398 -
First off.. the "gift" was that we get to keep 10 enhancements during a respec, not the respec itself.
Secondly.. I've yet to see one reason from you as to why we should be able to pull out more than ten enhancements during a respec. I won't say "Because I want to" and "I spent time gathering them" aren't valid reasons, because those are personal values, and you can think they're valid all you want, while I can disagree to the same level. You said you don't see how it would hurt the game, and that it is a good idea... but why is it a good idea? How will it help the game become more successful?
And before anyone says "It'll make a portion of the player base happy, by giving them what they want", don't. Not unless you have some hard numbers. Remember the Pop-up with Mystic Fortune? People complained about it, so they took it away. People complained about it getting taken away, so they put it back in. I would think more people would want that pop-up taken away, but evidently, there were enough that want it there. So while you might think more people would be happy by giving the ability to take enhancements out of their slots, not everyone will, and it could be the majority.
Quote:OK, so what exactly are these stigmas, and proven incorrect theories, and how are they to be fixed? What makes them incorrect? I'm not asking rhetorically, or with any condescension. You say this is a problem, but I'm not seeing why. So lay it all out for me, convince me why you're right.hoping that cooler heads prevail and the issue is looked at more mathematically and without the stigma of past, proven incorrect theories on game balance vs fun. -
Quote:You're right, there are several other posts asking/complaining/suggesting about this aspect of a respec.So, I'm sure most folks have run into this problem and it may be that there have been several other posts in reference to this issue but... Why can we not remove enhancements from our powers? Especially during a respec does this become an issue. I cannot respec my scrapper unless I choose just 10 of the 26 enhancements that would no longer be needed and have NO place in any slot so, therefore, would be lost completely.
Quote:I'm trapped in a build that I want to change, but can't, due to the ridiculous loss of time and energy investment that are represented by all of those lost IOs. It's just not happenin' and so, I cannot respec my main character.
Think of it like this. Your parents move out to live in Florida, and leave to you the house you grew up in. You lived there all your life, and nothing has changed in all those years, but now that it's yours, you want to change a few things. Add in a fire place, get new appliances, turn one of the bedrooms into a gaming room, and even expand the master bathroom. Sacrificing some space and things to bring in the new stuff. Well, that furniture that you've got left over in the bedroom that you're turning into a game room.. can you take it back to the store you got it from and get your money back? No.. most likely you'll give it away, or have a yard sale.
Same thing with your enhancements. You can't/don't have room for them anymore, so you either give them away(Throwing them in the trash can) or have a yard sale(Selling them by not placing them).
Overall it's your choice, and you are by no means trapped, simply because you're placing a sentimental value on the enhancements because of the time you spent getting them.
Quote:Using alternate builds doesn't remedy this either. The only thing to be done is to burn several respecs wherein I choose powers that have a slot for the enhancements left behind so that they no longer would be. After doing this 3 times I would be able to get the actual build I wanted from the beginning of this ridiculous journey.
Quote:Thoughts? My friend mentioned some sort of a holding area where any enhancements that you didn't want in the final build would go until they are claimed after the respec is completed. They could expire in that bag after 24 hours or something, etc. The bottom line is there would need to be a mechanism by which it doesn't become some extra storage that's usable by the character for any other reason.
Again... thoughts? -
If you're ice skating and someone drops a rug in front of you what happens?
The O-Portal is like a rug that gets set on the ice. It's not designed to take on the properties of where it's placed, so you can't slide over it. Like putting pets or anything else on the ski slopes it's considered griefing, and will get you banned when you are reported. -
Quote:Lord Recluse is so impressed with my level 1 hero that he gives me capes the second I step into Paragon City?X months out and still alive. Lord Recluse is impressed. Capes are now unlocked for all characters.
Sorry, I just had to say that cause I'm a smartalec. But in all seriousness, what I said still is valid. Say you do create a new villain character, fresh out of the Zig, or whatever your backstory for how you ended up at Mercy Island, and the big guy, ruler of the Rogue Islands, scourge of Paragon City, super villain extraordinaire is impressed with my brute who can punch someone kinda hard, named Supp3rKill? Doesn't sound very plausible...
But for the reward itself, in a non-RP/fit-this-feature-into-storymode thing, I wouldn't mind it, and would definitely use it, but I don't think it's necessary. The cape and aura missions aren't hard.. annoying sometimes? Sure. But not that big a deal... to me anyway. -
Quote:It's all a plot! I have leaked emails from the devs offices where they talk about how much they hate you, and you alone Greystar, so they spend about 90% of the time thinking up ways to mess with you, and the onther 10% of their time is spent wearing jeggings, and smearing nutella on their elbows.I am disgusted with it already did 8 of my 40 50s to incarnate availiable.
I cant stand it anymore its horrible i am so sick of it now i cant stand it.
I now worry what will happen to the ones i dont make incarnate when ther is a teir 3,4,5,6,7 etc...
Holy redheaded step child.
I think that one way to incarnate and the forced tfs are a bust. It was ok for one or two or three toons but I got toons on severs that are dead so i only did the ones like most.
But what about the ones i play less on slow servers? They are done? should i respec now? pull off the good stuff?
perhaps a shard reward should be at the end of an arc?
perhaps a shard shoudl drop when we lvl
perhaps a shard drop should occur when we get a pvp kill 1/10 /125 1/100 or 1/200
perhaps a shard should drop when we kill a gm or finish the other tfs posi,numina etc...
this is killing me this nonstop itfs,lrsf,stf,lgsf etc.....
I can be the only one!!! -
In regards to the graphics settings, and not being able to see the blue fumes before the Circle of Blue Death, I personally play on min settings for everything. Next year I get to save up so that I might one day play in mid-ranged ultra mode... But I play min settings and I could see them just fine on my first and so far only time running the ATF.
Also, I kinda of chuckled at the "Lrn2dodg" Zombie said because when I was on the ATF, the only person on the team that had run the TF before only said "Keep moving". I had no idea why, or what for until I died, and then they said "avoid the blue flames". So once I, on my tank, got the idea, I started doing hit and run style and just wished to myself that I had PvPed more. -
Never writen a haiku before... and it's late so that wikipedia page just confused me... so if I'm doing this wrong... well, I'm going to sleep soon, so I won't care
Red versus Blue
Eternal struggle, now in your hands
/em victory -
Quote:Why? Peregrine Island doesn't. And since devs hate villains it'd be more likely that PI would get them before Grandville ever does.But Pocket D is certainly the most logical place for the combined market to be found. . .
Still though, Grandville does need a vault, market & crafting facilities. -
And of course one of my favorites...
The Shoveller: If we had a billionaire like Lance Hunt as our benefactor...
Mr. Furious: That's because Lance Hunt *IS* Captain Amazing
The Shoveller: Don't start that *again*. Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing *doesn't* wear glasses.
Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms.
The Shoveller: That doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't be able to see. -
Quote:Sure you could! Have him wear a hat!When your character is a 10-foot-tall giant robot, you're really not going to pass off as a regular human.
Civilian 1: Oh my god! Look it's MegapunchBotX000!
Civilian 2: What? No, that's just Martin, he works in accounting.
Civ1: But... he's huge, and looks all robotic like.
Civ2: Yeah, but he's wearing a hat. Hats are used to keep your body heat, since like 80% of that is lost through the top of your head. Why would a robot need to keep it's body heat?
Civ1: Hrm.. yeah, I guess you're right. Must not be him. -
Quote:As I understand it, they're not. If you want to be effective, you need to have your Alpha Slot unlocked and sloted, but the way it was phrased in ont of the Meeet and Greet Video's, a non-incarnate could do the TFs... just not very well.As I understand it the TF's are unlocked by incarnate slots. I am requesting that story arcs are unlocked as well.
Quote:I know that much is already planned for the incarnate system, but there is a chance that early incarnate content could be added later so instead of unlocking just the TF's you could unlock some story arcs too. -
Ok... so yeah, spamming the board with six posts when it could have all gone into one was unnecessary. If what you typed up wouldn't all fit in one post, then you reply to the original, starting one thread, with six posts in it.
Secondly.. I read the first couple... then skimmed that last four. So overall tl;dr!
For what I did read, it is all way waaaay too complicated. I've been playing this game for years, and I find there's stuff I'm still learning about it. One thing that's always made sense... travel powers! If I take Super Jump, it means I get to jump really far, really fast. And you're wanting to turn that inside out upside down, and add in so much more crap to it that it just doesn't make sense anymore.
I'm honestly surprised that you could have come up with all this stuff when you don't even realize that there is no "Underwater" in the game. I could forgive that you didn't know that the Super Speed cap is at that level because the technical limitations, but c'mon... underwater? Where?! There are two.. two instances of where you're capable of actually going underwater in the game. In of the the Cimerora cave maps, and the easter egg in Grandville already mentioned. Not enough to warrant added powers, and drowning capabilities.
Granted BaBs is no longer with us, but he did say once that as long as he had any say in it, there would never be an underwater zone. Since he's gone, who knows? But I'm betting it's still no where on the horizon.
Overall it seems you're wanting to add extra dimensions to what we have, to make it all seem more realistic... yes, it's more difficult to move through water, than it is through air. Could they make it so you were slowed down when moving through water? Possibly. Had it been part of the game at inception, then fine, but adding it in after 6 years? It doesn't make sense, and it detracts from fun.
When I read that Angel from the X-Men has hollow bones, and can breath in low oxygen/high altitude climates, it made sense to me, and I liked that for the realism it brought. He's a guy with wings that can fly, but there's more to it than that. I mention this to show that I understand where you're coming from with thoughts like this, but it changes the game way too much to be practical. These elements can be explained easily with RP, or your characters other abilities. Your speedster should have some damage resistance? Use IO set bonuses, or pick up Tough.
Lastly.. it's obvious you gave this a lot of thought. Had some ideas, and tried to make a viable solution for what you see as holes. I applaud you for that... I think you should continue to try and think of ways that improve the game. Just.. do it all on one thread, and remember, in the end it's a game and supposed to be fun. -
Quote:Just start off, not upset in least. Just expressing my concerns about what was said.Why do you assume they would add a block to the Bane build to prevent you from using capes and wings? Seems your getting upset about a problem that doesn't exist.
And the reason I assumed that is because the way I read Next_Player's post led me to believe that was what he was proposing. With the toggle power to attach the backpack, a Crab not being able to use wings or a cape makes sense. If it is possible to not have that block when switching to a bane build, then that's fine, but consider costume changes. If I'm on my Bane build with a cape on, and I switch to my Crab build, then what happens to the cape? Does it just disappear? And then switching back to the Bane Build does it come right back, or would I have to run to the tailor and attach it again? To me, that just seems like a recipe for bugs.. but then I'm not a programmer in the least, and don't know how possible or impossible it would be. Just guess I'm pessimistic that way. -
Quote:The point is, what about people who choose Crab with one build, and Bane with the second. The way you're putting it, is that when I choose the second build to be a bane, I'm not allowed to have a cape or wings, simply because when I choose my other build I've got a backpack I have to wear?Also, just because you don't have the backpack always on doesn't mean capes and wings should be accessible. Keep blocking them for anyone who has chosen the crab path of advancement. Then you wouldn't have to worry about someone putting on a cape and having clipping issues when the toggle is activated.
That's just as bad as when I'm on my Bane build currently I have to wear the backpack. I'm either forced to wear the backpack when I can't use it, or I'm forced to not wear a cape when I can't wear the backpack and I'm not using it. -
Quote:This.Small nitpick with the following statement:Quote:
2) those w/o weapon power pools miss out a bit
Having alternate weapon choices is the power customization for weapon users. an archer blaster gets to choose what type of bow he uses, while an electric scrapper gets to choose what color his electricity is.
But if both defeat 200 Council, neither gets anything extra that the other doesn't. Both defeat 100 Overseers, then yes the Archer unlocks the Rularuu bow... but how long did he have to wait to get that bow? Whereas the Elec scrapper got to have what he wanted right away. That's the balance. -
I like this idea.. so much I suggested it months ago... maybe even a year ago.. long time ago regardless, and I don't feel like searching for that post to link And unfortunately I would agree with what others have said about the idea, that it would make for uber min/max builds, or severely gimped builds, making the balance of the game shift dramatically. So I have two ideas that I thonk would make for a decent compromise, but would still require work and balancing...
1: Currently, there are 4 levels where you don't have any new powers open up in either your primary or you seconardy powers. 14, 22, 24, 30. Now assuming you choose only powers from your prim/sec powers, at levels 24, and 30, you're forced to choose a power pool, as enough are open to choose from at 14, and 22, to not have to take power pools. So I would suggest that at these four(14, 22, 24, 30), or two levels(24, 30) you're able to choose to take a power, or extra slots. The extra slots would be 2 at a time, as only at lvl 31 you're able to get three. So you could either get 8 extra slots and skip out on 4 powers prior to level 31, or 4 extra slots and skip out on 2 powers prior to level 31.
Of course it could be argued that those four levels were designed that way to make it possible to get powers pools, ideally for travel powers. But then we get into that age old argument about the devs forcing us to play the game a certain way... which this is not a topic for, so lets not bring it up again!
2: What you could choose slots, over powers, or powers over slots, once every ten levels between 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, and 41-50. Why not 1-10? I just don't think it's necesary. at 1-10, you get seven powers total(Not including temp/vet) and eight slots. While you might think that's when slots would be most needed, your character is supposed to be weak at the begining of his/her career. So I say, put it off.
Now come 11-20. Your character is getting to know his/her abilities better, so saying that Corpral Fisticuffs(a Super Strength Bture in this example) practiced his punches more than he did his insulting abilities, he could take two more slots that he could add to Jab, and Punch, as opposed to taking Taunt. OR, on the reverse side, again, he's prcticing his punches more often, but a different style of punching. And rather than honing what he already knows, Corpral Fisticuffs adds Boxing from the Fighting PP, rather than increasing his abilities with Jab and Punch.
So on and so forth with 21-30, 31-40, and 41-50. Only once per ten levels could you do this, and in the 11-30 range if you choose slots, they'd be limited to 2 slots per time, and 31-50 they'd be 3 slots per time.
Overall, these are just thoughts, and I honestly don't think they'll ever happen. -
So let me get this straight... you're saying that you could be standing there, with Invisibility on(I'm assuming Superior Invis since you said you were Ill/Kin), the tank would run in, and then without you doing anything, everything attacks you?
Because if you used any powers that affected the mobs, they would be alerted to your presence. So even if you used Siphon Power, which while it buffs you, it debuffs them, it makes them see you, thus, the mob AI says "Hey, that guys making us feel weaker, attack him." This would especially be the case if the tank can't/isn't using taunt, or as has been pointed out previously, there are more mobs present than he CAN effectively hold the aggro for. -
Here's an old mids file I had, though it is for a brute, rather than a tanker. Also, made a few changes to it, but got a little bored and didn't finish. But, you'll notice that he's got soft capped defense for Smash/Leathal, and Resistance is almost capped. With Granite running he's got a runspeed of 26 mph. That's higher than a level 2 with sprint turned on. Just keep in mind that jumping will still be impossible unless you've got a dozen kins spamming IR on you.
So overall, you can still squeeze in some +runspeed without sacrificing survivability. Though I'd deleted this toon a while back, so I don't remember how good his damage/accuracy was. But he could survive!
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1464;726;1452;HEX;| |78DA8D93DB4E135114867769CBF4485BA0420BC8A1B4E55869D444F114154834928| |0053580340D6E4B139836D321913B1FC02B357AE59DC757D007F074E10BF8261EC6| |B5D63F5493DE38C9FCDF9EB5D7ACD3EC597EB01051EAE125E5095FDDAB349BE52BD| |681AD8DD24E4D9B3BBA73A1B24F0B432995968DF2B2DED3BA503A6868AB5CB22D6D| |56EDDD14B616F47D6D3669D3AE9BBA7CD9DAAF5B896BE6AE2627BB70B408ADD4EB7| |B855243EB7B11592ED56C53379B51F7A1BA6BD7CC6AB73CAD51AE46DDB22B76AD6E| |A6161BB59DC2A2A9ADEA6179B9D2B4B5758862FBA9BA49BAC73CCABD1CAF5A61839| |A5A15CCDE044A828FAAE5A754905ECAAB0C29DE76FC9E0DC5A68E4D604BE0BB0B6C| |0B3ACB824FA45E79CDE9F09EA2455175CE09027D8421F599B6FC70F0FBE110382D0| |8CD8B43E8BC20B22EC64849902535DC620C14D38562BA504C1CC5C4514C378A1933| |D00C17139C561CA81BE805BE9086DDB0E11F1DB2F35370EC17F05BD0EF00CACBC85| |0D8A83BACE88098BED243CC0D14431F69F491BE2018443B83AB82E3E8CA4F8112A8| |4F2566A522834C3D30797B6EC1F9A244387E5D3ECB08A207C82FE9B6967C2ED58D3| |C064624509E36FBE4033AFEBE97B233FA0A780DBC1164DE02EF041E0A9B72CF4B0A| |E7651CE7A588F3525C1378C96FC04D3F80EF9BC1C71C9F90327DE430E43A0C25B18| |373950B08264987DD890D63F4398C3E87D1E731FA3C469FC7E8B30667C7C4C646A5| |D16FA459F740659169B2173809A0B029A49F2ACA539E024DB88126BE4B8A6042A96| |904F24D63A43318E9CC13E0A960F6992042EE05D7BDE0D0A54EB4695134475E736E| |AE39B10CFAFEF9DD30D11B6CF21CFD819261C5D7FA0395070776E9AF97138C8BAFA| |CFFE3E2C3D64A205574B6598C364BA0CDF23E72547B7035445A625967B9CD728765| |836593658B659BA5CCE27C68BD1D3BC3BD9C65996739C792A49ED423F634F8BF0CB| |34458A22C5D2C3196384B0F4B9AE5058BF3072D880335| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Personally, when there's only one mob around/left, I'll use it to give my hold(Tesla Cage) time to recharge if it's not up at that moment. The damage it does is minimal, as I've hit minions who have a sliver of health left, and it not kill them. The knockdown effect is what it's best for, with one mob, or many. If you're looking for damage, this is not the power you're looking for(IMHO).
Quote:And that is the real reason they won't allow us to make four-legged toons. It has nothing to do with the new skeletons, and the time/work that would be required fixing costumes, and animations for every single power in the game! It's just so that I can't make a centaur toon named "Like a Horse".And the GMs will instantly be overrun genericing titles like "Well-Hung" and such.
Yes! More flyposes, and the possibility of them being made alternate animations for Power-Cust of the power pools would be awesome.
A beacon to Cim or the Midnighter's club would be awesome. Cim would be preferable in my mind, but that would mean we'd probably need more exploration badges there. And hey, more badges are good badges!
I'd also like to see bacon added to the game. Perhaps as part of the incarnate sytem. Eat bacon, get more powerful. Maybe it could be a new tier 4 insp.
PS: I only expect half of this post to be taken seriously. I'll let you guess which half. :P -
Did you run one of the Patron's first arcs and collect one of the following four badges?
Spider's Kiss
The Stinger -
Quote:I wasn't putting words in your mouth, those were actually rhetorical questions, meant to point out that you saying if everyone simply spent AN a-merit when they got it, would know about the spending limit in a timely manner, which is not viable to the player base at large. Not everyone will do that, and they shouldn't be expected to.Starting off by putting words in my mouth just hurts the rest of your post. At no point did I say "everyone is supposed to play exactly the same way" that I do, and a lot of people would probably get bored if they tried. There's often a lot of (too much?) standing around and talking about all sorts of things, but that's also where I learn about some in-game "stuff", as mentioned further above.
Quote:I also learn about stuff from reading the forums, global chat channels, and even Paragon Wiki. There's a nice succinct writeup on A-merits over at http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Alignment_Merit that includes the 20 hour timer info.
Quote:I'm not sure why you started in with the "profound apologies" since I certainly wasn't targeting YOU with a nice, vague, all-encompassing "they", which was meant to include ALL the people who've been suddenly surprised about this each and every day since Issue 18 and not just ones who were surprised on Day 58. Since you DID seem to take it personally, though, let ME apologize as well and reiterate that I was not attacking you as the OP. I'm not sure how many threads there have been, exactly, but I know there have been a few on the Market forum alone, which is only logical since the game got an added "currency" or way to get "stuff" -- and I'm sorry that you missed all of those threads. As for the threads posted in the market forum, I wish I'd caught them too, but the market forum is not one I visit. That's an aspect of the game, and therefore the forum, that I don't derive fun from, so I... wouldn't say "avoid" but that's kind of the best term I can think of at the moment. I use the markets, of course, but it's not something I spend my time on, so it's not a forum I go to. To me, spending a-merits doesn't automatically link to 'if I'm curious about how this works, I should check the markets forum', it links to 'read the guides, and the wiki, and check player questions'. Different people have different perspectives, and will arrive at different conclusions.
Quote:That being said, I find that reading guides posted by people in beta as soon as the closed beta boards opened is somewhat akin to reading the shiny, picture-filled brochure the car dealer gives you when you go to look at the newly introduced model. They're both half-full of conjecture, "concept car" and "artist's conception" and "details not finalized." Reading other parts of the forums or other sites AFTER the new issue is released is more like reading Car and Driver's "First Drive Review" or Consumer Reports.
In this case, the new A-merits and the limit on how fast you can SPEND them seems a lot like the "finely tuned, sexy roadster with attention to detail everywhere except in the plastic-y dashboard, with a steering wheel they must have stolen from an '86 Yugo."