2 months and done why play @ 50?




"Nothing to do at 50" is a mindset. Not everyone shares that mindset, and I'd wager that the majority of CoX's playerbase is of the opinion that there's plenty to do at 50.

[/ QUOTE ]

Interestingly, I think this may not have been true much before issues 6-9. The exception would have been people who were well-invested in the social scene, which essentially gave them something to do with the game aside from playing it for combat and reward acquisition.

Once upon time, TFs didn't auto-exemplar team members, and you could not run them if you passed their level range. Newspaper and PvP missions naturally didn't appear until CoV was released, and it was a couple of issues after that when heroes gained police scanner missions.

Before these things there were only two common sources of "repeatable" content - running level 50 contact content with other people (the Praetorian arcs were a common favorite) or visiting the place that had repeatable contacts that had been in the game since Issue 2: the Shadow Shard. Of course, the Shard is considered out of the way, often viewed as difficult to traverse (it used to not have the extra gates and wormholes it does now) and its foes are some of the more challenging around. That combination didn't make those repeatable contacts wildly popular.

It would be a huge omission to fail to mention that level capped characters gained something new to strive for in I9 with Inventions.

So I think that, once upon a time, there was far less reason to play a 50. Multiple things have changed that make it more reasonable now, and possibly actively attractive. I know that I rarely played my 50s before issue 9, and now I play my 50s more than my lower-level alts.

[/ QUOTE ]

I started in Oct 04, so I was here since Issue 2. TFs, while they didn't auto-exemplar, could still be done by high levels if you had willing exemplars on the team already. It was risky, because if either of you dc, the one being exemplared ends up getting screwed. However, it was still possible to run those TFs with 50s if desired.

I'm not claiming that there was more to do at 50 then there is now because that would be a stupid claim. What I'm saying is that now, in this thread and specifically against his argument (which is for level 50 play NOW), there is plenty to do at 50.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



NCSoft, I have a merchandising idea for you:

"I rushed to level 50, skipped all the game's content, then came to the forums to complain about there being no content and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt."

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Can someone tell me what other MMOs have as an "End-Game" that they consider it so dull here?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you spend about 2 hours getting a team together, then you go on an insanely difficult and time consuming four to six hour "Raid" (like a task force, but with more opportunities for one moron to screw things up and get everyone killed) so that you can beat down some monstrously ridiculous boss that takes no fewer than 24 extremely coordinated players to defeat. In return for this, you might get a really cool hat. Then the next day you log in to do the same thing to try for the matching codpiece.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.




Fast forward to now: This game is great for me! Nobody cares what I am and what role I`m doing, they just get impressed when I do it well. When I leave, the team doesn't grind to a halt and disband, they smile, wave, and keep going without me. (No matter what I was on!) I don't have to rush to the end of the game to actually play and I can actually find groups for low level stuff. (Which is like, OMG!)

[/ QUOTE ]

And THIS is why this game totally rocks.
It's completely true, too. It's one of the main things I love about the game.

The day that they implement gear grinding is the day I walk out and never look back. Fortunately it doesn't seem likely to ever happen here.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I find that after my initial 4-6 or perhaps a year run of the game... I can only handle this title for no more than 2 months at a time now... Actually I wanted to cancel prior to my 2nd month being charged, alas was late by one day....

I mean /farm @ 50? /boggle WHY I did it last night on 50- Brute and it was painful..just to gain influence for some IO's or drops? nahh

I usually upon resubbing, I try to play brand new classes combos to try and get a “new car smell” feeling to the game and everything that may have changed since I last played. After a while though there isn’t enough to hold me interest I think the Devs knew this when the game was released they just figured other things would fall into place for them…

The game has great qualities, great graphics, nifty powers and solid PVE, GREAT character customization. Also it did have an overall very nice, solid tight nit community. I'm not going to go into an AE rant GOD knows there are enough of those but I think by acquiescing to the power gamers the title lost its identity.

It use to be a really an MMO light, perfect for Casual gamers or even “Carebears”; you log in spend your time playing with your costume then go out and group. I believe it was equally fun to get into a group in game like minded people and run missions or TF’s-die horribly laugh about it and try again The game was an altaholics dream, as most players easily lots of different Heroes/Villains(later). Now most groups if there is one wipe most log or solo or play alts..

I believe that Cryptic really thought that Marvel and/or TR would take off and that COH was just a building block for future MMOS from the company. It was a controlled experiment I believe. Doing all this kind of pushed the casual gamers away and left the game open for the l33t crowed that during the first few years-while there were some-it wasn’t as prevalent as it is now.

I think that the devs really didn't foresee the game lasting this long, so when Marvel MMO fell through and TR tanked. So to make cake and to cater to the typical mmo player, they added Arena matches, then PVP (horrid implementation never add PVP to a PVE MMO game, always ends bad) and to please the min/maxers the first drops "Drops" (Hammis) then finally IO's and /farming just to keep said crowed interested and $$ flowing.

I PVP did so in AC and was/am a DaOC vet . I never played WOW but based upon what I’ve read PVP added to the game took away from lots of classes.

Perhaps CO will be balanced around PVP from the outset, at least that allows you to pick and choose powers. While I’m sure the l33t d00ds will find the best set ups, at least you can still be an original in that upcoming title.-not that I’m putting much faith into CO but it does look promising. Hopefully the DEvs learned a lot from their experiment and moving forward apply this knowledge to future titles.

[/ QUOTE ]

Other than my new blaster I made all I play is 50s. In fact I find leveling up to be tedious and boring.




Fast forward to now: This game is great for me! Nobody cares what I am and what role I`m doing, they just get impressed when I do it well. When I leave, the team doesn't grind to a halt and disband, they smile, wave, and keep going without me. (No matter what I was on!) I don't have to rush to the end of the game to actually play and I can actually find groups for low level stuff. (Which is like, OMG!)

[/ QUOTE ]

And THIS is why this game totally rocks.
It's completely true, too. It's one of the main things I love about the game.

The day that they implement gear grinding is the day I walk out and never look back. Fortunately it doesn't seem likely to ever happen here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.

Not to say I dont have purples or dont market. But The fact tat its an optional thing here and that the fact that my defenders and controllers dont need a heal power to be valued by a team makes it fun for me instead of a horrific grind.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!




Fast forward to now: This game is great for me! Nobody cares what I am and what role I`m doing, they just get impressed when I do it well. When I leave, the team doesn't grind to a halt and disband, they smile, wave, and keep going without me. (No matter what I was on!) I don't have to rush to the end of the game to actually play and I can actually find groups for low level stuff. (Which is like, OMG!)

[/ QUOTE ]

And THIS is why this game totally rocks.
It's completely true, too. It's one of the main things I love about the game.

The day that they implement gear grinding is the day I walk out and never look back. Fortunately it doesn't seem likely to ever happen here.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.

Not to say I dont have purples or dont market.

[/ QUOTE ]

Completely. The IOs and the Black Market and figuring out which sets to persue are like a mini-game for me. They're something I do when I want to play but don't feel quite up to missioning or RPing *right now*. But I already had made it to 50 prior to I9 with nothing but SOs and did fine. So the IOs are, as you rightly point out, just one more dimension of OPTIONS that the game presents.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Uberguy: my alleged point was that "one year into the five-year lifespan of the game" may not be all that relevant to the discussion. It's not that far from talking about "the days before 50's had content" to talking about "the days of the Smoke Grenade bug".

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I don't see why that point is particularly relevant in and of itself.

Poster A: "Why play at 50"
Poster Me: "Well once upon a time, there wasn't much reason, but here's how that's changed, so now there are reasons"

I don't see how the when is relevant when my point was the what. It's not as if I was claiming the things you can do with a 50 are new. I was simply enumerating them.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Guess I can throw my 2 inf in…
Every player in this game has their own idea of what is fun for them. If you had expectations of some marvelous end-game content once you hit 50, I’m sorry you were misinformed. Co* doesn’t work like that. I, for one, am glad they don’t have this “glorious end-game content” that people seek. It sounds like that “perfect solution” would become a case of the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. Hearing WoW converts posting their experiences with “end-game content” makes me shudder! I don’t want to grind my low level toons so my lvl 50’s can grind better! The Devs we have put out content on a semi-regular basis. Sure, there are arguments as to how much/little content that is, but does it really matter? No matter how much content they release, the player base would blow through it in a day and be asking for more in 2 days. AE was supposed to help with this problem, but everyone now knows the drawback to that.

I have 6(ish) level 50 toons. All are shelved pretty quickly once they ding 50 except for the occasional TF/SF. The fun I have in this game is making alts and getting to 50 using different powersets. With different powersets come different strategies. With different strategies comes a different play experience. Unless you take the time and hit every contact, do every TF, etc (which is near impossible, or at least used to be before they added the no xp option), you can make a toon and select different contacts as your last toon, thereby experiencing new content. If you like making back stories for your toon, use that to decide what contacts to take. An example, my scrapper was kidnapped by Knives of Artemis, brainwashed, trained, and forced to work for them. Now, freed from her captors and reconditioned, she selects missions that have Knives in them, for revenge. Doing this just makes the game a bit fresh each time I play.

Each and every player has to find what makes the game fun for them. If it’s not fun, then maybe it’s time to move on. You can try doing what others and/or I suggest and see if that helps you, or you can leave and go to a game that you think can hold your interest. I suggest that if you are going to CO, you not hold it to such a high expectation as you did CoX. Considering that most of the same developers from CoX are doing CO, it has Zero time on the shelves and (from what I hear) crappy graphics, you may be in for a letdown. I hope you find a place that suits you.

Oh, and the quote in my sig has never been more appropriate!



For me I have always seen lvl 50 as the death of my characters.

[/ QUOTE ]

i agree with this....i have several 50s (blue and red) and because i dont farm it normally takes me hundreds of hours to get there. after that i normally just start another alt or two and play the heck out of them until they reach 50

i cant build IO heavy builds because i dont play my high level alts enough to amass billions. even if i can get 20 million or so i use that to keep equipping my new alts so the older toons are broke and the newer toons have the SOs and the money.

the good thing about AE missions is that i can get into the 20s on a new alt quickly and dont have to go thru the suck of an early build and killing skuls....again

i like all my toons and would likely play them more if there was more +50 content...since its not they most often get shelved unless the SG needs /rad for a AV or more damage on missions etc...

as it is when i deactivate i dont feel like im missing much



I can understand and relate to a little bit of every opinion on this topic.
This is how I generally handle my 50s:
They make influence for the rest of my newer toons!
I have 4 lev 50s currently on Infinity.
A Nrg/Nrg Blaster (Wake of Magellen)
An Emp with Dark Blasts (Healer of Magellen)
A Willpower/Mace Tanker (Hammer of Magellen)
And a Fire/Fire Tanker (Red Star of Magellen)
At one point or another I usually have enuff influence banked with one or more of them that i can easily spread around to newer Magellens of other ATs that I tend to create from time to time.
Right now I have 11 other Magellens that are all atleast lev 25+ and all started out with a couple million in influenced banked from the beginning via trades and such.
I tend to think there is plenty of content for lev 50s and such to play on COH.
TONS of it to play before the magical 50 goodness also I might add.
But I like to experiment with different powers, origins, contacts and "routes" on how my toons level and such also.
The only thing that has thrown a monkey-wrench into it recently is AE.
AE is excellent for fast leveling, don't get me wrong.
it CAN make you a sloppy player on excelling your toon just in the skill it takes to make your toon better.
Comfort level with each toon I suppose.
I never get bored with COH and I have been with the game for almost 3 years now.
I love it more than ever.
But I DO miss life on the game PRE-AE a lot of times....
just because it gave your toon something MORE to look forward to.
(Seeing the other zones and villian groups and such more often)
WAPLs and Lefties vs Righties do not count, LOL

~Peace out

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!