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  1. Healix

    Crashing hard

    Guapo, I HATE Adobe for just that reason. It is bloated and runs crap in the background. There is a wonderful FREE PDF reader that is small and way better called Foxit Reader.

    Foxit PDF Reader

    I have a putersaurus that runs games better than a lot of newer machines. I don't use a bunch of toolbars, I don't have a lot of 'BHOs' (browser helpers....Java is about it) and I have about 8 things that run in the background when I start my puter. No Quicktime, Adobe, Realplayer, SunJava update...(these are things I can start myself if I need them.) I have an Nvidia card also, but turned off the update ervice. I check myself for the latest driver on the site.
    Good luck with your housecleaning, and you will be amazed at your puter speed when you are done. Let us know how you do!
  2. I'm feeling the same way. Nothing out there comes close to CoH. I don't have a driving need to find a replacement for it.
  3. ...when you have actually checked on the internet for places/sttreets with the same names as in the game.
  4. Healix was my very first creation. I wanted her to look like she came from another world to help support and heal. I chose the wierd cone hat because no one else was using it. When in the early issues, trollers were so squishy it was almost impossible to solo.
  5. I use CamStudio. It's free and works fine for me.

  6. I'd probably cause my neighbors to call the police, because I'd be sobbing and yelling so loud at my joy. Then I'd go into the City and victory dance and share the happy with everyone.
  7. Angelus, I have done pretty well not crying for the last few weeks.....till your beautiful video. I hope we can save this wonderful game.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    To the OP.. No I do not share your feelings.

    CoH is the only MMO I play. I have tried EQII, WoW, SWTOR, GW, GW2, DCUO, and CO.

    NONE of those games have what CoH does for me. Part of that is the community and the friendliness of the people I have met the past 7.5 years.

    So yes I am upset the game may close, yes I am upset I may not be able to play THIS game with my friends, and yes I am very upset that the dev team were thrown out on the street without any notice.
    This says it all for me, exactly. Thanks IBTT
  9. I think I will hold out for Elderscrolls Online. (Just imagine what Bethesda Works could do if they took over CoH. /em mindblown) Doesn't cost anything to dream......
  10. I am playing as much as possible and will continue to do so. The only other online game I'd consider playing would be Elderscrolls Online...yes, it is in the works and due in 2013.

    Elderscrolls Online
  11. I wonder if they will just level all characters to 50 a week or two before? If not I'd take that and the 'no mass VIP' as an 'it's not over yet' sign.
  12. Healix


    ok..I confess I bought these just because they look like inspirations.

  13. I understood it to be a weekend event, just like before..
  14. Just for that I am going to have to give you a hug for every cockroach in your kingdom!!

  15. I think the OP was wondering how the villain sees through it and if there is any technical inside display for that purpose...perhaps the material is a very special fabric that is like a two-way mirror. They can see out, but no one can see in.
  16. Believe me EarthFury...you are not the only one to actually shed tears....and not just us gals
  17. I am not one of those level grinders. The rich lore and storylines are worth not rushing through for me...this is what has given me such a deep connection to CoH. I love the journey on the way to the destination. (I do have friends that feel that way, and I have helped them if they asked.) Everyone has his/her own way of playing and that is as it should be. When I log on, I just look to have fun...solo or teaming. Even after eight years and two accounts I haven't done it all yet.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I ran through all the DA arcs solo at x8 on BZB v2 over the last two nights. Unlocked all my characters. Ran some lowbies around. Looks like I'm going to get as much playtime in as possible before the end as one last dive into the abyss.

    Went through a similar situation when I knew the end was nigh for my mastiff, Bella. What could I do but love on her as much as possible before having to let her go? I certainly wasn't going to ignore her.
    THIS X1000
    Bill, you nailed it.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Playing this game any longer is an utter waste of time other than as an online chat community. And for that....far better venues.
    The years I have spent playing this game have never wasted my time. It will still be fun right up until the lights go out in the City. I am going to get in as much game time as I can.
  20. I have 2 accounts and both are auto pay from my bank and Paypal. They have always shown up on my statement on the 5th and 9th, but so far nothing. If I were to cancel, I would lose my VIP status. I am just going to leave things as they are for now. (Still hoping the game can be saved.)
  21. The NVIDIA Forceware 306.23 WHQL is out. So far so good.
  22. I added these folders in the CoH Screenshots folder:

    Areas (inside, oudside)

    Details (glitches)


    Funny (funny death poses)

    SG Groups

    My Characters

    NPCs (human, non human)
  23. Healix

    Crazy AP33

    Even Lusca showed up