Emp/Sonic - pure support toon.




So I was looking at making a pure support toon for our considerably more 'damaging' incarnate content.

Emps seem to be back in vogue; for a secondary I picked sonic since it stacks -res debuffs making it the most 'team multiplier' friendly secondary for fenders.

The empath needs to be close to the melee folks to keep them healed so defense was a priority - though I focused mostly on ranged defense. I can always hover just out of melee range of that super AV but still within heal range of our own guys.

This is the build,

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
The plan is to slot shout with the SATO's for the AT; adding +5% def; which would put the toon at 40%.

Plan on taking the perma barrier, which will add a minimum of 5% def/resist permanently to the build, putting the build barely anything off the def cap.

So I've _never_ played a healer before; hence looking for all kinds of input
My goal here is, to be self-sufficient; to survive very crazy damage scenarios and to provide the best possible support for the team.

Virtue Speed Junkie
A Simplified Guide to Attack and Defense



I think calling yourself a Pure Support toon is a bit of a white lie.

Your Fortitude is weak, does upto 4 people when it could of been strong and do upto 6 people.

A Pure Support might of had Power Mastery for an epic. This'll boost Forts and Heals. Powerboosted Fort on someone who has most threat means you have to heal less often. Forting most of the team means you have to heal less often. Heal Aura becomes a slot mule. You would then have no place in melee, or within many aoes, no asking for BFs and be blasting away. Full support is often with Vengeance incase of whoopsies, especially helpful on incarnate trials.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I will warn you now that I have never met a "healer" that was any good. Don't start down this path, it doesn't end well.

Be a Defender, not a "healer."



You don't have to limit yourself. At level 50, you have enough powers and slots to do everything your powerset combination is capable of. So healing, buffing, damaging, and resistance debuffing are all things you should be able to do well without requiring a sacrifice on any of them.



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
You don't have to limit yourself. At level 50, you have enough powers and slots to do everything your powerset combination is capable of. So healing, buffing, damaging, and resistance debuffing are all things you should be able to do well without requiring a sacrifice on any of them.
Totally agree. I have multiple Empaths. Every single one of them can run a full attack chain of ED capped blasts and every single one of them also has well slotted, ED capped, HA and HO. Most of them also have a fully slotted Nuke and tend to use it. AB will be permanently on some teammate. Fort will be more limited by my attention to buffing than what the build can do. In short my Offenders are equally capable of 'Pure Support', it's just a matter of what the situation demands of them at any given moment.

As for the build ... no Mids capability right now makes for a sad face.



So I did build for support and damage too.

I really want to concentrate on healing because of the high need of it considering the multitude of non-resistable and/or crazy high damage on the newer trials.

Virtue Speed Junkie
A Simplified Guide to Attack and Defense



If you could post up the short form so I can see power choices and slotting ... (not having Mids installed really sucks). Guess what folks are saying (I know I was trying to) is that healing, buffing and blasting can all be there. The choice of which to use is basically dependent on you and the situation not the build (the build can, and I think should, have all those elements well slotted). About the only thing that is less likely to be in my builds that might appear more in other builds would be Absorb Pain. But I do have it in a couple of builds slotted only with heal enhancements (no recharge or other enhancement). I'm just not a big fan of AP it has nothing to do, in my mind anyway, with anything more than personal preference. The real question for me right now is how much defense one can get without sacrificing too much recharge (I want enough for perma-Hasten or within a few seconds of perma as in turn that'll get me the minimum recharge I want on, specifically, my Auras). Given that I've a Emp/Fire build with 33%+ for ranged, AoE, and F/C/E/N plus S/L resistance of 65% as well as a solo only Emp/Sonic build with soft capped range defense (and a variant of that, Emp/Sonic/Mace with 61% S/L defenses) I'm guessing it's quite doable to have substantial defenses without losing too much in terms of recharge etc..



First let me say there is absolutely room for a pure support spec toon on incarnate level trials. There are always heals that can be tossed out to deal with the spikes of damage in some of the harder trials, along with the amazing benefits of buffs as well as mez protection. If you have downtime, you can always spam your tier 1 and 2 attacks on the hard target AV or howl on a group for a little AoE - res. I don't think the OP said pure healer, but pure support, which is fine. Hitting the target with screech shriek scream shriek is a great debuff chain, and if people start dying, you can switch off from offense to keep buffs/heals up.

This is more how I'd do it, I've never had much of an issue with defense as an emp, just go with stealth/SS/Stealth proc and when you are buffing/healing in the heat of things you'll be fine. Ditch hover, hovering and flying emps are way too slow to react/get into range of anyone if you aren't right on top of them. Superspeed/CJ gives you much needed mobility.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Bonuses to chase are +recharge, +HP, +heal mod.

If you want to call yourself support spec, take powerboosted veng. Eventually someone will die, the buff is always worth it. Also, passing up absorb pain is just goofy, it will let you heal most tanks from 1 hp to full with one hit especially if you are running incandesence.

As for incarnate powers, I'd suggest picking up Incandesence first then Clarion for Destiny, Barrier as a third option.



I like the support aspect of your build a lot; my only concern is survivability.
I usually just put a stealth proc in sprint and get good invis that way but when in the heat of things, just AoE's can easily kill a toon with no defense.

Which is why barrier is really important for me plus having at least closed to capped defense of some sort; range, or s/l/e, or something that will stop those hits not even aimed for me from landing.

Virtue Speed Junkie
A Simplified Guide to Attack and Defense



Running full stealth + support mode you keep your stealth radius and ideally shouldn't be sitting in melee range all the time anyway to get hit with AoE's. You can pop in and out easily with SS/CJ which is why I mentioned the mobility.

If you are pulling aggro with howl someone is doing something horrible wrong, the same would go for using your ST chain on a hard target. The only thing you do have to worry about is AoE's, which 25% def to in incarnate trials isn't going to make you *that* much more survivable.

Something to keep in mind Healing aura is around 300-350 per cast, with tier 3 incandescence its up to 500+ with power boost you can heal over 800 HP (half of your max capped HP) every few seconds. Survivability shouldn't be an issue as sustained AoE damage is seldom an issue, unless you are talking about patch form in MoM which is avoidable.