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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    I don't think of the gameplay in "Psychophage" as challenging. I think of it as tedious. "Challenging" would require that it be something you could fail, and you can't, unless you never had a chance of succeeding in the first place. Otherwise you can just throw yourself at it again and again, chipping away until you finish.
    Actually, the only way you can fail a mission is if:
    A) it's timed, and most people dislike those. Bonus annoyance points if the clock is set to 5 minutes and you're given no warning of it in the mission text!
    b) the final boss runs and escapes (which is more annoying than challenging)
    c) you have a required escort who dies (which, being something half out of your control, could go either way as far as challenging/annoyance)

    So even the "challenging" things are nothing more than annoyances and tedium.

  2. Generally B, though TBH, a level 36 is going to have a hard time contributing. I would send a tell and ASK if lvl 36 is okay. Even if everyone is SSK'd to 50, everyone (but the leader) being low-level will spell disaster. After all, lvl 50 versions of foes are balanced around you having 24 powers and 67 additional slots. Not to say it couldn't be done, but still, a random PuG may not be the best palce to test that theory.
  3. EmperorSteele


    Hmm, might give me something to do when I'm bored...
  4. Don't worry about Aim wearing off before RoA hits; your hit roll is determined the moment you click the attack button, not after the animation finishes. That's why sometimes you'll see someone with super strength hurl a boulder at someone who'd run around a corner, only for the boulder to change direction and go through the wall. The attack already determined that it was going to hit, and the laws of physics happily comply. Along that same vein, your +to hit and +dam will still be in effect by the time RoA finishes (besides which fact is, it lasts for 10 seconds. RoA animates in 3 seconds, so you're good)

    If you plan on using RoA as part of your attack chain, i'd definitely look at some End Redux. True, the atatck doesn't drain all your end like most nukes, but 20 points is pretty heafty. Maintaining an attack chain after that is going to leave you pretty winded.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
    I have looked at the state of both markets. What do you think they should look like? What would you consider "working"?
    Well, without hard price caps, it'd be nice if common and uncommon salvage never went over 2x the NPC vendor cost, and if rare salvage stayed under 1 million. However, that's mostly buyers bidding higher and higher.. Still, when i see 5 bidding, 500 for sale, and i can't get something for under those amounts, it's really quite perplexing to completely blame the buyers.

    It'd be nice to not have to go to the vendor to sell 90% of all recipes to get a decent amount off of them, while having to pay millions (or hundreds of millions) for a select few recipes. The devs have tried to fix this with recipe weighting (so that a scrapper should never get a confuse recipe from a drop), but that doesn't change the fact that nobody wants most of the stuff available. However, none of this can be changed, short of convincing the majority of players that they WANT a set with -1.5% Xp debt reduction (Which is so very useful, especially at level 50!) or a tiny amount of mez resistance (What's 1% off of a 10 second hold amount to? A single server tick? SIGN ME UP!) over useful things like Recharge (mweh, i got all day, i don't need my powers up anytime soon), Regen/recovery (that's what rest is for!) or defense (I LIKE taking hits! it gives the empath on my team something to do!).

    Basically we have a situation where there's a lot of crap, and a small amount of goods that everyone wants, who's supply is determined by random drops divided by the number of people willing to part with them. And then we have prices that are determined by people who are rich and impatient, which ruins things for everyone else. And then there are flippers, which, while they're a meaningful force in supply/demand/price, don't have quite the impact most people think. Still, I'd think that without flippers, Respecs and purps would be a little lower in price (granted AE had a lot to do with the lack of supply of these things, but who bought them all and put them back up for sale having forecasted a shortage?)

    LT;DR version: it'd be -nice- if the crap sold for more, good stuff sold for less, and people wouldn't purposely or accidentally mess up the market, but it's unrealistic to think that such would ever happen. *shrug*
  6. *SLAPS Cainus* That's not how that works >=(

    Gobbledygook: All scarpeprs are pretty well balanced with one another. Some sets are slow to animate and activate, bu in general they have higher damage. Then you have Dual Blades which animate very quickly and smoothly, but iirc it has lower damage.

    Spines is good because it has a constant PBAoE and a damage type that's not too resisted. Along that same vien, Dark, Elec, and fire are good secondaries because they oo have a pbaoe aura. They won't protect you the most, but they'll still do well for what you want.
  7. EmperorSteele

    Ultimate Foe

    Well in the next issue we get to fight duplicates of OURSELVES, so that's a step in a similar direction.

    I think a Re-occurring "nemesis", while cool, would seem like we were ripping off that Cheesey Other game. Not what we wanna do if we want to stay the LEADER in the superhero MMORPG market.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sir_Foxbat View Post
    DOH! Forgot about not actually being able to hit LR.
    No, but if you need a kin or dark as support, you can stand at the base of the green tower (make sure to actually jump up onto it) and have your buffer buddy heal you off THAT while the rest of the team takes down the other towers.
  9. Captain: it's not just a technical problem. According to Posi's post, they have "economic forecasts" that a marged market might cause more problems than it solves. They won't say what those problems might be, though.
  10. Well, since the proc is already IN there, why don't you go check? Find a bunch of even con-minions, fire off MH and follow up with fireball. See if any of them stand around like goons for a few seconds (due to the placate effect) you might want to test this 4-5 times to get accurate results.
  11. Your horrific abuse of commas and periods makes me not want to play your arc simply because reading the text might drive me mad. But LOL on the gamedaily thing!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Last time they "ruined" the market didn't help the unwashed masses... or at least the last time I'm thinking of. [Merits hollowing out the sub-50 game was an unexpected consequence, methinks.]
    I was referring more to the PvP snafu. They tried to make it work for everyone, but instead it drove PvPers away, and the people the changes were aimed at (PvEers) had an even harder time adapting, so they wouldn't pvp anymore, either.

    Now here we have a system that a small number of players use very well, that most other players complain about the inequities of, that the devs want more people to use. And the people who use the system "very well" want a small list of changes that would presumably work better for THEM than it would everyone else, but might serve to alienate the rest of the playerbase more (note that this is conjecture on how the devs think and not my personal opinion). Sound familiar so far? Because that's what PvP was. How did the devs respond? They ignored EVERYthing the players suggested and tried to make the system more dumbed-down and friendly, thus alienating most of the people who liked it the way it was.

    Posi and co have already stood fast on their decision to not merge the markets (a suggestion most marketers agree would be a good thing), and said they have other fixes in store, even though no one else here seems to have thought of any other way to fix the redside supply problem in relation to the blueside inf-and-supply glut.

    Maybe they're changing more IO bonuses? I know the cottage rule is in effect, but who honestly slots for "XP debt reduction"? I think that by making the more sought-after bonuses more available in more sets, that players would "spread out" and get different IOs instead of everyone going after the same 3 sets and 3 uniques. I think that would be the best solution other than a Market Merge, but mweh.
  13. EmperorSteele


    Yeah, you'll want to post your system specs, and definitely post in "technical issues and Bugs" here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=578 (it's in the development area, not Player Help, which is odd).

    Make sure you post a DXDiag report, there's instructions for doing so in one of the stickies. Peopel there should be able to help =)
  14. Also for Tankers, there's the Energy Mastry set, which has Laser Beam Eyes, which provides a defense debuff, which you can slot the achiles heel proc into =)
  15. Actually, there IS some account hacking in this game. The devs have made some pretty serious posts about not handing out your passwords or clicking links to possible phishing sites.

    The hackers USUALLY send you an out-of-game e-mail and try to get you to click a link and provide your plaync account info. They do this not to get your stuff, but to get access to another account to gold farm with and sell through without having to pay 15 bucks.

    If you ever get a suspicious e-mail (bad grammar, anything asking you to verify your account, etc), send that e-mail to customer service so they can investigate. True, these people are probably in China and so we can't do much, but it still gives the team an idea of the severity of the problem.
  16. Are day/night cycles messed up when a ritki invasion or a zombie incursion or a banner event take place?
  17. Any arc with a decent number of foes will net you that many tickets. Imagine a five mission arc, and somehow only getting 100 tickets per mission (quite low). You're looking at about an hour of play time, max.
  18. I was gonna verbally kick UberGuy in the shins, but i see a few posters already beat me to it.

    I still wish I knew what the devs forcasted. I'm willing to bet though that they predicted something that would work to the benifit of people who actually use this forum, at the expense of everyone else, so they're going to go the other way and do something that works to the benifits of the unwashed masses and leaves us swearing up and down how the devs "ruined" the market.

    Sounds like fun!
  19. Posi said something about how merging the markets would eventually be a Very Bad Thing according to their economic forecasts, and that they have plans in the works to fix the markets.

    I have a feeling that this means an automatic system which satiates both outstanding demand and supply, which might be bad news for marketers but good news for everyone else. Kind of like how they tried to fix PvP so that no one has too huge an advantage over anyone else, which resulted in a lackluster system. We'll see though.
  20. ...couldn't you hit "preview" first to make sure your post wasn't a giant scrambled mess? =(
  21. The problem is if you buff defender damage AND buff Corruptor buff/debuff mods, then they end up being the exact same AT. If you want to slightly buff Corr damage numbers so that they're still a little better in that department, then go ahead.

    I'm all for more defender damage as long as the buff drops while they're teamed. That won't "homogenize" them in the larger scope of things, it'll just make soloing easier.

    Boy, the people who do Mids are gonna have a headache programing this in...
  22. Basically you need a fully repeating chain of attacks with no pauses, and enough endurance to make sure you don't bottom out. You'll want to invest in IOs that give you lots of recharge, and you'll want as many of your attacks as possible.

    You also have to consider DPA (damage per activation). Like, if you have an attack that does 200 damage, but takes 5 seconds to animate, it'd be more worthwhile to NOT use that power if you have 3 other powers that do 100 damage but only take 1 second each to animate. Especially if you can cast those three powers continuously with no interruption. I don't think any powerset in the game is that badly balanced, but you get the idea.

    I can't think of what powersets you could/should use though. Gl figuring it out!
  23. I'd like to see at least one of the powers do a massive end/recovery drain as a means of control. Granted, you may as well use stun (as any enemy can use any attack with the smallest slivers of endurance), but it'd help the set stay thematic.
  24. ..dude, its NO TRAVEL POWERS, of COURSE they don't work >_<

    The kin powers count as buffs, not "travel powers". However, it should be noted that siphon speed doesn't increase your runspeed under this setting. Sb might still work on other people, i'm not 100% sure.
  25. EmperorSteele

    AE xp fixed?

    Well, there's a differential in how AE enemies are built vs standard enemy mobs. Most enemy combos aside from extreme/extreme (or maybe it's hard/hard) won't give full XP. Also, some normal enemies give an XP bonus. It really depends on the type of foe you're fighting.