241 -
I guess I stand corrected then. Thanks guys.
On Triumph they are usually in Pocket D. Most nights you can find one going anywhere from 8:00 ET to 10:30 ET.
Usually they are recruited for in TW 2.0 so if you are not in that channel get it.
The release of another game and the beta of yet another has really impacted Triumph so in the past week or so the iTrial runs have dropped off. If a group does get going they usually do BAF > Lambda > Keys in a row. -
You have to read the power descriptions but it is there:
Designer's Comments: Follow Through and Whirling Smash both require the user to have Momentum before they can be used. So, you cannot open up a combination with this power. To compensate for that slight inconvenience, this power deals a tremendous amount of damage, causes a small amount of damage over time, will knockdown your foe and has a chance to stun them as well! Follow Through is pretty effective at removing pesky enemies like bosses from the equation pretty quickly.
Designer's Comments: Like Follow Through, Whirling Smash requires the user to have build up Momentum to be used at all. It compensates for this drawback by having a very fast cast time and by having a good chance to knock targets down. -
My thought on these is it is all about the set bonuses not the scaling enhancements. Buy these if you want to keep the set bonuses down to 3 below the min. If the set bonuses are no big deal you are better off using regular one.
For example take the LotG set:
Defense: at level 25 is 19.2 at level 50 is 25.5 so the difference is 6.3%. That seems big but since the defense value you are applying it to is usually small that difference in real terms is probably less then a percent.
Defense/Endurance and Defense/Recharge speed are even worse since the difference between 25 and 50 on those is 3.94%. Granted the endurance portion of Def/End is bigger so it may be worth it for that but for Def/Recharge you are just as good slotting a regular 25 rather then the scaling one.
The best set of these by far to me is the Basilisk's Gaze. At 4 you get Energy/Negative and Ranged defense, 2% recovery, and 7.5 % recharge. Basilisk's Gaze scales from 10-30 so you keep the set bonuses to level 7. The difference between level 10 enhancements and level 30 is much greater then between 25 and 50 due to the way the enhancement values scale. These make a lot of sense to buy the scaling ones.
Kinetic combat is much the same though the only bonus worth it there is the defense at the 4th so if you need that go for it, if not probably not worth it. -
Yeah I have that same problem (also windows 7), you either need to hit the widows key to revert back to windows while COH is still showing and then print screen or use the snipping tool.
If you have the right version (edit: see you have Windows 7 so you do have the right version) of windows use the Snipping Tool (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Snipping Tool)
You just snip out what you want from the screen. -
Quote:It doesn't matter what set it comes from the enhancements (like acc/end red/recharge) will affect all powers the pet has.Does it matter what type of IO the end redux comes from? For example, if I slotted end redux from a knockback set to Jounin, would the attacks that don't inflict KB also have their end reduced, or would only the KB attacks be affected?
Even better, if I slotted end redux from a hold set to Oni, would that affect his main attacks, or just his one, single hold power? What if I slot accuracy from a hold set?
Obviously things like knockback, hold, heal will only affect powers on the pets that have those aspects. -
I develop the second character as a wonky side kick. I don't give them many attacks and just concentrate on support services. I give them both super jump and super speed for quick travel then get recall friend. That way they can zoom to missions and teleport my main to the door. They also get stealth so if I choose they can stealth a mission and teleport my main to the end fight. In mission I usually auto one attack on them, leave super speed running and put them on follow. I just play my main and only need to flip over to get them through elevators or other tricky areas. With super speed going they keep up and avoid many of the places where they get stuck.
Really great for alignment merits, run two toons through the tips and score two alignment merits every two days rather then one. Masterminds are really great for this as their pets can add a lot of damage and they have great support powers. Of course the pets can aggro an entire map since you are not directly controlling them so you need to be able to handle that. -
The real trick to the boosters is in the first row of the table in the wiki link. You can take low level enhancements (level 30) and boost them to be better a level 50. Since they retain their level you get to keep the set bonuses but get level 50 enhancement values or better.
Whenever you are looking at this you need to ensure you look at the difference in real values and not the percentage difference. In most cases the real difference between using level 25-35 and level 50 enhancements is fairly small.
For example
Scrapper - Head Splitter with 6 Multi-Strike (no other globals affecting it)
Level 50's
End Cost - 7.05
Recharge - 9.48
Damage - 370.9
Level 35's
End Cost - 7.46
Recharge - 9.91
Damage - 366.3
Level 25's
End Cost - 7.87
Recharge - 10.29
Damage - 354.3
Scrapper - Temp Invulnerability with 6 Titanium Coating (no other globals affecting it)
Level 50's
End Cost - .13
Resistance - 35.44
Level 35's
End Cost - .13
Resistance - 35.12
Level 25's
End Cost - .14
Resistance - 33.97
This is due to the effects of ED wasting most of the level 50 enhancement values and also the fact that the underlying value is small therefore even fairly large changes to percentage don't make a big impact on the real numbers. -
I won't argue one way or another on the crash.
I will say that the Ageless Destiny makes these crashing nukes very usable. Ageless can be fired with 0 endurance and will fill your endurance bar up (how much depends on which ageless you take).
I used to avoid crashing nukes but was convinced to take one in a rebuild. I didn't care much for it and hardly used it unless on teams. Once I got the destiny slot and put in ageless I now use it a lot. Every time ageless is up I find a group run in > hit build up > nuke > ageless and finish off the survivors. As a bonus this particular toon is a rad blaster so if I throw a hold at a boss in the group first then nuke em the hold on the nuke stacks to hold the boss. I can then hit ageless and finish off the Lts and then deal with the boss since they are locked down.
Retoggling is not a big deal on most blasters (I only have 4 on this toon). Sometimes for whatever reason some or none of my toggles drop (a lucky fire from Performance Shifter +End PROC? or just quick enough on ageless?).
Not saying it is for every blaster, I have many where I still skip the nuke in favor of more constant damage rather than a big burst but I enjoy the nuke with ageless. If you have ageless and want to fire it on a team or league you might as well nuke a spawn first in my view. -
I agree with everything ClawsandEffect said and that is my recommendation as well.
Like Zombie Man said the fact you can put enhancement tables in that store 100 enhancements already causes hoarding (I have 6 with just over 500 enhancements currently in them).
If the OP is talking common IOs then I would say just do what it takes to memorize them on a toon or two. First the badges that come with that grant you more recipie slots and second you don't need receipes for common IOs anymore.
If the OP is talking sets then you can just craft the ones you need or think you will need and store them in an enhancement table. Helps if you have a solo base for this so you know it will be there still when you need it.
I just store everything I think I will need, when I start to get around 550 enhancements I cull through them and sell off those where I have plenty or just am not using them. -
As others have said - mostly storage.
The teleporters are still nice to have, I use mine a fair amount still. -
I think sometimes you don't see them due to blocking them. I was running two accounts doing tips in Atlas and one day when they sent their stuff out. On my main account that I have had for years I saw nothing. On my second account that I have only had for a few months I saw the chat. I can only assume I had blocked them due to some e-mail they sent me on my main. How their global account didn't get squashed I don't know but I /petitioned it from my second account and copied their message into the petition so the mods had the info needed to take action.
Quote:Agree, after running a Lady Grey where no one had a hold I try to take them on every toon I can.Lvl 50 Gen ACC IO or ACC/MEZ HO or an ACC/RCH from a set the hold takes, is all that Char needs!
For most scrappers, a hold just isnt needed. But it's good for the few things in game where stacking holds is needed (LGTF, Hami Raid), so good to have a bit of added ACC in it.
I don't use it much solo but it is great for holding sappers or DE guardians (so they can't put their +to hit pet out). I also thow it at AVs and GMs when on teams to help out the support types trying to hold them, doesn't always work but there are quite a few you can hold for a bit if you stack enough.
Also makes a nice way to stop runners. Most holds have 80ft range. -
I have noticed that some of the Circle of Thorns only appear normally on the red side (hordlings, hellfrost, succubus and blade princes). Is there an in-game reason for this is it just a throwback to when the blue and red sides where seperate?
Seems weird that the COT would not use these powerful members of their group to combat the heroes on the blue side. -
Quote:Just a quick correction since I bumped into this once. Purple enhancements are not slottable until you are level 50. They don't work like others where you can slot them 3 levels lower.I do not think there are any examples that currently exist. Though, it may work like other purple recipes: sure, you can email the recipe, the necessary salvage, and the necessary influence to yourself and craft it on a level 10 toon, but you won't be able to slot the thing until level 47. You may not be able to use the pistols unless you are level 50, like the Ascendant Armor.
I agree with the concept. Not sure if weapon type secondaries will work to well due to the redraw issues.
Super Strength, Kinetic Melee (power siphon on a blaster would be great!), Martial Arts, Street Justice might all port over to blaster manipulation sets.
Agree with you that sonic and radiation manipulations would be nice. As ArticFahx said the heavy buff/debuff sets probably would not make it as blaster sets. -
Quote:Yep it applies to LotG as well (that is why the level 25 ones sell for a mint), also steadfast protections +3% defense is a global.Thank you both!
I infer that all global enhancements work the same? Like LotG +recharge? As long as I'm at -3 or better
PROCs work differently though, for those the power has to be active. Sometimes it is not easy to tell the difference between a global and PROC but I can say the KB Protects, LotG 7.5% and Steadfast +3% are globals that will be on no matter what power they are in or whether that power is on or not so long as you are within 3 levels of the level of the enhancement.
P.S. this also applies to set bonues. You get the set bonus even if the power is greyed out so long as you are within 3 levels of enough enhancements to get the bonus. -
All the knockback protection enhancements are global enhancements so they apply so long as you are no lower then 3 levels lower then the level of the enhancement.
The power it is in can be off or even greyed out and it will still work. -
Quote:This isn't a bug. Heck, the contact will even warn you about it. If your difficulty is cranked high enough, or your team is large enough, the robber may be one of the Arachnos Elite...possibly even Recluse himself, though I usually run into Ghost Widow.
Oh, didn't know that. The team was just me and I run +0/x4 on my blaster, is that enough to trigger it?
Not a big deal he went down as fast as the boss usually does just thought it was funny to see one of Recluse's lackies robbing a bank. -
In addition to fighting the EB Vanessa DeVore in a couple different tips over the weekend I also did the Peregrine Island Safeguard and the guy robbing the bank was Scirocco (as an EB). Lord Recluse must have cut back on their pay when he cut a deal with Vanguard to fight the Praetorian invasion
Found it:
Posted by Second Measure:
"As a note, the Incarnate Trials do scale to the number of participants. Whereas mission content scales only the number of enemies spawned, Trials scale both the stats of key enemies and the number of ambient spawns to adjust to the number of participants. This is not just in the Incarnate Trials, but also in the Sewer Trial and the Halloween Trial. (The Halloween Trial is locked to 4 players so it is less obvious, but it still adjusts if people drop.) In general, the challenge should remain roughly equivalent no matter how many people you have in the trial." -
What Chaos said.
They both offer 3% to all defenses. It is a global enhancement so it will work even if stuck in a power that is inactive when you exemplar down provided you are not more then 3 levels lower then the level of the enhancement itself that is.
PS there is also one in Shield Wall (defense powers) that gives +3% to all resistances if you are doing a resistance build.