Flyposes et al..




I suggest we get more flyposes, as well as allowing the idle stances that we have work with /flypose. Sure it might look funny, but funny ha ha, or funny decide.

Like ninja run, I suggest we get alternate animations to sprint but at an inherent non booster pack way=p.

I'll leave the rest of the BACKPACK begging to others, better than I.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



The flyposes have had a troubled history in this game. The way they work now always seemed like a final compromise between the way the Devs WANTED them to work and nothing at all. As they are are now you can't easily use them unless you have macros/keybinds set up for them. Consequently very few people bother with them even if they know they exist.

I actually have keybinds for my flyers and have used flyposes for years. I'm also willing to accept that I'm probably among the few people who still use them. At this point I do hope that the Devs will add more flyposes and "idleposes" but only time will tell if they ever do.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Actually thinking about the flyposes, it might be possible to retrofit them into the new alternate animation system we have.



Perhaps the devs could rewrite Fly to work like a cross between Swap Ammo and the prestige sprints - taking Fly grants you a separate fly power for each fly pose, and if the player wants to enhance their Fly power they can just pick whichever pose they'll actually be using and enhance that one?

Actually that probably wouldn't work. It'd just get abused by people using the extra powers to slot additional IO sets. Idunno, maybe it wouldn't be that imbalancing; travel sets are pretty low-power, and the previous example of prestige sprints is kind of a precedent since they're all slottable.

EDIT: Forget I said any of that. When pool power customization finally comes, other flyposes could just be added to the Fly power as alternate animations. Since Fly doesn't have a weapon or shield involved, adding custom animations to it should be a piece of cake.

FURTHER EDIT: Changing flyposes to custom animations should allow them to be even more awesome via matching turn animations. Banking turns with Flypose3 anyone?



Yes! More flyposes, and the possibility of them being made alternate animations for Power-Cust of the power pools would be awesome.



I've known they've existed, but I only tried them out and never touched them again.

I am a lazy flier and roleplayer. T_T

Also, please no Swap Ammo treatment; as if the GUI needs more clutter. >_>;;