Purchasing with A-Merits 20 hour clock...
WAI, as far as I know. I think BOTLER and the fellow next to Trashcan mention it.
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Wiki alignment merit page updated to reflect the timer. I'm a bit surprised the info wasn't there.
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its a bit, hmmmmm as far as WAI goes.
since im personally undertaking the rather time consuming endeavour of saving up for a panacea, it would be nice ot know if i somehow managed to get one another way, I could spend my merits elsewhere. Something about taking 29.1 days to spend 35 merits seems a bit silly.
Of course this is hypothetical, as doing it any other way, since I dont PvP or play the market very well, isnt an option.
Isn't a panacea a pvp set? Is it even available for purchase using merits?
Global @StarGeek
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its a bit, hmmmmm as far as WAI goes.
since im personally undertaking the rather time consuming endeavour of saving up for a panacea, it would be nice ot know if i somehow managed to get one another way, I could spend my merits elsewhere. Something about taking 29.1 days to spend 35 merits seems a bit silly. Of course this is hypothetical, as doing it any other way, since I dont PvP or play the market very well, isnt an option. |
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Had anyone know dev's justification to put such timer on spending?
Not that I know of, they haven't.
I agree that the twenty hours is a bit much. But what really irks me is the daily limit on how many tips you get credit for; this is the thing truly slowing me down and I don't like it.
Had anyone know dev's justification to put such timer on spending?
If you think the 5-a-day limit on tips is bad, you should've seen the incarnation of tips during beta. 90-minute cooldown on tip drops. Regardless, slowing you down is their intention because they didn't want people switching too quickly or without a bit of effort.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Heh, I have 9900+ regular merits on one of my toons. Nothing is preventing me to spend these on random rolls at once (495+ rolls) and flood the market.
Not to mention if you used those hypothetical A-Merits you could leverage specific rolls into FAR more INF than you could with randoms.
You have a right to spend the rewards you've earned. They have a right to limit how quickly they hand out those rewards, especially in a situation where you're not doing it to advance your characters, but to manipulate the market in your favor.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
And if you could convert those Merits to A-Merits with no timer, you could flood the market with 990 randoms. That's considerably more flooding.
Not to mention if you used those hypothetical A-Merits you could leverage specific rolls into FAR more INF than you could with randoms. You have a right to spend the rewards you've earned. They have a right to limit how quickly they hand out those rewards, especially in a situation where you're not doing it to advance your characters, but to manipulate the market in your favor. |
Further restricting how fast player can spend their rewards, and mind you not all types of rewards, but just only one type, seems to be very inconsistent and shortsighted to me.
Statistically, you're going to make more inf on average from random rolls than you are purchasing most recipes outright (at least that was the case recently, not sure if price fluctuations have changed that).
I use hero merits to purchase the recipes I need from the merit contact, rather than purchasing from the market. It's still far, far more efficient for me to pay one or two hero merits for a rare thing I need, than to spend twenty million at the market....and have to fight other bidders for the privilege.
Its slow going but very do-able. When I am done using hero merits for the smaller stuff, I will start saving for purples. Meanwhile my millions stay OFF the market, and its working well so far.
Flooding the market with rares will only drive down the price. This is a thing I dont mind - far from it - but I dont know how long the gravy train is going to last for people intent on doing this.
Devs already put timer on regular merits to A-merits conversion, and i'm fine with that.
Further restricting how fast player can spend their rewards, and mind you not all types of rewards, but just only one type, seems to be very inconsistent and shortsighted to me. |
We're moving from a system where it would take you 2-3(or more days) to get any Rare recipe to a system where you can get any Rare in 1-2 days.
Whether you see it as a further restriction or not really depends on how narrow your blinders are. Folks with a bit of perspective see the A-Merit system as much quicker and more efficient despite the timers, and they're right.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Inconsistent with what? Ever since they replaced the Drop system with the Merit system because of rampant Speed running, They've made it clear they sought different ways to put a throttle on how quickly people could get their rewards.
We're moving from a system where it would take you 2-3(or more days) to get any Rare recipe to a system where you can get any Rare in 1-2 days. Whether you see it as a further restriction or not really depends on how narrow your blinders are. Folks with a bit of perspective see the A-Merit system as much quicker and more efficient despite the timers, and they're right. |
Inconsitency is in restricting the spending of the rewards. All other reward systems have trottle how fast you can earn reward, and as soon as you earned these, you are free to spend them as you like.
- Merits - no time restriction on spending. There is time constraint on earning from the same TF/SF/Raid/Trial on the same toon in form of DR, but that is pretty much it. You can hoard these merits and spend them as you like. And by the way, some players won't spend any merits until they hit level 50.
- Tickets - no time restriction on spending. There are 2 constraints on earning though: ticket cap per mission (it was 1500 tickets on large map last time I ran AE arcs) and total ticket cap of 9999 tickets. You can still cash tickets, hoard recipes, flood the market.
- HOs - the same thing. You can earn maximum 3 HOs in 24 hours (Hami raid, STF, RSF) if you rogue or vigilante. You can hoard them, and flood the market if and when you choose.
- A-Merits - Time restriction on spending. Time restriction on earning.
I'm treating all intermediate tokens (merits, tickets, HOs and A-Merits) as a reward. And I want to be able to cash-in these tokens when I want and the way I want. I already earned them.
It is irrelevant whether you can get rare in 1-2 days or in 2-3. You're not getting it for free from the thin air, you are earning them.
Regarding the folks with no blinders and a bit of perspective... I don't think if they were allowed to accumulate 1 million dollars, but permitted to spend only 1 hundred a day, would be very happy about it.
Inconsitency is in restricting the spending of the rewards. All other reward systems have trottle how fast you can earn reward, and as soon as you earned these, you are free to spend them as you like. |
Or is your problem not actually the inconsistency but the limitation itself?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
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Would you be happier if they went back and throttled how fast you could spend reward merits and tickets?
Or is your problem not actually the inconsistency but the limitation itself? |
But, I'm also unhappy that devs arbitrary, out of blue moon, without declaration of war, decided to start limiting our potential spending rate.

So, I'd been saving up a few alignment merits til I got to a high enough level, so I could get some effective slotting done. I only have five, because I just do tips when I'm in the mood, I'm not going to do them every day, because then it's a grind, and I don't care for that(your opinion might differ, and that's ok).
So I go and try to buy a couple of lotg 7.5s, and and a random roll, only to find I could only buy one, and have to wait 20 hours to spend my a-merits again. This came as quite a surprise as I didn't see this mentioned in any of the guides, or on the wiki.
So my question is, is this a bug or WAI?
If it's a bug, I'd assume that it's somehow leaked in due to the 20 hour wait to convert R-merits/inf into a-merits... but then I haven't heard anyone else mention anything about it before.
If it's WAI, well... to me, it doesn't make any sense to limit our spending of A-Merits. Reward merits, Vanguard merits, AE Tickets, Inf, none of these require a wait time on spending... is it a big deal? No, not really, just kind of annoying that I'd planned to be able to get a couple of recipes all at once, and now I have to wait.