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  1. Actually Freedom is a nice server once you get out of Atlas Park. It used to be better before AE was put in, but I could say the same about the game in general.
  2. My fire/time corr is 31, and I'm loving it so far. I already have a lvl 50 fire/rad, and I know from that character that fire/ can take advantage of high levels of recharge. I'm expecting /time to really deliver in that regard, so I'm really looking forward to level 38 and Chrono Shift.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghostwind_EU View Post
    This. Ever since you no longer have to resummon your pets when zoning MMs have been very easy on the blue bar.
    Agreed. My bots/pain MM never had endurance issues, even at low levels before the inherent fitness change. If it has to be 1-50, then I'd say mastermind.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
    Its only 3-400M to get to a decent base size? Dang, I thought it was another factor of 10 higher. I can afford that, and can stop harassing my friends to play more with our new base on Exalted, but will send you (Fulmens) a generous tip for cluing me in and doing your good deeds.

    Have you tried posting in the base builders forum? I think they also have a global, but I suspect new builders won't know about that, its probably for advanced tips from the experts.
    A fully functional base can run about 3-4 million prestige. Much of that cost comes from the teleporters, and the power/control items needed to make them work. If you just want to set up a base with some storage/crafting/medical items, I think that can be done with what Fulmens is offering.
  5. Intrinsic

    Time to Sell Up!

    People who are serious about farming the itrials can already earn 'infinite' empyrean merits by using multiple characters. Run Lam, run BAF, switch characters, repeat. I would expect such behavior to continue post-patch since the reward will be doubled for the first run. Assuming the other trials take about the same time to complete, then the number of emp merits being generated by farmers will be doubled, not increased to infinity.

    How many players actually do this now, and how many will be doing it post-patch? My uneducated guesses are: not many and not many.
  6. Non-VIP's also cannot pay rent on a SG base, though nowadays that's probably even less of a carrot than incarnate content.
  7. When in Mids, press ctrl+d to look at the power data window. That will show you the details on the power, including the different durations on Chrono Shift's buffs.
  8. I went with radial musculature for my fire/rad, and intend to go with core musculature for my fire/time. The damage increase is too large to pass up. If I have any endurance or recharge problems, I'd much rather work them out using IO sets.
  9. Intrinsic

    Stun master?

    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    How are stuns on KM?
    Unreliable. The attacks have lower chances to stun than their EM counterparts. I can often string attacks together quickly to make a boss wobble for a little bit, but not often enough or long enough to make it really useful.
  10. At those difficulty settings, survivability isn't much of an issue. In that case, I'd go for killing speed. A fire/elec or fire/energy blapper is your best bet there.
  11. Not counting kheldians or Arachnos soldiers, the most I ever skipped was four with my fire^3 scrapper. I took three single-target attacks, one AoE, and Build Up. I can't imagine skipping more than that without missing something important.
  12. Without the tier 7 token rewards or an invention license, all of the IO's slotted in my characters were grayed out. I wasn't getting the enhancement values from any of them. The only set bonuses I had were coming from purples and PvP IO's.

    What that would do to the market for IO's, I can't say. I was under the impression that the invention system was either 'on or 'off,' and if it was off then a player wouldn't get recipe or salvage drops from mobs either. If that's the case, then the froobs wouldn't really factor into the IO economy.
  13. Intrinsic

    AV soloing

    Originally Posted by EJI View Post
    You'll want an immob if you're going with ranged softcap, I like /mm's immob for this because it has an 80' range which also allows you to stay out of range of cones and other attacks that may bypass your ranged def. You'll want a way to recover from the hits that do get through- aid self is probably the best option for this. /mm's +regen can work, but it's a little dicey (I usually surround myself with minions to fuel DP). Two lucky shots too close together and you'll wake up in the hospital asking if anyone got the liscense plate of that truck that just ran you over. I personally feel ranged softcap would be more effective for this sort of thing, as it doesn't limit you as much in terms of which AV's you'll be able to hunt.
    You don't necessarily need an immob. Due to the way the AI works, if you never go within 80' of the AV then it won't try to use AoE attacks on you. Once you close that distance, it will use AoE's and move to stay within AoE range. The exceptions to this are the AV's with melee sets; they will charge you regardless, so using Hover is advisable.

    In order to make this work you need a primary set that has 80' range for its single-target attacks, and Boost Range from the energy secondary. I had fair success with archery/energy (pre-Alpha) using this tactic. Psy/energy would probably be better. Beam rifle/energy might be the best just from looking at the stats in Mids, but I'm unwilling to pay the money to confirm that.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aipaloovik View Post
    Wow, talk about hard to impress.... but uh, okay, if you say so. Not an entirely bad day's work.

    Now make yet another billion!!
  15. Dominator for sure. On the whole, the AT stands to gain the most from high-recharge builds. With judicious use of purples, PvP's, and LOTG's, you can maintain permadom while exemplaring as low as level 25. The primary sets have a lot of nice control powers on long recharge timers. Many of the secondary sets have attack powers with longer recharge times than you find in other AT's, so your attack chains just continue to improve dps-wise as you add more recharge bonuses.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheOOB View Post
    Dominators are a bit harder to play than most archtypes, and if you play them like a blaster or a scrapper you will be killed.
    In the case of a blaster, that would mean you're playing it properly.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Apparently, the game is willing to let me list stuff for more than 2 billions, up until 2 billions and 146 millions precisely (at 147 millions, the 10th digit won't work). Could be just an error on the input screen and maybe the market wouldn't actually let me list something for more than 2 billions, but as I'm a cheapskate and didn't want to burn 100 millions in a fee I thought I'd ask here first if anyone has ever done it and if it is possible.
    2^31 is 2,147,483,648. That sounds very close to the limit you noticed. Not sure why the limit falls a little short of that number.

    *edit* Just tried it, the top number I can put in is 2,147,483,647. Note that the 'post' button grays out for any number above 2 billion, so I couldn't actually post the item.
  18. I'm back into marketeering, but I've streamlined my activities. I do everything on two dedicated characters now, and check them twice a week. I'm now making roughly a third of what I was making last Fall, for about a fifth of the time and effort.
  19. Keep in mind that those bids could have been filled from multiple sellers. Even if someone does come forward, there's a good chance that your friend won't recover his entire losses.

    Also... wow.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
    I know Blacier and how/who he plays with. He is not some slacker who screws around all day never accomplishes anything. He is a hardcore player who puts in the time and effort to accomplish his goals. If he is posting this, I listen.
    I don't associate an unorganized rant about difficulties in equipping new characters with a 'hardcore' mentality. To be fair, I do have some difficulty parsing that term within the context of CoH, though I know what it means in other MMO's. I would expect a truly hardcore player to at least be familiar with the game's systems, and that includes the economy.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Sorry, that's kind of a Market forums inside joke. I can't find the post, but one poster who's rather notorious on the forums once made the claim that "95% of the playerbase can't afford SOs at level 50". I was commenting that you are now in the top 5% that can afford SOs.
    I remember where it was because it was in response to one of my posts, and I don't make many of them:

    *edit* Beaten to the punch!
  22. Intrinsic

    IO confusion

    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    Lot of math on that page
    Aww, don't be afraid of a little math!

    If you go to your enhancement screen while exemplared, you can mouse over the powers to see the total current (exemplared) enhancement values for each power. It won't display the current value for each enhancement, but at least you can determine the totals without having to make any calculations.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    We discovered on Freedom that almost 100% of the lag during a Hamidon raid consisting of 4 full teams in a league was caused by Destiny: Barrier. The first wave it was absolutely horrible, we had used all our Destiny buffs - second wave, the leader asked for no Barriers, and we were fine (until someone popped their Barrier on Hami after the mitos, then the lag spiked noticeably again).
    I don't think it was just barrier, clarion seemed to be lagging the raid too. But yeah, once the Destiny buffs faded everything was fine. When the buffs were running, the lag was much worse than anything I've seen in BAF.
  24. Intrinsic

    56 Billion inf ?

    The xp stat is way off too. ParagonWiki says it takes about 39 million xp to go from 1 to 50. It would only take 402 people to level 50 to break that total xp figure. Is that off by a magnitude of a thousand too? More? I know that Kotaku isn't renowned for their fact-checking prowess, but at this point I have to wonder about the devs' stat-tracking tools and abilities.