what primary to go with Time?
Hello all,
I'm a returning player who wants to check out some of the new changes. I've been thinking of creating a new corruptor and just wanted some input for a primary that would mesh well with time. Any input would be appreciated. |
I am playing Fire. rain of fire, Slowed response and distortion field pins things down and they melt under the AoE. Very end heavy but loving it.
I have also heard good things about elec working well with it.
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Joint MD's of SwiftyCarez Corp
Helping you to have a more drool filled day since 08:43 25/01/2005
Fire/Time is pretty FotM, and an effective one at that, as Swifty mentioned.
I went Elec/Time personally for pseudo-conceptual reasons as Short Circuit and Ball Lightning are fun times with Scourge.
You really can't go wrong with either, but Fire/Time would probably come out on top for a solid choice for AoEs.
If you're goin' for single target, Ice/Time is great for slow and hold synergy.
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I'd give beam rifle a whirl - time should keep you alive for the set-up and you'd be a single target monster with the combo.
I'd give beam rifle a whirl - time should keep you alive for the set-up and you'd be a single target monster with the combo.
If you have somehow been blessed by the heavens with the patience to not want to stick a boot through your monitor every time you have to see the darkness cursed redraw animation then by all means continue to enjoy it.
Global: @Kelig
I'm currently having a lot of fun with a Sonic/Time. It may not be as "pretty" as Fire/ but the debuffs in Sonic have been nice on him.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

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Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
That's a huge YMMV set up. Clicky secondary plus weapon set primary means massive redraw. While it can be a ST monster if redraw bothers you in the slightest avoid this mess at all cost.
If you have somehow been blessed by the heavens with the patience to not want to stick a boot through your monitor every time you have to see the darkness cursed redraw animation then by all means continue to enjoy it. |
I have been having great success and amazing fun with Dark/Time. It isn't the best damage you can get but it is extremely survivable with the mix of debuffs in primary and secondary and still does decent damage with Scourge.
No relation to Arachnos!
Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?
Another vote for ICE/TIME here. I have it on a defender and can solo +2/x8. Ice Storm and BLizzard would be insane with Scourge. The extra holds are nice from a controlish stand-point as well.
EDIT: I have yet to Incarnate this toon. I suspect that when I go 50+1 I could tackle some +4 mobs.
When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.
I'll throw my 2 cents in and say DP/Time. Not as strong as Fire/ is obviously, but boy is it fun! Goes well with /Time IMO, with all the +rech with /Time it seems like Hail of Bullets is up all the time. Just really good synergy with the set.
what's clicky about time exactly? drop the slow patch, slowed response the mob, hold one dangerous target, time crawl another, trash mob in safety, repeat.
I love my Ice/Time as well. Lots of holds. Lots of slows. Lots of scourge. The defender version would be just as fun, albeit with 100% less scourging (but ~25% more buffing/debuffing).
Killjoy - AR/Kin Cor | Grimwind - Dark/Cold Corr
Fallowlord - Plant/Ice Dom | Game Warden - TA/A Def
Thought Police - Mind/Psi Dom | Gammarauder - Rad/Traps
I went with Beam/Time. I regretted it after thirty-odd levels and rerolled. Redraw! :shakes fist: Now I have ice/time and dark/time. So far much improved.
I'm gonna also chime in with Ice. My Ice/Time is a lot of fun (although she's currently being neglected at the mo because my Traps/Beam Defender is also a lot of fun).
I have no idea if there is any synergy but I started a Dual Pistol/Time corrupter. I like it because DP looks like you would have to be able to manipulate time in order to shoot like that.
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I'm playing a Beam/Time on Exalted and it's decent combo. I love the concept so I don't want to delete it, but that said, I'm not loving the mechanics for disintegrate.
I have a Fire/Time on Freedom. Now -that's- a monster. You get to debuff resistance and defense, slow, hold and get massive recharge boosts to yourself and your team. You can heal and buff your teammates as well. You also get massive defense boosts to keep everyone alive, including yourself.
All that works amazingly well because you can lay down your debuffs, jump into the middle of the spawn with Time's Juncture running and distribute AoE death while laughing maniacally as your targets try to flee your Rain of Fire but can't because they have their movement floored.
Heh, I think you answered your own question. That's a lot of clicking.
I love my Ice/Time as well. Lots of holds. Lots of slows. Lots of scourge. The defender version would be just as fun, albeit with 100% less scourging (but ~25% more buffing/debuffing). |
My time is a time/sonic fendur which is just sick. I'd have suggested it but the op wanted a corr. I only said beam because the op wanted to try out new sets and i figured 2 birds.
Also fire is clearly what i'd choose for pure power, i just assume we all have enough fire/ corrs already
Ok, I'll admit that fire/time would be a better combo, but my vote is elec/time. Mine is 31 now and i'm loving the combo. Waaaaaay better than i thought it would be.
Sparky crits too
just wish he lasted longer than a minute.

No such thing as enough Fire/ Corruptors.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I have no idea if there is any synergy but I started a Dual Pistol/Time corrupter. I like it because DP looks like you would have to be able to manipulate time in order to shoot like that.
I think this just prompted the deletion of a lvl 35 defender whose concept I couldn't get my mind wrapped around.
Thanks a bunch!
No, my point was that you do that and you don't have to touch the time powers again til the next mob - meaning no redraw which was the original complaint.
My time is a time/sonic fendur which is just sick. I'd have suggested it but the op wanted a corr. I only said beam because the op wanted to try out new sets and i figured 2 birds. |
As an update, got my fire/time corr incarnated over the weekend (well, T3s all round) and it is a beast. With cardiac my end issues have pretty much gone and I am happily soloing +2/x8s. could prob go higher, but still need to get my gladiator +def and slot the purple sets I have waiting. Would highly recommend the combo. If you are against fire, Ice and elec are pairings I have seen about and seem just as deadly.
This post was brought to you by Swifty and Malcom the Mewtie Kitty
Joint MD's of SwiftyCarez Corp
Helping you to have a more drool filled day since 08:43 25/01/2005
I approached things as a Defender, but went Radiation Blast, and the sets definitely have a synergy that I could see working for Corruptors too. Time's Juncture + Irradiate makes me giggle. The set just generally plays like a tank unless/until I get mezzed, at which point it plays like a trip from the hospital. But those moments are reasonably few and far between.
[...]unless/until I get mezzed, at which point it plays like a trip from the hospital. But those moments are reasonably few and far between.
Being softcapped to all three positions also helps because a lot of the mezzing stuff just won't hit you in the first place.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I approached things as a Defender, but went Radiation Blast, and the sets definitely have a synergy that I could see working for Corruptors too. Time's Juncture + Irradiate makes me giggle. The set just generally plays like a tank unless/until I get mezzed, at which point it plays like a trip from the hospital. But those moments are reasonably few and far between.
Aye, mez protection is the one hole in Time. But the thing is, with Farsight giving so much defense you don't really need to carry purples, Time provides you with 2 self heals so you don't really need greens either, so you've got lots of room for BFs. Or Clarion, once you're 50.
Being softcapped to all three positions also helps because a lot of the mezzing stuff just won't hit you in the first place. |
Just to add to what Silas is saying.
If you are doing incarnate content, you should have Clarion (and a case can potentially be made for Raidal as well as Core, although I will be going Core) and your mez issues are gone.
If you are not doing incarnate content, you don't need lucks and can load up on break frees.
Originally Posted by Silas
No such thing as enough Fire/ Corruptors.
I'd give beam rifle a whirl - time should keep you alive for the set-up and you'd be a single target monster with the combo.
Both powersets need to be 'set up', which means you can often do one well, but not the other. For example, beam rifle needs you to apply disintegration, to spread it once or twice, then do your AOEs for damage. Your team would likely have finished with all the critters before you get to this point and you haven't even tried your time manipulation debuffs yet. Similar goes for time manipulation if you're going to apply time crawl, then a debuff - your team will finish before you, or if you're soloing you've taken a few shots by now.
I'm sure this has been discussed on the boards, but I think you might want to consider that if you're putting these two sets together.
-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!
Hello all,
I'm a returning player who wants to check out some of the new changes. I've been thinking of creating a new corruptor and just wanted some input for a primary that would mesh well with time. Any input would be appreciated.