Damages and Debuffs




I want to simulate an 'armor piercing' attack.

Is adding a debuff that decimates and enemies protection to a set with a lot of damages, better than just adding more damages? Is it the best way to 'weaken' an enemies defenses so you can jump in and do serious damage.

Also any recommendations on toning down (or up) My RAGE SLOT So it doesn't become a liability after the Rage is Over. Rage is a great Power, classically it was the Minotaur who became enraged and then spent an equal amount of time weeping and grieving those it had just slain.

I love City of Champions!




there is a Set of IOs called Achilles Heel for defense debuff attacks. Most of the pieces reduce your enemies Defense making them easier to hit. There is a special one (Chance for Resistance DeBuff) that gives a random chance to reduce their Resistance making them take more damage when you (or anyone) hits them. This is what you want.

Unfortunately, since you mention Rage, I assume you are using Super Strength. I am not sure there are any SS attacks that can accept the Achilles Heel set. I don't know if there are any other options in the Stun and Knockback sets that do what you are interested in.

I guess one option, if you're open to fudging it a little on interpretation could be any of the set enhancements that give bonus damage (Touch of Death Chance for Neg energy, Mako chance for lethal, etc). They aren't quite as directly what you are looking for, but could be interpreted that way.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by KW STRYKER View Post
I love City of Champions!
I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, there are only heroes and villains here.



Originally Posted by KW STRYKER View Post
Also any recommendations on toning down (or up) My RAGE SLOT So it doesn't become a liability after the Rage is Over.
There's no way to prevent the Rage crash. However, if you can get two (or more) copies of Rage going at once, the -Defense portion of the crash won't occur. So... slot recharge.




Well, as a... Tanker, yes? If it does not go against your character concept, at lvl 41 you could choose the Pyre Mastery ancillary power pool, and take either an immobilize or a hold, then at 44 you have the option to take melt armor (Ranged AoE, Foe -Defence, -Resistance)
[also, you can slot the afore mentioned Achilles Heel in it for a chance of more -resistance]

Depending on your level it may be a ways off, but perhapps something to look forwards to?

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Ooh, good thought Grim. I wasn't even thinking of the pools.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
Well, as a... Tanker, yes? If it does not go against your character concept, at lvl 41 you could choose the Pyre Mastery ancillary power pool, and take either an immobilize or a hold, then at 44 you have the option to take melt armor (Ranged AoE, Foe -Defence, -Resistance)
[also, you can slot the afore mentioned Achilles Heel in it for a chance of more -resistance]
I would have trouble justifying picking up the Tanker's version of Melt Armor. It's -7% defense (a whopping ~10.5% with slotting) and -9.75% resistance. And costs almost 1/4 of your endurance bar. I would honestly rather use Apprentice Charm as my resistance debuff than Tanker's Melt Armor.
(Controller/Corruptor/Mastermind Melt Armor is much better, and in the case of Controllers and Corruptors, costs less)




(Mr. Stryker sits alone on stage, humble and contrite asking forgiveness for the egregious gaffe of Not calling City of Heroes. Lined up behind him are his wife, two daughters, their friends, and some neighbors. Each worthy holds a large dead Carp)

Mr. Stryker: I am Truly sorry for the title mix-up-
Wife and Daughters: "POW!" "BAM" "Whack"

Mr. Stryker: I am sooooo ashamed
Friends of wife and daughters: "POW!" "KA-POW!" "BAM"
"Twhack" Whuff (a miss)
Not waiting for words from Mr. Stryker, the neighbors descend upon him and within moments the stage is quiet

Mr. Stryker (feebly): Anybody for fish and chips?



Also for Tankers, there's the Energy Mastry set, which has Laser Beam Eyes, which provides a defense debuff, which you can slot the achiles heel proc into =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by KW STRYKER View Post
(Mr. Stryker sits alone on stage, humble and contrite asking forgiveness for the egregious gaffe of Not calling City of Heroes. Lined up behind him are his wife, two daughters, their friends, and some neighbors. Each worthy holds a large dead Carp)

Mr. Stryker: I am Truly sorry for the title mix-up-
Wife and Daughters: "POW!" "BAM" "Whack"

Mr. Stryker: I am sooooo ashamed
Friends of wife and daughters: "POW!" "KA-POW!" "BAM"
"Twhack" Whuff (a miss)
Not waiting for words from Mr. Stryker, the neighbors descend upon him and within moments the stage is quiet

Mr. Stryker (feebly): Anybody for fish and chips?

Wow, I wonder what your reaction would have been like if I was actually serious about it. >.>



Originally Posted by MrVacant View Post
Wow, I wonder what your reaction would have been like if I was actually serious about it. >.>
Let's find out.
No, wait, i sort of like him, he's silly. Let's not.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...