base defense item statistics
hmm, I think I'm going to make a room and let them all shoot me to see what kind of damage they deal.
Hope I get a chance to do it before the bug is gone.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
most of the dmg i think was in the moderate range
with AT mods most of the dmg showed to be between 45 and 65 dmg
to accurately determind dmg would have to use a lvl 49 toon since everything cons as an underling (and gives underling rewards)

because i was interested in the strengths and weakness of the base defense items i decided to compile a list of the stats
as a note, ALL tech and arcane items have the same stats so im only going to document the tech versions
to add to the note, i could not document the trip mine since it is not targetable, i also could not document the rikti plasma turret(for killing lanaru the mad 5 times) or improved energy turret(for attempting CoP 100 times) due to having neither sg badge
the items will be listed in the form of:
item name
item class
offensive stats (will not include avg dmg since detailed info in game uses AT mods)
defensive stats (will note oddities to keep it short)
Chain Gun
Small Device (1205 hp)
dmg: lethal
rech: 3 sec
range: 100 ft
acc: 1.00
secondary effects: -def
+803 max hp
-regen (essentially makes it 0)
-heal received (cannot be healed)
acc bonus: 1.30x
perception: 150 ft
resistances: 30% smash, 50% lethal, 30% fire, 30% cold, 70% psi (0 for anything not listed)
defense: self -25% def
debuff resist: 100% tohit resist, 100% rech resist, 100% def resist
Small device (1205 hp)
rech: 3 sec
acc: 1.00
identical to the chain gun
energy beam
small device (1205 hp)
dmg type: energy dmg
range: 100 ft
acc: 1.00
rech: 3 sec
secondary effects: none
identical to the chain gun
improved igniter
medium device (3855 hp)
dmg type: fire (note this is marked as unresistable)
rech: 3 sec
range: 40 ft (note is cone with 40 ft radius and 20 degree arc)
mostly identical to chain gun, will note differences
+2570 max hp
acc bonus: 1.50x
medium device (3855 hp)
repulsion pulse [repulsor]
dmg: none
acc: 1.00
rech: 8 sec
40 ft aoe (max 10 targets)
effect: mag 66.47 kb
identical to the chain gun, will note differences
+2570 max hp
acc bonus: 1.30x
perception: 81 ft
resistance: 90% resist to everything
gas trap
small device (1285 hp)
duration: 1 min
rech: 10 sec
acc: 1.00
aoe 40 ft radius
identical to chain gun, will note differences
+857 max hp
acc bonus: 1.15x
perception: 75 ft
resist: 90% to all resist
force field:
medium device (3855 hp)
same as chain gun will note differences
+2570 max hp
perception: 81 ft
resist: 90% resist to all
(its defense bubble does not seem to affect it self or other turrets)
scorpion surprise:
large device (6425 hp)
dmg type: lethal
acc: 1.00
rech: 20 sec
range: 100 ft
secondary effect: mag 3 stun
identical to chain gun, differences noted
+4283 max hp