Recipe Catalogue
I think the reason given previously for not allowing us to store recipes is that they devs don't want to encourage hoarding.
Imagine the show Hoarders in the CoX universe. Can you imagine some of the bases we'd see...
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
I would love to have a Recipe Cookbook that could store our recipes. They could make it something like the Vault (personal storage) in the SG Base. All they would have to do is make it limited to say 20-30 recipes.
To say it would create hoarding is silly. I have 5 SG Bases of my own, with only my toons in the sg. Yes I do mostly solo due to the time of day I play at. I have a base on Triumph that now serves as a enhancement storage base now that all but 1/18 50's are now on Freedom.
I love my base... I can store salvage, inspirations, enhancements, recipes....
WAIT! Back up! I can't store recipes can I. I would LOVE a "Recipe box" where I can store recipes instead of always selling them off. When I'm out doing missions/tfs, I definitely want to keep room for the possible rare drops, and in Wentworths I need the space to do my buying/trading. So what do I do with recipes? Mostly sell them off, or try and remember which of my actual alts could use a resist damage recipe, because we all know, that the recipes your particular character could use are the least likely to drop. I want a means to store recipes in the base so that instead of clogging my e-mail up or selling off decent recipes I can have a centralized place that would be of use to all my alts. |
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I would LOVE a "Recipe box" where I can store recipes instead of always selling them off.
I consider this to be "Need" level

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
Personally I just craft any recipes I want to store and store the enhancements instead. That being said I can definitely see a recipe storage item being nice to have (I'd make it a Computer to reference the old idea of using a PC to store cooking recipes).
Agreed, I have wanted a base recipe box since we got recipes.
I don't see why this would create chronic hoarding that otherwise couldn't be done with salvage, inspirations and the like. Plus with recent base love and base possibilities, more functional items are welcome at this point!

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
I have three Enhancement tables in my personal base. One holds HOs and Purples. One holds Special Global and Proc IOs. One holds Rare 50s that I'm likely to use (e.g., Thunderstrike). Each has about 60-70 IOs in it. And that's just my Hero Base.
So... hoarding is alive and well.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
Like Zombie Man said the fact you can put enhancement tables in that store 100 enhancements already causes hoarding (I have 6 with just over 500 enhancements currently in them).
If the OP is talking common IOs then I would say just do what it takes to memorize them on a toon or two. First the badges that come with that grant you more recipie slots and second you don't need receipes for common IOs anymore.
If the OP is talking sets then you can just craft the ones you need or think you will need and store them in an enhancement table. Helps if you have a solo base for this so you know it will be there still when you need it.
I just store everything I think I will need, when I start to get around 550 enhancements I cull through them and sell off those where I have plenty or just am not using them.
Recipe storage was an issue for me until I began "memorizing" the basics IO recipes on my toons - so when I get a basic IO recipe drop I generally delete it (don't need the cas$h from selling it.)
I do hold on to the recipes from sets and generally let them sit on my auction house storage until I need it, or email it to myself.
/ah is a beautiful, beautiful slash command.
better idea: give group base users the ability to choose if the enhancment they put on the table is personal or public. Personal would mean no other SG member could take it.
If you're concerned about your SG base being used to hoard and one player taking all the available space, add the ability for SG leaders to limit or turn off personal use of enhancments storage.
If a recipe is important enough for you to hang on to, then it's important enough for you to take the time and inf to craft it. Since we can already store hundreds upon hundreds of IOs in tables in bases, there's no need for the devs to spend development time adding something that's just not needed.
This additional step of making us craft recipes in order to store them in bases forces us to decide which recipes we really care about, and discourages casual hoarding of things on a whim.
There are ways to increase the recipe storage capacity on your character: memorizing the level 45-50 common IO recipes increases your recipe storage capacity, and you can buy additional recipe slots for points. These two things allow you to store more than 60 additional recipes.
As the OP himself says, he is forced to put recipes he doesn't have room for on the market. If he had room to hoard them, he would not put them on the market. Which would mean the supply of recipes would decrease and prices would go up.
Part of the reason the real economy is in the doldrums these days is that banks and corporations are hanging on to cash instead of lending it and making potentially risky investments. Game economies are obviously not the same, but the less dynamic the economy the less well it functions. Allowing recipe hoarding above what we can already do would just put the brakes on market, force costs up and make outfitting characters slower and more painful.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...'s Ann Coulter. "Gorgeous" is not remotely a word I would use to describe anything about her.

Who, in my opintion, was unprofessional (spacing on the correct word to use) ... that message should've been a PM.
they wont do it as they want the market to keep going.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I'm not a North American DG, so forgive me for not knowing who that was. I just liked the long face she has, much like Celine Dion, and the big round eyes, much like Alison Harvard. Having read who she is and what she does, yes, gorgeous as applied to anything but her looks isn't a word I would use to describe her. My apologies.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Not directly related, but during the talk back i suggested to the devs to allow a "low hanging fruit" option to your recipe display, to show recipes that only require one more component to craft. This would make it easier to empty out your recipe reserve at least, and just store or sell the actual IO.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
I don't see why this would create chronic hoarding that otherwise couldn't be done with salvage, inspirations and the like. Plus with recent base love and base possibilities, more functional items are welcome at this point!
Given the chance people will hoard anything and they will hold onto it for no good reason, even if it's garbage that has absolutely no use anymore.
It's not about hoarding. It's about not having enough money to make up good recipes that drop on you.
And yes, some people are more financially challenged than others.
A file cabinet that allowed each SG character to store 15-30 recipes each like the personal vault would be a welcomed addition. That's not going to result in hording. It's going to result in a greater market flow since you can clear the recipes that you really want to keep out of your character's personal recipe file until you can afford to make them, and then keep selling the others. Otherwise your carry inventory gets filled up with stuff you're trying to keep and you can't collect and sell enough to make them up. If you're full all the time you can't get additional drops... which means you're stuck.
I have to admit that hoarding just doesn't come to mind for me, probably because when I think of intentional hoarding within a game I think of the mindset "I don't want anybody else to have this". If somebody actually has a practical use for the things they are saving, I call that prudent. =)
In fact the issues I have have been touched on by a few people here.
1) Expense of Recipes: I don't always have enough influence at a given time to make up all the recipes I have that I want in order to store them as enhancements. I do have some 1% alts (i.e. rich) but by and large actually using recipes can get pretty expensive, so I end up taking up personal or WW space holding on to a recipe that I want but can't afford to make up at the time. (Is it "hoarding" if you have every intention of actually using it? I don't think so).
2) Movement of goods between Alts/SG members: I'd like to have another means besides e-mail to facilitate movement of recipes between alts. It has been my experience that my actual drops don't always match my character's power sets. In other words, melee characters inevitably get tons of range type drops, blasters get pet drops, and resistance drops fall on everybody BUT my characters who can actually slot resistance. So a box would facilitate the redistribution of drops to calts that can actually use them. Yes, I know I *can* use mail for most of my characters to move those recipes around, but I find it not very convenient in terms of actually *seeing* what I have/need. Personally, I would rather not be loading up my inbox with so much stuff when I could be putting the recipes into the base along side the salvage storage for the use of all my alts. I sometimes wonder how many things I've lost from expired e-mails because I didn't yet have time/influence to make up a recipe another alt sent to me.
3) Recipe box makes space for more activity: I'm a WW junky. I have many alts whose WW slot are filled with selling and bidding and what not, have spots taken up for mere storage purposes is just plain inconvenient and limits my ability to be active on the market. I'm one of those players who regularly tries to empty my personal storage so I have plenty of room for more drops. For me, having a recipe box would INCREASE my ability to be active on the market, and actually DECREASES any inclination to hoard. (If I know my ability to receive drops because my personal slots are full, I'm more likely to hold onto whatever good drops I do get.) In my case, more drops means more stuff on the market, plain and simple. And isn't that the primary concern about hoarding, i.e. how it could limit availability of certain items on the market?
4) Memorized recipes: It is true that storage would not be an issue for memorized recipes. I suppose that this would be the place where I confess that I get irritated when I have that list of "memorized" recipes pop up whenever I go to invent something. I don't know why that's a particular bugaboo of mine, but it bugs me for some reason. =) That aside, I also have to say that I really do not have much use for all the enhancements I could make from anything that I memorized.
(I should interject here a kudos for the unslotting power. Without that I have difficulty justifying the practicality of the memorize recipes situation. How many builds actually can use 15 slow enhancements between levels 15-20?)
I guess the way I look at memorized recipes it doesn't address the issue I have with storage really since I rarely if ever "save" those kind of recipes. Heck... I can buy them from any friendly neighborhood invention table. I'm concerned about storage of those lovely recipes that come in sets with bonuses or with procs. Those are *real* recipes, and I can't memorize them! =D
Last thoughts on Hoarding:
Since the hoarding of recipes seems to be the primary objection:
1) I would think it not impossible/unreasonable to have a limit on the number of recipe books that can be placed in a base. Say, one recipe box/book which holds 50 recipes per sg plot or per 10 people in a group.
2) I think it's been made clear even in the comments of this thread that if somebody wanted to hoard "recipes" there is a way already. I don't think the creation of a recipes box/book system would all of a sudden create a whole new group of hoarders.
3) Since the whole purpose of salvage is for use in recipes and we have salvage storage, which frequently is hoarded, to use hoarding as an excuse for not having recipe storage is inconsistant at best and hypocritical at worse. (btw: I've made it a policy in my SG salvage storage to generally not hold onto more than 3 of any given salvage item is that hoarding?)
So I say again...please can we have separate recipes storage? I promise not to hoard anything I'm not planning on using.
I love my base... I can store salvage, inspirations, enhancements, recipes....
WAIT! Back up!
I can't store recipes can I.
I would LOVE a "Recipe box" where I can store recipes instead of always selling them off.
When I'm out doing missions/tfs, I definitely want to keep room for the possible rare drops, and in Wentworths I need the space to do my buying/trading. So what do I do with recipes? Mostly sell them off, or try and remember which of my actual alts could use a resist damage recipe, because we all know, that the recipes your particular character could use are the least likely to drop.
I want a means to store recipes in the base so that instead of clogging my e-mail up or selling off decent recipes I can have a centralized place that would be of use to all my alts.