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  1. Kirsten

    Anime and CoX

    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    Goku isn't Japan's Superman, He's Japan's Kevin Sorbo Hercules. Maybe their Marvel-Verse Thor.
    He's not a super-hero, He's a super-powered Sci-fi fantasy hero.
    A superhero in the conventional sense, Goku is not. However, a superhero is defined as "...a type of stock character possessing 'extraordinary or superhuman powers' and dedicated to protecting the public."

    Also, I am amazed at the rate with which this thread was replied to.

    One problem I have with people in this kind of argument is, as others have noted, the generalization of all Anime/Manga. Saying, for example, "Rosario+Vampire is the same as Berserk 'cuz they're both manga" is just as stupid as saying "Howard the Duck is the same as Watchmen 'cuz they're both western comics", or "Gigli and The Magnificent Seven are the same 'cuz they're both American live-action films". It's apples and oranges in many cases.

    Take Ichigo, from Bleach:

    Superhuman powers? Check.
    Alternate identity? Dude leaves his body to fight evil.
    Protecting the public? Hollows ain't interested in handing out candy and timeshare offers.

    The term superhero is a bit wider than some people would like to admit.

    Also, Nihilii, Nice. Real nice. I got nothing against you for disliking Anime, but that doesn't give you the right to just dismiss anyone who likes it. Despite what you would have us believe, there are actually many Anime, and many more Manga with mature, non-creepy plots. Grow up, man.
  2. Kirsten

    Anime and CoX

    I've been going about the fora for a while, and I've noticed that many posters hold no love for the idea of adding anime-inspired, well, anything to the game. I never understood why this was. I mean, there's no rule that says superheroes need to fit Western standards...Son Goku and Ichigo Kurosaki are just as much superheroes as Batman or Spidey.

    So I have finally come to this particular forum to pose the following question:

    Why all the Manga hate?

    (And for Pete's sake, please try not to flame.)

  3. Like the thing, AV, but I think the contest closed...
  4. Kirsten

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I disagree. Most are.
    Every single character in the Avengers movie for example.
    Keep in mind, there was at least one Brute (Hulk), and a Tank (Thor, although he may be a Brute or Scrapper, hard to tell...), holding aggro.
  5. Kirsten

    Of TankMages

    Personally, I don't willingly recognize the so-called "tank-mages" in this game. A REAL tankmage can do EVERYTHING!!!

    CoH Tankmages can buff/debuff, do damage, maybe have survivability and control. a true tankmage has:

    *DPS, both ranged and melee.
    *Control, preferably AoE.
    *Pets. Not just one pet, but a bazillion.
    *Buff and debuff. None of that "or" crap.
    *Access to any and all forms of locomotion, at their maximum speed.
    *Synergy between ALL of these powers.

    Now. How to fit all this into an AT? Let's call it the Incarnate, in reference to the (Rumored!) original plans to have Incarnate as an archetype.

    Primary: Let's assume we want the damage and control as the primary, for extra muirder potential. You'd probably be best off combining Assault from Doms with a Control set. We'll call it a "destruction set".
    Example: Darkness Destruction:

    *Dark Blast
    *Living Shadows
    *Night Fall
    *Gather Shadows
    *Heart of Darkness
    *Shadow Field
    *Midnight Grasp

    Kinda...All over the place, huh? I guess you could get some good damage out of the set, but it's a little gimpy.

    Secondary: This is gonna be even HARDER. Okay, we need to mix defensive ability with buff with debuff with possibly more pets. How about I try...Robotics?

    *Battle Drones
    *Focused Fighting
    *Triage Beacon
    *Equip Henchman (In order to have full synergy, it has to work on the Control pets, too.)
    *Dull Pain
    *Cloaking Device
    *Force Field Generator
    *Assault Bot

    Okay...Also seems a little off. They probably have max values in everything, though, so it prolly won't hurt them as much.

    Now, the movement is easy enough. Just give them all the movement as inherents, and let them slot as they wish.

    You see, a true tankmage in this game would pretty much end up all over the place, and honestly, rather difficult to actually play. It's like the bad guy who absorbs everybody's powers and explodes. I'll give that min/maxers in this game can get pretty far. They will never be true tankmages in my opinion.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    That's not how mez resistance works. This is the formula:

    SufferedDuration = AppliedDuration / (100% + TotalResistance)
    Huh...With that formula, it'd mean that at higher resistances, there'd be less and less of a change. And also, short-duration mezzes would be effected more drastically than long-duration mezzes.
  7. Also, in case nobody mentioned, if you have modded icons or maps, (Vidiotmaps, Corva's Excellent Icons, etc.), those are kept on the HD.
  8. Some of these are really neat...Especially Combat Teleportation and Sidekick. Sidekick would probably be absolutely perfect for MMs, increasing their pet army to even greater power. Have you given any thought to a Combat Leaping/Acrobatics pool?

    For example:

    Combat Reflexes: Auto, Self +Jumping, +Jump Speed, +Def(Ranged, AoE)
    Pounce: Repeated Self TP (x2), PBAoA DMG (Smash)
    Tuned Reflexes: Self +Jump, +Jump Speed, +Def(All), gives access to Super Jump clone with Added Mez Protection
    Jumping Strikes: Weak Chain AoE Smashing DMG
    Elusion: Click Self +Def(All), +Mez Resist
  9. Kirsten

    New female poses

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Obviously. Women are sheroic.
    No, the feminine form of hero is heroine, so women are heroinic!!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    To be able to make something with ranged/melee/armour like NPCs have, not Ranged/Armour/Too cheap to have brawl...
    Well, you can get close with Assault/Armor...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Boomtown, more likely.
    They will use a modified Project Orion to launch Boomtown TO THE MOON! JUST LIKE JACKIE GLEASON!!!
  12. Steelclaw, I have one way to describe your particular brand of mad brilliance.

    Crazy Awesome
  13. Bad Idea: joining global channels for the wrong server and constantly trying to team through it anyways.

    Good Idea: Respecting Blue Steel.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Let's see, what were some of his other ones.

    "Hey, Blasters, here's Defiance 1.0! Be sure to tell people not to heal you!"

    "Yeah, I was playing my gameboy on an airplane, and kept dying to this boss, running back and dying over and over. it was great!"

    Paraphrased, of course.
    That would be one of the terrible ones. He was really best at world building.
  15. Jokingly: Proper verb conjugation.

    Seriously: I enjoy content that challenges me, but doesn't maul me. Team-ups with other characters hold a certain fondness in my heart ever since Twinshot.
  16. Meh. Jack helped make a great thing, and then proceeded to try and run it into the ground. He had a few good ideas, but also a lot of terrible ones. I think he'd be remembered more fondly if not for his obstinacy.
  17. I feel bad for pointing it out:

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbhellfist View Post
    Personally i would like to see pvp doen away with and the zones converted to pve zone content. This would stop the issues with what works for what and would help them focus on the main stuff in the game. not a sub par secondary system which only a minuscule of players play. now you can reply to this comment i don't really care despite what you say more fell this way than the other and we are growing every day. So enjoy whats left nof your pvp because some day it will be gone, if nothing else due to causing issues with the pve part.

    Just because not everyone enjoys a system doesn't mean we should penalize those that do by getting rid of it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..."
    I'm a teenager and I got that one.
  20. Kirsten

    Heroic Patrons!

    Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
    I oppose this idea, because it means I wouldn't have softcapped defense to smashing and lethal on my Midnighter character anymore, because he relies on Scorpion Shield.

    What? As if I wouldn't be obligated to respec!
    Alternate Build?

    Edit: Besides, the Midnighter Pool as I proposed it has a Def toggle, you know.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    For any comic book staples besides punching (super strength, martial arts, or otherwise) list the powerset and name 10 characters in Marvel or DC that use that powerset.
    Now, Marvel/DC only is kind of an arbitrary restriction. There are non-Marvel/DC superheroes!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    If you look at the track record of the dev team and consider some of the whip assets are already in game; I'm about 110% sure that Whips will be coming. The only thing I'm not sure of is if it will be Melee, Assault or a combo of both like we are seeing with the Martial set.

    And judging off the last few sets I know there will be a new mechanic for it, so we can help the devs out by coming up with a suitable one now .
    Problem is, the four animations for Demons took as much work as an entire powerset. So unless you were willing to wait double the time, or pay extra, whipe melee/assault will not happen.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    Darn, I was hoping it was an in-game function. I play on a Mac, and these 3rd-party utilities are always, unsurprisingly, Windows-only
    Well, what are you doing using a Mac?
  24. Kirsten


    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Prometheus says a lot of things.

    Most of which make me want to punch him right in the mouth.
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    I prefer throat punching.
    One does not preclude the possibility of the other.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Time Bomb refused to accept the ring.
    It's just afraid of commitment. Try to ease up to it.