Alternate Choices on earned costume/ weapons
What if I want both? Would you have to re-earn the requirments (another 200 Council, for example) to get the other piece, or would you be locked out forever?
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I know it's not quite what you're talking about, but I would kill for a Vanguard pistol option for dual pistols, using a design along the same lines as the Vanguard assault rifle and unlocked the same way. That or Rularru pistols.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Just as an aside.... you may want to look into a smaller image for your signature.
That's just obnoxiously big. know...Defeat so many Crey (or just go with the Paragon Protector Badge), you unlock the Crey Pistol weapon skin
I would love to Dual Wield that pistol!
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Maestro Mavius - Infinity
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Then you'd have a choice to make. Which do you want more for that toon? |
Bat Man never had to pick only Batarang or Bat Chest Detail. In fact, don't comic-book heroes usually have EVERYTHING on them bear the same symbol?
I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to get both. Just that you'd have to choose which one you wanted more first. Like with the valentines event badges and costume pieces. You have to defeat Snappy over 5 times to get all the goodies.
Same should go for weapon unlocks. You get a choice, either the weapon (if you are a weapon user) or the costume piece.
Although, with these being tied to defeat badges, it'd have to be adjusted to give you the second option after farming another 100 or so.
Still, since none of my hundred something alts are weapon users, I'd love if I was offered something for hunting down rularuu or nem's...
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
The devs are actually already working on/looking into ported versions of enemy group costume pieces for players. How those costume pieces will be unlocked is currently unknown, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're tied to badges, however I would be surprised if they made us choose between the weapon and the costume piece. That would be unnecessary and really borderline insulting.
Small nitpick with the following statement:
2) those w/o weapon power pools miss out a bit |
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
How about... if you fulfill the requirements you are given an unlock token which can be used on any character that fits the requirements of the costume piece. Defeated Mooks but can't use the Tommy Gun? Use the token on another character instead. Done the ITF, but don't like the roman gear on this toon, use it on another instead.
While I don't mind unlockable costume pieces I would like to see them either global or exchangeable as above.
And for those who say it's a reward for THAT toon, what's stopping my toon giving it to someone else? 'Ohh, I just got this shiny Nemesis Rifle... I'll give it to my friend GunZ as he likes rifles.'
Now that I can support. Can't tell you how much I've wanted to create a Roman BS/Shield scrapper but don't feel like waiting 40+ levels before I can get his proper outfit...
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
How about... if you fulfill the requirements you are given an unlock token which can be used on any character that fits the requirements of the costume piece. Defeated Mooks but can't use the Tommy Gun? Use the token on another character instead. Done the ITF, but don't like the roman gear on this toon, use it on another instead.
While I don't mind unlockable costume pieces I would like to see them either global or exchangeable as above. And for those who say it's a reward for THAT toon, what's stopping my toon giving it to someone else? 'Ohh, I just got this shiny Nemesis Rifle... I'll give it to my friend GunZ as he likes rifles.' |
I like it!
Maybe make those tokens awarded to the character, but transferable via globalmail...or sellable on the Market like costume recipes!

**grumble**Someday my Crab will get his Tommy Gun**grumble**
Forget about choices... just give something in addition to weapon unlocks, that way everyone benefits.
So, for example, you get that archaic looking gun for defeating Nemesis... and maybe the helmet too. Sure, the people without assault rifle wouldn't be getting that extra piece because they don't have a gun, but at least everyone would get something out of that particular badge. Also, they really should make a pistol version of that gun for thug MMs and DP users.
But the same goes for any other unlockable weapon. Earn it and either a specific costume piece or at least a new chest logo detail of the group.
Small nitpick with the following statement:
Having alternate weapon choices is the power customization for weapon users. an archer blaster gets to choose what type of bow he uses, while an electric scrapper gets to choose what color his electricity is.
But if both defeat 200 Council, neither gets anything extra that the other doesn't. Both defeat 100 Overseers, then yes the Archer unlocks the Rularuu bow... but how long did he have to wait to get that bow? Whereas the Elec scrapper got to have what he wanted right away. That's the balance.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to get both. Just that you'd have to choose which one you wanted more first. Like with the valentines event badges and costume pieces. You have to defeat Snappy over 5 times to get all the goodies. Same should go for weapon unlocks. You get a choice, either the weapon (if you are a weapon user) or the costume piece. |
Also, global unlocks FTW.
I fully support the global unlock idea.
Having alternate weapon choices is the power customization for weapon users. an archer blaster gets to choose what type of bow he uses, while an electric scrapper gets to choose what color his electricity is. But if both defeat 200 Council, neither gets anything extra that the other doesn't. Both defeat 100 Overseers, then yes the Archer unlocks the Rularuu bow... but how long did he have to wait to get that bow? Whereas the Elec scrapper got to have what he wanted right away. That's the balance. |
lets take one of the most customizable powers Stone Melee:
you have original unintable
color tint
now lets take dual blades:
You have 27 blade choices if you have all that contnet packs 22 w/o any of them
and 17 of those w/o having to earn them or buy a content pack...
or lets take a less prolific weapon set Bows, you can get up to 9 bow options 7 of them to start.
so I'd hardly call that balance.
That said I realize not all weapons are equal (and I'd like to see some be a bit more equal especially since DB has got an overwhelming amount ) and that not all things are equal.
But honestly I think its only fair for ex if you kill x amount of Rikti for a rikti blade but you also want those rocket boots that you should have to kill x amount more heck I'd even go so far as to say for ex you kill 200 to get your choice of the blade, gloves or boots then 1/2 that amount to get one of the 2 you didn't choose before (assuming you have a weapon) and then 1/4 the original amount for the 3rd piece and of course just the first 2 for those w/o weapons.
but given that weapons have more options then most non weapon powers to start I think it only fair to even it out. but that is just me and I am not incharge
either way (weather you have to reearn to get the extras or just get them all at once) these are still pieces I'd like to see.... I'd love to see more earnable costume choices in game (weapons inc)
How about we stop looking for more costume pieces to lock behind existing badges unless you want to make those badges global?
People without weapons don't miss out on the unlock. They are lucky the things they need aren't locked behind assinine requirements like 100 Overseers.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
So here is the problem:
right now in game if have you one of the weapon Power pools (Assault Rifle, Axe, Bow, Broadsword, Claws, Dual Blades, Katana, Pulse Rifle, Shields, War Mace) Earning certain badges in the game comes with an added bonus of a new "costume part" in these cases new options for customizing the look of your weapon(s).
How ever this presents 3 issues imo:
1) Notice Dual pistols is not in the list, they need some earnable weapon choices
2) those w/o weapon power pools miss out a bit
3) the person with a weapon may not care to have that peticular cosmetic choice (which isn't so much a problem I guess as it Does tie in to my idea)
So the DP issue aside here is my Idea :
For those badges that earn weapon users a new weapon look, have an alternate costume piece option. This would allow for those w/o a weapon Power pool to benefit and those with the appropriate weapon to get the custom weapon choice to choose between the weapon option and costume option.
So when you earned the badge you would get a popup (maybe as the "!" so it doesn't block your view mid fight) with a choice between the weapon and the costume piece, with the weapon choice replaced with grayed out words saying "no weapon choice" if you don't have the appropriate weapon on no weapon at all.
and here are a few of my ideas of Alternate costume pieces you can earn:
Council - council Soldier body armor pice
Nemesis- Fake Nemesis Gloves, Fake Nemesis belt, Nemesis helmets and face masks (just some options)
Rikti- Various gloves (the ones with the glowie bits) and Boots (the ones with glowie bits and those cool jets on the feet)
Rularuu- maybe come sort of one eyed face option
CoT- mage hats (like the death mages have)
red caps- red cap err cap :P
crey- Crey tank helm and/or scorpion tank tail
Carnies- the mask the women wear and/or the strongmen head and shoulder piece