2 months and done why play @ 50?





Perhaps CO will be balanced around PVP from the outset, at least that allows you to pick and choose powers. While I’m sure the l33t d00ds will find the best set ups, at least you can still be an original in that upcoming title.-not that I’m putting much faith into CO but it does look promising. Hopefully the DEvs learned a lot from their experiment and moving forward apply this knowledge to future titles.

[/ QUOTE ]

Champions Online already sucks as far as I'm concerned
<ul type="square">[*]It is not "Champions the RPG" Online. The mechanics of Champions the RPG is what made me love the game.[*] It is based on the "Champions the RPG" Signature Characters and Universe. This is the thing that I liked least about Champions the RPG. In fact, I never played in an Champs RPG game that used them.[*] Microtransactions. This needs no explanation.[*] Created by people that quit CoX because they thought that they could make a huge amount of money with Marvel Online and then made a travesty of one of the best and well balanced RPG systems ever created.[/list]
When it first came up, I would have been willing to pay to check it out.
When I found that they were just using the Signature characters and threw out the system, I might have checked out a trial.
Once I found out it would have micro transactions, it isn't even worth checking out as far as I'm concerned.

Statesman's a traitor. It's time to write him out of CoX.

[/ QUOTE ]

er..not to play devils advocate...

But 1: Champions the system would liklely be a horrifically hard mess to balance even moreso than what theyre using now.

and 2: Microtransactions exist in CoH as well &gt;.&gt;

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



If you like the storytelling in the arcs, there are some very good arcs in the AE. (Believe it or don't... there's more to it than level 54 boss farms.)

If you're looking for people to play with, you can try the global channels.

If you're looking for the same feeling you had when the game was new to you... you can't step in the same river twice. It's not the same river and you're not the same man.

Whatever you do, here or elsewhere, have fun.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Because fighting mobs is a fun thiing to do! You don't need to farm.
Also, don't QQ about IOs. They are optional.

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed they are. I spent the last year raiding in WoW (yuck). The "pursuit of purples" is the absolute last thing I want to do in this game right now. When one of my friends gets whatever IO he's desperate for, I'm happy for him. But for myself I will NOT be hooked into the pursuit of Phat Lewtz again.

The game is what you make it. It's still more than possible to have fun at any level, as long as you have the right expectations.



Anyone on Champion knows i am a level 50 dark defender.

Felecia Divine is on 2-4 hours per day negotiating peace between 7 divisions, base renovating, making sure the members find teams and starting one if people need one, doing TF's, hosting RWZ Raids, helping on sunday with Hami-Raids once in awhile (kudos to Amygdala for hosting these), PvPing (rarely since i have better things to do), hosting a Monthly CC as well as helping other small CC's. Then there is using the MA system to create fantastic stories (i love this system).

If you are self absorbed, then yes there is nothing here for you... do your farm, get your 50 and leave, you will not be missed! If you want to actually get involved with the community, there is tons of stuff to do at level 50.

Start promoting your favorite aspect of the game and get others involved, the game like anything else in life is what you make of it!

There are lots of powers and characters to explore and different opponents, there is no lack of content.

oops sorry Shaman i didnt mean to repeat pretty much what you said.



Me? I play my 50s all the time. Sometimes when I've had a stressful work day I'll log into my main character (who I can almost play blindfolded by this point) and just slaughter stuff.

There's no real point, no particular goal. Sometimes I just wanna kill stuff.

Other times I'll log a 50 in just to hang out with some of the friends I've made in-game.

All I can say is if you're that bored with the game and see no reason to continue playing, just quit and play something you aren't bored with.

It's not the game's fault. Maybe it's just not the game for you.


Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Come I-16, my 50s will get the vast majority of my game time. I'm salivating at the thought of the carnage I'll be allowed to take part in.

Be well, people of CoH.



Lol, i agree with you Claws, i have my warshade and enjoy some time in squid form just flying around high in the air blasting everything below, it can be a stress releaver sometimes.



I only have 3 50s (Maybe a fourth in Going Rogue I dunno), and they are only toons I play.

All are minmaxed.

I enjoy the combat this game offers (imagine that).

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I understand where your coming from with the "Why play @ 50?". We can either go PvP, do farm missions, or do TF/SF's. TF/SF's are pretty much just more critters, on more maps, which we've been doing for 50 levels. This game doesn't have any real endgame content. Hami Raid? Pretty boring imho, and a rikti raid. How many times are you gonna want to run the 2 raids this game has lol. Pretty much the point of the OP was that this game is severly lacking in end game content, and the point of this game is the "journey", not the ending. Which sucks.

[/ QUOTE ]

On the contrary, it certainly does not sucks. Best to have a good time and fun while playing the 1-50 levels than only start playing once you are 50.

And once you get to 50 for the first time and realize there is nothing so special about it, maybe people should take their time and enjoy the ride with their next alts? No! They rush to AE to get PLed to 50 once more! Go figure...

Problem is not the game. Problem is the players. It's all in their head.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




I understand where your coming from with the "Why play @ 50?". We can either go PvP, do farm missions, or do TF/SF's. TF/SF's are pretty much just more critters, on more maps, which we've been doing for 50 levels. This game doesn't have any real endgame content. Hami Raid? Pretty boring imho, and a rikti raid. How many times are you gonna want to run the 2 raids this game has lol. Pretty much the point of the OP was that this game is severly lacking in end game content, and the point of this game is the "journey", not the ending. Which sucks.

[/ QUOTE ]

On the contrary, it certainly does not sucks. Best to have a good time and fun while playing the 1-50 levels than only start playing once you are 50.

And once you get to 50 for the first time and realize there is nothing so special about it, maybe people should take their time and enjoy the ride with their next alts? No! They rush to AE to get PLed to 50 once more! Go figure...

Problem is not the game. Problem is the players. It's all in their head.

[/ QUOTE ]

So why can't we have both? Why can't we have exciting dynamic leveling and an endgame that keeps people coming back for more after 50?

It seems they tried, and for some succeeded with the addition of PvP as engame content, but that clearly doesn't appeal to many, and the rules overhaul did nothing to help that. Hami raids were another attempt that was moderately successful but that was never more than a social event for people with top of the line computers.

No, enjoying the journey to 50 is important, but this game does need something more in the way of 50 only endgame content.



I'd love to see more content at level 50. I'd like there to be more interesting things to do at 50. I'm sorry but I am not a fan of the "go level an alt if you need something to do" answer.

All that time and effort spent getting to 50 (assuming you didnt get PLd) shouldn't mean the game is "over" for that character. Yes yes I know you can still do TFs etc at 50 but there should be something different to do at 50 besides what you've been doing all through the leveling process.

I'd be excited about content that is only available for 50s. Content that was both fun and rewarding in some manner. A carrot at the end of the level 50 stick is a good thing.

Telling players to roll an alt is not an acceptable answer in my book. People invest alot of time and their own personalities into characters they make. They WANT to play that character. There should be significant reasons to play at level 50. If CoX had such an end game I'd wager it would have a bigger following.

In another MMO I play I have a "main" character. That character is the one I devout most of my time and efforts towards. I am sure everyone here has a character like that too. But in other games I have goals to strive towards on my main max level character that really make me excited to play. CoX just doesnt have that sort of endgame and it's likely that if it did there'd be more folk playing. And I'd love to see CoX have more people playing and talking about it.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



I understand where your coming from with the "Why play @ 50?". We can either go PvP, do farm missions, or do TF/SF's. TF/SF's are pretty much just more critters, on more maps, which we've been doing for 50 levels. This game doesn't have any real endgame content. Hami Raid? Pretty boring imho, and a rikti raid. How many times are you gonna want to run the 2 raids this game has lol. Pretty much the point of the OP was that this game is severly lacking in end game content, and the point of this game is the "journey", not the ending. Which sucks.

[/ QUOTE ]

On the contrary, it certainly does not sucks. Best to have a good time and fun while playing the 1-50 levels than only start playing once you are 50.

And once you get to 50 for the first time and realize there is nothing so special about it, maybe people should take their time and enjoy the ride with their next alts? No! They rush to AE to get PLed to 50 once more! Go figure...

Problem is not the game. Problem is the players. It's all in their head.

[/ QUOTE ]

So why can't we have both? Why can't we have exciting dynamic leveling and an endgame that keeps people coming back for more after 50?

It seems they tried, and for some succeeded with the addition of PvP as engame content, but that clearly doesn't appeal to many, and the rules overhaul did nothing to help that. Hami raids were another attempt that was moderately successful but that was never more than a social event for people with top of the line computers.

No, enjoying the journey to 50 is important, but this game does need something more in the way of 50 only endgame content.

[/ QUOTE ]

I dunno. i find the market and IOs a pretty fun hobby.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



So why can't we have both? Why can't we have exciting dynamic leveling and an endgame that keeps people coming back for more after 50?

[/ QUOTE ]

World of Warcraft does have a great leveling game and an endgame that makes people come back for more. Unfortunately, the net result is that the zones outside Northrend (levels prior to 70) are ghost towns where it's near impossible to find groups, so you don't see much of the great leveling game except for the solo parts.

In short, it's a difficult balance to strike so that your great endgame doesn't depopulate the lower level zones.



So why can't we have both? Why can't we have exciting dynamic leveling and an endgame that keeps people coming back for more after 50?

[/ QUOTE ]

World of Warcraft does have a great leveling game and an endgame that makes people come back for more. Unfortunately, the net result is that the zones outside Northrend (levels prior to 70) are ghost towns where it's near impossible to find groups, so you don't see much of the great leveling game except for the solo parts.

In short, it's a difficult balance to strike so that your great endgame doesn't depopulate the lower level zones.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that really much different than CoX now? I mean most folk are crammed into Atlas Park in the AE building. You don't see every zone actively populated even now.

Having something for the endgame might get people out of Atlas and the AE and actually populate those zones that already ARE ghost towns.

And is it really a good thing to extol making an alt as the "end game" content just to keep lower level zones populated?

Considering WoW since you brought it up... their low level zones are still fairly populated. The capital cities especially. Even if grouping for the low level dungeons isnt as common due to most folk focusing on their high level characters, CoX has the better model in this regard cause you can SOLO your missions (whereas players cant solo dungeons in wow unless they are much higher level than the dungeon in question)

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Is that really much different than CoX now? I mean most folk are crammed into Atlas Park in the AE building. You don't see every zone actively populated even now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. It's not particularly hard to get a group at just about any level, especially if you're willing to do the recruiting yourself. Trying to find a group to do Shadowfang Keep or Blackrock Depths in WoW, on the other hand, can be like pulling teeth, and not just because of the stricter team composition requirements in WoW.

By the way, I don't see anything wrong with doing AE missions, too: they are a great source of new content, mostly level-neutral, and I run them all the time. I just avoid the farms.

Considering WoW since you brought it up... their low level zones are still fairly populated. The capital cities especially.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're missing my point, I think. It's not about how many characters are actually present in a given zone, but about the availability of players for team play at any given level (if you just solo, then it doesn't matter a whit how many other people there are in the zone). The number of people in any given capital city is largely irrelevant for any given player's entertainment, for example.



If you are self absorbed, then yes there is nothing here for you... do your farm, get your 50 and leave

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. I'm very self-absorbed, have been here for 5 years, mostly play 50s, and don't plan on leaving.

You just have to actually enjoy logging in and beating the tar out of things over and over and over, maybe hoping for a nice shiny drop from each one.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Is that really much different than CoX now? I mean most folk are crammed into Atlas Park in the AE building. You don't see every zone actively populated even now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. It's not particularly hard to get a group at just about any level, especially if you're willing to do the recruiting yourself. Trying to find a group to do Shadowfang Keep or Blackrock Depths in WoW, on the other hand, can be like pulling teeth, and not just because of the stricter team composition requirements in WoW.

By the way, I don't see anything wrong with doing AE missions, too: they are a great source of new content, mostly level-neutral, and I run them all the time. I just avoid the farms.

Considering WoW since you brought it up... their low level zones are still fairly populated. The capital cities especially.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're missing my point, I think. It's not about how many characters are actually present in a given zone, but about the availability of players for team play at any given level (if you just solo, then it doesn't matter a whit how many other people there are in the zone). The number of people in any given capital city is largely irrelevant for any given player's entertainment, for example.

[/ QUOTE ]

But what you're basically saying is... we can't have an end game thats fun, engaging and encourages us to play our max level characters cause then people would have something else to do besides level alts... and that would mean less people doing the lower end content...

somehow... there seems to be something wrong with that logic...

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



never add PVP to a PVE MMO game, always ends bad

[/ QUOTE ]

Your grammar is as bad as your understanding of PvP.


"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler



But what you're basically saying is... we can't have an end game thats fun, engaging and encourages us to play our max level characters cause then people would have something else to do besides level alts... and that would mean less people doing the lower end content...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because an endgame that is sufficiently engaging and fun so that you don't need to do anything else but play max-level characters forever is indeed a chimera. You will run out of stuff to do. No company, not even Blizzard, can satisfy the voracious content hunger of gamers. Blizzard spends more money and effort on their endgame content than any other company, and most of what they produce is consumed and spit out a couple of months again later, with players clamoring for more. The initial endgame content in WotLK lasted perhaps three months before players were tired of it.

Given that, and considering that you don't even have close to the same resources that Blizzard has if you aren't Blizzard, throwing away 49 levels worth of content is a waste. Rather, you want to motivate players to play all your content repeatedly, and not just a fraction of it (powerset proliferation is one great motivator, as is the already great variety of existing powerset combinations). That's also why you can find taskforces and trials at all levels from 15 onwards: You don't have to wait until level 50 to do what in other MMORPGs constitutes endgame content.

That's not to say that there aren't taskforces that could use an overhaul (*cough* Positron TF *cough*) or that level 50 content should be neglected. But right now, there's already a preponderance of level 50 taskforce content: The Statesman TF, the Imperious TF, the Dr. Kahn TF, the Lady Grey TF, the Mender Silos TF, the Justin Augustine TF, the Sara Moore TF, and the Faathim the Kind TF. Plus, Hamidon raids, if you're so inclined. It's not like the level 50 game has been neglected. And that's not counting that you CAN do any other TF or trial, too, if you don't mind being exemplared down. Or that there is quite a bit of AE content that is custom-made so that level 50 characters feel challenged.



It takes quite awhile to get a character to lvl 50, do every SF/TF, all the trials, and every story arc using the flashback system, get all the badges and accolades, tweak your build and IO it to make you a rock star, get your patron powers, design 5 cool costumes, ect. ect. I've only done that with one of my 50s and it took a long time, but was alot of fun.

My problem and perhaps the OPs, is that I don't like any of my 50s enough to sink that much time into. Most of my 50s sit unused because after playing my main, that has a billion infamy build, the rest just feel weak, but I don't like any of them enough to sink that kinda time or money into. Now that Brutes are getting Claws and we are getting Dual Pistols, I have two new builds that I plan on doing all of the above mentioned activities with. That's at least 6 months worth of stuff to do. So I for one am excited again, I just hope we get some new content to play with these new characters. I think what this game really needs is a buttload of new maps, tilesets, enemy factions, power sets, zones, TF/SF, and globle events. Hope Going Rogue supplies some of that stuff.



But what you're basically saying is... we can't have an end game thats fun, engaging and encourages us to play our max level characters cause then people would have something else to do besides level alts... and that would mean less people doing the lower end content...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because an endgame that is sufficiently engaging and fun so that you don't need to do anything else but play max-level characters forever is indeed a chimera. You will run out of stuff to do. No company, not even Blizzard, can satisfy the voracious content hunger of gamers. Blizzard spends more money and effort on their endgame content than any other company, and most of what they produce is consumed and spit out a couple of months again later, with players clamoring for more. The initial endgame content in WotLK lasted perhaps three months before players were tired of it.

Given that, and considering that you don't even have close to the same resources that Blizzard has if you aren't Blizzard, throwing away 49 levels worth of content is a waste. Rather, you want to motivate players to play all your content repeatedly, and not just a fraction of it (powerset proliferation is one great motivator, as is the already great variety of existing powerset combinations). That's also why you can find taskforces and trials at all levels from 15 onwards: You don't have to wait until level 50 to do what in other MMORPGs constitutes endgame content.

That's not to say that there aren't taskforces that could use an overhaul (*cough* Positron TF *cough*) or that level 50 content should be neglected. But right now, there's already a preponderance of level 50 taskforce content: The Statesman TF, the Imperious TF, the Dr. Kahn TF, the Lady Grey TF, the Mender Silos TF, the Justin Augustine TF, the Sara Moore TF, and the Faathim the Kind TF. Plus, Hamidon raids, if you're so inclined. It's not like the level 50 game has been neglected. And that's not counting that you CAN do any other TF or trial, too, if you don't mind being exemplared down. Or that there is quite a bit of AE content that is custom-made so that level 50 characters feel challenged.

[/ QUOTE ]

So basically rehashed content is all we can hope for... I'm sorry but thats the thinking that led to CoX being kept as a b-list mmo. This game is awesome and had the potential to be even more grand than what it became.

If you think its a good idea to just leave things as is and maintain the status quo I just don't get ya. Games must evolve. Stagnating a game and telling the players the only thing they have to look forward to is the same stuff they've been doing for the past 5 years is the logic that made CoX's population dwindle from its glory days and its the same thing that keeps the population from rising.

I'm not saying they have to spit out content at the rate blizzard does... the dev team here has gone out of their way to add new content and features to the game over these many issues. They have the resources to add lvl 50 content.

Creating that content wont totally throw away the past content either. People will still level alts the content will still be used. I am not saying new lvl 50 content has to be far and away better than anything else in the game. I am saying that there is a flaw in saying "you hit max lvl the game is now over for you. Enjoy playing again as another character doing pretty much what you did for the last 50 levels".

When content is rehashed to such an extreme you lose players due to boredom. The game can be more than it is and in being more than it is it could be better and it might prosper once again like in its glory days.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



I have to admit....
I have 4 level 50 charachters.

My very first toon from about 3 years ago was an Nrg/Nrg Blaster that I got to 50 about 2 years ago.
I learned sooooo much with that charachter.
My 2nd was a Empathy Defender with Dark Blasts.
My 3rd was a Willpower/Mace Tanker that it damn near takes a mountain range to drop on him to stun him.
Hell.... that Tanker used to farm lev 52 Malta solo with 7 others anchoring to max out the mobs and bosses....
and he would still kick major booty!
My last lev 50 was a Fire/Fire Tank....
but they nerfed a lot of the powers on that particular build when he was in his teens while leveling.
So it kinda took some of the motivation out while leveling him.
I have to admit....
generally I have gotten quicker and quicker on leveling ANY toon anymore.
This was all PRE-AE too I might add.

But I have to admit also....
more maps/zones and content would REALLY rock with this game.
But I love 90% of the whole COH experience anyways.

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!



So basically rehashed content is all we can hope for... I'm sorry but thats the thinking that led to CoX being kept as a b-list mmo. This game is awesome and had the potential to be even more grand than what it became.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. I think the point here is, making content specifically for only L50 characters is limiting and futile. Making content that is FLEXIBLE has always been the thing that allows CoX to maintain player interest beyond a 'select' few.

More options is not a bad thing. Creating content that excludes other players, and veteran players' alternate characters, IS bad.

Also, speaking of this game in the past tense is foolish. The game is young and growing.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



So basically rehashed content is all we can hope for... I'm sorry but thats the thinking that led to CoX being kept as a b-list mmo. This game is awesome and had the potential to be even more grand than what it became.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. I think the point here is, making content specifically for only L50 characters is limiting and futile. Making content that is FLEXIBLE has always been the thing that allows CoX to maintain player interest beyond a 'select' few.

More options is not a bad thing. Creating content that excludes other players, and veteran players' alternate characters, IS bad.

Also, speaking of this game in the past tense is foolish. The game is young and growing.

[/ QUOTE ]

ok... reality check... I enjoy this game... I've had my ups and downs with it. But its worth my money at this time.

But you're deluding yourself if you think this game is "young and growing"

CoX has it's niche. It is maintaining its status quo. I have yet to see any evidence of it "growing".

It is not a young game. It's been out as long as WoW has. WoW is an old game too. But CoX does have alot of endearing qualities. I am not saying to totally move away from the open to everyone content. But there comes a time when you need to branch out into new ways of keeping your players playing as well as giving incentives to new players to join.

Having SOME (notice I did not say all) new content explicitly for 50s isnt a bad thing. Think about it like this... there's already things you cant do at low levels. You can't go see hamidon, there's certain story arcs not available till certain levels. So the whole game has content that you can't do at level 1.

But purposefully not making content for 50s so they have no other option but to roll an alt to play isnt going to appeal to the majority of potential players of these types of games. If it did then CoX would be alot more populated. And believe me I wish it were.

If you want to keep your head in the sand and just maintain the status quo so things never change thats fine. But I truly and honestly believe its unhealthy for the game and one of the major factors that kept CoX from exploding in popularity like WoW did.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



I have too many level 50's yet I still find combos to play and like *shrug* But I also have a solid group of friends to play with.