Ultimate Foe




I have a idea, I thought of some cool things for the nemeisis.

I think we should get a nemesis around level 5 or 10.

The nemesis can be as strong as you, or stronger if you want : ) (because you know, that mission guy)
let say you both are tankers, you both will have 3,000 HPs at X level

If you both have nova as a blaster, you both will do 500 damage. I know the enhancements will make it a little different.

You can make his/her minions, they will be as strong as the normal guys you fight.
They could hunt you down,

maybe 80% of the time they will attack you in battle
50% of the time they will attack in your missions that not your nemeisis.
35% of the time they will attack while you are stranding around.

Heroes' nemesis' GOAL

I think it would be cool to pick goals, it would make more missions and make it easyer to get missions that fit your nemesis.


World the World: They just want to take over the world. To control everyone, they won;t let anyone stand in the way!

Destroy the World: They want the world cover in dust, ashes, and darkness.

Stalker: They love you, and they will do anything to marry you! They will also help you if you are about to die.

Money Love!:All they want and care about is money! Who won't??

Serial Killer:These guys just like to kill, you don't really care about their hechmens but they know they need them to beat you

ORGINS, the missions also could be spread out the missions.

Tech: would be, making dealth rays, robots, and stuff like that.

Magic: summions stuff.

I am not really sure what the other 3 would do. I am sure the Devs would know ; )

Villains' nemesis' GOALs

I am not really sure about this part. Maybe pick city they protect them most.

Also what they do more, like maybe they save poeple more offen then stopping a bamk robbery

So, there can be a 50% chance of them beating you to your newspaper mission to save someone, take a iteam from the villians, or what ever you are doing.

So, there are

missions right? Well maybe your nemeisis defeat villians more then saving or recover things from the villains.

So, it would be
Kidnap 50%
steal 50%
Defeat 75%

I was thinking after ever 5 nemeisis you fight, your active one can break out the other nemeisises and they all 5 of them can fight you. : )

Don't worry I didn't for get Going Rogue : )

When you turn into a villain ether your nemesis (the Villain) will turn into a hero or you can get a new one and same the other way around

Maybe make it so you only get a nemeisis mission every 3 hours? That is 8 missions a day That way you can't get to the last misison super fast

I don't want to hear about being able to do it with MA, you can't, not without being in that building.



Wow, all those vanity tags and the post hasn't even been up for ten minutes yet. LOL

Rock on with your moderately-coherent self, Power. Good to see ya 'round again.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
ORGINS, the missions also could be spread out the missions.

Tech: would be, making dealth rays, robots, and stuff like that.

Magic: summions stuff.

I am not really sure what the other 3 would do. I am sure the Devs would know ; )
Science: Mad Scientist? Creating an army of monsters? (Maybe like Arachnoids in the sewers?)

Natural: Sending Ninjas after you?



a little longer then the normal Power post... a few gramatical errors but nothing to worry about... you get the general idea of what he is going for... good post. i'm impressed by the changes you have made in yourself. good job.

we can kind of do this in AE, but not a bad suggestion. in fact, i did something like this in the AE, here is the arc# 215669. i need to finish it, but that will be a bit before i do. you start out fighting 1 of my toons and a bunch of his followers, then the next mission is 2 and followers and the last is 3 and followers. try it and see if that is somewhat close to what you suggested. if it is, i will make the 4th mission in which you fight up to 6 of my toons. not sure if i can get them all at once or not. take a team though, it's kinda tough.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
a little longer then the normal Power post... a few gramatical errors but nothing to worry about... you get the general idea of what he is going for... good post. i'm impressed by the changes you have made in yourself. good job.

we can kind of do this in AE, but not a bad suggestion. in fact, i did something like this in the AE, here is the arc# 215669. i need to finish it, but that will be a bit before i do. you start out fighting 1 of my toons and a bunch of his followers, then the next mission is 2 and followers and the last is 3 and followers. try it and see if that is somewhat close to what you suggested. if it is, i will make the 4th mission in which you fight up to 6 of my toons. not sure if i can get them all at once or not. take a team though, it's kinda tough.
Cool, tell me when it is done I will try it for you

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Science: Mad Scientist? Creating an army of monsters? (Maybe like Arachnoids in the sewers?)

Natural: Sending Ninjas after you?
That would work



the arc is up if you want to try it now. i just have to unpublish and edit it when i know which toons are going into the fight. but it is a decent arc as is for now. have fun and i will send you the arc id after i unpublish/finish it/republish.



Well in the next issue we get to fight duplicates of OURSELVES, so that's a step in a similar direction.

I think a Re-occurring "nemesis", while cool, would seem like we were ripping off that Cheesey Other game. Not what we wanna do if we want to stay the LEADER in the superhero MMORPG market.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Well in the next issue we get to fight duplicates of OURSELVES, so that's a step in a similar direction.

I think a Re-occurring "nemesis", while cool, would seem like we were ripping off that Cheesey Other game. Not what we wanna do if we want to stay the LEADER in the superhero MMORPG market.
Well that's why we would not rip it off. The devs could take the basic idea of the Nemesis system and change to be better. Anyway, it's not like CO hasn't taken anything from us.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Wow, all those vanity tags and the post hasn't even been up for ten minutes yet. LOL
What makes me laugh is that I see someone has used the tag I created and I wonder if they know what it really means. When I first coined it I told Power what it means in the thread I first used it in.

Keep up the great work posting coherent suggestions Power.



This idea renders the astonishing /no verdict.



I garuntee if they implemented this you would end up complaining how annoying it was and how they implemented it wrong even if they followed your description to the T.

trust me im good at predicting things



there's always one power trying to be shinier then the other...



Maybe we need Power customization in here?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
What makes me laugh is that I see someone has used the tag I created and I wonder if they know what it really means. When I first coined it I told Power what it means in the thread I first used it in.

Keep up the great work posting coherent suggestions Power.
Hehe, I posted the 5 tags : D I been doing that with my threads I make.

I also been useing "let power be with you" on the threads I post in. That are not mine : P