435 -
Have been and still am a major fan of The Monkees. Was sad to hear Davy passed on Wednesday. RIP, Mr. Jones.
Had a blast last year, glad you're doing this again in Talos. See you all Saturday!
I'm going to make a prediction; this will be Paragon Studios' best selling set since the Wedding Pack.
I'll be buying it. Fo' sho! -
Welcome, Hit Streak! We'll be gentle...
Oh who'm I kidding? We won't be any such thing! Just jump on in and try not to sink, 'kay? -
Seeya, Beastyle! It was fun seeing you in Pocket D from time to time. Godspeed, duder!
Quote:Neither did I. Superhero stories are FILLED with tales that go on for two, three, more issues of a character having some limitation or another. I recently reread an Action Comics/Superman storyline from the 70's where Superman was split in half between Earth and a dimension of magic, where he only had about half his powers in each body. This storyline went on for over *six months*. Back then, with more episodic stories, that was practically an event.Really? Huh. I guess I was one of the only ones who thought it wasn't all that bad.
So no, Brad, it wasn't that bad. In fact I think occasional reminders (remember this is a HOLIDAY EVENT, folks, not a regular addition to the game) of how we could be long-term inconvenienced are sort of fun. I know that not everyone shares that, but c'mon...what's the challenge if Batman ALWAYS has his utility belt at hand? -
I appear to be severely missing something and cannot unlock the Valentines delivery missions somehow. It makes me feel cheated. And angsty.
Quote:I like "Tights, Movie Nights"Haven't had a VCR since... '04.
Also brainstorming titles
Movie night on Infinite Earths
The Superhero Movie Files
The Secret Origin of a Movie Blog
Tights, Movie Nights, and Me
Also, I've got the site up and running though not fully fleshed out yet. -
You realize noone here has listed ANY of the serials.
Batman had two, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Superman, Blackhawks, Green Hornet, etc.
Before they were multi-million dollar films, they were Republic Serials. Don't forget that. -
The SHORT answer is "Because playing CoX makes me feel like I'm playing the Champions RPG with Mego action figures".
Long answer? There are many. I'm about as comic-booky and super-hero-y as a person can get, so I find myself very comfortable in these surroundings. Someone upthread also mentioned it's not just spandex-clad supermen and women with powers that populate CoX, but also a "melting pot" of heroic and villainous characters such as time-lost warriors, plainclothes detectives with exotic gadgets and weapons, aliens, supernatural monsters, and so on.
I like feeling heroic and saving the day. I occasionally like feeling villainous and ruining the day. CoX lets me do both.
Flying is awesome. Fly poses are awesome icing.
Defeating enemies, be they "good guys" or "bad guys" feels good almost every time.
Getting your costume or outfit "just so" is fun. So is updating or changing it.
Not to mention being part of "the big story" through Mission Architect.
I could go on, but I think that's enough. See y'all in the city! -
Quote:QFT, JayboH...Mrs. Lantern and I enjoyed "NOF" too. I'd have watched a second season with an organized "Masters of Evil".No Ordinary Family was a fun show and my wife and I never missed an episode. We were pretty upset it got cancelled so early. It had some nice potential as a family show.
Frankly the enjoyment of "Booster Gold" IMHO means making it a little more "DC Universe" and a little less "Quantum Leap". Knowing how most comic book properties are dealt with, it's gonna be Sam Beckett all over again. So I'm going to unfortunately say "no". -
Hey all, just wanted to chime in...
YJ - Was ladled in awesomesauce. Boom tube! Whiz Wagon!! Forever People!!!
TARUUUUUUU!!! Aw yeah, beeshes.
GL - The WORST thing I can say is that I found the animation a little uneven. Other than that, I think the show was kinda frackin' perfect. Character was good, plot was good, deux ex machina of "Aiya" (and her damage) was good.
TC - Not watched yet, but like all of you every episode has been REALLY good, so I'm not worried.
And yes, I too am looking forward to the Generator Rex/Ben 10 crossover...though I've not bothered to watch "Rex" before.
Oh and one final thing. "DC Nation"? Great...why weren't they doing this YEARS AGO? Seriously, this kind of marketing should have been done around the time DiDio took over DC about 5 years ago. Better late than never, I guess. -
Actually, Zombie Man, it is. Exactly.
Let's not forget that in Zwill's comment he mentioned that they like money. Of COURSE they like money...they're a business and thrive on it.
And suppose...JUST suppose...they could wrench an extra $10.00 out of you this month by offering something *very* neat for your little superhero game, yet leaving you without enough points in your monthly stipend to purchase, forcing you to buy more points in the process?
That's the very thought process I went through when I realized I might not have enough points to buy the Halloween Set before the set's no longer available for sale...forcing me to decide how much it's REALLY worth to me. Is it worth enough to spend more money than my monthly subscription on?
Touche, Paragon Studios. Touche indeed.
So no, I don't have a problem with limited time pieces, etc...other than sharing everyone else's frustration when they can't get 'em. -
You said that so nice, I had to say it twice. Amen, Sam.
Whew...I'm still reading thru this thread!
Um, WB Crimson! Glad to have you back again!! Look what you can start these days when you barely try!
"Now, back to the thread..." -
I used to have Batman #19. I think it was dated from 1944.
I made no upgrades to this machine since purchase.
No Beep Codes on bootup. The machine does not boot up.
Everything else you suggested is exactly what the rep in India was trying to get me to do the other day. While I've had it confirmed that opening the computer will not violate my extended warranty, it galls me that they want me to perform hours worth of troubleshooting for them. Isn't that what I paid the warranty price for?
I know the whole troubleshooting process is a major PITA. I don't want to do it. They are refusing to take further action until I do, so they're forcing me into something I don't want to do so that I can take advantage of something I paid extra for.
How's that right again? -
Jester - I've had the computer about five months. I would think if an error as you describe would be the root cause of my problem it'd have manifested itself before last week, wouldn't you?