Trial AV scaling




Led a really, really close Underground today where the Avatar had less than 5% hitpoints left when we ran out of time. If I had figured out to get someone to kite it around the room from the start rather than halfway through, things might've been different, but that's a lesson for next time. The point of this is...

This got me thinking if the difficulty of Trial AVs scales to the number of players on leagues, the way e.g. BAF prisoners and trash spawn sizes do. I've run lots of BAFs with anywhere from 12 to 24 people and in my experience, the rate at which AVs die has no correlation to league size. Specifically, I'm wondering if AVs on itrials get scaling debuff and/or damage resists. Has anyone noticed anything like this? I don't own any characters with survelliance.



I dont think they do but i've been wrong many times before so will be happy to be wrong once more

Edit: Thanks to samuel i have been proven wrong again

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There has been official comment that Trial Bosses do scale to the number of people in the actual Trial, as do other aspects of the trial beyond spawn sizes. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what scales in what way since my lack of interest in raids means I completely forgot what the post I'm referring to said or where to find it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Found it:

Posted by Second Measure:

"As a note, the Incarnate Trials do scale to the number of participants. Whereas mission content scales only the number of enemies spawned, Trials scale both the stats of key enemies and the number of ambient spawns to adjust to the number of participants. This is not just in the Incarnate Trials, but also in the Sewer Trial and the Halloween Trial. (The Halloween Trial is locked to 4 players so it is less obvious, but it still adjusts if people drop.) In general, the challenge should remain roughly equivalent no matter how many people you have in the trial."



Great to know, thanks!

Going to try a 2-team underground soon and see if it's any easier with fewer members (my failed underground was 21 people).




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



in game the power the AVs use is called [scaling] which raises max hp and reduces regen to balance it out to standard AV regen

in league with 24 poeple the AVs have over 100,000 hp, but their regen is set at the standard of ~125 hp/sec



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Led a really, really close Underground today where the Avatar had less than 5% hitpoints left when we ran out of time. If I had figured out to get someone to kite it around the room from the start rather than halfway through, things might've been different, but that's a lesson for next time. The point of this is...

This got me thinking if the difficulty of Trial AVs scales to the number of players on leagues, the way e.g. BAF prisoners and trash spawn sizes do. I've run lots of BAFs with anywhere from 12 to 24 people and in my experience, the rate at which AVs die has no correlation to league size. Specifically, I'm wondering if AVs on itrials get scaling debuff and/or damage resists. Has anyone noticed anything like this? I don't own any characters with survelliance.
As others have stated, the AVs scale according to league size. For example, I've checked Marauder's HP on a few leagues of different sizes and it is easy to see he has less on smaller leagues.

On that note, I wouldn't hesitate to try to run a smaller league UGT. I did one with about 15 people and it was one of the best UGTs I've ever been on. The proportion of level shifted characters on your league seems to have much more of an effect than the size of the league itself.

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I haven't rigorously gathered data on this, but my impression has been that the AV fights take longer on smaller leagues. (I'm mostly talking about BAF here; Lambda seems to be almost always run with a full-size league, and I haven't run Keyes/UG enough times to make a meaningful comment.) The AVs definitely have less health with a smaller league, though, so my guess is that the speed difference is because of the greater accumulation of buffs/debuffs on a larger league.
I haven't noticed small leagues being less successful, in fact usually the opposite. But they do often seem to take longer to complete the AV phases.