244 -
Neither are animals that kill and eat humans. They're just predators. But if a human does it (killing and eating other humans... or poisoning them), that's evil.
Hah! That from a guy whose forum avatar is a Tsoo whose crotch is impaled on a fence.
Heheh. Did you just describe a Fire/Kin with Siphon Speed, Repel, and Hot Feet?
My Claw/Regen is a pseudo-immortal "angel" character, created when the Talsorian weapons were added to the game.
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That also sounds like something that Wolverine's been retconned into.
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I wouldn't know. Did Wolverine go through a phase where his first appearance was in the 1600s when a small girl was "chosen" by the growth of angelic wings? The pseudo-immortality part is that every 50 years a new girl is "chosen" to take the mantle of the old, and every girl is nearly identical in features to the last.
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Yup. Sounds like Wolverine to me. I'm going to assume your girls are all named Logan and say "bub" a lot. -
Dimension Shift has always been one of the worst powers in the game. It is occasionally useful, but far more often troublesome. My advice? Just skip Dimension Shift. Many powersets have that one power that's just not worth taking. This is Gravity's.
3) It made me giggle like a schoolgirl for a solid couple of hours.
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You folks have no idea how scared the rest of us were. We thought he'd snapped! I mean, BABs has WEAPONS at his desk, you know.
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Like... like a stapler? -
Yes, to challenge Superman you have to trot out the greatest super-genius-villain ever imagined, or someone else nigh-invulnerable. To challenge Batman takes much less (to go to the other "most popular" superhero). My point is not that Superman is the right level of power for our characters, but that the issue of "how super" we are is distinct from "how challenging" the game is. We can be incredibly super, able to shatter planets at a punch, but there is still a challenge if we face someone equally powerful. And we should have the option of facing opponents that powerful (I'm all for the difficulty sliders being meaningful -- I'd like it if Heroic were more or less a guaranteed steamrolling pace of mission, and Invincible were a more or less guaranteed even match that could go either way even with the best build by the most skilled player).
I play with casual, non-"l33t" players all the time. I play new power combinations all the time. I never "farm" at level 50. In fact, my level 50 characters are mostly put out to pasture; I bring them out sometimes for task forces or exemplaring, but mostly I play new characters in the lower level range (1-30). I have no real problem finding other people who do. I mostly play with the Repeat Offenders, a coalition made up mostly of mature, casual gamers, but when I need to look for PuG teams or team members I can often find such people among strangers as well.
City of Heroes has staying power. It can be more than a flash-in-the-pan, until-the-novelty-wears-off game. Granted, there are plenty of power levelers, "farm"ers, and exploiters out there. But if you don't want to play with them, don't. Take the time to look for the teams you want, and you will find them. If you just join the first teams you see advertised in broadcast, of course you will find poor teams. Look around here on the forums, on your server's subforum, or in global channels themed appropriately to the kind of play you want, and you will find appropriate teammates. -
Many people seem to want this game to be less like Superman vs Lex Luthor or Superman vs Bizarro -- an epic battle where the superhero is more or less evenly matched, whether by similar or different powers -- and more like Superman vs Scut Farkus, where the Man of Steel beats up (or "farms"?) a dozen schoolyard bullies in every episode. "Hooray."
Personally? I'm only interested in reading, watching, or playing the epic battles where even the super-est of heroes are evenly matched. If Superman isn't taking any risks, how much of a hero is he really? I'm not terribly interested in playing a "superbully" who picks on the weak and helpless.
(And no, not even on CoV. Interesting supervillains go up against superheroes.) -
No, that'd be a minute after. Obsidian left himself with only 60 seconds of leeway.
Er... if a Poison Trap is too evil, how come heroes get Poison Gas Arrow?
By "Boot Camp" he means the software that lets you boot a Mac computer into Windows.
(1) If you haven't figured out enhancements yet, do not bother with Wentworth's yet. It is not the easy, beginner route to buying or enhancing your powers.
(2) Level 50 enhancements can be bought at the store in Peregrine Island, once you do a mission for the vendor (Ghost Falcon).
(3) Honestly, though, the game is not set up to help you learn basic systems like enhancements on a level 50 character. This is why, for instance, the store does not immediately sell you things, but instead sends you on a mission. If you want to learn the basic system, you would do better to make a new character and play it outside the AE system. The AE system is new, and contains none of the ordinary tutorial material. This is probably why you have gotten to 50 without learning basic information. If you play non-AE content from level 1 on, you will learn the basics of the game, like enhancing your powers. Once you learn that, you can come back to your level 50 character and probably make it 10 times better than it is now. -
There is no "k" in "level pact", 'k?
Just a note, Elec blast is actually above the norm with blasters as far as ST goes:
Voltaic Sentinel, Charged Bolts and Lightning bolt together do impressive DPE and DPS, rivaling achery's ST.
Its just underperforming in AoE and in that it's effect (end drain) is poorly designed...I mean, why make it a binary effect, when the big power we have for it (Short Circuit) doesnt even do it fully?
It only falls behind when it comes to BURST damage
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Draining works just fine with 2+ drainers on a team. It's just another one of those powers that's not as hot for a soloer. Also, if you have something else to drain with (Transference, Power Sink), it's more worthwhile. Not everything is "for soloists". (Not saying that's how it should be, just that it's how it is.) -
You know, you're already playing a video game. You already have 1 level of unreality going on. Don't let the step to 2 bother you, especially when it comes with no loss of fidelity -- it's not like you have to control your characters as they move their fingers across a keyboard, or grit your teeth in frustration when their AE simulator crashes or their graphics card overheats.
I've never sent a message to a dev either, I only know that path to private messages because I used it recently to compliment Hobo on a particularly choice character-name pun.
What? Are you agreeing or disagreeing, Fleeting? You say "Not necessarily", then go on to provide details that seem to support Blackavaar's statement.
[/ QUOTE ]That doesn't support his statement. Vahz aren't undead reanimated through technology- they're far closer to the Terminator robots in Terminator, robots with meant flung on top of them!
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As far as I can see, Fleeting, Blackavar, you, and I are all agreed that Vahzilok are (a) not "True Undead" and (b) not subject to the Undead Slaying Axe's extra damage.
There is some minor quibble over whether this is because they are some other, "non-True" kind of undead, or merely robots and not undead in any sense at all, but that is beside the point. Why they are not "True Undead" was never Blackavaar's statement.
Right? What am I missing? -
In this forum, go to the Main Index, then the Developers Corner, then the Dev Digest. Find a post by the developer you want to contact. Click on their red name, then on Send A Private Message.
If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. -
No. Fire/Kin is a build that can be made to do large amounts of damage, to large groups of enemies, with very little effort. That is the beginning and end of its appeal. That is certainly a popular thing to want to do, but there are challenges that require many other strengths, and there are other builds that can do that too.
Fire/Kin is like the... the Big Mac, or the Whopper of builds. It's been put at the #1 Combo spot so long, it's the first thing everyone thinks of, but there's a whole menu of options just as good.
Play what you like. You'll be useful, and powerful, even at level 50. -
My question is, if the Devs have said we can't have such stuff, why do we keep asking for them?
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The devs only tell us we can have stuff when it's already done, so as not to give out false promises. If we only asked for stuff they said we can have, we wouldn't be asking for anything at all.
So, we keep asking, because we want stuff. And the only stuff worth asking for... is the stuff we don't already have! -
The bio screen starts at 0/1024, but I have experienced a case where I edited it, deleted everything, and it was stuck at 3/1024. I thought maybe there was a space or an enter, but I used all the arrow keys and clicked all over the place and hit delete and backspace a lot. Nothing moved the cursor to another position or line; nothing decreased the character count. An empty bio was counted at 3 characters.