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  1. Kirsten

    Player's Summit

    Any notes on lore/endgame?
  2. Kirsten

    How badly...

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Melee/Budd AT, since a lot of people seem to be in favour of that *shrug*
    Yeah, it's a natural conclusion from the Ranged/Bro AT. :P
  3. Kirsten

    Epic Power Sets

    Hm...I like. Do you suppose these would be locked behind certain arcs, or just levels?
  4. Kirsten

    How badly...

    Do you want to see new archetypes?

    What kinds? Epic? Normal? Both?

    Would you care if there was a story reason for them to exist?

    You may begin.
  5. Kirsten

    More Proc IOs...

    Is there any chance (and I'm sure this has been suggested before...) that we could get some IO enhancements that exist solely as a proc? To clarify, I mean an IO enhancement that sits independently, out of any set, as a Proc. Each proc could be either mutually exclusive (one per power), or could suffer a reduce chance to fire à la Enhancement Diversification. It might be good to shore up a build, and would likely be a boon to concept characters.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
    Maybe I want to roleplay when I'm playing a roleplaying game, so I can roleplay when I'm playing a roleplaying game? Roleplayception.
    I immediately thought of "'Sup dawg".
  7. As long as King's Gambit includes childish whining SFX.
  8. Bradley's Duo AT added to Post 1.

    (EDIT: I changed the sidekick's powers to Assault to give it more ranged power in the event they are used as support.
  9. /signed. Samuel_Tow makes a good point.
  10. Kirsten

    Weekly Trial?

    Hm...Sound good. Prolly either a merit, thread, or component bonus.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I thought it was satirical.
    Poe's Law. It is likely in effect here.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    This could easily be expanded to encompass not just weapons, but virtually any other power set. A slice of four attack powers from Martial Arts for example or maybe Kinetic Melee.
    Heh, I could envision toons that only had one or two powers from their primary sets and the rest filled out with pools, and really, I see nothing wrong with that!

    Power Pools for all!
    I think that'd be cool, and it might bring us closer to the original idea of the game's designe (freeforming), but it might take a lot of balancing, and it would make Powersets that little bit longer to make. And what of purchaseable power sets? Are they purchased with the normal set, available to everyone as sort of a "taste" of the set, or VIP-Only?
  13. I'm in T9, and a VIP. I am for this idea. /signed.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by synthozoic View Post
    I think we can ignore the exact duplicate universes and all the universes with only minor changes to Earth's history--you know, the boring ones where the only real difference is that Synapse decides to have a ham and cheese sandwich and coffee for his Wednesday lunch instead of his usual fish tacos.
    You have no idea what a ham sandwich can do.
  15. Kirsten

    3-D Maze in base

    You gotta post a video, because I'd love to see this.
  16. In retrospect, why is this in suggestions? Shouldn't it be in City Life?
  17. And...where is this going? I don't understand what you are saying...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Cant get enough magic,I love it!
    I wish we got some kind of ancient China or feudal Japan zone...soon?