Simplified, Free-Form Respec




I know a lot of people don't like the dull, time-consuming respec system. Especially if you're level 50 and only want to move around a few slots. My suggestion is for a simpler, more free-form respec system, so you can start over from scratch or just make a couple changes. However, these changes require a few rules to be broken.

The respec screen would look much like the Enhancement management screen we have now, your build doesn't change when you start the respec. You can choose to do a full respec back to zero (removing your power choices and putting all your Enhancements into a storage screen), or you can delete or add as few powers or Enhancements as you like.

To keep things simple, this is where the rules of leveling up get broken: Apart from a few powers you must take (one of your first two Primary powers, your first Secondary power, four of your first six choices), you can choose any powers that are unlocked at your current level, and move Enhancement slots around freely. There's no simulated leveling up- at what level you chose each power and slot no longer matters.

This would effect Examplaring as well. You would have all powers that a) you chose, and b) are unlocked at your current level. For example, if you chose a level 6 power like Hasten at level 49, then Examplared down to level 10, you would have access to Hasten.

Prerequisite rules for Power Pools would still apply, but now you would be able to take all five powers from an Epic/Patron Pool, and six-slot all of them. All that matters is that you're high enough level to have them all unlocked (level 47) when you respec.

With this looser system, it would be easier to make small changes or swap around a few slots when you respec. When you delete a power or slot, the Enhancements go into storage. You can then pop-up the storage screen (like viewing detailed power info) and slot them back in at any time.

If you choose to do a full respec, the screen would be mostly empty except for "Add Primary Power" and "Add Secondary Power" buttons. Once you've chosen your first four powers, all other powers (including Power/Epic/Patron Pools) are available to choose from, and you can add slots at any time. There would be counters telling you how many more Powers and Enhancements you have to select.

Comments? Critiques? I can clarify anything that doesn't make sense, I'm not sure how clear my description is.



Respec system needs some tweaks for sure.
This could be.



I have a question about the exemplaring with this.

You mention that when you EXE down to level 10 you get Hasten (that you took at 49) because Hasten is an available power choice (at level 6) that you have taken.

What about in this scenario:
I chose to take the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of my Secondary powers after level 35 and instead take all available Primary and some Power Pools.
I EXE down to level 20.
Now all the powers I took before level 20 are available (like normal) but form what I read from your example above (and I may have interpreted it wrong) but I would also now gain the 2/3/4 Secondary powers that I did not take until level 35+ becuase I have taken them at a later level.
This would mean I have more powers at EXE 20 than I had at REAL 20.



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
What about in this scenario:
I chose to take the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of my Secondary powers after level 35 and instead take all available Primary and some Power Pools.
I EXE down to level 20.
Now all the powers I took before level 20 are available (like normal) but form what I read from your example above (and I may have interpreted it wrong) but I would also now gain the 2/3/4 Secondary powers that I did not take until level 35+ becuase I have taken them at a later level.
This would mean I have more powers at EXE 20 than I had at REAL 20.
That's right, you would probably have more powers when Exemplared down. That might seem kind of overpowered, but they would all still be low level powers. And you're powerful Exemplaring down right now anyway, because you get to use all your slots.

I tried to think of a way around this, but to really simplify the respec system, I think we have to throw out the simulated leveling.



There already is a good example of a simple free-form respec interface available that works; it's called Mids Hero/Villain Designer. I am not sure why the game can't implement a level bounded respec screen like that which allows us to just move around powers.

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I'm just gonna /unsign this idea. While i do agree that respecs need to be simplified, all your idea is going to do is to make things a lot harder. Both player and dev wise.



Originally Posted by Sharker Quint l View Post
I'm just gonna /unsign this idea. While i do agree that respecs need to be simplified, all your idea is going to do is to make things a lot harder. Both player and defv wise.
yeah. I'm with Sharker on this. It sounds like a lot of trouble that won't do anything.

There's also already several posts on the subject of what a UI update for respecs could contain and the restrictions that any new system would have.



We need to also discuss the "cost" involved to respec.
Just to recap currently we have 4 ways to do obtain a respec:
- Vet Rewards
- Issue Releases USUALLY come with a respec (or two) but not always
- Respec Recipes (currently 200Mil on the Markets)
- Respec Trials

Now to also include a parallel path - alternate Builds. This however doesnt allow you to reslot all/most of your current enhancements (only the 10 you can 'store' in your ENH Tray) so I didnt include this.

I am a strong believer that most things should be available to solo players as well as Teamers WITHOUT the need to circumvent the system (aka - getting 3 ppl to join a Respec team then leave after its started so you can solo it IF your toon can do so).

So should a respec where you move 1 slot to another power require a full Respec Trail or Vet Reward? Or should we have multiple types such as:
- Minor - move up to 4 slots
- Moderate - move up to 4 slots AND move/replace up 2 powers
- etc
- etc
- Full - everything

Vet Rewards can still be the FULL respec.
Respec Trials can still be FULL.
- Add new Trials for the Middle-range respec.
Create new Respec Recipes for all categories.

Alternatively allow us to pay for our respecs as we go.
If I want to move 1 slot it will cost me 1,000 INF.
Move a power (not replace) 10,000 INF.
Replace a power 20,000 INF.
Then buy "respec packs" that are cheaper in bulk than individual changes:
- Bulk 1 - move 10 slots = 8,000 INF
- Bulk 2 - move 20 slots = 15,000 INF
- Bulk 5 - move 5 powers = 40,000 INF
- Bulk 6 - move 10 powers = 80,000 INF
- Bulk 11 - replace 5 powers and move 5 powers and move 5 slots = 105,000 INF (normally 155,000 INF)
- etc
- Bulk 100 - Full Respec = 10,000,000 INF - this would probably replace the Respec recipes entirely. What do we then do with the ppl selling them on the Markets?

Obviously these numbers Im just pulling out of thin air but you get the point.



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
We need to also discuss the "cost" involved to respec.
Just to recap currently we have 4 ways to do obtain a respec:
- Vet Rewards
- Issue Releases USUALLY come with a respec (or two) but not always
- Respec Recipes (currently 200Mil on the Markets)
- Respec Trials

- Freespec granted a villain upon completing their patron arc
- Purchased with candy canes from the Candy Keeper during the Winter Event.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post

- Freespec granted a villain upon completing their patron arc
- Purchased with candy canes from the Candy Keeper during the Winter Event.
To be honest I wouldnt include the Patron respec as:
- Heroes cant do it unless they have purchased GR and then they have to go through the side swapping which they shouldnt HAVE to do.
- Not high enough level (and too high a level to re-roll)

Im trying to find a way that would be equal to all no matter what Alignment or expansions some has purchased. So unless a free respec is added to Blueside once the APP are unlocked...

I wasnt aware of the Candy Cane option. But this still is only available to run during the Winter Event or shortly after when CC are still avail on the Market.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post

- Freespec granted a villain upon completing their patron arc
- Purchased with candy canes from the Candy Keeper during the Winter Event.

They also be purchased for $10 from the in-game store



Agreed that respecing should be simplified. But /unsigned to the OP's suggestion.



Not sure the OPs design is the way to go, but yes to respec simplification. To add to this suggestion - I'd like for powers on your tray not to be wiped out after a respec. It is a royal pain figuring out where your powers used to be and sometimes takes several days to get things reconfigured to workable positions.
It should be coded so:
1. If you end up with a power that you already had, it should remain in the same position on your tray.
2. If an old power is no longer available that tray item should become empty.

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Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
To be honest I wouldnt include the Patron respec as:
- Heroes cant do it unless they have purchased GR and then they have to go through the side swapping which they shouldnt HAVE to do.
- Not high enough level (and too high a level to re-roll)
1. Yes heroes should have to buy GR and go thru sideswapping IF they want to have aa powerset from the Patron pool that fits their character.

2. Then using your faulty logic you wouldn't count the respec trial respecs because they are also restricted to levels that are too high to reroll a character.

Patron Power Respec available at level 41
Trial respecs available at levels 24, 34, and 44.

3. It's ridiculously easy to switch sides and it's available all year long as opposed to waiting for a freespec or an event to buy one.

The Patron respec stays on the list.

And /signed to simplifying respes, but /unsigned to the methods suggested above.



I think a dynamic respec like mids in game would be amazing, being able to view your combat attributes as you add powers and enhancements would be great too. Picking all your powers, then slotting them up only to see you slotted something wrong because you have an expensive enhancement you cant fit in your build or your tray? Major PITA

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Originally Posted by The Original Clutch View Post
I think a dynamic respec like mids in game would be amazing, being able to view your combat attributes as you add powers and enhancements would be great too. Picking all your powers, then slotting them up only to see you slotted something wrong because you have an expensive enhancement you cant fit in your build or your tray? Major PITA
There is one word in your first sentence that allows you to do just this.
Then you don't have to worry about if you slotted something wrong. And you can also change that build multiple times until you do your respec in game to make sure you have it the way you want it.



Forbin I think there was some mis-understanding.

I didnt mean that Heroes shouldnt need to buy GR in order to get Patron Powers. They should.
I meant Heroes shouldnt need to buy GR in order to get a respec.

Redside has the option to take a respec after unlocking the Patron Pools (free respec).
Blueside does not get a free respec.
This was meant to be about BALANCE - equal options for all.

Yes swapping sides is easy - but you shouldnt have to unless ALL alignments have to.
Proposed Fix = give Heroes a free respec when they unlock APP's just like Villains get. Make Heroes have to unlock them just like Villains. Balance.



/sign I'd like a mids style respec system



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
Forbin I think there was some mis-understanding.

I didnt mean that Heroes shouldnt need to buy GR in order to get Patron Powers. They should.
I meant Heroes shouldnt need to buy GR in order to get a respec.
My bad for misunderstanding.

Redside has the option to take a respec after unlocking the Patron Pools (free respec).
Blueside does not get a free respec.
This was meant to be about BALANCE - equal options for all.
Sorry but Villains do not get a free respec. They have to earn it by completeing the Patron story arc.

Yes swapping sides is easy - but you shouldnt have to unless ALL alignments have to.
Swapping sides isn't relevant. All AT's still have to earn the Patron respec by completeing the Patron story arc.

Proposed Fix = give Heroes a free respec when they unlock APP's just like Villains get. Make Heroes have to unlock them just like Villains. Balance.
So you want to add a story arc that heroes would have to complete in order to unlock APP's, earn an accolade, and earn an additional respec?

I'd be fine with that.



Right now, with the free Fitness pool, I find I am forced to take a pool power to complete a respec, this should not be.

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