



Anyone still PVPing on Virtue please join the "VPVP" Channel. (Without quotations.)

We're looking at starting up regular 6vs6 teams & matches in the Arena.

There will also be some PVP related events in the future. (Zones events, Arena events, leagues, fightclub tournaments, etc.)

Seeya in game!




Well I don't PVP but I wouldn't mind joining up and playing about, is that cool or do you want people with a modicum of experience and/or skill?



Hmm, might give me something to do when I'm bored...


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



While I go to RV and I've done duels in the arena, I can't say I pvp regularly enough to join in.

Besides, I PvP with my less than PvP optimal concept builds.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I PvP with my less than PvP optimal concept builds.

Though, a casual for fun pvp oriented group would be fun.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Anyone still PVPing on Virtue please join the "VPVP" Channel. (Without quotations.)

We're looking at starting up regular 6vs6 teams & matches in the Arena.

There will also be some PVP related events in the future. (Zones events, Arena events, leagues, fightclub tournaments, etc.)

Seeya in game!

Silly RPer, PvP is for Freedom. d;D



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Well I don't PVP but I wouldn't mind joining up and playing about, is that cool or do you want people with a modicum of experience and/or skill?
The people who had skill all left after the i13 changes. What's left are the noobs that think they're gud.

So no, skill isn't required because people who have it no longer exist.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
The people who had skill all left after the i13 changes. What's left are the noobs that think they're gud.

So no, skill isn't required because people who have it no longer exist.
Skill in MMOs is a myth.

I'd love to do this, but I'd need to rework the builds on a character in order to do it, I'll hop in the channel at some point once I have a character I consider 'PvP ready'.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Hey Tokyo, didn't know you PVP'd.

Anyway, I had a feeling a lot of these concerns would come up. Here's how I understand it:

There's three types of events I'd like to see happen.

1. PVP for PVPers
This would be your typical Arena Fights that could be 2vs2, 6vs6, or even 8vs8 if we have enough people! I imagine this will be aimed more towards people who PVP a lot. For this reason I imagine this would be a very competitive type of event.

2. PVP for Casuals
This would be an event with less emphasis on stacked teams and more emphasis on casual players being able to take part without feeling left behind. This event will be aimed towards people with concept builds or PVE builds who'd like to try out PVP.

3. PVP for Fightclubbers / Duelers / Melee'ers
I've noticed there are a lot of players who like to play 1vs1 in melee and just duke it out street fighter style until one person dies. I'd like to create a "King of Iron Fist Tournament" style event for people who like to play melee vs melee.

And knowing me. If I was involved in any of these events then they'd probably have a story behind them. (Well...except the first type I suppose. )

Right now VPVP is gauging how much interest there is for PVP on Virtue. Having a central place to organise & run everything PVP related will improve communication. That's what the VPVP channel is all about. If any of the above event ideas sound like the sort of thing you'll be interested in then feel free to join the channel or send me a tell in game to @Xanatos.



I'd like to but I don't have any builds high enough yet. I am interested though. I think Virtue may be a better place to get my feet wet in PvP before I take on the more hard core PvPers in Freedom server.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Hey Tokyo, didn't know you PVP'd.

Anyway, I had a feeling a lot of these concerns would come up. Here's how I understand it:

There's three types of events I'd like to see happen.

1. PVP for PVPers
This would be your typical Arena Fights that could be 2vs2, 6vs6, or even 8vs8 if we have enough people! I imagine this will be aimed more towards people who PVP a lot. For this reason I imagine this would be a very competitive type of event.

2. PVP for Casuals
This would be an event with less emphasis on stacked teams and more emphasis on casual players being able to take part without feeling left behind. This event will be aimed towards people with concept builds or PVE builds who'd like to try out PVP.

3. PVP for Fightclubbers / Duelers / Melee'ers
I've noticed there are a lot of players who like to play 1vs1 in melee and just duke it out street fighter style until one person dies. I'd like to create a "King of Iron Fist Tournament" style event for people who like to play melee vs melee.

And knowing me. If I was involved in any of these events then they'd probably have a story behind them. (Well...except the first type I suppose. )

Right now VPVP is gauging how much interest there is for PVP on Virtue. Having a central place to organise & run everything PVP related will improve communication. That's what the VPVP channel is all about. If any of the above event ideas sound like the sort of thing you'll be interested in then feel free to join the channel or send me a tell in game to @Xanatos.
Xan, I still say if they want a taste of competitive PvP they should move to freedom. That's where the PvP is happening. It really isn't fair to fracture an already dying PvP community.

If it's RPvP than that's quite different, I more than support it. I'd love to see some combative roleplay between RP groups.

I just don't want another "league" starting up here on virtue, making rules in order to "balance the playing field" or make pvp more "fair" Why does that sound so familiar? Oh that's right...Castle said the same thing before i13 killed PvP... XD

Either way, I won't be joining. I'm tired of PvP and its broken system that only makes certain ATs viable. By participating in PvP I agree with the rules the devs have set. I don't. So I don't PvP.

Arena is used for ERP on this Server and that's the way I like it. <_<


Bitter and Yellow



I haven't PVP'd in awhile, but I'd be interested in popping in and adding to the player pool.



Sure. thanks for making us aware. Go to WB thx. RV is teh sux when people bring heavies to a fight.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Xan, I still say if they want a taste of competitive PvP they should move to freedom. That's where the PvP is happening. It really isn't fair to fracture an already dying PvP community.
I PVP on Freedom all the time and I don't think any activity on Virtue would jeapordise the PVP community there. I know several PVPers from Freedom who have already expressed interest in rolling alts here on Virtue. If anything casual-friendly events would help introduce players into PVP, increase PVP population, and help COH's PVP cmmunity ikn the long run.

Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
If it's RPvP than that's quite different, I more than support it. I'd love to see some combative roleplay between RP groups.
That's always been my focus too. Do you remember the Sadistic Seven RPVP events?

Anyway, anyone interested in helping running events please do get in touch.




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Hey Tokyo, didn't know you PVP'd.

Anyway, I had a feeling a lot of these concerns would come up. Here's how I understand it:

There's three types of events I'd like to see happen.

2. PVP for Casuals
This would be an event with less emphasis on stacked teams and more emphasis on casual players being able to take part without feeling left behind. This event will be aimed towards people with concept builds or PVE builds who'd like to try out PVP.

And knowing me. If I was involved in any of these events then they'd probably have a story behind them. (Well...except the first type I suppose. )

Right now VPVP is gauging how much interest there is for PVP on Virtue. Having a central place to organise & run everything PVP related will improve communication. That's what the VPVP channel is all about. If any of the above event ideas sound like the sort of thing you'll be interested in then feel free to join the channel or send me a tell in game to @Xanatos.
Well, I have started running an RPvP night once a month. This month is in Warburg Tomorrow night. It is casual RPvP and a lot of us who don't have PVP builds. We get about 8-10 people per side usually.

The prior 2 (Bloody Bay, and Siren's Call) have gone really well, with most people have a lot of fun with it.

My Forum at The Cape Site is where you can find out about it.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



The only turn off I have for PvP is the lack of people. So yeah, if we could get organized interest in it, I'd totally be down.



KK, BTW this is @Peanut from virtue i know the name is weird and all using my sisters old forum sense i cant find out my password. I am basically replying to all the things that anyone has said on this thread. Freedom pvp is better i would have too agree but zone pvp on freedom is boring. Its like 20v20 constantly most people on freedom dont team with u unless you are in there sg or vg. Its a giant ksing fest in rv on freedom. The arena there is awesome i would give them that. But personally i would take Virtue pvp zone rv over freedom zone pvp. There is a good amount of people in RV daily on virtue. Also alot of skill is coming back but there is alot of Very good pvpers on virtue. I wouldnt consider my self one of the best but i am a decent player at PvP. I could last on freedom when i was over there but it was boring and way too outnumbered. The arena was fun but sense virtue has had an uprise in population in PvP i am enjoying it alot more. VPvP is to start up arena on virtue sense out zone pvp is good. But if we can start up arena events on virtue i am pretty sure we can bring the virtue server alot more popularity.

If anyone has any questions send me a tell in game @Peanut



I'll be there. If Xanimal offers a sweet package deal for signing up. ;D



Spent the last two weeks getting my feet wet in PvP to work on some badges, it has been a lot of fun and the people for the most part have been very cool and accomodating. I am by far a n00b at PvP, but more than willing to join in any events that get going. And I have to say, the PvP in RV has been a ton of fun.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



As a pre-i13 member of Renegades/Bedlam from Freedom/Liberty and an out spoken hater of i13 PvP and one of those who swore off PvP for the rest of my CoX career...

I recently started PvPing again because I just can't stop...

Point is, I will be very happy to join and help as I can now. My new take is if enough people get into PvP we can then turn them against the devs and over throw i13!...What?

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



..Wouldn't that be PvDevs? Would we even stand a chance? =P


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I PVP on Freedom all the time and I don't think any activity on Virtue would jeapordise the PVP community there. I know several PVPers from Freedom who have already expressed interest in rolling alts here on Virtue. If anything casual-friendly events would help introduce players into PVP, increase PVP population, and help COH's PVP cmmunity ikn the long run.
I very much agree with this. I have been doing some PVP on Freedom for the past few months, but still prefer PVP'ing on Virtue. Yes, Freedom PVP is refreshingly busy most of the time. But I find zone PVP on Virtue to be much more fun: the fights often last more than mere seconds, the teaming is more enjoyable, and the occasional RP element adds a light-hearted quality to the whole experience.

I had the luck last week to team with a friend of mine and his friends in RV--they do some RP, but very little PVP. They died often, despite my efforts to keep them alive (I'm not so good on my therm), but they did surprisingly well for the little experience they had, and got in quite a few kills. And even though it was more hectic than usual trying to buff/support/attack, I was all the time thoroughly enjoying myself--laughing often--and they enjoyed themselves as well.

Anyways.... the more PVP, the better. Check out Freedom PVP, but get the best of both worlds/servers, and PVP here as well. (And if you're concerned with the quality of PVP... some of the better PVP'ers on Freedom atm are Virtuites that have moved over, but have kept some of their toons here.)
