The Incarnate Path




<Spoiler: this post reveals nothing about anything that may or may not be in beta, merely plays around with ideas that could be used for future expansions of the incarnate system>

So we know that there are two new TF's coming with I19 and the first slot. This is great every hero/villain/other (H/V/O) takes a big step when they first realize that they may be more than they thought they were. A huge challenge is a great place for that. So what's next? For me it's the H/V/O learning more about how far their power can go, it's about self discovery, taking on challenges that stress the mind as much as their new potential.

With that in mind I think that the next slot should be story based. An arc of twisting paths, choices, good, evil, and simply leaving yourself in a place where each path is (un)appealing but only one can be traveled. To travel a path to great power is traveling alone, so this arc would have to be somewhere with low foot traffic. It's part of setting the mood. FBZ may be a good place. Expanding on Cimm. could also be a good place to travel the path. If we are only talking about existing locales.

My initial idea for this path was something totally foreign something that touched on aspects of culture that didn't already exist in the game. My thoughts wandered to "journey to the west" A forbidden kingdom that exists high in the sky far out of reach of mortals, but because of your new potential you can begin to access it and interact with the unique and powerful beings that exist there. With a potential access point through Mirror Spirit and story tie-ins with the Tsoo (we'll ignore the fact that those are 3 wholly different cultures C K & J) but that's a lot of work for something that is by definition going to be a little barren.

As I write about story lines that takes the character upward and to high places, I feel a story line taking them low both literally and perhaps physically to a darker more hellish place would be a fitting dichotomy. The seeds of this idea only just planted so I don't have much to say about that.

Thoughts, ideas, and suggestions on the incarnate path? Please keep in mind this is not the CBT board and any information related to what may or may not exist should be left out until someone says it's ok.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



I'm not sure what you're suggesting here.

If you're suggesting the basic desire to have further slots unlocked via story arcs, rather than large-scale TFs, then you have my full support. I've never been a fan of "From now on, you MUST team!" end game mechanics, and this scares me a great deal to think about.

If you're looking for a specific story to tell around the Incarnate system, however, I don't think you have a very high chance of getting that through. The developers already have their storyline plans, likely tying into existing lore. They have, historically, never really taken PLOT from players, at least none that I've seen. And on top of that, I'm not sure I want more of that "Are you good or are you evil?" duality that we saw in Going Rogue. It's good for that side of the game, but I'd rather not force designated heroes and designated villains into these situations. Not unless I chose to make them Praetorians, at least.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure what you're suggesting here.

If you're suggesting the basic desire to have further slots unlocked via story arcs, rather than large-scale TFs, then you have my full support. I've never been a fan of "From now on, you MUST team!" end game mechanics, and this scares me a great deal to think about.
As I understand it the TF's are unlocked by incarnate slots. I am requesting that story arcs are unlocked as well.

If you're looking for a specific story to tell around the Incarnate system, however, I don't think you have a very high chance of getting that through. The developers already have their storyline plans, likely tying into existing lore. They have, historically, never really taken PLOT from players, at least none that I've seen. And on top of that, I'm not sure I want more of that "Are you good or are you evil?" duality that we saw in Going Rogue. It's good for that side of the game, but I'd rather not force designated heroes and designated villains into these situations. Not unless I chose to make them Praetorians, at least.
I know that much is already planned for the incarnate system, but there is a chance that early incarnate content could be added later so instead of unlocking just the TF's you could unlock some story arcs too.

I understand your sentiment about forcing heroes and villains to make good and evil choices. My intention was that the same mechanics would be used to create a story path that was more web like and less arc like. Your decisions are not inherently good or evil, they don't affect your standing blue to red they just affect what story options you have later. keeping in mind that all contacts are eventually available in oroborous. So you could replay the arc many times taking each path as you please. And of course you could play the real arc with a friend who has unlocked that portion of story.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
As I understand it the TF's are unlocked by incarnate slots. I am requesting that story arcs are unlocked as well.
As I understand it, they're not. If you want to be effective, you need to have your Alpha Slot unlocked and sloted, but the way it was phrased in ont of the Meeet and Greet Video's, a non-incarnate could do the TFs... just not very well.

I know that much is already planned for the incarnate system, but there is a chance that early incarnate content could be added later so instead of unlocking just the TF's you could unlock some story arcs too.
I'm not sure I quite follow here... are you saying you want them to push back the content they've already designed for I19, and possibly I20, to start from scratch writing new story arcs for incarnates?



Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
I'm not sure I quite follow here... are you saying you want them to push back the content they've already designed for I19, and possibly I20, to start from scratch writing new story arcs for incarnates?
I think he's asking for i20 and beyond, he wants special incarnate-only story lines that unlock as you get more i slots.



Here's the thing:
Look at everyone who's upset that if they want to play the Heroic Epic Archetype, they have to play them by the Official Kheldian Backstory, or get tarted at by others for "doing it wrong."
Multiply that by everyone who wants to use the new Incarnate system, ever.

Sure, the non-roleplayers won't care. But they wouldn't care about your "story paths" suggestion, either. So for purposes of this discussion, they don't exist.
That leaves all the people who do care about story... and who probably want to tell their own, about their character, not have you or the Devs or anyone else dictate it to them. You cannot possibly satisfy all of them, and so I strongly advise you not to even try.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
I understand your sentiment about forcing heroes and villains to make good and evil choices. My intention was that the same mechanics would be used to create a story path that was more web like and less arc like. Your decisions are not inherently good or evil, they don't affect your standing blue to red they just affect what story options you have later. keeping in mind that all contacts are eventually available in oroborous. So you could replay the arc many times taking each path as you please. And of course you could play the real arc with a friend who has unlocked that portion of story.
There's a problem inherent in your suggestion, in that you're trying to put it into the wrong context. What you're suggesting isn't INAPPROPRIATE to the Incarnate context, no, but it is... Irrelevant to it. What you're asking for is interactive stories, and while I agree with you, those don't need to be tied to Incarnates. They can (and probably should) be integrated within the regular game throughout the level ranges, as opposed to locked up at the end behind special content.

Put it like this: What is it about being incarnate that imposes these choices and variance, which cannot be applied to non-incarnates, as well? I realise that Incarnate content is the current best target to apply storyline suggestions, as that's what they'll be doing for a while, but at the same time, it does more to discredit suggestions than it does to help. Your idea is good. Good enough to not have to use the Incarnate system as an excuse.

For what it's worth, I agree with you. Branching story arcs are always an interesting concept. However, they're an inherently complex problem to solve, as even games that revolve around this - such as Alpha Protocol - still branch out relatively little and provide most of their variance through "fake" changes. I think we're much more likely to see "fake" choices presented to us, such as killing or releasing Montague of the Syndicate and arresting or releasing Vanessa DeVore. The story goes on as it would have either way, but it changes how people act and what people say. To me, that is enough, because that's what most games give you anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I see your points. I guess my suggestion is more simple than I imagined. Content beyond TF's for incarnates. Whether these are linear stories or branching ones doesn't matter.

That leaves all the people who do care about story... and who probably want to tell their own, about their character, not have you or the Devs or anyone else dictate it to them.
In terms of RP how do you get through any of the content, telling your own story, without it having been influenced by the devs who created the story? I would think that an RPer who is able to overcome that influence would be even more excited as a player to find that they could now make choices and decisions about where their characters go and it actually has an affect on their options.

Perhaps I'm wrong. Incarnates may not be the place to build this winding and splitting road, maybe that is something to be done earlier on in a HVO's story. For me there isn't a better time, the early levels go by so quick, cause i'm not always in game to play my characters story. After playing this long I know most of the paths they can follow anyway. It made sense for my characters to go through that tribulation on their path at the incarnate level, but you are different, and maybe that is all in your characters past, or maybe it's something they go through early on or in the middle or before they reach incarnate. That's up to you.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



With regards to existing Dev content, each of my characters has followed different paths through it. I pick my arcs carefully and make sure to do some and avoid others, depending on the character. (Naturally, I have to explain or ignore why Dr. Vahzilok or the Tsoo are at it again, but that sort of thing comes with a static world.) Sometimes my characters will have reactions to the scripted events which go beyond what's assumed in the briefing and debriefing text. Some parts, I ignore completely because I think they're poorly written and/or stupid (e.g., the Origin of Power arc, the canon justification for Architect Entertainment, etc). And there are some things that I've written into their stories that aren't and can't be supported by the game engine, like keeping the whole city Vahzilok-free for just one day, or retiring to become a resistance fighter in another dimension.

Any new content added to the game, if it's to be taken seriously and integrated into characters' stories, is going to have to meet a very high standard. It has to cover a wide range of choices and respect them all. It also has to be "epic", something which no two people seem to be able to agree on. In all honesty, I don't know if the current writing team is capable of managing this; and so, rather than do it badly and forcing me to ignore and/or rewrite it for my characters, I'd rather they just leave it up to us and not try.

If I'm given four choices and none of them happen to fit my character, what can I do? Either I don't do the arc or I ignore what's there and substitute my own choice. Either way, the story content "you" put in might as well not exist.

As an aside, most of my characters are going to be sitting out the new endgame entirely because they aren't archetypical embodiments of some concept or whatever. All of them are "super" in some way, but only a few (out of over a dozen) have the potential to take that next step beyond.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City