play out. -
That's some seriouly powerful paranoia you got going on there. Most of the time if you save the image again the headers won't be saved (if they're anything like EXIF anyway). Try to find an image program that doesn't support them (most of them) and use that, it will almost certainly strip the headers.
Does anybody have a good set of power pool powers that can be used (slotted with 0-6 even level Endo Reductions SOs) that get you as close to 0 as possible? It would be good for level 50s that want to test their builds.
Also if it can be done using only 3 pools, it would be a good way to test other pool powers at the same time.
Basically, I want to know what a good test harness build is.
There are several numbers in the current list that I do not trust (and some that have changed since they were tested), and I'd like to get the most exact numbers possible. -
My bad.
I take it Hellions are strong to fire, weak to cold as well?
Clocks are weak to just about everything...
Vahz are weak to lethal, strong to smashing, dunno about everything else..
Geez, what is a good low level mob to test this stuff with? I thought the human ganger types would all be neutral, but I guess not. -
Just tested out the Scrapper body mastery pool, and I got:
Laser Beam Eyes 3.333e
Energy Torrent 0.8333s + 2.200e (3.0333)
I don't think the mobs I was testing with (level 7 Skull minions) were weak to energy, but this is higher than what was previously reported.
Also, I got a value of 5.4444s for Eagles Claw, not 5.5556s.
Everything else checked out though. -
The description on the cone attack (third attack) is inaccurate. It says High damage when it is more like Low (same damage as the first attack).
The Defender version seems to do a lot of damage early on. I don't know how well it scales later on though.