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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Etharion View Post
    I'm actually working on a character of the same sets myself and while Slain certainly has an effective build, it's quite far out of my reach and doesn't really follow my build philosophy, ie to use the vast majority of powers I'm slotting. No four slot flurry/boxing/kick for set bonuses for me, just not how I work!

    To that end, I've put together a 'budget' build to the best of my ability to see what I could manage. Character's presently up to 17 and counting as I'm able to find teams, but I'd love input if folks have any!
    I used to build for ranged defense, but as a kin that makes very little sense. You and your team is losing a bunch of buffs because of your not being in melee - part of fulcrum shift's damage buff and siphon power's damage buff. Secondly, when you need endurance, transference won't help you.

    Second, 'stealth'? why? :-\

    Put in Kismet +6 tohit somewhere in your build.

    Stealth IO in CJ? Huh?

    One more slot in transfusion and you could use doctored wounds instead with an acc IO, getting 5% more recharge and capped accuracy.

    You may not like using slot mules, but all that does is makes your build sub-optimal. I like having strong principles in life, just not about how I build my toons in CoH and other pseudo-mathematical ventures. It's like saying, "I don't use the reciprocal rule, it's just not how I work".

    I'd start with just a few build basics and rework the entire build.

    .) It's a kin, try to make sure you have Hasten in your build - 70% recharge means FS comes up a lot more - that's your bread and butter power.
    .) Build for s/l defense at least, try to get /nrg high also if possible
    .) Your attacks barely need any damage IO's - you'll be capped to damage most of the time, your +damage from your IO's will mean a 0 bonus.
    .) Stealth is almost completely useless nowadays - just get SS instead with a stealth IO in sprint (optionally you can put the stealth IO in SS too, I just like to put it in sprint to have the control to have super speed but no stealth)
    .) Get SS and keep it on. It reduces your threat level to 0%.
    .) Get more recovery, transference won't be up all the time and you may not always be in melee when you have to use it.
    .) If possible, get tactics, at a minimum use +6 kismet. If you're fighting +4's, attempt to cap your accuracy. You can check this by changing the base to hit chance in mids settings to 39 instead of 75 (Options -> Configuration -> Exemping and base values) - when you miss as a kin? It really hurts. Your kin will miss a lot with +4's
    .) Don't take powers that do not directly help you unless they are slot mules. For example, dark consumption is a slot mule on a kin/sonic, don't confuse it with a useful power. Slot it accordingly.
  2. slainsteel

    TW/FA/Eng Brute

    Either there is something really huge that I don't know about farming; or this is possibly one of the worst builds I've seen posted on the forums till date.

    5 mocking beratement sets? really?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Sorry if this question is inappropriate for this thread/sub-forum but I've been considering a kin/sonic for a good while. I'm looking for opinions on if this would work better on a def or a corr. I've played Kin on both sides so I understand the main differences but honestly haven't played sonic blasts much.

    I recall def kin being awesome support but corr kin being so much more destructive. I've never played kin in the iTrial scene so I don't even know how they fare there. Honestly, I really don't even see all that many kind anymore either. I guess what Im really looking for is to be convinced one way or another since I'm so undecisive.
    I went Def for the simple reason that sonic, really, is fairly lacklustre at damage. It's slow and the damage isn't very much so my purpose of using my attacks is "only" team support; a corr didn't seem to change that much for me.

    Second, as a kin, I really expect to use my attacks less often than all the other things I need to keep doing. Even now, my power tray has Howl and Shout placed first, I rarely get to the third attack power before which I need to hit one of the support powers again.

    If I wanted a super-damage/farming kin, then I'd have gone corr, in which case I'd have only done fire/kin.

    This is my playstyle though YMMV.
  4. Hey folks, sorry for the late response but I got really involved in my TW/Elec brute's build (which as it turns out, is considerably harder to get done well).

    This is the build I settled on and have been using. I'm really happy with this toon; of course, additional suggestions are welcome.

    A few important changes were increasing ToHit to make sure that my hit chance if capped at 95% versus +4's (changed the base tohit in mids to confirm). Additionally, I took several suggestions given on the thread regarding slotting various powers like SB, transference, SP/SP, etc.

    I really like SP's slowing of enemies and unsupressed run speed increase, so I'm definitely keeping that. Regarding using slot mules, yeah - there isn't much more I want. I tried a build with shockwave on it and other powers too but really didn't end up using them much. Every power that I use 90% of the time is on the build, leaving me a lot of choices for slots and powers.

    So here's the new build,

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ball basher View Post
    Now what i want for the build is perma hasten and perma heatloss ( on heatloss some 5 secs off is not so bad) (the endurance doesnt have to be sustainable otherwise, they made inspirations with a reason)and i want 45% smash/lethal defence, without gimping my aoe ( and st) damage output. I just cant seem to reach it on the build with dark mastery. the only options i manage to see are:
    -I've got to sacrifice a travel power ( is travelling with ninja run and speed /other temps doable?)
    -I need to sacrifice one of the ice shields (both this and the option before is to make room for another kinetic combat set)
    -drop permahasten by using agility instead of spiritual as alpha, and then getting the obliteration set on spring attack

    Now, none of these options really appeal to me ( i guess the travel power sacrifice might be most bearable). That's why i came to the forums for help/advice, does anyone see any other options or better ways to make this build work the way i want it? The budget for this is unlimited, there are enhancement boosters for every io, and every alpha choice is viable (i do not want to pick barrier as destiny for the 5% defence tough, rebirth is a lifesaver). Any help would be much appreciated
    Getting to 45% s/l seems, um, wasteful. Rebirth is 'nice' but barrier is as much of a life saver as rebirth can be; sometimes more (considering your resistance is so high that chances of getting 1 shot are much lower - rebirth is only buffing your regen, which is no good in case of taking 2 hits of > 1/2hp each).

    I would drop one of the shields if the choice were up to me; the shields are useful but defense really, is available in crazy chunks around (VEATs, Barriers, Leadership).

    Hell when I team, I am rarely below 50% defense 'without' my barrier fired (40% with self-buffs), and often at 70%+
  6. So a few points I wanted to address, now that I've actually been playing this toon for a while

    (btw, in the original most, I meant "don't like to be dependent on siphon SPEED for recharge" )

    .) The end mod suggestions are good; the removing recharge from Siphon speed also seems like a good idea.
    .) This toon literally 'rarely' dies - and once it does, soul transfer is invaluable. I have a balls to the wall approach of playing the kin. I stay within melee to give the maximum benefit of FS and SP, along with replenish my own end as needed
    .) Soul transfer is just da bomb, period; Mag 30 stun to enemies around me? If I don't have enemies around me, um, then that's a good time just to use a wakie
    .) When team survival is crucial, I tend to stay out of melee anyway - in which case I simply stand safely away and spam FS/Trans. This is a much rarer case though and much less efficient

    .) I 'know' the cost of Panacea; but money is not even a slight issue with me. I don't mind paying 2bil more for 1% more recharge if I need to - I am looking to min/max my build (and btw, I always put +stealth in sprint, I usually just leave that out of builds since nowadays it's mostly a given)

    If I picked either elec/mu/psi, I would lose my self-rez, which is more valuable to me than any one type of rez.

    I'll rework my build based on the feedback from this thread and post a better one. Thanks for all the comments!
  7. I've added the ATO's with the latest mids update - so in case the build doesn't look right, you might want to get that update

    So this was the goal; to build a heavily team oriented toon that would serve as an awesome force multipler - yet, still be very survivable.

    For this, I wanted to,

    .) Have a decent recharge so that FS is up a lot
    .) Being a kin, his support was already going to be pretty good, but still wanted to add to the support as much as I could without hurting survivability
    .) Capped at least s/l/e/n (capped ranged came as a nice bonus) - with the minimum barrier running of 5%
    .) Very high s/l resists, if possible high nrg resist also (couldn't manage that one :-\)
    .) Definitely needed a powerful self-rez that would allow the toon to get back into combat ASAP in case of a death

    The reason I went /sonic over /fire was mostly because of the stacking -res debuff. On a team of 16 players, even if I stack just 2 of the -res debuffs from the attacks, that's +40% damage to folks on the team, even if they're already damage capped. 40%x16 damage seemed much more useful than even 200%x1 damage

    Here's the build,
    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    I am specifically looking for getting more recharge; I am not very happy with the dependence on siphon power that this toon has. My end is fine (I leveled him to 50 this weekend and transference seems to take care of most end issues - plus having a few blues takes care of the rest).

    This is my first kin ever really, so of course any other suggestions would be awesome too!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supreme_Roach View Post
    Enzymes do buff defense...been a known bug for a long long time and has been overlooked by devs as a unexpected bonus.
    Which got fixed with i22.
  9. I like the support aspect of your build a lot; my only concern is survivability.
    I usually just put a stealth proc in sprint and get good invis that way but when in the heat of things, just AoE's can easily kill a toon with no defense.

    Which is why barrier is really important for me plus having at least closed to capped defense of some sort; range, or s/l/e, or something that will stop those hits not even aimed for me from landing.
  10. So I did build for support and damage too.

    I really want to concentrate on healing because of the high need of it considering the multitude of non-resistable and/or crazy high damage on the newer trials.
  11. So I was looking at making a pure support toon for our considerably more 'damaging' incarnate content.

    Emps seem to be back in vogue; for a secondary I picked sonic since it stacks -res debuffs making it the most 'team multiplier' friendly secondary for fenders.

    The empath needs to be close to the melee folks to keep them healed so defense was a priority - though I focused mostly on ranged defense. I can always hover just out of melee range of that super AV but still within heal range of our own guys.

    This is the build,

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    The plan is to slot shout with the SATO's for the AT; adding +5% def; which would put the toon at 40%.

    Plan on taking the perma barrier, which will add a minimum of 5% def/resist permanently to the build, putting the build barely anything off the def cap.

    So I've _never_ played a healer before; hence looking for all kinds of input
    My goal here is, to be self-sufficient; to survive very crazy damage scenarios and to provide the best possible support for the team.
  12. So staying in melee is definitely a really interesting style; I have also lately found myself staying in melee a lot.

    So looking at the build with your goals in mind, to try to min/max as much as possible I made a few changes,

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    .) So one major change was to move the ToD's from brawl into SB's in Infrig; SB gives Melee _and AoE defense; the melee is slightly higher but I adjusted that with adding a slot to Combat Jumping.

    .) I removed the extra slots from the shields - the total difference in shielding was 18% became 15.29%. The shields are still very effective but it frees up slots that the build would need to min/max.

    .) I couldn't figure out why Javelin Volley should stay; considering that Posi's blast would give you the 6.5% rech bonus.

    .) Changed abs amazement to Stupefy - it close to caps your ranged def also while keeping most of the recharge benefit

    .) Moved a slot from benumb into hasten; so this seemed like a pain point. Even fully boosted, hasten would still be several seconds off perma - this would affect all your other powers which are close to perma. Benumb loses about 4s with that slot removed but probably recovers about half a second from Hasten being perma instead of 12s off - of course this is debatable without actual maths

    .) Added a slot to Dark Embrace to get more KB. 4 seems really low for a toon that fights in melee. I usually try to aim for 12 for even my ranged toons which hover.

    Your build is great as it is and pwns; I am just trying to figure out further optimizations. I might be trying a similar build for my fire/cold corr.
  13. In the build below, I am assuming that the first 5 slots of Haymaker will be replaced with the Brute SATO - adding 10% recharge and 5% s/l defense to the build.

    I intend to run this with the perma version of barrier; which gives a minimum of +5% def/resist to all, which should put S/L def at the cap for non-incarnate content.

    My intention with this brute is not really to farm but to have an overall super DPS brute which does really well on ST but has good AoE also. I mostly run iTrials and other end-game content.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    Given these goals, any improvements you guys could suggest? This is really my first brute ever, never really built one and haven't played one till yesterday when I made this toon and leveled him to 20'ish.

    My main concerns are the survivability of this toon. I am happy with the damage (I am not really looking to squeeze that last 5-10% out of the toon) but my play style often involves running off solo. For example, on a Lambda, I'd usually be running off and solo'ing caches/chambers, on a Keyes I'd be picking up the temps from the crowd; on a MoM, I'd be taunting the voids to Penny, etc, etc.

    Remember that cowboy that keeps running ahead of everyone and getting himself killed? Yeah, that would be minus the getting himself killed part
    (for the 'occasional' times that I do get myself killed, RoP > Uberness!)

    Complete brute n00b here folks; please give me as many suggestions as you can think of!

    Oh, cost is not an issue, at all. I'm quite alright with spending a few extra billion just to get that last .1% of something that'll help the build.
  14. End drain is mitigation; it's just very weak mitigation.

    By the time that the boss gets to the point that his endurance is drained; you may already be dead. Other mitigation types, let's say KB, would mean that he is spending all his time getting back up, giving you enough time to kill him. I personally find KB one of the best mitigation for blasters; but that's my playstyle, YMMV.

    With end drain though? It's really is a hard sell for survivability for a blaster that is really dependent on mitigation versus hard enemies.
  15. So this is my Fire/Cold, he seems to do alright.
    The 6 slots for blaze have been left empty since they hold my S-ATO set.

    The goals were,
    a.) Capped range def (non-incarnate); with the S-ATO and minimum def buf from perma barrier, he is at 44.7%
    b.) Perma hasten; the IO in Hasten is +5; 120.1s after that, so almost perma
    c.) Perma heatloss; the acc and one rech in HL are +5
    d.) A self-heal
    e.) A self-rez
    f.) Really high recharge
    g.) Workable non-HL end; so 2.65%/s gain when not in HL
    h.) Went with the Radial agility to get the boost to flight speed - this toon is constantly on hover

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    A few key differences I noticed between the two builds were,

    Benumb: I am not sure why you have slotted up so high. You do realize that against a +3av all the debuffs drop to around 13% efficiency right?
    Heat Loss: Do you really need more end?
    Defense: Why try to boost all defense that high versus just fighting at range?
    Sleet: I've tried the damage procs in sleet, their help is really just meh. An extra recharge (mine is +5 boosted too) really helps bring it up faster to hit foes that move a lot.
    Regen: Instead of wasting SO many slots on trying to get regen up, why not just get a self-heal? On that note, instead of getting a minor regen buff by slotting up LoTG's on ice shield, why not just slot up Health? The extra IO is not getting much more shielding anyway.
  16. Hmm, so the Blaster bonus goes from 3.13% to 5% but the Corruptor version goes from 3.75% to 5% also?

    That kinda sucks.
  17. Considering using my catalysts either for this or the Superior Blaster ASE set; I can't seem to find the stats on the superior version for this anywhere though.

    Extrapolating from the blaster set, it would seem that the Superior MotC would have 10% recharge, 4% damage, 10% range increases but I have no idea what the defense bonus would be (which is of major concern on the build I am making).

    Anyone know what defense bonus the six slotted Superior MotC gives?
  18. So till now Fire/Cold seemed to be one of the most powerful combinations for a corruptor; considering Fire's crazy damage and /cold's crazy resistance debuffs.

    Now BR is a bit less damage but more debuff. Also it has a ranged nuke which is awesome for my style of play since I hate getting too close.

    My major concern with Beam Rifle is the redraw - so how bad is it?

    The only weapons toon I played was a bane, on which I hated the redraw so much that I respec'ed into a crab. I've _never_ played a ranged toon with redraw.

    Does the redraw cause a slowdown in the attack chain dropping DPS? Where can I get numbers on the redraw. Does it actually really effect gameplay enough on a /cold (considering sleet, heatloss and benumb will be the most oft used powers but they are all on at least 15-30-90s recharges).

    The builds I have for both are very similar.
    About 170-180% recharge.
    Capped Ranged Def
    40%+ to s/l/e resistances
    Enough endurance to survive a HeatLoss miss.

    Desperately looking for suggestions
  19. So, hate to bring the 'practical' aspect in, but, um, how does this affect our gameplay? Does this mean no more STF's?
  20. I am looking for a toon that really brings in a force multiplier to teams but still is really good solo.. err, I guess what everyone else is looking for too?

    My goals typically are,
    .) Major damage
    .) Heavy damage resistance debuffs
    .) Good other debuffs (-regen, -def, slow, etc)
    .) Very good survivability (high def/resist)
    .) Particularly good against incarnate content

    This is what I was able to come up with for a Beam/Cold - since I have never actually 'played' a BR, I really wanted to get opinions from people who had

    This toon will have T4 barrier on him when he's done, so he should be at abou4 43%+ ranged def all the time.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    Any suggestions and thoughts versus a fire/cold instead with the same invested in him?
  21. From what I gathered IG,

    #1) Fifty- and Blind Zealot (24:03)
    #2) Fifty- and Blind Zealot (again!)
    #3) Fifty- and Justice Dealer

    Not sure about rankings after that, if anyone knows, please feel free to post them
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    I've done a few runs like that, where you pull the patrons to the flyer and drop the whole crowd, then taunt LR to the towers and drop all but blue.

    Not my cup of tea, although quite a lot of fun at the time.

    Never saw so many heavys/shivs/nukes in my life.....
    Why would you bother with the flyer or the red tower?
    Unless it's for the 2 extra merits and the team is *really* heavy on S/L.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
    My Brute don't have taunt... and he did ok on the only STF he ran...
    Oh my opinions on team make-up are 'slightly' different for solo STF runs