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  1. I expect them to be lazy.

    Therefore I expect them to take the existing signature story arc tech and modify it to one or maybe 2 story arcs. I expect them to be 5 missions long rather than 3, with about a 30-minute average time to complete. I expect the reward choices to be 1 astral or 10 threads 1x/week or a repeatable 5 threads or 1 super insp infinitely available. I expect that threads will drop during the mission.

    I expect 1 or 2 badges that give either a common or uncommon when first acquired.

    they will talk about adding more arcs in the future but not do it. They will talk about a future method to convert astrals to emps but not implement it. They may or may not talk about something equivalent to the WTF for incarnate content but if so, I actually do expect this to be implemented.

    I add my voice hoping for the incarnate zone, and I do hope it is the shadow shard.

    also, the devs consider EBs to be group enemies. Yes they know some of the players can solo AVs, but they still put warnings to gather a group for new missions that have a single +0 EB (see part 2 of the signature story arc final mission). Therefore I do not expect them to decide that non-incarnates need a team for EBs but incarnates jump multiple levels of difficulty and can handle AVs (one step would equal assuming you can solo EBs whereas they currently assume you need a team for them).

    Edit: And I also add my voice to those who feel that the people acting like they deserve a solo path to everything are expecting too much and acting far too entitled. I also add my voice to those who feel that the devs neglect the solo community too much and that those who constantly criticize the all-solo-all-the-time crowd are often being gits themselves. In short, I think both camps are acting like spoiled brats. No one is entitled to anything. No one deserves anything. We don't even deserve a bug-free game that works all the time. We hope for it, and if a company gives us this it is good customer service and smart behavior on their part. But we don't deserve it. Vote with your money if you don't get what you want. Raise concerns. MMos have people who like to solo. MMos are based around group play. Both sides need to accept the other will always exist. Both sides need to accept that nothing will be perfectly geared for their desired style of play.

    Can't we all just get along and kick praetorian *** as a semi-unified group of humans, metahumans, mutants, aliens, robots, cyborgs, science experiments gone awry, catgirls, megalomaniacs, escaped looney-bin patients, mass murderers, enraged dockworkers and lolstalkers until they give us someone better to abuse? (/rantmode)
  2. Two weeks ago I saw three elecs in a single BAF run. I think I see more elec doms than anything but plant.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I see people rave about theft of essence in dark regen but... how does it fair in powers like say Siphon Life or Life Drain?
    Not nearly as effective as an end reduction common IO. the advantage of dark regen is that it is AoE so the proc can go off more than once. On my stalker my record is 4 times in one click.

    With siphon life you get a max of 10 end 10% of the time for an effective 1-point of end per attack. Put a 42% common end reduction IO into almost anything and it will save more than 1 point. The attack would need a base cost of only 3 end before the proc was more effective, or you'd have to be way into ED values.

    Now, if you have the slots to spare, it's not bad because it can get you that extra 1 point which ED might not let you get. But I'd almost always rather put a damage proc.
  4. Personally, I'm Meh about the whole thing.

    My only key change to the queue is I want to see "join a trial in progress" changed to let you into one that is above minimum but below maximum. Instead of the current "below minimum only".

    The biggest change I want to COH I know I'll never get. Never. And that is I want a huge female body model. But since it would require revisions to every animation, every power and every costume piece in existence... Well, I'll be checking the thermometer in hell if the devs ever finally say yes. I won't stop asking though. =)
  5. Actually, I had an idea.

    What if as an inherent Stalkers could get a 97% or 98% chance to hit?

    I know it doesn't seem like a lot. but I was running a quick tip mission last night, and even with 95% chance to hit, I missed 5 out of 13 attacks.

    And it would tick stalker damage up a bit overall. Plus, it's totally unique.

    Note: From a code level this might be impossible or really ungodly messy.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post

    Please indicate whether you respect, like, and/or fear the following villains.

    The Joker
    Only one version: Mark Hamil's. There is one scene where a bunch of crimelords are auctioning a nuke and joker walks in and starts bidding nothing. "Zip, zilch, nada, skip, zero, a great big check for zero dollars drawn from the first international bank of skidoo!" then opens his coat to show he's in a suicide bomber vest and steals the thing. He's been caught simply because his getaway car ran out of gas because he has no money. But he can still beat out nearly all of the high-tech super funded villains. I love that.

    Depends on which version. Some authors did great things with her. Some sucked.

    Boba Fett
    Only in episodes 5 and 6.


    Ok, I will always respect freddy because my first introduction to the actor was from the original V where he played a vegetarian near-pacifist visitor. To go from that to the totally awesome Freddy of the first movie was awesome. The longer the series went on the lamer he became. Invincible villains I cannot respect.

    Seriously no. Crybaby whining, full of B.S., and prattles on and on without ever taking responsibility for his own actions. Just no.

    He was ok. A little too full of himself, but I liked him. Not sure if I'd call it respect, but I liked him as a villain.

    Queen Beryl

    No. Not in any version I've seen.

    neither in the comic, nor the movie. Way to reliant on moral relativity and I cannot respect anyone dumb enough to hold to that philosophy. Also, the one in the movie came off as an idiot, not a genius.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Sadly, none of the other characters have much depth to me. I don't know who they are, or why they might be cool or uncool. The next closest ones with any perceived depth are Sister Psyche and Manticore, and despite that I do know some things about them, I don't feel I know who they are, just what their history is. Nonetheless, I have some slight sense of attachment to them because they got married in-game.
    Run the hero-side Mender Silos pseudo task force. You'll get some opinion of Manti after that, one way or the other.

    It is a pretty decent TF, and if I'm not mistaken has the second largest enemy model in the game (Jade Spider) in the climax.

    Been a while since I ran it myself, but I remember I liked it.

    Edit: And I predict that Babs is toast, but I really hope I'm wrong.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seaborn View Post
    Oahu here. I game primarily on Virtue, as I have for 7+ yrs now. I'm usually on from about 9:30 pm - 1 am Hawaii time. Can't really miss my main toon.. Pumpkinator. Hope to see any of you soon!

    Oh yes, I agree we need a Hawaiian costume... with the ankle/wrist leis, the coconut warrior helmet, the typical leis, and those awesome Hawaiian weapons from long ago! A couple of Hawaiian luau dances male/female emotes would be brilliant also!
    You know, I think I've seen pumpkinator around a couple times. =) I'll keep a closer eye out and try to poke you next time I spot ya.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    [*] Change it from a Toggle to a slottable click with a recharge rate slightly more than the average of buildup, and duration closer to hasten. keep current stats
    No, no, no a million times no. I have contacts in the russian maffia I will ask to kneecap anyone who makes hide a click power.

    Auto maybe. Click? no.

    dear god no.
  10. That's a very good insight. I also know that one of the side reasons is that not only do the scrappers have many vocal supporters, but those supporters are balanced, and have math/mechanics to back them up.

    We don't have too many who can or will do the sorts of analysis that Obitus, Werner, and Arcannaville do. I know I can't.

    And unfortunately, a lot of our people want huge changes or unbalanced changes. rather than the ones that are actually in line with what the devs might reasonably implement.
  11. GavinRuneblade

    +4x8 question

    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    just because player A has a build that can solo +4/8 doesn't mean player B can take that same build and solo +4/8 against the same mobs.
    This bit is very true. I have three characters with builds that other people have (and I don't mean claim to have, I mean actually have) run against 54/x8 and complained about hte game being too easy. And yet with that exact same build I mostly run at +1/x5 and have serious issues at +2/x7/8.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    I think its silly to think the devs read this forum.

    I think the easiest way to end the LOLSTALKER issue in the game is to port ninjitsu to scrappers and eliminate the last few stalker holdouts.

    They are already the rarest AT in the game post 20, once the Ninjitsu hold outs reroll to scrappers you won't read LOLSTALKER anymore.

    My response is the most realistic in terms of actually happening.
    Then I'll have the last stalkers in the game. That would be cool. Everyone would recognize me immediately. Heh. On the other hand "lolstalkers" would just end up being "lolgav" so maybe not so cool.

    Actually on Saturday, I ran an UG trial with 4 of us on stalkers. That was pretty rare to see but fun.
  13. Honestly, I wouldn't attend even if they held it in my living room.

    I LOATHE conventions or anything similar.

    Lan parties are cool in groups of like 5 to 8 people. Anything more than that and I'm out.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    I respec'd

    dropped psychic scream - it mostly led to me getting killed on teams (I will get it again later)
    picked up Hasten so I can get Dom back sooner
    switched the end reduction to my attacks and ice block

    I was able to run all 3 leadership and arctic air (2 slotted for End Red) and run through my attacks - I would slowly run out of END but Dom would refill it.

    All in all it worked well - thanks for the advice
    Like the witch said, haste has a 25% end crash.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    I keep hearing about how toxic bullets are useless in game situations, but I think this is a bit short sighted (not calling you out, Tex). I was just working with a pug doing level 50 content with a full group (me on a DP/Time rupter). We had a bad situation where we wiped, I switched to chemo rounds (was on incindiary) and from then on in, no issues. True, i wasn't doing near the damage as before but it's a good example of how chemo isn't really as worthless as some tend to think. Now, I still don't know of a really good use for Cryo rounds, other than the DFB end AVs. They really hate cold damage.

    And I think one of the reasons ppl think it does terrible damage is the dot effect from the AoEs. Small numbers, but lots of em. I tend to think of em as more of a mini burn patch.
    Somewhere in the blaster forums are some very good damage comparisons showing that even against the enemies who have the greatest vulnerability to cold/toxic AND a resist to fire the fire damage rounds still cause more damage.
  16. Out of curiosity, what are the key set bonuses for time? it needs some recharge but doesn't seem to need a huge amount (certainly seems to be fine on less than traps for example).
  17. Also, turning off sprint doesn't always end the stealth effect right away. I had some trouble with that over the weekend on escort missions.
  18. Necro, other than the igniter, is there anything else that does decent damage?

    I noticed that not only is the damage pretty good, those things are very accurate (I'm guessing they have the pet +25% base accuracy that malta gun drones have but not sure).
  19. I did like hte idea of melee buff/debuffers. that's cool I'd totally play something like that. As an alternative, I'm not sure how the numbers would play out, but if stalkers are supposed to be melee blasters and top single-target damage, then run this theory to it's logical extreme. Also, don't make stalkers AS machines, that is one part of the stalker, but not the whole thing.

    I agree on rolling back the HP buff.

    reduce the mez protection in all secondaries slightly.

    ensure all secondaries have a hole.

    Rebalance AS into a crashless nuke. Up the damage so that we can kill +0 lieutenants with AS and no buildup needed. AS + buildup = dead -1 boss in 1 hit. Devs obviously intend AS to be used in combat and out of hide. But the current implementation doesn't encourage this. Increase base recharge by 2+ seconds, remove or massively reduce the interrupt, reduce activation time, and increase damage as above. This is our melee nuke. It should function like one. Blasters get ranged nukes that can wipe whole spawns with a single shot. We should be able to kill a boss with a single shot. I do NOT like most of the suggestions about tagging on debuffs etc to AS. The hit itself should kill. Put crippling debuffs on other attacks.

    Personally, I'd also like it to accept sniper sets. I am not saying let it be a ranged attack or use the ranged damage scalar etc. I am saying accept sniper sets, nothing more nothing less. And I also would like them to allow the range bonus to work not be wasted. This will help with getting it off against a moving target.

    Melee damage scaled up on nearly all sets or attack speed upped (with limited reduction in damage) so that we can chew through groups via single-target attacks without it feeling like a damn chore. Dark and KM are the only ones I've played that have this feel right now. Claws and nin are close except for the prevalence of -lethal resists around every corner.

    If we're making AS and hide inherent, make both available at really low levels (1-4 for AS).

    Make all of our hides unsupressed just like /ea and /dark for brutes and scrappers get.

    screw the teaming mechanic. Let all attacks have a chance to reset the hide state rather than a higher crit chance directly.

    Drop activation time of placate by .25 seconds, drop base recharge by 1 sec.

    Give us full 100% buildup.

    Redo powers like dull pain and hoarfrost so we get full benefit when slotted, and that means giving us something positive in exchange for the lower HP value. Redo combos on dual blades to remove AS from the chain unless it is a finisher. Make AS a finisher in Street Justice.

    Let us keep our AoE attacks our cones etc, but reduce the max targets (if scrappers get 10, give us 5, if they get 5, give us 3) and/or range instead. I'm looking at you eviscerate, I want my cone back dagnabit!


    I think with faster attacks, AS rebalanced as a crashless nuke, and generally redone sets to support their intent, we would be the kinds of single target damage, and would be far enough ahead that it is worth giving up the AoE.

    But I kind of like the idea of melee debuffers/buffers better. =)
  20. The supergroup recovery buff is also handy. Lasts for 1 hour, persists through death and you can use the base teleports to get to your next mission almost as fast as using the o-portal.
  21. Aett and Necrotech nailed it I think. It's not the toggles it is your attacks. How much end reduction do you have in the controls and attacks?
  22. The cold demons are a specific faction within COT. I forget their leader but it is a bit specifc. It would be cool to see them in paragon city, but it is also cool to have unique enemies on each side.
  23. GavinRuneblade

    Lore Pets?

    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    funnily enough I find most pvp recipes to be useless on there own. There are a few gems, but most of them I would never bother emps on.
    the 3% defense is awesome on the right builds. the ranged damage proc is the only ranged damage proc other than the purple one, there are literally no other options unless you have an attack that takes def debuff, or knockback or some other set that has a proc. the -res proc is also fantastic as it stacks with achilees heel (and the heel doesn't stack with itself).

    But mostly, I find just buying one of the three top PvP ios, and selling them for 2billion or more is the most valuable use of my e merits. For those few who are curious those three would be the 3% def, 3% resist and panacea hael/end uniques.

    You can craft them and drop them on the market for 1 inf and suddenly be at the inf cap if you don't care to do off-market trades. There's piles of bids at 2billion for each of those three.
  24. Sadly it does appear to be a server load issue. I also have a character who had a retinue and enjoyed it.
  25. In practice with the fear aura on my /dark I don't find it interrupts my crits very often. Does CE tick faster than fear?