I believe what's going on here is that there is a difference between the Crab Spider gloves and the Wolf Spider gloves. I just ran a quick mission on my own new Soldier and all the Crabs and Longfangs have the mitten hands.
See it here:
BAB did talk about it at one point, I'm not going to find the post, but the wolf spider gloves do show individual fingers, but they still function like the normal mitten hands.
Yeah there would basically be a transparency area defined for the "fingers". But heck that's WAY nicer to look at. Great find!
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Did someone say Salad Fingers?
Ha, I forgot about this thread in the wake of the awesomeness of i16.
Any chance of this being imported to regular ATs?
I know that all characters in CoH/V all have those blockie looking hands, with the fingers not stretched out, but today I noticed this...
This is my new Spider I'm working on.
This is my lvl 50 Spider.
Maybe it's the gloves? I can't remember anything a Dev might have said about this, enlighten me?