3209 -
Quote:You're missing the point. You choose whatever you want to fight *I* choose whatever I want to fight. Who finishes faster?Depends on what you chose to fight.
But I have an FA/SS Tank with the tier 3 muscular alpha. And I built him with high resistance to smashing/lethal (fire too of course). But I can take on +4/8 council/5th column and warriors with hardly any use of inspirations. The only time I need inspirations is if they land some lucky hits. But it's rare. As far as the level 50 warriors, there is a level 50 contact that gives it in case you're wondering. (can't remember which one at the moment).
As far as the robot ae fire farm; same thing. Although I would trigger all the ambushes at one time. And I admit to using the barrier and pyro incarnate powers when available.
Can you FA/SS tank finish faster the council map faster than a fire/kin can finish banished pantheon or can the fire/shield scrapper beat both of you on a hydra-man mission (if you think council are wimps, remember there's a reason these nobs only give 80% exp but this test doesn't measure inf/exp only speed)? -
Quote:The cynic in me is expecting something along these lines:The DA makeover will also improve quite a few older contacts by making the zone no longer valid for some of their missions - so being sent to DA on a mission will be gone for good in I22.
All previous door missions in DA will instead be located in either Boomtown, Terra Volta, Striga, or Crey's Folley. We promise that missions appearing in the Hive and Storm Palace are a temporary glitch and will be fixed "soon".
but the optimist in me is hoping for:
All previous DA missions will appear in the same zone as the contact. -
Quote:I tested with incandescense from about 200 yards and she ran. Dunno if there is a limit.Out of curiosity, from how far away will she still stick to her original target? If you Recall Friend her target several hundred yards away, will she still run across the map to trail them? Most hostage type critters lose you if you get very far away. Just wondering if that might be an alternate way to get her following someone else.
My solo villain group has 9m prestige and a pretty decent base. I haven't bought any prestige, I just have my characters in SG mode all the time and prestige builds up pretty fast.
It is about 2 years old now and 3m of that prestige is sitting unspent. So, definitely possible. Plus the easy way indicated above that you have 1 teleporter and swap the destinations as needed. -
On balancing the different AS powers, I like them different. but would be open to it being balanced.
Still for me the key is not only to beat the brutes and scrappers in single-target damage, but any change means we need to beat them by enough that our lack of AoE is not a weakness to the team. In my mind I want to see AS 1-shotting bosses from hide with buildup, and killing lieuts without buildup (obviously will vary from boss-to-boss based on resistances, slotting, etc). And the other attacks need to have enough increase that we aren't a 1-trick pony.
As for the HP, I would have preferred that they tweak the powers to give us something instead of the +hp. Make it different. Some resist all, a heal over time, something. Just going the +hp further blurs the difference between us and scrappers and in the long run I think that's a bad thing.
Quote:Just wanted to throw this back out because I wanted to be clear I Wasn't asking to give stalkers AoE, I was saying that I want the single target damage to be high enough to make it competitive with AoE-heavy characters.Well, you get no sympathy from me with regards to AoEs in MA or EM (really, those sets are mediocre to poor for AoE for *any* AT...and for DM, well, Soul Drain is indeed a loss, but Dark Consumption isn't much to cry about for AoE or utility....claws is another story, but yeah, you want AoE then pick an AoE set)
. -
Fusionette's not a citizen. I shudder to use the word heroine but...
To give her credit, in the Tin Mage II she is standing there at the maginot line of defenders. But You know that she'd be the one to not only fire the first shot, but rush the portal. Even if the Praetorians were only coming through with a white flag. -
Most people assume it is WAI and just a crappy bonus.
hmm, I think I'm going to make a room and let them all shoot me to see what kind of damage they deal.
Hope I get a chance to do it before the bug is gone. -
Quote:I get what you're saying but I didn't give my point enough clarity in my earlier post (see my sig, my brain is basically a piece of bacon right now). Yes I know that some stalker sets have AoE and thank you and Leo for calling me on the bad wording.Sorry, but several Stalker sets have AoE. This is a misconception. While it would be nice to have Spin on a claws stalker, if AoE is your goal, don't play claws, the same for Ninja Blade and Broadsword. Spines has AoE. Electric Melee has AoE. Street Justice has AoE. Kinetic Melee has a very awesome and viable AoE. It sounds to me more like a set choice issue than a lack of competitive AoE issue. Other ATs face these same issues. Lets face it, a dark scrapper or brute isn't exactly cranking out the AoE damage either. Primarily outside of the sets listed for Stalkers AoE, you have Fire and SS, and you have secondaries that add to that AoE as well, especially for brutes with the fury mechanic. Without changing the whole design of Stalkers you are not going to be able to address that, and if you change the whole design (i.e. make hide inherent and give us full scrapper secondaries, and the same thing with the primaries and AS and placate) you might as well just make a scrapper because they would be the same thing.
Personally I love the sound of these changes. Having AS on my Street Justice stalker available for use in mid-combat as a builder would be awesome. And personally I use placate to make my uppercut autocrit against a hard target, so at least on my stalker these changes are pure win.
What I was trying to say is that the current game design so strongly favors AoE over ST, that I don't know if the above changes give us enough of a lead in ST to make up for that overall lack. There is a point where the ST damage is so high that even if all stalker sets were nerfed to remove all AoE it wouldn't matter. There is a point, a bit below that where I hope they make us end up. Since the changes are wrapped up so much in AS, I'm not sure that's enough to get us there until I play it. My other posts mention that if you give AoE back to the sets that lost them, make it weaker, I'm not saying make stalkers into aoe powerhouses, I'm was trying (and failing I admit) to say the game favors aoe powerhouses and I don't know if we can beat them yet.
Essentially, when we can be significantly ahead of scrappers on the rikti pylon test then we're there. Because all the aoe in the world doesn't help there.
Personally, until AS can kill bosses in 1 blow and our other ST hits have higher base damage without crits than scrappers, I don't think we're there. But I'm willing to be proven wrong.
Edit: I'm still not sure I'm saying this right. Bah. -
Quote:Actually there is a mechanical reason to NOT do this. I don't know the math offhand and couldn't find the post where Arcannaville described the differences, but technically speaking a 50+1 is significantly weaker than a 51.Just a nitpick. NPCs have always been able to outlevel the players, although level 50 is the top level of the game.
It has always bothered me to encounter level 54 critters when I can only reach level 50, but I understood it from a mechanics viewpoint.
Now that critters can be level shifted, it seems better to cap them at level 50 and use level shifts to get them to whatever power level they need to be challenging.
The most obvious and critical difference I can remember right now being hit points. Adding the T3 alpha does not give you more hp and it doesn't give any to enemies either. But a 54 has quite a bit more HP than a 50. I don't think they want to make existing enemies that much weaker given how much extra damage we can deal these days. Personally, I was surprised to see enemies with level shifts at all.
Note: This is comparable to how a level 50+ IO (using boosters) is not at all the same as a theoretical level 51 except in that case the 50+ is far more powerful than the 51. -
Honestly, I'm glad they did something, but wrapping it into hp and AS means we still have no AoE, and I'm not sure that the AS changes mean that stalkers can compete with scrappers. That's why I was in the other threads saying don't buff hp, infact roll them back. But we'll see how it goes. Technically a pure buff is a pure buff, so hope it makes more of a difference than I think it will.
I just don't want them to throw us a crappy bone and then say "well those guys are just whiners who are never happy, we gave them a buff and they still don't appreciate it". I'm not sure this puts stalker st damage far enough over the top of scrapper/brute damage to make up for the loss of aoe. So I'm not sure it really addresses the core issue. Again, hope I'm wrong. -
His build is pretty solid if it's at all like what he posted in the stalker forum a while back. I forget if it is capped to both S/L and e/ne or just within 1 small purple on both, but he has the defense to back up the heal and resist.
Quote:The full attack chain is definitely a help. I see a lot of the other lores sitting around waiting on recharge while cims are always hacking at something.I'm thinking the real reason Cimeroran pets do more damage is because they have five attacks each (this includes the lieutenant where with Phantoms and Warworks, the lieutenant has just two attacks), and the ability to do scrapper criticals. With a fully fleshed out attack chain, along with criticals, they play like their ITF counterparts - spike damage. :3 I'd imagine the defence debuffing helps a bit too though.
I feel like I have a fair bit of experience to contribute to this conversation but I don't know if I have the brainpower to be coherent so bear with me. =)
First, as far as comics that appeal to women not working for men or failing because of the comic format I present elfquest as counterpoint. Though that may make it the exception that proves the rule. heh. And it is fantasy ratehr than superhero despite being by marvel and by a couple who met in the letter to the editor section of Silver Surfer (love that).
As to the genre of superheroes needing more strong female leads, yes I agree. I really wish there were more. Every time I see a reboot of wonder woman or bionic woman or something, it makes me wish much more than a reboot of say the hulk does that they would invent a new female superhero. Because we need more women and we have plenty of men. One of the reasons I love City is that there are so many more women characters than in most comics. Even among the NPCs there are quite a few women. Personally, I hope States or Citadel go down. States because we're the incarnates. Citadel, because I've always felt he was kind of lame. I sort of love how PS238 has the running gag about flying super strong invulnerable heroes being assigned numbers because there are so many of them. Babs, Citadel and States all fall into that overlap for me. So one of them biting it would be good. And I like Babs. But I'm really worried it will be him. For many reasons stated in this thread and elsewhere I can't see it being either of the two women.
For the two people who said they didn't remember a story with Alexis, Take a villain on the Mender Tesseract pseudo taskforce. You get to fight both Mrs. Liberty and Ms. Liberty back to back. It's a fun one. Sadly, basically no character development, but still a fun mission.
On WiR, honestly, it doesn't bother me, but only because I'm immune to it. I see bad writers do it all the time with not only women, but kids, puppies, kittens, etc. anything that is a cheap and easy way to get a rise out of someone. I don't think it's sexist at its core (though it definitely ends up slanted that way as a matter of practicality due to the sex of the writers and the core audience), but that it is just a cheap and easy way for a bad writer to establish a villain as mean or give the hero a reason for revenge. Pretty pathetic. But realistically speaking, it is far from the worst excesses of the fate of women in the superhero genre. Anyone familiar with Angel Falls and how it has basically devolved into the "city of lesbians and heroine pets of villainesses"? And I won't bother to mention some of the pure atrocities out there directly. Thank god CoH is teen rated. That's all I have to say on that.
As far as the subtopic of one of the eight dies and anyone else is just collateral damage... Honestly, I'm ok with that. If you're watching or reading Harry Potter and "random house ravenclaw person #2" dies does anyone give a sh**? In any TV show when a character not in the opening credits dies, its just a plot point. You have major characters and recurring characters and extras. If CoH was a TV show then Alexis Cole-Duncan was an extra. She was not even really a recurring character. At best a "special guest star". In SciFi we call them redshirts for a reason. I'm totally ok with City having redshirts. As pointed out, they're not all women (ala first ward). Yes, this one was badly written, much more than say Cerulean, and the death was sheer pettiness as a setup for what comes in the next episode. I'm 99.999% sure we will all find ways that whatever Malaise wanted to achieve could have been done leaving her alive. And to me that's the real crime. It was a wasted opportunity. Not only was it a stupid way to try and emotionalize the moment, but the logic of it is literally deserving of ridicule. And would be just as pathetic if it was manticore killed to cheese off Psyche rather than alexis to cheese off statesman. It just is a sucky scene and I really expected more from them after how cool part 2 was and how the lead in for this one was pretty fun with the multi-stage outdoor fights. Then the big climax and supposed payoff was like someone taking a crap on the monitor. pbbblllltttt-squish.
Also, partly off topic, at Samuel Tow, if you want a comic with strong female leads who don't have horrible things happen to them in a way that breaks them, try reading elfquest. And a novel I would recommend: The Deed of Paksennarion. Wish I could point you at solid superhero content since both are fantasy. I you find any, let me know. =) -
Obviously it is because we have the best cheese in the known multiverse. Also, they want to beat our times on the ski slopes during the winter event so they can point and laugh and go "ha-ha".
Not quite. It's just that even with domination up you need to stack. It helps to have two doms going at once. They are challenges for teams not meant for people to solo. this includes solo controls.
Oddly, now that you mention it, I think this is the first game where I haven't. Hmmm.
Usually I have 1. Might have to do that with one of my next alts. -
I don't think so. I think they're preparing to move on from Praetoria with new content.
Quote:My proposal addresses this. In addition to increased damage, give us the AoEs but reduce range/max targets so they are still viable but not as good. The examples I gave were if the scrapper version hits 10 enemies, give us a cap of 5. If the scrapper version hits 5, give us 3. Other limits might be If the scrapper cone is 15' give us 12. If the scrapper cone is 120 degrees, give us 90. etc.Stalkers shouldn't have increased DPS *AND* returned AoEs. That'd pretty much make blasters useless. If I'm correct, stalkers are meant to be an AT based around ST damage anyways.
And make AS hit like a nuke. Let it kill bosses in 1 hit with buildup, and kill lieuts without buildup.
This doesn't step on blasters. But it does make us a bit more team friendly. The blaster, scrapper and brute are still better at AoE. The scrapper and brute are still more survivable. If you rol back out HP as I mentioned, then we're a tad more survivable than most blasters while those range capped hover blasters are right up there with us. But if you want the best damage vs a single target? that would end up being us. We wouldn't, however, be quite so gimpy vs x8 spawns if we can drop 3-5 enemies at a time instead of the current 1. -
Trying to become. Honestly he kind of sucks at the task.
My scrapper has been to over a dozen parallel earths, and defeated the most powerful beings in some of them. Requiem from Wolf-world nearly tore apart more than a dozen alternate universes and he wasn't even an incarnate. Tyrant can't even conquer and destroy what's left of that world after I beat-down Requiem for him?
Or how about the paragon protector world? Or Axis America who have crap technology (don't even have mech men or hoverbots or teleporters or longbow chasers etc) and virtually no supers? Or the Pacifist CoT world. A bunch of angry girlscouts could conquer that world! I mean, seriously, there are a LOT of wimpy alternate earths out there and Tyrant hasn't managed to take out any yet.
In part of the lore battle maiden conquered "warrior earth" so she did more than tyrant so far. And nightstar has her shadow world.
I fail to be impressed with Tyrant's achievements to date. -
Quote:I play my stalkers because I don't like banes or crabs and I do like placate and auto crits. I like that the AT is based around cheating.There's really no good reason to play a Stalker unless you enjoy a good challenge. :P
Also, you're not annoying, thank you for PMing the Devs with the issues and I do hope that things change! -
Quote:Well, with the right colors and power choices I've been ok with /energy. The T1 is a low-visuals punch. And you can limit the other choices to the self buffs and keep the glowing pompoms minimally visible. It's not as nice as a real martial-arts option, but it's close enough for government work until something better comes along.It irritates me immensely that there's no non-energy/elemental/whatever secondary for Blasters besides Devices (which sucks and is rather limited concept-wise). What I wouldn't give for a Knife Manipulation set or some sort of Ninjitsu/Street Justice/Katana hodgepodge set.
Quote:Now, you could argue that this is mutation, but in my mind it is just the peak of natural potential. This concept works well for melee characters using weapons, martial arts, superstrength, or street justice as damage sets and willpower, super reflexes, or shield as secondaries, possibly even invulnerability if you hand-wave the flashes away.
Quote:Actually, this is a stupid argument to make, because even abstract combat visuals are not the same thing as the story being told. Yes, when your Martial Arts character is punching one of the Aspects of Rularuu, the combat animations are an abstraction of how that punching is happening. What is not an abstraction is that your Martial Arts character is punching what amounts to a demigod. Now, I'm open to the argument one could be such an fantastic martial artist that it's actually useful for them to punch a demigod, but I contend that a martial artist is well beyond any conventional meaning of "natural" at that point. Whatever the true origin of their power, they're now achieving something so superhuman that it's not much less far out than throwing fireballs or lifting things with your mind.
There are literally dozens of similar stories in Norse, Celtic, Indian, Chinese, and Native American myth as well. Divine does not equal that much above human. It sure helps to be a demigod (the word actually means child of a god and a human so rularuu isn't one) yourself, but isn't needed according to myth.
Quote:"Stupid" might be going a little far there. When you say "punching a demigod" it of course sounds silly yet look at any mythological tradition you care to. That's the kind of stuff normal people can do if they exceed the requisite minimum badass threshold, or simply if their place in the parable calls for that to happen. Why shouldn't an Olympic athlete be able to hit a robot so hard that it breaks, or beat up a really giant legless dude in a skirt? It seems like one of the things people take for granted about comic book type stuff these days is that absolutely everything that isn't commonplace in the real world must be made of a special metal that's impervious to all damage, or have skin stronger than diamond. In my opinion that's just a product of the sloppy one-upmanship of crappy '90s comics. Traditionally when a god takes a corporeal form they expose themselves to the weaknesses of living creatures as well. One of those weaknesses tends to be getting kicked in the jaw.
Quote:Have you ever punched a car? Have you ever tried to disable a car with your bare hands, from the outside? Now how about a moving car? Now how about a moving car that's armored and none of the usually access points (like the hood latch) easily opened? Now how about a moving, armored car that's shooting at you. -
Quote:As near as I can tell from the context of those earlier postsI think any distinction between a solo Incarnate path and solo Incarnate content is... well, something I need explained to me.
You can already become an Incarnate (open the Alpha Slot) solo.
To me a solo Incarnate path just means a way to open the other slots and acquire the salvage needed to craft the abilities: threads and Astral Merits.
Which technically we already have.
Path assumes you are still unlocking and crafting.
Content assumes you have some or all incarnate powers available to you.
Path assumes a 50+0 will be doing it alone with a possibly gimpy build.
Content assumes a challenge for a 50+3.
for example, Olympians in the underground have a mag 30 stun. That pretty much assumes someone on the league has clarion because that will stun tankers.