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Quote:*starts singing to the tune of "Whip it"*The "switch" that needs to be "flipped" has not been "flipped" yet. It will be today.
When a Vanguard pack needs awarded
You must flip it!
When a player wants his stuff
You must flip it!
When I get out my credit card
You must flip it!
Now flip it!
C'mon now
Flip it on
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Don't delay
C'mon and flip it
It's not too late
to flip it
Flip it good! -
Still waiting... maybe I need to log out and back in again... for the 5th time.
Considering it's morning of the 28th and the loyalty awards have not been unlocked yet I'mma say... specific time of day. What time that is though, we don't know.
Yeah, just logged on, expecting the Vanguard Pack to be there and... nothing. No badge, no Vanguard costume pieces unlocked, no Mini-HVAS, no Loyalty Emotes... *sad face*
I'd love to have some of those costume pieces. From what I understand, signature characters would have at least one piece that was exclusive to them. BAB has the gauntlets, Statesman has the unique over the shoulders cape, Manticore has the headpiece, etc, etc. I think you can make pretty much the same the same costumes as what they wear save for those pieces. I don't know(obviously) how the devs feel about that sort of thing now, if they want to maintain that, or if they want the newer Signature/NPCs costumes to be completely unique to them.
If they do open up some of those pieces(Not just from Mother) I would be very very happy! -
Quote:As I understand it, yes and no...Maybe I'm losing my mind, but wasn't it like this before, and we had to work out backroom deals between heroes and villains? Like I give your hero x 500 mil influence, you give my villain y 500 mil infamy?
Inf is inf is inf. Before they made it so we could email and the like, and you had to trade the way you mentioned was due to the two sides being completely separated. There was no way for redside inf to get to blueside because the markets were not merged, and there was no inf-mailing. So it was that way, but only because at the time there wasn't a way for the infamy to get to Paragon and be called Influence. -
Pretty much what the others have said, but also... this is just the latest installment of new content. We have no idea what else is coming. Incarnate Shards right now are only good for the Alpha slot, but they're not called Alpha Shards. Incarnate Threads aren't called I20 Trial Threads.
There's still more to come.
Plus this game is still considered Alt-friendly. The WST can still be run by non-50s, and people will be getting new characters up to lvl 50 all the time, and will want to get the Level shift that applies outside of the trials.
Give it time. -
For about the last week anytime I try to email something to myself, I get no email in my inbox and whatever item I'm sending automatically gets put back where it was an I get the message in my chatbox saying I claimed it from email.
I did /bug this last week, and got the generic response, but with this issue still going on, I figured I'd post it here and see if anyone else is having this problem. -
I personally went with IDF. Don't know if they've got good damage vs the others but they do pretty decent damage. I first went with the one that summons the little orb bot thing, and was going to get the t4 where the orb is untargetable, but I really don't need the buffs it provides.
Main thing I wanted to say here is I make a macro to help me get them fighting what I want, because my power trays are full and then some, so I made the macro so that when I hit my first attack in my attack chain, they'll attack my target without the extra button push. It might come in handy for any AT that isn't a MM, and used to having those attacks ready.
/macro Attack "petcom_all attack$$powexec_name (powername)" -
First off... those guys are either idiots, or jerks.. possibly both. Be glad you didn't team up with them, because you probably would have not had fun anyway.
Secondly, There's no need to advertise your incarnate slotting outside of "/b lvl 50+2 scrapper lf trial". Even then you don't need to include your level. I never do, I just say 'scrapper lf BAF' or whatever.
Thirdly, like was said before, don't wait in the Queue. The few times I've done this, I got on half filled leagues that were mostly through the trial, and were failing miserably. Pre-formed leagues are the way to go. On Virtue, RWZ, Cim, Midnighters Club, Pocket D and Imperial City usually have people in them recruiting for the trials. Not to mention global channels. Obviously different servers will be different, but there are better ways than the LFG Queue. Just make sure if you get anymore idiots/jerks like that, that you 1 star them, and add a player note so if you run across 'em again, you can just avoid 'em.
Lastly, while I haven't done it myself, starting up the trials is rather simple. Form your league, once you've got enough people, THEN you enter the Queue, and that'll get you going. There is no contact for these two trials.
Any questions? No? Good, shoo! /b scrapper LF Lambda! -
Also, at some point someone will be happy with T4's slotted and don't want to continue grabbing up salvage they don't need.
Trials and they changed it to for the Apex and Tin Mage TFs there you get awarded 2 threads instead of shards. I believe those are the only way to get the threads.
I was going to try and run one of these today, but didn't know where to find him. Didn't see it listed in the patch notes or on the wiki. Where can I find Admiral Sutter?
What 30-7 said, not to mention... this has been asked before... a lot! So much so that the devs did actually test some -KB effects before and they couldn't get it to work.
Search is your friend. -
Master Blade, awesome! That's all I can say. I think the 'hopefully error-proof' is what I'll be going with. But just a quick question on this.
For the numpad 0 reset.. shouldn't those be 1a, 2a, 3a etc, instead of 1b, 2b, 3b etc? -
Ok, so long story short, I've tried playing support toons before, specifically the ones that cast shields on teammates. I've never really cared for it, but I'm trying it again. In the past, I've tried the /teamselect 1-8 binds before on my numpad, with the shields on the divide and multiply numpad buttons, but even then it feels off to me for some reason.
So I thought about making a rotating bind, but wasn't quite sure how it the syntax would look. For the sake of ease for me, I'll be using it on a fire/therm troller. I imagine it would end up looking like this..
/bind numpad 1 "teamselect 1$$powexec_name Thermal Shield$$bind numpad 1 powexec_name Plasma Shield"
Then substitute the 1's for 2's, 3's, etc.
But then they would all be stuck at being binded to Plamsa shield...
I thought then of maybe doing a bind load file for numpad 0 to reset the binds back to what they were, but the bind load files are something I've not quite gotten my head around.
Any help, or better ideas you can think of? -
What Xzero45 said. Heck, just this last Wednesday I saw three costume contests, all right under Atlas. They still happen.
Yes! The same thing goes with the Ruin Mages and their earthquakes. I've only had this problem in the Posi 1 TF, when you're rescuing the heroes. But lets look at this from a logical point of view...
Illusion Mistress is under attack, and she summons a Phantom to help protect her. The Phantom summons a Decoy Phantom that can't be touched. The Illusion Mistress is defeated. The Phantom, and Decoy are still up and fighting. You can't hurt the Decoy, so you take out the Phantom. Decoy is still hanging around... It's main source of existence/power (Illusion Mistress) is unconscious, and teleported away to be arrested. It's secondary source of existence/power is dead(Phantom). How the hell does this decoy stay alive? Caltops I can understand(Though don't like) them not despawning when the 'caster' is gone, but the illusions?
Maybe.. MAYBE is our pets/pseudo-pets didn't vanish when we were KOed I could be ok with this, but a MM dies, and the pets fall. An Illusionist troller dies, and their pets die. Heck, even my elec blasters Voltatic Sentinel dies when I do.
If the source f power is gone, then the power shouldn't be able to continue.