2 months and done why play @ 50?




I find that after my initial 4-6 or perhaps a year run of the game... I can only handle this title for no more than 2 months at a time now... Actually I wanted to cancel prior to my 2nd month being charged, alas was late by one day....

I mean /farm @ 50? /boggle WHY I did it last night on 50- Brute and it was painful..just to gain influence for some IO's or drops? nahh

I usually upon resubbing, I try to play brand new classes combos to try and get a “new car smell” feeling to the game and everything that may have changed since I last played. After a while though there isn’t enough to hold me interest I think the Devs knew this when the game was released they just figured other things would fall into place for them…

The game has great qualities, great graphics, nifty powers and solid PVE, GREAT character customization. Also it did have an overall very nice, solid tight nit community. I'm not going to go into an AE rant GOD knows there are enough of those but I think by acquiescing to the power gamers the title lost its identity.

It use to be a really an MMO light, perfect for Casual gamers or even “Carebears”; you log in spend your time playing with your costume then go out and group. I believe it was equally fun to get into a group in game like minded people and run missions or TF’s-die horribly laugh about it and try again The game was an altaholics dream, as most players easily lots of different Heroes/Villains(later). Now most groups if there is one wipe most log or solo or play alts..

I believe that Cryptic really thought that Marvel and/or TR would take off and that COH was just a building block for future MMOS from the company. It was a controlled experiment I believe. Doing all this kind of pushed the casual gamers away and left the game open for the l33t crowed that during the first few years-while there were some-it wasn’t as prevalent as it is now.

I think that the devs really didn't foresee the game lasting this long, so when Marvel MMO fell through and TR tanked. So to make cake and to cater to the typical mmo player, they added Arena matches, then PVP (horrid implementation never add PVP to a PVE MMO game, always ends bad) and to please the min/maxers the first drops "Drops" (Hammis) then finally IO's and /farming just to keep said crowed interested and $$ flowing.

I PVP did so in AC and was/am a DaOC vet . I never played WOW but based upon what I’ve read PVP added to the game took away from lots of classes.

Perhaps CO will be balanced around PVP from the outset, at least that allows you to pick and choose powers. While I’m sure the l33t d00ds will find the best set ups, at least you can still be an original in that upcoming title.-not that I’m putting much faith into CO but it does look promising. Hopefully the DEvs learned a lot from their experiment and moving forward apply this knowledge to future titles.



I play with casual, non-"l33t" players all the time. I play new power combinations all the time. I never "farm" at level 50. In fact, my level 50 characters are mostly put out to pasture; I bring them out sometimes for task forces or exemplaring, but mostly I play new characters in the lower level range (1-30). I have no real problem finding other people who do. I mostly play with the Repeat Offenders, a coalition made up mostly of mature, casual gamers, but when I need to look for PuG teams or team members I can often find such people among strangers as well.

City of Heroes has staying power. It can be more than a flash-in-the-pan, until-the-novelty-wears-off game. Granted, there are plenty of power levelers, "farm"ers, and exploiters out there. But if you don't want to play with them, don't. Take the time to look for the teams you want, and you will find them. If you just join the first teams you see advertised in broadcast, of course you will find poor teams. Look around here on the forums, on your server's subforum, or in global channels themed appropriately to the kind of play you want, and you will find appropriate teammates.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



We should get a seperate subforum for rants. It'd certainly keep all the clutter from infesting the rest of the board.

I'm entirely lost as to why you feel that farming is the only thing to do at 50. I have no idea why you stayed teamed with bad teams. I think you're confused about the differences between NCSoft, Atari, Cryptic, and Paragon Studios. I'm curious as to why you think you can't keep creating alts. And I'm really puzzled as to why you don't believe you can play this game casually. The only "loot" you need at high levels are SOs. It's not like those are hard to get.

So I'm guessing you never left Atlas, are not part of any global channels, aren't in a sg that does more than farm and PL (if you're in one at all), and decided to spend your time joining random PuGs via broadcast. I have no doubt that you had a horrible experience.

Ultimately this may not be the game for you. That's fine. Not everyone likes everything. But you should be aware that your rant is filled with mostly incorrect "facts" and the ones that are true merely show that you didn't know what you were doing.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



I could be misunderstanding the basic "point" of the rant... I think it's "I resubscribe for a month or two at a time and then I have to leave it alone. This last time I didn't have as much fun as previous times; I had trouble finding good teams."

To which I say... sorry? Try the global channels for your server? Hope you do something that you enjoy, instead?

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



This portion of Doom (tm) has been sponsored by JaysunDeAgros. We now return you to your scheduled programming.

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



I have 4 hero 50s and 5 villains. I play them the vast majority of the time, to the detriment of alts I mean to hit 50 on (since I don't like to level them fast).

I don't PvP.

Sorry you aren't more like me.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



(Only read the first 2 paragraphs and skimmed the rest)

Theres more to do at 50 than just farm. You could get badges, do TFs, do trials, run some missions with other 50s, PvP, IO yourself out, etc. Or you could always make a new toon.

Personally, once I get a toon to 50, the only time I really ever play them much is for TFs and stuff with friends that need high level toons. My Ill/Rad and Thugs/Poison (my first two 50s) have not been played much in over 100 days. I play my others more (expecially my Brute and Scrapper), but I still prefer lower levels when I have a choice.

And fyi the reason people farm at 50 is usually so they can IO out a build.



I find that after my initial 4-6 or perhaps a year run of the game... I can only handle this title for no more than 2 months at a time now... Actually I wanted to cancel prior to my 2nd month being charged, alas was late by one day....

I mean /farm @ 50? /boggle WHY I did it last night on 50- Brute and it was painful..just to gain influence for some IO's or drops? nahh

[/ QUOTE ]

Acquire badges. Run S/TFs. Run around in low level zones using Knockback powers. Hold costume contests. Meet new players and help get them acquainted with the game. Respec into a really unusual build and see how it works. Play the market. Start or join a supergroup. Join some global channels and meet people, make new friends, get familiar with old friends and find teams doing things you enjoy. Write your own story arc(s). Redesign your costume(s) from the ground up. PvP a little. Or a lot. Explore. Experiment.

There's more to the game than power leveling and farming.

Or quit and go play something else. Entirely up to you.

It use to be a really an MMO light, perfect for Casual gamers or even “Carebears”;

[/ QUOTE ]

It still is. Nothing has changed, except your perception and/or expectations.

I believe that Cryptic really thought that Marvel and/or TR would take off and that COH was just a building block for future MMOS from the company. It was a controlled experiment I believe. Doing all this kind of pushed the casual gamers away and left the game open for the l33t crowed that during the first few years-while there were some-it wasn’t as prevalent as it is now.

I think that the devs really didn't foresee the game lasting this long, so when Marvel MMO fell through and TR tanked. So to make cake and to cater to the typical mmo player, they added Arena matches, then PVP (horrid implementation never add PVP to a PVE MMO game, always ends bad) and to please the min/maxers the first drops "Drops" (Hammis) then finally IO's and /farming just to keep said crowed interested and $$ flowing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay... now put your tin foil hat back on and get your facts straight.

Cryptic wasn't working on, or in discussion to acquire the rights to, Marvel's MMORPG when I4 (The Arena) was released.

Nor were they in talks to do the Marvel MMORPG when they started working on, or released, CoV, which was when they added "real" PvP to the game (meaning more than just the Arena).

Tabula Rasa was in no way related to Co*. Completely separate development team.

Hamidon enhancements were added long, long before the Arena, PvP, CoV or Cryptic's attempt to design the Marvel MMORPG.

IOs were planned before Cryptic acquired the license to do Marvel's MMORPG, and IOs were why ED was created and implemented.

Players were farming before I1 was released.

And CoH was not designed as an experiment to see if some imaginary grand plan to create an MMORPG for a large comic book company was feasible.

I'll also add that you don't appear to be aware that Cryptic sold off the Co* franchise to NCSoft quite some time ago. Other than retaining a licensing agreement on the engine, Cryptic has nothing, at all, to do with Co* now.

So you might want to stop, think, and reconsider before posting any more fantastical theories based on raving lunacy and spoiled pizza.

Perhaps CO will be balanced around PVP from the outset, at least that allows you to pick and choose powers. While I’m sure the l33t d00ds will find the best set ups, at least you can still be an original in that upcoming title.-not that I’m putting much faith into CO but it does look promising. Hopefully the DEvs learned a lot from their experiment and moving forward apply this knowledge to future titles.

[/ QUOTE ]

So this really isn't a discussion, this is your feeble attempt to justify your "final" departure from the game so you can go play Champions Online without feeling guilty or "dirty" because the mean, nasty developers (almost all of whom are working on CO now, not Co*) ruined the game by adding PvP, IOs and farms just to see if they'd work for a Marvel MMO.

'K. Bye.



For some reason, people are eager to turn a game into work.



I have the same problem, I have 19 months, from beta but cannot play this game much anymore. (Just unsubbed again).

For me theres a more tangible reason,
I love pvp and its complete garbage in this game.
The pve is... nice, searching for fun power combos is...nice.. but thats all. It all boils down to lvling to 50, saving up inf (however you wanna do it) to set a toon, doing a few TF's and getting bored. Having ONE max lvl pvp zone gets really old REALLY fast and having to rebuild your toon for different pvp zones is kinda retarted. I don't think it will ever be fixed, its just too much work for a 5yr old game thats gonna be replaced someday.

imo theres no quality pvp mmorpg's available right now which makes it tough.



Because fighting mobs is a fun thiing to do! You don't need to farm.
Also, don't QQ about IOs. They are optional.



imo theres no quality pvp mmorpg's available right now which makes it tough.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd have to agree...but that may well be because the term "quality PvP MMORPG" is a contradiction in terms. MMO combat systems are, virtually without exception, somewhat automated. You click on a target (or even just mash the Tab key) and start firing off attacks. You may have to move around a bit (or to be fair, a lot - if you're fighting someone good). The game engine does the rest. Compared to FPS PvP, it's pretty simple. Sure, you need skill. I got to be halfway decent at CoH PvP (for a filthy RP'er), but I recognized tha there were folks who were better at it. You just don't need the sort of skill you do in a system where you have to, well...aim. Where you have to actually spot and manually target enemies. Etc...

I'd like to see better PvP in this game. The "improvements" of i13 were anything but...and I never PvP any more. But I don't expect MMO PvP to be truly good.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



There are a variety of things, most of which have been mentioned above, that you can do once you reached 50. However, it tends to be difficult in light of AE now. I've been seeing people recruiting for PI mishs in Atlas. Something inherently wrong there.



For some reason, people are eager to turn a game into work.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's because, for these people, leveling was the only part of the game that felt like a "game". Or it was just in the way of the level cap where they feel the real "game" starts. When they find that there's nothing really special about the level cap, then they complain.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



At level 50 I just play my character to play my character with IO's as a guideline for where I'm going next. I don't farm to get it done faster. I'm just blowing time either way, might as well be enjoying it.

You might be happier if you adopted a similiar mindset.



why play @ 50?

[/ QUOTE ]

because it's fun. Have many, on two accounts. I use them all at different times. Like this weekend, will be in the Abyss kickin Hami's butt.

Sorry your mileage varied

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



For the record I have one level 50 and you can tell by my forum date I played basically when the game came out..

The game was never about work.. considering I work 50+ hours a week and play, ~10. nice try

I just got my first 50 last month so no power gamer here

the issue is there is nothing todo once you're Super Hero(lvl 50).. PVP is a joke... killing hammy.. been there done that... so this leaves running crappy AE farms or starting another toon. while fun, after a few dozen times there is nothing new to do..RP is out of window even on Viture were few of the early Rps aren't around.

Helping lowbies I love doing that but AE's have killed that, lowbies now want to join AE groups @ lvl1



I understand where your coming from with the "Why play @ 50?". We can either go PvP, do farm missions, or do TF/SF's. TF/SF's are pretty much just more critters, on more maps, which we've been doing for 50 levels. This game doesn't have any real endgame content. Hami Raid? Pretty boring imho, and a rikti raid. How many times are you gonna want to run the 2 raids this game has lol. Pretty much the point of the OP was that this game is severly lacking in end game content, and the point of this game is the "journey", not the ending. Which sucks.



Strike forces? Task forces...

I'm not sure what it is that you expect to happen at 50 that doesn't happen for the previous 49 levels. There is no end game in this game. That's nothing new. If you are not being entertained then I guess it is best for you to do what you do and unsub for a bit. Personally, the "end game" for me starts at 35, and ends when I get tired of the character.

If you tire of your "Super hero" at 50, roll up a villain or two and play the other side of the fence. Make a Kheldian. Level a Villain to 50 and make a VEAT. There are "things" to do, but you seem to not want to.

I don't know what to tell ya.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Oh and I agree, PvP IS a joke, but that's nothing new either.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



For the record I have one level 50 and you can tell by my forum date I played basically when the game came out..

The game was never about work.. considering I work 50+ hours a week and play, ~10. nice try

I just got my first 50 last month so no power gamer here

the issue is there is nothing todo once you're Super Hero(lvl 50).. PVP is a joke... killing hammy.. been there done that... so this leaves running crappy AE farms or starting another toon. while fun, after a few dozen times there is nothing new to do..RP is out of window even on Viture were few of the early Rps aren't around.

Helping lowbies I love doing that but AE's have killed that, lowbies now want to join AE groups @ lvl1

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you acquired the badges/accolades you wanted?

Hunting GMs can be fun.

Exemping down to join friends/SG mates is good for some fun.

Lastly, there are so many different ALTs possible in this game. Try and not limit yourself to one 50.



PVP in RPG's is always a joke. It's a constant arm's race, with everyone jumping on the next big 'thing'. The only place PvP works are in action/shooter games. Even if you do have the best 'whatever', you still have to aim the thing/predict where the guy is coming from/set up ambushes/employ actual TACTICS, etc.



(Only read the first 2 paragraphs and skimmed the rest)

Theres more to do at 50 than just farm. You could get badges, do TFs, do trials, run some missions with other 50s, PvP, IO yourself out, etc. Or you could always make a new toon.

Personally, once I get a toon to 50, the only time I really ever play them much is for TFs and stuff with friends that need high level toons. My Ill/Rad and Thugs/Poison (my first two 50s) have not been played much in over 100 days. I play my others more (expecially my Brute and Scrapper), but I still prefer lower levels when I have a choice.

And fyi the reason people farm at 50 is usually so they can IO out a build.

[/ QUOTE ]

I use my 50's for roleplaying and TF runs and marketeering. Not so much for grinding.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!




Perhaps CO will be balanced around PVP from the outset, at least that allows you to pick and choose powers. While I’m sure the l33t d00ds will find the best set ups, at least you can still be an original in that upcoming title.-not that I’m putting much faith into CO but it does look promising. Hopefully the DEvs learned a lot from their experiment and moving forward apply this knowledge to future titles.

[/ QUOTE ]

Champions Online already sucks as far as I'm concerned
<ul type="square">[*]It is not "Champions the RPG" Online. The mechanics of Champions the RPG is what made me love the game.[*] It is based on the "Champions the RPG" Signature Characters and Universe. This is the thing that I liked least about Champions the RPG. In fact, I never played in an Champs RPG game that used them.[*] Microtransactions. This needs no explanation.[*] Created by people that quit CoX because they thought that they could make a huge amount of money with Marvel Online and then made a travesty of one of the best and well balanced RPG systems ever created.[/list]
When it first came up, I would have been willing to pay to check it out.
When I found that they were just using the Signature characters and threw out the system, I might have checked out a trial.
Once I found out it would have micro transactions, it isn't even worth checking out as far as I'm concerned.

Statesman's a traitor. It's time to write him out of CoX.