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I'd get off my butt and finally finish a 50 on Redside. Then go to Starwars Old Republic.
And If you would do a search you would find rude smarky comment quota is already filled to the brim and running over.
Ok here's 2 questions.
Q1: Say Super Sally and Brave Bob are level packed.
Normally if Sally isnt on and Bob is Sally would have some XP waiting when she logs on. But lets say that Bob turned off XP while Sally wasn't playing. Instead he wanted more inf and to stay at his level for a while to turn in tickets on a specific level random roll. (After all some recipes are worth more at a lower level).
So the question is when Sally logs back on now will she have XP waiting for her from all of Bob's kills? And if so will she auto stop earning XP till Bob catches up?
Q2: Any plans on expanding level pack to more than 2 players? It would be nice to see it go to 4 or 8 to build a super team from the ground up (ala Fantasic 4). -
Ok I'll ammend it a congrats channel. That way people can opt out of seeing the announced new 50's.
Bored waiting for serve to come back so here's some ideas that I would like to see added to the game.
For Xmas a Superbooster Pack: Toys!!!
Costume Pieces PJ's with and without footies.
A Towel for a cape.
Emote /e Trainset (player sits down and a choo-choo circles around them.)
Emote /e Yo-yo (Player animates a yo-yo with random tricks)
Emote /e Pogo Stick (Player bounces around for a bit on a pogo stick)
Added minor power (Action Figure) A do nothing holigram pet of the main hero/villians like 36 vet reward) Who wouldn't want their own mini BaB?
Event in Cim.
Allow a modified zombie invasion that acts like the Jason and the Argonauts skeleton fight. Roman/greek skeletons rising up from the ground fighting. (Badge: Argonaut)
GM in Cim.
I figure there would be problems with a Hydra or Kraken since you are already using that name. So how about Poseidon rising up out of the water.
Fun things
"Fish" for a custome Dual Blade.
Clown Feet and Scuba Flippers. (Both would so rock with martial arts)
Clown Nose.
I would love to see if you use the fishing emote near water/sewer you could catch salvage/enhancements like in Fable/Fate.
An anouncement over global when someone hits 50.
When you die and go to the hospital or base medbay you appear in hospital gown. you can easily change back to your own outfit or keep running around with gown including open back with BVDs showing.
QoL: People on Trial have their toon name appear Purple or boxed or something different to stand out. (Maybe in the title slot it says Trial Account) That way we know they can't use global/make teams and what not.
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I never really looked at sidekicking as a permanent set up unless you are role playing a Capt. America/Bucky. But more like Batman and Robin, who later grows into his own as Nightwing. Here the sidekick does progress. As far as the new super sidekicking I'm viewing it more like I do with say the Avengers. You have the big guns Thor/Ironman but you also have the Wasp. When the Wasp is out on her own its laughable, but when she shows up with Thor/Ironman then its the AVENGERS!
But renaming sk/lk doesn't really need to be done. Its going to be your solo or your a team(-up). Since everyone will be the same or -1 level as the leader.
Personally I see little pairs or small groups all the time running around. Don't really know if they are mentor/pupil or an equal pairing but they are out there.
Got to agree that "Crossover" would be more like if the Champions Online Heroes popped up over here for an event. Just as DC/Marvel/Image have done crossovers in thier books. -
Would there be a way to self exemplar now. Say a sliding scale from 1 to your current level. This way you can finish/start an arc you passed, or just to street sweep a certain zone to earn a badge and xp? Since we can be explared via Ouro or with a person of lower level as team leader this would be one less hassle for requested filler. Since now you can get XP being explared it might be better to "stay" level 9 and fight Hellions until your xp count reaches level 50. Or maybe stay at level 29 and farm (ebil word) DA for drops but still get xp.
Better question why not totally go out of box and drop character levels all together. You start as a 50 but can be lowered based on the level of the arc/tf/mission or pvp zone. So if you're running a Posi Tf your toon is level 15, but after the TF is over you are back to 50. Seems you are almost doing this with the new super sking anyway. -
Freedom - Blueside
Virtue - Redside
Works out well that way for me. -
Bah! Nothing like leaving out all the player base who can't travel to your cons. Least last year some sponsers had raffles and contest to get some of the costume codes, for those who could go.
Wonder if when NCSoft needs more cash they act like traffic cops and go ban more farm missions in hope farmers will shell out money to open a new slot.
Quote:You summed up my feelings exactly.Was anyone else as disappointed with the outcome of this 2xp weekend as I was? Server populations were quite low (I never saw freedom or virtue over yellow). Freedom at least, was down saturday morning, and whatever problem they were supposed to fix during maintenance, didn't get fixed. Freedom was incredibly laggy, and people were mapserving left and right the whole weekend. I was also really counting on people coming out of AE and playing this weekend as well, but since AE was giving 2xp too, everyone was just farming more than ever. Usually, I'm very psyched about 2xp weekends, but this one just didn't feel the same.
Maybe instead of double xp weekend they do a double merit weekend to get people out running TF/SF and out of AE. -
Could be worse the Devs could of done "Generic_Forum 023 114 089" to you all. Given that a NA or EU after your name is really no big deal.
Inner Circle - Log Out by the Easter Egg
Playa Hater - Log Out near Posi in Steel
Dev For A Day: Your Toon Name is RED for 24 hours (in game time) and you gain a nerf bat (acts just like St. Louis Slammer). -
Well I noticed almost noone in Atlas Park 2 on Freedom. But Atlas Park 1 AE is over packed causing many a Hard crash or general DC.
But i'm going with less people. It isn't the red/greyed servers that tell the story its the market. No massive spikes in enhancements, where people pay 5x the going rate.
Plus not seeing any more than normal amounts of people logged in from my SG's. -
Simply don't like.
Same name/password as game account, dumb unsecure.
Search is a pain in the *** with the guess the blurry letter game before we search.
Where's the "all" messege button? I don't want to wade through page after page when I can have it all on one.
Slow load but after the lag in Freedom atlas Im used to moving at 56k speed.
Nice to see yet another "fix" for a non broken problem. -
Most fun solo was Archer/Device. */Dev is made for solo play. Its a different feel than any other blaster secondary.
Freedom: Atlas
AE + Rikti Invasion = major lag then DC/Crash.
Need to lower the number of people allowed in Atlas before Atlas 2, Atlas 3.... start spawning. Lag is too much. -
ok revised. dead verses freedom atlas. yes there is some life on lib but not much.
Well just experienced (sort of) a zombie invasion in Atlas on Freedom. Dc'd within 10 secs. Reloaded Dc'd again in under 5 sec. Yeah I'm thinking Rikti week is the time to dig out that Dom on Liberty, not much lag on redside on a dead server.
well i did say it wasn't fleshed out.
But yes you could have buff debuff mods.
Tech level 6 Radiation leak. PAOE debuff power like a rad.
Tech level 4 force Field.
Tech level 8 net For a hold. My idea was that almost any power could be copied. Just put it in Tech terms. People could build a support robot or a killing machine their choice.
It was a bit think outside the box.
Given NCSoft has a mech game it shouldnt be that foriegn of an idea. -
Cyborg and Robot. These could work as both a HEAT or a VEAT.
The Robot would be modular. It would have 24 slots for powers. Each slot would be geared toward a "tech level". A power could be slotted that was that tech level or lower. You would start with 2 basic tech level 1 powers at level 1. At level 2 you would get 1 tech level 2 slot. There would be no enhancement slots given to this AT. So at level 3 you would get nothing.
But you could swap powers throughout the game buy visiting "Shops" like a longbow shop, crey, freaks, Nem, vanguard, Archnos. Each shop could offer their offical flavored powers.
Powers could be like Tech level 1 armor - 10% to Smash/Lethal, or Tech level 1 laser - Lethal/energy damage
Now a Cyborg would have 12 modular parts, and have to choose 1 power set (Maybe Super strength, MM bots, AR or the like). The Modular selection would be the secondary power. And on levels that you would normally recieve 2 or 3 enhancement slots you would only recieve 1 since you have only half a build to slot.
Origin of course would be Technology.
Costume pieces could be added to show these modular powers.
One drawback would be that say a Tech level 4 Crey Frost blast, would be the same on all toons since it doesn't get enhancements.
Not fully fleshed out idea but the general thought is there. -
Bah! I want a GEARS invasion. Millions and millions of the little fellas running all over the place.
Anytime someone you don't know comes up and says, "cool Costume", "Awesome look", or "I like your toon." Just just won a real CC. The prize is that someone liked what you did so much that they sent you a tell. That's worth more than any infulence gained standing ina conga line in Atlas.
Mrs. Moo wanted to play a new scrapper this evening, so I rolled up a cold defender that I'd had an idea for. We went through the tutorial and then went to Atlas Park, simply for ease of travel to various locations. Usually we'd go to Galaxy to avoid the zone spam.
As we leveled to 5 (in a level pact), I heard several things that really bothered me. Most them would go in the farming thread, but a couple things really stood out:
"Looking for a team to fight enemies that hit back!"
"Aren't there any people here my level to team with? Where do I need to go to team with people under level 5?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Last night there were higher levels complaining about too many lowbies in Atlas. As if the Lowbies should level their starting zone to make the 35+ happy. Makes me wonder if the 35+ knew they could go to RWZ and not have any lowbies at all.